Dinosaur World 5

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Dinosaur World 5 Page 27

by Logan Jacobs

  “How’s your leg?” I asked as we started to walk up the wide staircase.

  “It’s honestly a lot better,” Becka said. “I hate to say it, but I guess you guys were right. Resting it was what I needed, it doesn’t even hurt that much anymore, and look… I’m not hobbling too bad on the stairs, right?”

  “You’re doing great,” I praised. “I’m so glad to see you feeling better.”

  Gerald appeared at the top of the stairs with an arm full of clothes, and he hurried down to meet us.

  “Here you go,” he said. “I do hope they fit, they might not be perfect, but they are fresh out of the dryer.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled as I took the fresh clothing, and it was all warm and smelled like lavender.

  “These smell amazing,” Hae-won groaned as she took her offering. “Thank you very much.”

  “The least I could do,” Gerald said with a small bow. “You have all already done so much for us in the short time you’ve been here. Please do give me a shout for whatever else you need.”

  With that, the man hurried back down the stairs and quickly bustled to the dining hall.

  “I could get used to this.” I grinned. “Living in a fancy hotel with our own personal butler?”

  “Then let’s get to work.” Kat nodded. “Then we’ll properly enjoy the surroundings when we can finally relax.”

  We reached the first-floor landing, and Becka pulled a key card out of her pocket as she led us to a door on the left. The red carpet under our feet was springy, and I just knew the prices must have been insane back when the castle was operating for business.

  Becka scanned a card and opened the door.

  “So, this is just a room we can use for storing stuff and washing,” the blonde said as she flicked on the light. “Our actual bedroom is upstairs, but this one is more convenient for just dumping stuff.”

  It was a single room, and although the bed was small, the duvet set looked soft and luxurious. The whole place smelled lightly of lemon, and there was an ensuite bathroom beside a flatscreen tv.

  “Nice,” I said. “Let’s get washed off.”

  We headed into the bathroom, and the girls ran the shower and leaned over to splash their faces. I took the sink, and I peeled off my filthy clothes until I was down to my boxers.

  “I’ll just sit back and enjoy the show,” Becka sighed as she leaned against the doorway. “If we weren’t in such a rush, I would be pulling you all into that shower right now.”

  Hae-won wiggled her tight butt at Becka as she peeled her muddy pants off, and Kat grinned as she quickly undressed.

  I couldn’t help but take a moment to admire the beautiful bodies of my muddy girls. Hae-won’s petite frame and Kat’s athletic curves were almost too much temptation to bear, and I splashed cold water on my face as they washed themselves quickly. I tried to ignore how perked their nipples got from the trickles of water dripping down their naked frames, but I mostly patted blindly at my face and watched them both clean up better than I could manage right now.

  I cleaned the worst of the mud with a face cloth that sat on the sink, and I quickly dried myself off as we started to pull the new clothes on.

  The pants Gerald had given me were a great fit, and the t-shirt was slightly baggy but good enough. Hae-won had tight black leggings to put on with her bullet proof vest and armor. Kat got dressed beside her, and she pulled at the buttons on a new blouse that was slightly too small for her large chest. Then she stepped into some new gym pants which seemed to fit better than the top.

  “This is a bit on the snug side,” the pretty soldier grumbled and tugged on her blouse.

  “Damn,” Becka said as she ran a hand down Kat’s arm. “I can’t wait to give you a hand taking that off later.”

  “Oh, god,” I groaned as the girls giggled. “Can you please stop making my brain and dick explode until we sort this dino out?”

  “We have no idea what you mean,” Hae-won said innocently as she ran a hand down my chest toward my crotch.

  “Let’s talk strategy,” Kat said. “Before Jason suffers a horny related injury.”

  “Please.” I nodded. “Let’s check if our giant friend is still out there.”

  We carefully stepped over to the window of the room, and it didn’t have wooden boards like the ground floor, but the blinds and curtains were both drawn.

  I slowly lifted back the curtains and pulled a corner of the blinds away from the window, and then I peered out onto the hillside. The giganotosaurus stood in the same spot it had been in before, and it still stared up at Raven Hall with an eerie, silent presence.

  “Still there,” I confirmed.

  “It’s not that much bigger than a t-rex,” Becka said. “Why don’t we just get our grenades aimed at it from here and blow it the fuck up? It’s not even moving, so that already makes it an easy target.”

  “We could,” I said slowly. “But I don’t think having its dead body on the grounds of the castle is a good idea. There might still be dinos that are after whatever meat they can get. This guy has proven he is.”

  “The body could attract an even bigger herd.” Kat nodded. “And if it takes a few shots to kill, it could end up storming the castle and busting down the walls before we can finish him off.”

  “Yeah, we couldn’t really lift the corpse to get rid of it, I guess,” Becka agreed. “I know you’re strong, Jason, but I reckon even your biceps would struggle with that.”

  “I think you might be right,” I laughed and stroked a couple blonde locks away from her pretty face. “So, we agree we need to kill it away from the Hall.”

  “Then where should we lure it to?” Hae-won asked as she sat on the bed and crossed her legs. “It’s going to be tough to get a good enough vantage point to blow it up without being too out in the open.”

  “Maybe we don’t need to blow it up,” I said as I thought about the surrounding cliffsides. “What if we managed to lure that giant asshole close enough to the cliff that it’ll… you know. Take a bit of a fall.”

  “Woahhh,” Becka laughed. “Jason, are you saying you want to make this giganoto fall off the cliffside? That is not just a ‘bit of a fall.’”

  “Okay, so it’s a huge fucking drop to a drowning death.” I shrugged.

  “Hell, yeah.” Kat grinned. “That’s fucking perfect. We wouldn’t need to attract attention with our grenades.”

  “You think we could pull that off?” Becka asked. “Make that big fucker fall right into the sea?”

  “I do.” I nodded as the plan started to come together in my mind. “We’ve got enough speed on our bikes and in the Jeep to manage it, and we’re a hell of a lot smarter than that dino.”

  “We need to pick our weapons carefully,” Kat said as she started to pace. “So we can injure it enough to slow it down, but not kill it and end up leaving its body nearby. It needs to make it to the cliff.”

  “Then over it,” Hae-won said.

  “So, let’s go to the Jeep,” I decided, and the Korean leapt off the bed at once. “We get locked and loaded, and then we lure that bastard to the cliffside. Today. Before the sun goes down.”

  “I know the perfect spot,” Becka said. “It’s huge and wide, and the drop off the cliff is super steep.”

  “Perfect.” I nodded. “Show us on the GPS, and we can memorize the route.”

  “No,” Becka said, and she folded her arm as she looked into my eyes. “I’m coming with you this time, Jason. My leg is good enough to drive, and that way, Kat can be free to shoot.”

  “Becka,” I started, but the blonde raised her hand and shook her head.

  “I’m not fucking around,” she warned. “I promise, I wouldn’t put you guys in danger by tagging along if I wasn’t ready. Trust me, okay? Watch me move my leg!”

  Becka did a couple low and sexy squats, and then she took a few ridiculously big steps and marched around like no human would ever need to. She finished her demonstration by lifting her injured leg high in the
air, and she wiggled her foot around like a dying fish.

  I studied the determined look on the gorgeous Brit’s face, and I decided she probably was ready to rejoin the team in this fight.

  She was also too beautiful and stubborn to argue with.

  “Okay.” I nodded as I grinned at my group of girls. “The team is back together. Let’s go and kill this motherfucker.”

  “Then drinks and bubble baths!” Hae-won cheered.

  “Then all the sex!” Kat said as she high-fived my other two lovers.

  Chapter 15

  Becka showed us on her GPS exactly which spot would be perfect for our attack on the giant dino. It was just a few minutes away from Raven Hall, and it looked like the perfect location to lure our predator into a trap.

  “And how exactly are we going to get it over the cliff?” Becka asked. “This thing has been scarily patient, I don’t think it’s going to just dive into the sea all that easily.”

  “It’s not going to be easy,” I said. “I think it’s going to take a shit ton of bullets to even make a dent in this guy.”

  “And we need to injure him but not kill him,” Hae-won added as she bit her lip. “Get him weak enough, and then we somehow make him jump off a cliff?”

  “This is starting to sound impossible,” Becka groaned.

  “No, we can do this,” I said with confidence. “We are going to destroy this fucker. We just need to plan it carefully.”

  “If we can manage to get it near the cliff edge, we could use our grenades to blast it into the sea,” Kat said as she cocked her hip and tapped her foot in thought. “It’s going to take a lot to hurt this thing, our bullets will only do so much.”

  “So, we lead it down to the cliffside, and injure it as much as possible on the way,” I decided. “When we eventually get there, it’s going to be essential that we get it to the edge as soon as possible.”

  “So… what? We do a good old dino bait move?” Becka sighed. “Just hope we move out of the way fast enough?”

  “Hae-won has the fastest motorcycle,” I said. “She should be the one that lures it. Then me and Kat can set up our grenades before it has time to double back.”

  “But she can’t let it get too close,” Kat warned. “It’s fucking enormous, if she even grazes a foot, then she’ll be crushed.”

  “And that’s if its tail doesn’t send her flying first,” I added.

  “I will not get crushed or sent flying.” Hae-won nodded. “I will move before it reaches me. I can do it.”

  “I don’t know,” Becka said with a worried frown. “How are we going to make sure we don’t get swept out to sea with it? Jason’s right, one swipe of its tail, and we’re tumbling down the sharp drop ourselves.”

  “We need to stay clear of the cliff’s edge enough that we always have plenty of time to escape,” I said. “It’s going to be a delicate balance to get this just right, but if we have to blow it up with grenades and leave the corpse on land out there, then so be it. I would rather risk that then endanger any of you.”

  “Okay.” Kat nodded. “That means we have a plan A and a plan B. If it gets too risky to be near the cliff edge, we use the grenades to kill it where it stands. That way the corpse isn’t too close to the castle, and we can deal with it later.”

  “Deal with the corpse?” Becka snorted. “What exactly are we meant to do with an exploded dino the size of a house? I’m not touching that mess!”

  “Then I guess you just have to make sure we pull off plan A,” Kat smirked.

  “That’s our plan,” I said firmly. “We all lead this fucker to the cliffside, Kat causes as much damage as she can on our way, Hae-won distracts it as we get our grenades set up, and then we blow it out into the sea.”

  “This is going to be dangerous,” Kat said. “But if we pull it off, then we have a safe haven here in the castle.”

  “For now,” Becka chuckled, and we all exchanged wry smirks.

  “Let’s go,” Hae-won said as she punched the air, and we hurried out of the hotel room and strode down the stairs.

  “Okay, let’s make sure our rifles are all ready,” I said as we headed down the red carpet of the luxury hotel. “Anything could happen out there, so keep some spare magazines on hand. We can’t get caught unprepared around this asshole.”

  “We can get stocked up at the Jeep before we leave,” Kat said. “If that creepy bastard stays where it is, then we should be just out of sight until we head off.”

  “He hasn’t moved yet,” I sighed.

  “Urgh, it feels good to be back on the team!” Becka cheered and wiggled her butt a bit. “Let’s go lead this asshole off a cliff to swim with the fishies.”

  “Hey, you're always on the team,” I assured her. “But I’m glad you’re back to your old, spunky self.”

  “Yeah, it’s not the same going on dangerous missions without you,” Hae-won agreed as we reached the lobby and turned to make our way toward the pantry. “It’s too quiet.”

  “Glad to be of service,” Becka said, and she blew a kiss to her Korean friend.

  “Rebecca!” Debbie suddenly screamed, and we spun around to see her stride down the hall. She had pursed lips and a slim, arched eyebrow. “Where exactly are you off to, young lady?”

  “Ohhh, yeah,” Becka sighed. “Sorry, Mum, forgot to mention that I’m off to help my friends kill that dinosaur out front. Just saving the building and what not. Should be back for teatime.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” Debbie cried as she grabbed her daughter by the shoulder, but then she smiled. “You were going to sneak out and kill things without giving your mammy a smooch?”

  Becka rolled her eyes but didn’t object as her mother pulled her close for a hug and planted big sloppy kisses on the forehead.

  “I wasn’t sneaking,” Becka grumbled.

  “Are you certain you’re ready for this?” her mum asked in a more serious tone. “I don’t want you showing off for handsome boys on motorbikes and getting your fine little arse eaten.”

  “I’m fine, mum, stop worrying,” Becka chuckled. “I’m just driving the Jeep, and Jason won’t let me get hurt again. He was too bloody mad at me for it earlier.”

  “I wasn’t mad, I was terrified,” I muttered, and the blonde Brit sent me a small smile.

  “We’ve got this, Mum, trust me,” Becka continued. “Just stay here and beat the shit out of anything that tries to get in, okay?”

  “Way ahead of you, honey.” Debbie jingled her waistband of knives, and then she turned to look at me. Her eyes were a little misty, and I could tell she was blinking back tears. “You take care of my baby, Jason, you understand? I know she loves you, and that must mean you’re a hell of a guy because my daughter doesn’t say that shit lightly. But I’m trusting you to return her to me in one piece. Got it?”

  “I will always do everything I can to protect her.” I nodded, and I rested a hand on Debbie’s shoulder. “I promise. I protect my girls, and I will with every breath I have in me.”

  “You bloody better,” Debbie said, and she squeezed my hand with a sniff. “My little girl came all this way to find me, and I intend to spend the rest of this ridiculous life with her by my side.”

  “Oh, mum.” Becka shook her head. “You’re so sensitive. I’m coming back! We kill huge dinos like… all the fucking time. This is just one huge fucking dino.”

  “We’ll keep a close eye on Becka,” Kat added.

  “Yes, she’s safe with us,” Hae-won told the older blonde. “She is my sister. I will protect her.”

  “I can tell she’s in good hands,” Debbie sniffed as she took a step back and smiled at us. “Well! Go get that mother fucker. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Just be here when we get back.” I smiled. “And crack open the booze for us when we’re done.”

  “I like you,” Debbie laughed. “Okay, my loves, take care, and I’ll see you real soon.”

  The blonde woman gave her daughter one last kiss on the c
heek and then turned and hurried off into the dining hall as she held her head high.

  “What a woman,” I sighed as we made our way into the pantry. “I’m looking forward to spending some time getting to know her, I bet she has some wild stories.”

  “That’s for sure,” Becka laughed. “Give her a glass of white wine, and she’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

  We all grabbed the freezer that blocked the door, and we grunted as we pushed it to the side of the room.

  “Okay,” I said once our exit was clear. “We get to the Jeep quickly and quietly, we load up our weapons, and we head off for the cliffside.”

  “Are we sure we can keep ahead of it?” Becka asked. “I mean, you guys have seen it in action, do you reckon we can reach the cliff without it catching up?”

  “I think so.” I nodded as I grabbed the door handle. “We just need to be as direct with our route as possible, and we can have Kat ready with a grenade launcher as a backup plan.”

  “Look, I know you can hit moving targets with grenades,” Kat snorted. “But I have to admit, I might need a bit of practice before I hit a bulls-eye on a galloping giganotosaurus.”

  “I believe in you,” I assured her. “It should be running right behind us, not past us, so that should help. If things start to go south, enact Plan B: let loose and blow that bastard to smithereens.”

  “If anyone can do this, it’s us.” Hae-won grinned. “Let’s get going. I’m already excited for the party we can have when we get back.”

  “Ready to run?” I asked the girls, and they all nodded. “Let’s do it.”

  I slowly opened the door, and outside, the sun had started to set. The sky burned a fiery orange as wispy clouds drifted by, and I couldn’t see any dinos on this side of the castle. Without that huge flying asshole around to give our position away, we had a clear shot to the Jeep and the motorcycles. As long as the giganotosaurus was still in the same spot, he wouldn’t see us making our way over.

  I waited for a minute as I scanned the area, and I couldn’t hear a single thud of heavy footsteps from here. There weren’t any slow, rattling breaths around, either, and I finally nodded as I decided the giganotosaurus was still out of range.


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