Castiel: With Lies (Adair Empire Book 3)

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Castiel: With Lies (Adair Empire Book 3) Page 4

by KL Donn

  “Do. It.” He grabs fistfuls of hair as he pulls, arching my back to a painful degree.

  “Please, Cas,” I cry.

  “Please, what?”

  “Break me.”

  “With pleasure,” he growls. I can hear the excitement in his voice.

  He got what he wanted. Now it’s time I get what I want.

  His fingers dig into my shoulders as he pulls me back into every stroke. His dick invading me feels more like a hammer pounding than pleasure, but the burn, sweet mercy, the burning lights me up from within.

  “Oh, Cas!” I scream out as insurmountable ecstasy rolls through me. It’s bigger, harsher than the previous explosions. It’s…more. Something out of this world. Extraordinary.

  Lifting my body back up to his, he wraps his arms under mine and cradles my body as I fly apart. Stars burst behind my lids with each stroke of his dick. My pussy pulses with aftershocks of satisfaction. My entire body is numb and sparking with sensuality at the same time.

  “One more,” he hisses in my ear.

  Falling flat on the bed, he covers me from head to toe as he uses my body for his own desires now. Bruising blows of his hips into my ass cause me to flinch and moan as my clit rubs on the sheets. So sensitive, I’m pushing my ass back into him, trying to get away from the intensity.

  “It’s coming,” I cry out.

  “Good.” He bites my neck right at the pulse.

  My womb contracts as I whimper with the hedonistic carnality I can’t handle anymore. A sensuality fills me, and I rub my body back into his as I feel him explode inside of me.

  “Fuck!” he snarls like he’s angry. “Dolce.” His sigh, after all the gratification has subsided, is praise for the indulgence I’ve allowed him with my body. What he doesn’t seem to understand is that I crave the pain as much as he needs to pass it out.

  “I think,” I begin as his hands let me go, roaming down to my hips, slowly pulling from my core. “I could love you.” He freezes as the words leave my lips.

  I feel his softened cock begin to rise against my ass as he spreads my cheeks. “If your sweet little cunt hadn’t just devoured my dick, I’d be taking this lovely ass of yours next, baby.” And that’s more than an I love you back from him. That’s everything.

  Crickets chirp. Birds sing.

  This time, the sounds are filled with life. We’re not even close to being free of my father’s clutches, but with Castiel at my front, I know we’re more than halfway there.

  He sleeps like he’s awake. Stoic, alert, jagged. Cas doesn’t have a soft bone in his body. He’s as hard as a man can be. His flesh is like granite as I trace the lines of drying blood across his chest.

  My blood.

  His victims’ blood.

  It’s a work of art. A sea of red only the most fucked up mind could find beautiful.

  I do. I think it’s the most mesmerizing thing I’ve ever seen. It’s his strength and power rolled into one glorious vision.

  “Tell me, dolce.” I gasp at his words, shocked he is awake. “Does it turn you on? Seeing the blood of the men I’ve killed for you on my flesh?” I blush profusely. “If I were to reach between your thighs right now, would your cunt be dripping for me?”

  Hiding my face in his neck, I slowly climb over his body. Pressing our most intimate areas together, I whisper to him, “Incredibly so.”

  Flipping us over, he takes control. He shows me the primal urges I bring forth in his already volatile nature. There’s no mercy as his hard cock enters my pulsing core.

  I need him like I need air to breathe.

  Castiel is life. He’s the oxygen I require to survive.

  His thrusting starts slow, sweet even. But when he lifts up to meet my gaze, I see the lies in his motions.

  He’s warming me up so he can slam me down.

  He’s going to steal my high.

  Together, we’ll create beautiful music.

  “Hands,” he grunts.

  Giving them to him, he pins me to the bed. Presses me into the mattress as his pummeling picks up pace. He pounds inside of my sensitive channel with raw passion. I feel every ridge of his hardness. I feel the pulse of his heartbeat. The anguish of holding back.

  “Take me, Castiel.” My words are pointed. I know he’s not giving me everything, and I want it all.

  “Are you ready to break for me, baby?” His mouth is pressed to mine as we speak.

  “Are you ready to break me, Cas?” I smirk with the question. I want to taunt the beast lurking within.

  “Dolce, if you only knew.” He breathes so quietly I feel his words.


  She thinks she’s ready.

  Maybe she is.

  My depravities run deep.

  “I want to tie you up,” I moan against her petal-soft lips. “I want to see you hurt.” I pull out slowly before slamming back into her tight cunt. Fuck she’s addicting. “I want to watch you cry, Talia.”

  Pinned to the bed, her defiance knows no bounds as she leans forward and snarls, “make me,” with a devious look in her pretty cobalt gaze. The light in them a direct contrast to what she wants from me.

  “I aim to please.” My words come out harsh as I continue my sexual assault on her body.

  Hips thrusting ruthlessly into her, it begins to bruise me as well, but she begs me for more. She wants everything.

  Picking her up, I carry her to the small dresser where my keys, belt, and knife lay. Dropping her onto the hard wood, I slam back inside of her pussy. Her scream soundless as her head bangs against the wall.

  Gripping the belt, I place both of her feet on the dresser. Grabbing each wrist, I loop the strap around one foot and wrist on each side before wrapping it around my fist.

  Spreading her thighs further apart, she’s wide open for any nasty thing I want to do to her. Bending forward, I take a nipple in my mouth, sucking deeply before biting down.

  “Shit!” she yells. I laugh.

  “You asked for it,” I remind her as I switch tits. Seeing my mark on the first one, I grin and proceed to reproduce it on the second, drawing a little blood with this one.

  “Casssss.” Her drawn-out cry slows my thrusts as her head hits the wall and her body cramps around mine. “Oh god! What is that?”

  “Give it to me, dolce.” I don’t alter my movements as an orgasm overtakes her. Her juices flood my cock as she comes apart.

  The pink blush that overwhelms her skin is stunning as she shivers and shakes in my arms. Releasing her arms and legs, I wrap my arms around her back as I slow my pumping and show her, without words, the way she makes me feel.



  Things I haven’t felt in more years than I’ve been alive.

  Talia is my everything, and so help me god, I’ll gut any motherfucker who attempts to take her away again.

  I can’t help but watch him as he drives. Recognizing that I own every bit of him that he owns of me is heady. After we’d cleaned up from an intense and painful fucking, we got back on the road again. Praying for better results this time.

  Several hours later and we’re pulling into the driveway of what should be called a castle. It’s huge. Bigger than the plantation I grew up on. Terrifying and dark, as well.

  I imagine in the daylight, it’s likely beautiful. But at night, amidst a thunderstorm, it stands like something from a nightmare.

  As the car stops, three men come rushing outside. One with the look of Satan. He’s scary as hell as he tosses a gigantic knife from hand to hand. “That’s Carver,” Cas tells me as he opens my door, seeing where my eyes are trained. “The one in the suit is King.” I can see why. The name is fitting. His face is a mask of handsomeness, yet commandeering. “And the brick wall is Luther.” He’s not kidding. The man is a giant.

  “What the fuck?” Luther says.

  “What?” Cas asks as we ascend the steps.

  King steps forward as we reach the top step. Grabbing for Castiel’s hands, he insp
ects them quietly.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Cas eventually demands.

  “We were sent your damn finger in a box,” Carver snaps.

  Castiel laughs like he’s got the inside scoop on some joke none of us know about. “Wasn’t mine.”

  “We can see that.” King looks annoyed.

  “Stupid son of a bitch. Andersson thought he could outwit me. I killed one of his goons and left a finger behind. Glad he thought it was mine.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal.

  “Who’s this?” Luther barks, and I shrink behind Castiel. The larger man reeks of death and mayhem.

  The air around Cas changes. Crackles with electric fire as he blocks me from Luther’s glare. “Talia Andersson.”

  All three men stand taller, stiffer, at my name. King’s gaze is calculating as he measures my worth in a single glare. Carver looks at me with nothing in his eyes. I can’t read him.

  Luther’s stare is scorching. I feel the hate to my bones as he watches me. “Ariel said Thomas has a signature.”

  “What?” Cas shouts, insulted.

  “He likes to cut off body parts and send them to the families.” Luther watches me like he knows all my secrets.

  “What the fuck does that have to do with Talia?”

  “Let’s go inside,” King says, turning before anyone can dispute him.

  While all of these men may be big and badass, they obviously have respect for the man. Hell, I haven’t spoken two words to King, and I respect him already. He isn’t hot-headed and seems to think his words through carefully.

  As we enter the monstrous home, I can’t help but admire the wide marble staircase. It’s open and not at all what I was expecting.

  “War room,” King commands as he enters what looks like an office. Bookshelves on both walls, a large desk at the center of the room. He sits behind it and points to the chairs in front. Cas leads me to one while he stands behind me, and Luther takes the other. Carver stands behind King, still playing with his knife.

  “What do you know?” King asks.

  “More than what we did before,” Cas answers him.

  “Not you, Cas, her.” He points to me, and I wonder if they can see me shaking.

  “Oh, umm, not much.” I have a hard time meeting his gaze. “Thomas, he never left. Not when Timothy came, not when Castiel showed up. He hid in the bayou. My father has on old cabin back there.”

  “What did he want?” Luther demands.

  “The shortened version is your demise. Thomas promised to kill the five…there are five of you, right?” King nods. “He planned to kill you all and take over your empire before handing it off to my father.”

  “In exchange for what?” Carver watches me with intelligence.

  “Me.” I swallow.

  “Why?” Luther questions skeptically.

  “Beats me. I’m nothing but a swamp girl.” I shouldn’t goad the giant man, but I can’t help it. “You don’t remember me, do you, Mr. Sutton?”

  “Should I?” It’s not an arrogant question, but he makes me feel small.

  “Maybe. About fifteen years ago, you came to Livingston Parish. You had all just taken over the world with your trade. I watched from a locked closet as you had a meeting with my father and some of his closest men.”

  “Locked closet?” he asks.

  I ignore him and continue speaking. “I saw this man, built like a brick house, and for once, I wasn’t terrified. In him, I saw freedom. In him, I saw everything my father wasn’t. You told my father no killing of women–”

  “Or children. No abusing or selling,” he finishes. “Shit.”

  “I did all the digging I could about the Adair Empire after that. So when Castiel came, I knew things were going to change.” I grip his hands on my shoulders. “For years, Thomas has been making his plans. He’s described to me, in explicit detail, what he will do to me.” I shudder at the remembrance of his description. The man is twisted. “I want to help you, but I won’t do it while you’re quietly plotting my demise.” My words are for Luther.

  “No one’s going to kill you,” King growls.

  I say nothing and wait for Luther.

  Rolling his eyes, he acquiesces. “I won’t. Despite my reputation, I’m not some ruthless killer.”

  “Liar,” is spoken softly from the door as two women enter the room.

  “Princess,” Luther growls, and I see him soften at the sight of her. She has the most beautiful red hair I’ve ever seen. Her soft features only enhance her beauty.

  “I’m Ariel. Luther’s better half.” She smiles at me as she sits on his lap.

  “Talia.” I return the gesture.

  “Don’t lie to the girl, Luther.” The blonde woman laughs lightly as she approaches King. “I’m Lilith.” She beams. “King’s deadlier half.”

  Taken aback by her words, I only say, “Nice to meet you.”

  “We have Thomas now. He’ll die soon?” Lilith’s question is asked with complete seriousness.

  “Soon, my queen,” King tells her, nuzzling her neck. “Talia looks exhausted. Cas, go take care of her.” Confused by his words, I’m shocked when Castiel grabs my arms.

  “Come, dolce,” he murmurs in my ear. The walk to his room is quick and quiet as he leads me away. I barely have time to admire the elegance of the house as we pass paintings I recognize as nearly priceless.

  As the door to his room closes behind us, I realize, quickly, that it’s more like a small apartment than bedroom. It’s huge and features a sitting area, changing room, bathroom, and of course, an enormous bed.

  “What’s going on? I feel like I missed half a conversation.”

  His hands go directly to my hair, holding my head with soft hands. His gaze quizzical as he searches mine. “Take off your clothes,” he directs, and I can’t help but do his bidding.


  Watching Talia stand up to Luther, not quite putting him in his place but straightening him out, has me rock hard and needing the warmth of the inside of her body. I watch as she makes quick work of her clothes, exposing each inch of creamy flesh to my hungry gaze.

  Sitting in one of the two chairs in the room, I spread my legs and unzip my pants. I don’t need to say anything for her to come to me. She sinks to her knees in one fluid motion as her hands glide up my thighs.

  Placing my hands on the arms of the chair, I drop my head back and let her do all the work. Her light touches as she pulls open my pants, freeing my cock have small drops of liquid leaking from the tip.

  “You’re so smooth,” she whispers as her hand circles my hardened length. Closing my eyes, I let her play. Needing to relax after a tense few days, I just want to enjoy her inquisitive nature before I destroy her.

  I feel her hot breath seconds before her tongue tentatively touches the tip, licking up the pearl of fluid. Her fingers tighten around the base as she sighs at the first taste of my essence.

  “Hot,” she murmurs, “sweet.” She licks up the length; I shudder. “Salty.” Fuck, I can barely hold onto my control as my cock is surrounded by her velvety mouth.

  She slowly moves up and down, making love to my cock. Sinking further into the chair, my hands entwine in her hair, controlling the pace she’s trying to set. I want it slow, soft. I want to savor her mouth swallowing me whole.

  “Fucking expert, dolce,” I groan as she swallows the tip down the back of her throat.

  Talia’s hands slide up my chest, pushing the shirt with her arms. Exposing flesh. When she reaches my collarbone, she slowly rakes her nails across my chest and abs. The harsh abrasions make me want to slam in and out of her pretty mouth.

  With one hand on the back of her head, I hold her there as I stand. Staring down at her wide eyes, I tell her, “Do it again.” I can see the grin trying to appear. “Harder,” I grunt as she moves her fingers up my flesh. Controlling the movements of her head as she sucks me down her throat, I’m ready to blow when I feel her fingernails gouging into my skin.

“Gonna fucking cum, baby,” I grumble as I feel my release racing through me. Holding her head away from me, I let go with every spurt of my cum into her open mouth.

  She sighs as the last drop hits her tongue, swallowing and licking her lips. She looks completely satisfied with what she’s done.

  “Fantastic.” She smiles from her place at my feet.

  “I’m only getting started.” My grin is lecherous as I help her to her feet.

  “Who the fuck is this Fed, and why’s he still alive?” Any other rat cop would have been dead by now.

  “Calm down.” Carver laughs.

  “He’s proven useful.” Daniel, the newest trusted man in our circle, chimes in. “He’s proven his worth over the past couple months with all the shit he’s done and found.”

  “Then tell me.” King may be in command of the Empire, but Luther, Carver, Atticus, and I all hold the same rank. We’re equals. And only a trusted few know this.

  “Timothy amassed a wealth of information in the tombs of the walls they escaped from. There are years of journals of everything the McCray brothers have done.”

  “What does that have to do with Andersson?” I have a feeling I know, and someone will pay dearly.

  “Timothy and Thomas have Talia sold for nearly three million euros.”

  “Euros?” Luther asks shocked.

  “That’s nearly 3.6 million US,” Daniel explains. My eyes narrow as he continues. “She’s worth twice that in the Middle East, easily.”

  “She’s not a fucking toy to be bartered with.” I stand, aggravated, pissed off, and worried as fuck. For all her darkness with me, the pain she anticipates, she will break if that’s aimed at anything other than pleasure. And some sick fuck would exploit that.

  “I know, Cas.” Daniel bows his head. “My point is, Thomas is going to come for her. Just like he did with Lilith.” King growls at the use of his woman’s name.

  “Don’t shoot the messenger, boss,” Carver interjects.

  “He kill anyone lately?” I’m only half kidding. The sadistic beast craves blood more than anyone I know.


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