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Kings of Chaos

Page 13

by Katie Ball

  “Sorry, I may have forgotten a bra. I was kind of in a rush.” I stilled as his hands moved toward me. Glad that Trigger and Gunner were over with their Harleys. Giving me and Talon a moment alone. Not able to see any of this since Talon was blocking their view.

  I shivered when his fingers gently caressed my breasts through my shirt. Pinching my nipple just a little. My hard peaks made it very obvious how badly I wanted his touch. My breathy whimpers showed him how much I enjoyed the little taster. He groaned deeply from the view.

  Grabbing my waist, he pulled me hard against his body. Lips against mine, kissing the life out of me. Making me fall against him. Loving the sparks going off within me right now. My hands clawed at his shoulders. Wanting to climb him and wrap myself around him like a damn spider monkey.

  “When we’re alone, I never want you to wear a bra again.” Loving his commanding tone, I would give him anything he asked for. No hesitation.

  “What about when I’m out in public.” Meeting my eyes now. Those pools of swirling green were engulfed with lust. Though I caught a glimpse of possessiveness there too.

  “You wear a god damn bra. No one else sees them but me.” Nodding towards my breasts. “Let’s get you home so you can hide them beauties.”

  Opening my car door for me. He was definitely a breast man. There again, the way he watched my arse, I would say he was a curve man in general. Lucky for both of us, I had been blessed with curves in all the right places.

  Watching him walk over to his bike, I couldn’t help but shake my head. He was a magnificent man, one that consumed my mind, body and soul. He slipped his shades back on then, giving me a single nod. Giving me the signal to get moving. I just saluted at him, earning me one of those impish smirks.

  Heading for home now with my King following close behind. Just how it should be.

  Chapter Eleven

  I had spent most of the day baking. Needing to do something. Anything to keep myself busy. I was nervous, antsy. Things were out of my control and I don’t know what was going to happen next. I just wanted everything to be fine.

  When we got back earlier, Talon left had straight away. Pulled back to his urgent ‘club business’.

  I took the opportunity to go have a much-needed cold shower. I had been in desperate need of one. Trembling with sheer need for my King. He had such a powerful effect on me. Driving me crazy with desire, it was insane. It was a struggle to not just jump him as soon as I laid eyes on him. It wasn’t easy to behave myself when he was around.

  Trigger was napping by the looks of it. Lounging on the couch, while Gunner was watching some crap on the TV. Though I knew that was just a cover. He was really watching me. Alert and aware of everything going on, nothing would get passed him.

  Could he tell I was a nervous wreck? Maybe that was why he was paying close attention to me. Ready to help reassure me if need be.

  I heard the rumble of an approaching bike. My legs clenched, body tingling with anticipation.

  Is it him? Is it Talon?

  My heart was hammering against my chest. Hoping that it would be him that walked through the door…I really wanted it to be him.

  When the front door open and he strolled in, I couldn’t help but smile up at him. I swear, the look he gave me, I could have fainted in that moment. I might need another cold shower. He looked breath-taking, he made me hum with desire. My panties were melting right off of me just from one naughty look. I was in trouble with Talon, that was for sure.

  “You baking?” Nodding in answer as I turned away from him. Needing to get myself under control. I was a mess, and it was all his fault. My hormones were going crazy. Needing my man to tame them. To sate their hunger, he was the only one who could.

  “Of course.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him pick one of my cupcakes up.

  “Your cupcakes are something else.” I stifled a laugh then. I don’t know why but my mind managed to turn everything he said into something dirty. Maybe because I was sexually frustrated? Yeah, that might have something to do with it.

  “I’m a fan of those cupcakes as well. Though I think I’m in need of another taste.” Whispering beside my ear, I shivered from his breathy voice. Biting down on the moan that wanted to creep out of my mouth. He wasn’t playing fair.

  “Eat your cupcake and behave yourself.” Laughing at me now. A cheeky grin on his face as he took a large bite of the cupcake. I turned my attention back to piping some frosting, hoping it would distract me from this tempting biker king who is just asking to corrupt me. His eyes were starting wildfires all over my body. Sending my temperature though the roof.

  “I see your wearing a bra now.” Of course, he would notice that small detail.

  “And if I wasn’t?” Stepping closer to me now…so close. I forgot how to breath when he was this close to me.

  “I’d go find you one since my brothers are here, Gunner would have a fucking field day.” Gazing up at him, I felt like we were in the eye of a storm. Everything was whirling around us, but it was only me and him that mattered.

  “I kind of wish I had forgotten to wear one now. Just to see your reaction.” Going up onto my tip toes, hovering so close to his lips, his breath running across my skin. I loved having him this close.

  His hand snuck around my waist then, holding me against his tempting body. Gasping from the suddenness of his movements. I found myself loving the way he seized me and kept me pressed so tightly against him.

  He grabbed the back of my neck with his free hand, no…cradled it. Crushing those heavenly lips of his against mine. Kissing me like there was no tomorrow. I clung onto his shoulders, not wanting to let go of him. Not wanting this moment to break. Whimpering against his fierce kisses. His tongue ran along the seam of my lips, seeking entrance inside. I eagerly let him in, dancing with my own tongue, causing me to melt against him.

  When he pulled back just slightly, I was panting. Out of breath, struggling to breathe. He was…everything.

  “Now I’ve had a taste of you Hazel, I can’t stop.” Hearing him say that made my heart flutter away in my chest. My stomach filled with butterflies. I smiled against his soft lips, loving the feel of him. I felt like my head was spinning, he left me feeling dizzy.

  “I’m glad we are both on the same page.” I heard movement behind him. Someone was about to interrupt us. Though Talon had no plans to let me go, no, not now that he had me in his arms.

  I mean, he certainly wasn’t going to hear any complaints from me. I think if we parted right now, I would be overcome with a sudden chill that would no doubt seep into my bones.

  “Hate to break this up but have you asked her yet?” I peered around Talon and found Gunner stood there, with a massive grin on his face. What was he up to?

  “No, not yet.” Frowning at them, what were they plotting?

  “Asked me what?” Talon smirked at my curiosity. I was not one for surprises.

  “We’re having a party at the clubhouse. A welcome home party, if you like. I was wondering if you would care to join me?” At the clubhouse? Somewhere that I never though I would go. The only way into their clubhouse was to be invited.

  “Though you should be warned, it can get a little wild.” Rolling my eyes at Gunners childish taunts. Did he think he was intimidating me?

  “I think she will be just fine.” Trigger encouraged.

  “So, is that a yes?” Gunner was waiting for an answer. Why did he seem so excited about the possibility of me going to this party? Did he have something planned?

  “I’ve got nothing else to do. Plus, it will be interesting at the very least.” Trigger laughed now.

  “That feels like an understatement.” I was intrigued what went down at one of their notorious parties.

  “Do I need bring something?” Talon just stared at me.

  “Like what?” Suddenly nervous at the prospect of meeting his club, wanting to make a good impression.

  “I don’t know but its rude to turn up at a party withou
t anything.” Gunner coughed then, wanting our attention.

  “I mean, I don’t know. Maybe something sugary, sweet and fucking delicious.” Casually nodding toward my cupcakes. That’s why he had let me get on with my baking this afternoon. Already thinking how perfect they would be to take to the party.

  “Ok but it’s not going to be weird me taking cupcakes to a party full of bikers?” Surely, they would prefer something…tougher. Maybe some alcohol? Something to do with motorcycles? I don’t know.

  “Sweetheart, these will be gone before you know it. Trust me.” Trigger grabbed one and devoured it in seconds, nodding in agreement.

  “I give them half an hour before they’re all gone.” I hope he was right, I had nothing else to take.

  “You might want to change though.” Talon’s eyes trailed down, then back up my body. Did I look a state or something?

  “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” He chuckled.

  “Nothing, apart from the random splashes of flour and cake mixture, then the odd bit of frosting. I mean don’t get me wrong, you look delicious.” I saw what he was saying. I had been in my own world and apparently made quite a mess. Maybe changing was a good idea.

  “Ok. I’ll change.” Strolling past him, minding my own business. When he suddenly slapped my arse, bringing me to a stop.

  “Did you just...” He grinned at me, heating up every inch of my body.

  “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.” Shaking my head at him as I wandered away from him, making my way upstairs. My earlier thought had been right.

  Talon was a curve man. Thank god.

  Heading to the Kings of Chaos’s clubhouse, loaded up with six large boxes of cupcakes. I had been in a baking frenzy. I just hope it goes down well, I really wanted them to like me. This was his club, his family. They were important to him. Having them hate me would potentially ruin us. Would he even want me if his club didn’t approve of me?

  Taking some deep breathes. I was nervous, I mean who wouldn’t be?

  Wiping my sweaty palm on my jeans, needing a drink to help calm my nerves.

  Thanks to Talon’s suggestion, I had changed into something more…appropriate. Skin tight black jeans, a white blouse and a jean jacket. Finished off with some heeled boots, perfect. I left my brown curls free tonight, which I know Talon approved of.

  When I came down the stairs, Talon’s eyes lit up. I was worried that maybe it wasn’t…revealing enough, or sexy in his eyes. Though those thoughts were quickly shut down when he grabbed me around my waist and devoured my mouth like he was starving for me. For a minute I wondered if we would even make it to the party. Maybe he would carry me upstairs and finally have his way with me.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t. A girl could dream though.

  We came to a stop outside some very thick, heavy duty looking gates. A little hut beside it. Two men moved towards Talon. Were they guards? They wore leather cuts like Talon.

  Realising who it was, they immediately opened the gates for us, waving us through. I noticed the way they stare at me as I drove past. Curious about the woman that was under their protection.

  A long driveway stretched out in front of us, open fields all around us. A few acres of open land with trees lining the far edges. You could see everything and anything that came heading this way. Nothing would be able to sneak up on the Kings.

  That’s when I saw it. Well, I was assuming it was the clubhouse. A large building which looked like it would have been a barn at one point. Though they had done a lot of work to it. Modernising it, adding to it. I spotted the bar which I had heard so much about. Exclusively for the Kings and their invited guests. There was another building connected to it, two stories high, lots of windows, what was that used for?

  The clubhouse had been painted black of course with light grey wooden beams running through the structure. There was a glowing sign of course.

  Kings of Chaos

  Making it clear where you were. Just in case you weren’t aware you were stepping foot on their home turf.

  It looked like there was houses beyond the clubhouse. Four of them, I think. They looked like proper little cookie cutter homes. Nice…inviting. Warmth just radiated from them. It made me curious who lived in them?

  Parking outside the clubhouse, I noticed all the bikes. Christ, there was so many. They were lined up along the length of the building and even started to double back. How many people were inside right now?

  I could hear the music from out here, I imagine it must be deafening inside. The noise coming from the building was insane, it was definitely a packed out building tonight. Laughing, chatting, shouting resonated from inside, the party sounded like it was well and truly underway.

  Before I could even grab the cupcakes, Trigger beat me to it. Taking some while leaving the rest for Gunner to carry. I was left with nothing. Would they think I had come empty handed? That wouldn’t set a great impression.

  Talon intertwined his hand with mine. Bringing me back to him, leaving my worries behind.

  My nerves were all over the place. Heart pounding in my chest. Was I really doing this? Meeting a club full of dangerous biker Kings? Had I lost my mind?

  “You got this, love.” Talon whispered words of encouragement in my ear as we stepped inside.

  Everything seemed to stop. Brought to a sudden halt with our entrance…or rather my entrance. All eyes fell on me, inspecting me. I automatically tensed up.

  The room was filled with intimidating men. All fierce and gruff, they looked like a deadly bunch. I suppose, they were.

  Amongst all the terrifying men, were scantily clad women. Like the women I saw the other week at the coffee shop. Club girls. Walking around in next to nothing, showing way too much skin. Some were just wandering around in underwear.

  This was a whole another world to me.

  Talon draped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me against his side. I just clung onto him like he was my safe haven in the middle of the storm. My own sanctuary.

  “Let’s make this quick. This is Hazel, she’s a guest here so you lot better be respectful or you’ll have to answer to me.” Everyone was eyeing me up, trying to figure me out. I don’t think the club girls were impressed. Some of the guys looked the complete opposite. Like a juicy bit of meat had been dropped in front of them.

  No wonder, Talon’s tightened his grip on me. He must have noticed as well.

  “Anyone lays a finger on her…they will lose their fucking hands.” Some of the guys gulped in fear, knowing full well Talon wasn’t kidding.

  “She brought to die for cupcakes so be fucking nice arseholes.” Gunner added.

  It was like the whole room sighed with relief. Many of the guys smiled at me, I can’t say it made many of them less intimidating.

  The club girls however were still throwing daggers at me. I guess, I wouldn’t be making friends with them anytime soon. It’s not like I was about to shed any tears over it. I treat people how they treat me. They wanted to be bitches, then I’ll just return the favour.

  While Trigger and Gunner put the boxes down on one of the nearby tables, Talon guided me over to the bar. It was pretty empty since people were swarming around the sweet treats, I had brought with me. Apparently big burly bikers were fans of cupcakes, good to know.

  “Two beers, Davey.” The guy behind the bar brought them over to us. He may have a warm smile, but he had a hard edge to his ocean blue eyes. Grey hair that was pulled back into a ponytail with a goatee to match. He had to be in his sixties, but you still wouldn’t want to piss him off.

  “There you go pres.” He held his out to me. “Nice to meet you Hazel. The boss doesn’t bring women around here so it a bit of a shock to everyone. Hence the gawking.” Talon smirked down at me.

  “Good to know.” I liked knowing that this wasn’t something Talon did very often. I wasn’t just another one to add to the list. This meant something to him, I meant something to him.

  “Hey Tank, bring me a cupcake over befo
re you greedy bastards eat them all.” Davey bellowed at someone behind me. Grumbling was the only response he got. Peeking over my shoulder, I was amazed by the man approaching us. I could see why he was called Tank. He was enormous. Taller than everyone here. He had to be like six foot, six. With broad shoulders and rippling muscles, you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his anger. A punch from him and that would be it. One and done.

  Dark green eyes locked onto me. Running his fingers through thick chestnut hair. He had dark stubble along his jawline, a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

  “Alright old man, keep your hair on.” Handing Davey, a cupcake. Tank turned his attention to me next, mischief twinkling in his eyes.

  “I’m Tank, good to finally meet you. Pres hasn’t stopped talking about you.” Shooting Talon a smirk.

  “Oh really? All good things I hope.” He gave me a cheeky wink.

  “Mostly.” I dread to think what he had been saying.

  “I think I’ll have to take guard duty if you’re baking some more of these bad boys.” He demolished another cupcake within two bites, he looked like he was in heaven.

  “Baking keeps me busy, so there’s normally a constant supply of cakes around.” Those eyes of his lit up now, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Ok Talon, i’ve changed my mind. I’ll guard her, I don’t mind.” Talon chuckled.

  “And all it took was some cupcakes.” Talon leaned closer to me, kissing my temple. “Come on, let’s go get a table.” Taking me over to one of the booths along the back wall. Tucking me nicely into his side, keeping me right beside him. Giving him a good view of the room and anyone who dared approach us.

  “So, whose party is this?”

  “It for Cole, my little brother. Well not so little anymore.” He has a brother? He hadn’t mentioned him.

  “Where is he then?” Intrigued about this ‘little’ brother of his. He pointed towards the pool table where a group of very menacing guys were busy playing a game. It was easy to figure out which one was his brother. He currently had a club girl grinding on him, but he almost acted like she wasn’t even there. Unbothered by her presence.


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