CASSIUS: Elemental's MC (book 6)

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CASSIUS: Elemental's MC (book 6) Page 5

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Thanks” I grunt as I pick up a fifty-kilo weight and return it to its place.

  “No problem, I’m just relieved that you saw the light and are taking Scarlett as your mate.” He says, “It’s been getting worse, I’ve worried that one of these day’s you wouldn’t be able to control it.” He confesses.

  “Scarlett needs me, she says I keep the memories away. I just hope that once we mated my darkness doesn’t affect her.” I murmur

  “Brother your woman is strong, she went through hell with Merdor but it doesn’t seem like she let it affect her. As soon as I told her you needed her, she was out of that bed and making her way here.” At his words my mind stills, maybe everything will be fine.

  We continue working for the rest of the day until it’s time for dinner, flexing my muscles I make my way out of the training room. Kade usually takes Scarlett’s dinner to her but today I will go and join her for dinner. It’s time she knows that I want to bond with her.

  Filling two plates with the stew that Jasmine made I make my way to the Infirmary, when I walk in I see that Scarlett has her eyes closed as if in sleep, but as I approach her eyes snap open. I see her eyes run over my body and then stop on the plates.

  “You going to eat with me?” she asks with a raised brow.

  “Yeah,” I see the smile that she tries to hide as she struggles to sit up. As she leans back I place the plate on her lap. “You’re looking pale, you shouldn’t have got out of bed.” I grumble but she just shrugs.

  “Did what happen earlier on have anything to do with me?” she asks instead. I’m about to tell her no but then I remember that she asked me never to lie to her.

  “I don’t like the idea of you thinking my brothers are handsome,” I confess

  “Cassius, your brothers are handsome that’s just a fact, but too me you’re much handsomer. You have a rough angry energy that calls to me.” At her confession my cock twitches in response, fuck I can’t be close to this woman because I’m always turned on.

  “Is that so?” I tease with a smirk, “when you get out of here I want to bond with you.” I state and see her eyebrows raise in question. “I didn’t want to hurt you with my darkness, but you made me realise that I’m hurting you by staying away. As mated couples we complete each other, and I’m hoping that I continue keeping your memories away.” A smile adorns her face at my revelation.

  “Ever since I was young that I wanted to be yours. I was sure that we would find each other and that we would be happy together.” She murmurs, “I wasn’t expecting you to be some kind of superman, but hey, that’s just a bonus.” She says playfully making me grin.

  “Baby you have no idea.” I tease making her laugh. “You know, Elemental’s are possessive and protective. You might not be so happy to be with me after a while. You need to realize that this is it, if we bond there will be no one else and no out of it.” I state, she needs to understand that if I bond her this is it.

  “The women already explained what the Pros and Cons are with living with Elemental’s.” she says honestly with a twinkle in her eye.

  “Oh really, what are those?” he asks with a raised eyebrow,

  “Well they said that we can’t really leave the compound unless escorted by a brother or a prospect. They also mentioned that there are women here at the compound that there job is to please the guys.” At that she scowls, “just for the record, I don’t share. If I know you are with one of those women, I’ll leave.”

  “I guess they didn’t tell you everything.” I murmur, “You see baby, once we Elemental’s mate there is no other women for us, only our mate can satisfy us. And I don’t share either, any fucker tries to touch you and he’s dead.” I know the last came out in a growl but the thought of any other man touching what is mine makes my anger rise.

  “They also told me that the sex is phenomenal,” I had just placed a piece of meat in my mouth, at her words I choke making her laugh hilariously.

  “You will have to tell me afterword’s if I live up to this phenomenal sex.” I quip making her blush, but there is a twinkle in her eye. I believe I might have gotten myself a daredevil. When we finish eating I take both plates and set them on the table next to her bed. Scarlett slides down in bed as we continue to talk, a few minutes later I see her eyes start to droop but she’s fighting it. Not long after that she falls asleep.

  For many nights that I watched over her just as she is now, but now I’m not plagued with worry that she might not awaken. My woman is a beauty, and it seems like she has a playful personality. I don’t know all the things that were done to her, but I can see that she has a stubborn streak to her. I’m sure we will butt heads many times but already I can feel a tenderness towards her that I didn’t ever think I would ever feel.

  Leaning back, I settle on my chair prepared to watch over her, she doesn’t know but every night I have sat here making sure that she is fine, even when she thought I hadn’t come to see her. I yawn and feel my body relaxing, closing my eyes I drift off to sleep.


  A slight noise startles me awake, looking at the chair that Cassius was sitting on before I fell asleep I notice that he isn’t there anymore. Looking around I notice a man walking carefully towards where Bion keeps his equipment. I have never seen this one before, but for some reason I feel uncomfortable with his presence.

  “Hi” I call and notice that he tenses before he turns, a slight scowl on his face.

  “Sorry didn’t mean to wake you.” He states, “was just checking something.” That part is a lie, interesting how am I able to tell that he’s lying to me, if what everyone says is true I shouldn’t be able to tell when an Elemental is lying except if we’re touching them, unless he isn’t an Elemental. And what could he possibly be doing here. Whatever he was about to do I interrupted because he is now retracting his steps, just before he leaves he mutters. “I will check it later.”

  Half an hour later I’m still pondering about this strange occurrence when Cassius walks in followed by Bion. I notice that Cassius has showered and changed clothes, his low hipped jeans showing off his powerful thighs, the dark blue t-shirt stretching across his chest and arms showing off how strong and powerful he is.

  “Hey baby” Cassius calls as he approaches, I notice that he never touches me, he has never kissed me. This man really needs direction, he’s a bit dense when it comes to romance. Sighing I realize that I might have my work cut out for me expecting him to be loving and tender, whichever it is he better start by kissing me every day otherwise we going to have a problem.

  “When are you going to kiss me?” I ask and see his surprised look, Bion starts chuckling from behind him.

  “Shut up.” Cassius grunts

  “If I touch you in anyway the bonding process will begin. I was thinking of carrying you to our room, by the time we reach there you should have passed out.” He explains.

  “What do you mean, pass out?” no one said anything about me passing out. Cassius explains the bonding process and how his touch will affect me but what I wasn’t expect is that I would have to drink his blood.

  “I don’t know if I can do that, can’t you just give me a transfusion or something.” I ask

  “Don’t worry baby, it will be fine you won’t even know what’s happening.” He promises

  “Is that part necessary? Can’t we like bond with wine or something?” I plead, how the hell am I supposed to drink from him. In the movies vampires bite your neck but I don’t have teeth for that.

  “If I touch you and you don’t drink from me you will die.” He says with a frown. Damn, I just knew he was going to say something like that.

  “Okay, I guess I will be drinking your blood then.” I grumble, “but just know that I doubt my teeth will be able to bite into your neck deep enough to squirt out blood.” At my words both men throw back their heads and roar with laughter. “Well, I’m glad you find that funny.”

  “Baby, don’t worry.” He says with a splitting grin, �
��I will be giving you blood, you don’t have to bite me. Unless you really want to, that is.” He teases.

  “Very funny.” I mumble

  “Let’s do this, Sweetheart I’m just going to check that everything is still fine and then your man over here can take you.” Bion states as he takes hold of my hand, he feels my pulse and then he moves his hands behind my head and starts to feel around my wound.

  “Ow” I cry out, when I move my head around there is still slight pain but if I don’t move it too much it’s fine. Bion touching it makes it ache and light shoots through my vision.

  “Be fucking careful.” Cassius growls, looking at him I see that he’s body is tense, his hands fisted and a scowl on his face as he glares at Bion.

  “Does your wound still pain you?” Bion asks as he starts to turn my head slowly from one side to the other.

  “Only when you do that.” I grumble and hear Cassius growl.

  “I need you to do neck rotations every day to loosen those muscles. If you have any pain, you need to let me know.” He says as he faces me again. “I’m a bit worried about the pain you still feel in that area at my touch, but because you’ve been in a coma for just over a month it could just be stiff from lack of movement.” He reports, turning towards Cassius he winks. “She’s all yours.” At his words I see Cassius nod before he approaches.

  “Are you ready to be mine?” he asks with an apprehensive look to him. If it wasn’t for me not wanting to upset him I would laugh. He’s the one that has been running away from this bonding, and now he’s apprehensive as if he’s expecting me to say no.

  “I’ve been ready for many years.” I confess and see his shoulders relax and then a cocky smile appears on his face.

  “Good” he says before he places his arm behind my back and the other under my legs and lifts me against his waist easily as if I weigh nothing. “I was going to wait, but fuck it.” He mutters before he lowers his head and his lips take mine in a possessive kiss.

  Oh wow, he’s even better than my imagination, and I’ve had some raunchy thoughts about this man that is now holding me against him as if he’s never going to let go. I can feel a buzzing in my ears as he deepens the kiss, an electric current traverse my body pooling between my legs. I have never felt this need with anyone before like I do with him. My head is starting to spin and I place my hand on his chest holding on to his t-shirt as if to ground me.

  Wrenching away from the kiss I gulp in much needed air but my head hasn’t stopped spinning if anything my vision is starting to blur. “Cassius” I murmur as I look up into his intense lust filled eyes, which is the last think I see before I feel myself lose conscious.

  I don’t know how long I have been out but when I start to surface the first thing I realize is that I’m not laying in the infirmary any longer as I can hear someone’s heart under my ear. I have never felt so at peace as I do at this moment. Opening my eyes reluctantly I can see a black boxing gym bag hanging in one corner. Without looking up at my companion I know that it’s Cassius, my hand is resting on his covered abs, I don’t need to lift his t-shirt to know that his abs are well defined like the rest of his body. Filling myself up with courage I lift my head up and meet blazing green eyes looking back at me.

  “How you feeling?” he’s question comes out in a gruff voice. The arm that he has around me squeezing gently.

  “I’m fine, are we bonded now?” he did say that I would faint if he touched me and that would have to do with the bonding. I see a relaxed smile cross his handsome features.

  “Not yet, but we did initiate it.” Suddenly I’m laying on my back and he’s leaning over me, “I’ve wanted to do this ever since I saw you in that warehouse. You can later let me know if I live up to the phenomenal sex that my brother’s women brag about.” Before I can say anything his lips are on mine and he’s making me forget my own name. I don’t know about the sex but where kissing is concerned he definitely beats any previous experience I’ve ever had.

  We kiss until we’re both breathless, his leg is between my legs rubbing just right against my crotch. One of his hands is against my face as he kisses me, the other is pinching my nipple over my clothes. I can feel his impressive hardness straining against my stomach. Lifting his head, he looks deep into my eyes, his eyes penetrating my soul with their intensity. I see passion but there is also a vulnerability that touches my heart.

  He starts to nibble and kiss down my neck, when he reaches the neck of my t-shirt he sits back on his haunches both his hands go to the bottom of my shirt and he pulls it off me with one yank throwing it over his shoulder he stares at my breasts that are encased in a silky white bra. He groans deep in his throat before his hands cup my breasts gently. “So beautiful, you were made for me.” He murmurs as he unhooks my bra. My breasts jump out and I see his eyes follow their movement, his tongue comes out to moisten his bottom lip before he’s lowering his head and takes a nipple into his mouth.

  I gasp in pleasure as his tongue flickers the nipple and then his teeth nibble on it while his one hand is gently pinching and tugging the other. My hand moves to his head and I stroke my fingers through his hair as I pull him closer to me. “Cassius, I need you” I murmur as I move against his leg.

  “What do you want baby?” he murmurs as he starts to move down my body, his mouth kissing my navel as his hands undo my jeans. Grabbing the waist with both hands he tears them down my legs but instead of pulling them off he leaves them around my ankles as he buries his face in my core.

  “Cassius” I pant as he rubs his stubble against my pussy, I want to move my legs, but I can’t as my jeans hold my legs semi closed, I start to wiggle my legs trying to divest of them and hear him grunt in amusement.

  “Something wrong baby?” he teases

  “Cassius, don’t tease me.” I grumble, and he chuckles as he moves down my body pulling my jeans off the rest of the way. He stands at the end of the bed and pulls his t-shirt over his head uncovering his chest, and oh boy what a chest. His eyes don’t leave my body as he kicks off his boots and then his hands are on the waist to his jeans and he just stands like that smirking at me.

  “Come on, get them off.” I murmur as my eyes devour his muscular tattooed chest, his muscles straining as he moves making me moisten my lips as they are suddenly feeling very dry. He chuckles softly as he unclasps his jeans.

  “You’re an impatient little thing, aren’t you?” he teases and then his pulling his jeans off and standing before me. Oh, my goodness! I know my eyes widen, I lean forwards on my elbows and stare.

  I must have done something right in my life to be gifted with such a perfect specimen of a man as my mate. His cock is standing at attention, I don’t want to say anything but I’m sure it’s going to be a very tight fit. “Do you like what you see?” he asks with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Are you kidding, I could stare at you for the whole day.” I murmur.

  “Well, if you like I can just stand here and you can inspect me.” My eyes that were glued to his very big appendage snap up to his face and I see a naughty grin on his face.

  “Don’t you dare.” I grumble, making him throw back his head and roar in amusement. I have never seen him laugh so freely before, his amusement lightens my heart and I smile. He kneels on the bed and then his body is crawling over mine.

  “Baby, I think we’re going to get along just fine.” He murmurs as he nips at my bottom lip. His hand moves between my legs stroking, teasing. “You’re so wet for me.” He says, “I want to take longer baby, but I’ve been waiting for you so long.” He takes his cock in his hand and rubs it against my clit making me lift my ass off the bed in anticipation.

  “Please” I plead.

  He inserts the head gently and I close my eyes in pleasure, his thumb stroking my nub. “Look at me.” He grunts, his hips thrusting slightly preparing me for his girth. Opening my eyes, I notice the tension around his eyes as he struggles to go slow. With each thrust of his hips he sinks deeper into my depths.
His breathing shallow, “Fuck, you’re so tight.” With those words he leans forwards and takes one of my nipples into his mouth.

  My pussy gushes with my essence helping him deepen even more, and then his buried deep within me and I’m widening my legs trying to adjust to the fulness that I’m feeling. “Oh . . . Cassius.” I purr as he starts to thrust, at first slowly letting me adjust to him, but after he starts to move his hips faster. Stroking me just right, I can feel the walls of my pussy start to contract. I have never been able to have an orgasm while having sex. The only times I was able to orgasm was by my own hand.

  “Cassius . . . Oh, Cassius . . . I’m coming!” I gasp as my vision starts to blur and my whole body starts to vibrate in pleasure. I feel something trickling between my lips, focusing I see that he has his wrist over my mouth.

  “I join us forever and always, where on goes the other shall follow. I will hold you above everyone and everything else. I will protect you until my last breath. My body, soul and mind are forever yours and yours is mine.” my heart constricts and the beautiful words, and then I forget everything as I feel him bite the base of my neck. My body that was already in the throes of an orgasm explodes with such force that I’m sure I passed out, because the next think I know Cassius is holding me close to his chest as he gulps in air.

  When I’m finally able to catch my breath I murmur, “Cassius” at his grunt of acknowledgment I continue, “How long do you need to recover?” at my question he roars with laughter.

  “You little minx, I see that we’re going to spend a lot of time pleasing each other.” He says as he kisses my forehead. Sitting up he pulls me with him and straddles my legs around his hips his cock already erect between us. Looking down I grin as it twitches, I place my hands on his chest and start to draw patterns around his nipples, he tenses and then his groaning.


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