CASSIUS: Elemental's MC (book 6)

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CASSIUS: Elemental's MC (book 6) Page 17

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Bion, Brielle as President of the Elemental’s MC I am honoured to join the two of you in holy matrimony.” Brielle gasps and looks up at Bion in surprise.

  “Beauty, I was blessed the day that you finally arrived in my life. For centuries that there was a void in my life, a void that you have filled with your generosity, your love and your goodness. Never could I have imagined how unique you would be. I am proud to be your mate, to be the man destined to walk this earth by your side. I love you now and forever and I promise to always protect you with my life. I give to you all that I have and all I am, my brothers and I will protect you until our dying day.”

  “Brielle, is there anything you would like to say?” Draco asks and then smiles when she nods.

  “Bion, thank you for the caring and patience you have had with me. Until I met you I was a shadow of the person I am today and I have you to thank for the confidence you have in me. I still wake up some days and wonder if this is all a dream, you have become my rock and my strength. I will endeavour to make you happy for the rest of my life, to love and cherish you with all my heart and soul.”

  “Bion, I believe there’s another ring?” Draco asks with a lift to his brow, snapping Bion out of his trance.

  “Oh . . . umm, yeah.” He mutters as he places his hand in his jeans pocket and pulls out another box. I lean back against Cassius chest as he nuzzles my neck while we wait for Bion to open the box.

  “With this ring, I thee wed, and all my worldly goods I thee endow.” He says with a grin which makes me laugh as I realize that he left out half the vows that are usually spoken when exchanging rings. I know that for these men being bonded is more than being married. Therefore Bion doing this to please Brielle is touching and sweet.

  “I hereby pronounce you mated.” Draco declares. Bion pulls Brielle against him taking her lips in a possessive kiss.

  “Do you also feel like we need to go through this ceremony?” Cassius asks against my ear, as he strokes my neck with his thumb.

  “No, I’ve been yours since the first time I dreamt about you and no ceremony or words can change that.” I promise, Cassius turns me around in his arms I see his smouldering eyes as he looks down at me.

  “I have something for you.” He murmurs

  “Besides the tattoo, that I love by the way.” I say as I stretch my hand and stroke lightly over the tattoo that peeks just over the waist of his jeans. “Maybe, I could show you how much later.” I murmur as I lean forward and kiss his chest. I see his muscles tense at my touch and his intake of breath.

  “Fuck baby,” he groans, “have pity on me, I’m a breath away from throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you to our room.” He states, looking down his magnificent body I see the bulge straining his jeans.

  “So what do you have for me?” I ask, deciding on taking pity on him for now. He takes the one hand off my waist and pulls out a brown leather cloth that is folded. Placing it in his hand he unfolds it with the other. “Oh” I gasp as I see what he has inside. The Aquamarine so similar to his stone, but smaller, shines in the rays of light that brighten the area where we are all standing.

  “Lower your head baby, so that I can place this around your neck.” He murmurs my heart racing as I comply with his request. I feel both his hands on either side of my head as he slides the intricate silver chain past my upswept hair and down my neck. “I give you a part of my essence to protect and enhance your energy. By wearing this Aquamarine you will always have a piece of me with you. You are now part of my blood, my soul, my very essence. I ask that you wear this always to remind you of our bond and the love that I hold for you.” My hand moves between my breasts where the stone lays and I stroke it as I feel the tears in my eyes.

  “Thank you, it’s beautiful.” I say as I look up at Cassius and see the love he holds for me displayed on his face. He lowers his head taking my lips in a loving kiss that touches my soul as my arms lift around his neck I know that this man is my future, a future that might not be too long depending on the devices and if our men don’t find the people responsible for their activation.

  But every day I’m thankful for finding this man that fulfils my every dream that gives me the kind of love that I only ever dreamt about. I’m sure there are still turbulent times ahead, but I have faith that Cassius and all these men that are now my family will do everything in their power to keep me and all the other women safe. Breaking the kiss I look deep into Cassius eyes, “I love you”



  Thank you so much for reading CASSIUS and SCARLETT book. This is the sixth book of the Elementals MC series. I hope you enjoyed your journey into the life of these bad boy alpha bikers and their women. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review. Reviews help authors like me stay visible and help bring others to my series. Next book in the series will be CELMUND and TALIA, but it will also allow you to carry on following the other couples and what they are up to, here’s the first chapter…

  To know more about ALEXI FERREIRA you can follow her on the links below:






  WULF (book 1)

  BJARNI (book 2)

  BRANDR (book 3)

  CERIC (book 4)



  Looking down at my phone as it rings I see that it’s Burkhart, it’s been two months that I’ve been in Cape Town and up to now we haven’t found any leads. Since finding out that most of the women at our compound have a ticking bomb in their bodies that was implanted by the Keres and that the device can be activated at any moment by the fuckers, my brothers that are mated are losing their shit as time passes.

  Draco had to send Cassius, Brandr and Ceric on a run to keep them away from Sven, whom we found out is a snitch. Sven still thinks that we don’t know about his traitorous ways, but we’re using him to try and find out more about this situation. I have cameras and energy sensors all around the city and still no sign of the Keres.

  We suspect that the son of a bitch responsible for this is Leif, I’m hoping that it isn’t because Leif and I have history. History that I don’t want to rehash, I was certain that he was dead, but new information points to him having survived the explosion and being alive.

  My phone rings again, “What’s up?” I answer

  “Hey brother, wanna let you know that Caelius and I are making our way to you. We should be there in about two hours.” The guys in the Cape Town chapter are cool, but I’ve missed hanging out with my brothers, and even though they fly up and stay a day or two its not the same as seeing them all the time. We are close and knowing that my brothers are suffering maybe because of my mistake is driving me crazy.

  “Is there any update?” we have connections to the Russian Mafia; the boss Alexey has been helping us in shutting down the Keres kidnapping and trafficking network. He’s also got men here in Cape Town looking for the Keres, and I’m hoping that soon I will get a break that will lead me to who is responsible for the devices.

  “No update, we just have to get away from here for a few days and try and see how we can help you. Draco is riding my ass about Sven, and if I stay here any longer I will throw caution to the wind and kill the fucker.” Burkhart is hot headed; his temper is triggered with the slightest provocation. It doesn’t help that he’s a fighting machine and that it’s very hard to try and stop him once he’s lost his shit.

  “What did you do now?” I shake my head in amusement as I can just imagine the havoc Burkhart must be creating.

  “The fucker was irritating me.” He growls in answer making me smile.

  “You are arriving just in time, I have sensors to place in a new area that you guys can help me with.” I state.

  “Cool, see you then.” He grunts as he disconnects the call. I’m sitting in the bar area, my laptop before me on the table as I check the sensors and
the cameras that I installed. My back is to the wall, so no one can hover behind me looking at what I’m doing, and I can see when someone approaches. The energy in the Cape Town Chapter is different from back home, the guys here are more volatile always ready for a fight.

  Starting with Tor that is a mad son of a bitch, he’s a hell of a leader and an asset to have next to you in a fight but his temper might be just as hot as Burkhart. “Hey baby, how about you take a break and let me take care of you.” I saw the Jezebel approaching but was hoping that she would take my lowered head for a dismissal and leave.

  “I’ve got shit to do, maybe later doll.” I grunt

  “Okay, I’ll be waiting for you.” She simpers as she saunters away. I’ve gone through all eight Jezebels since arriving here, I crave the pleasure my mated brothers have found in their women. I’m tired of the empty sex, the hollow feeling within me as if something’s missing. When my brothers started to find their mates, I had hope that soon I would meet mine, but now with everything going on I dread ever finding her.

  If what we suspect is true then there is no chance of me bonding with anyone until the Keres responsible for the devices is found, and if Leif is the culprit than me finding my mate would be certain death for the women and if the women die my brothers will follow. I will not allow that their deaths be my fault. I must find Leif or whomever is orchestrating this whole plan and stop him, I will have no rest until this is resolved and my brothers and their mates are safe.

  I grew up with Leif, we spent our young years together. Leif and I would compete about everything, while for me it was harmless fun for Leif it was serious. He would get upset when he lost, most of the time I would let him win just to please him. Our friendship came to an end when he became obsessed with being better than me.

  When computers were invented I found that I had a knack for them, and even though I like to be in the thick of things with my brothers I know that I can help them more behind the scenes. When I was chosen to be part of the Elemental’s Leif lost his shit, Leif and I started to prospect together but because of his inconsistencies Draco kicked his ass out. After that he disappeared, I tried to contact him a few times, but he never responded until a couple of years ago when the FBI came looking for me.

  That was when I found out that Leif was impersonating me, he was hacking into organizations where he knew they would be able to track and find a trail that lead straight to me. The Elemental’s were forced to reveal themselves to the FBI at the time, that’s when the FBI started to contract us to go after and catch those that they couldn’t. We’re a top secret, that only selected few can know about. If it wasn’t for Leif, we would never have had to mingle with the government.

  After Leif found out that he didn’t win and that we had an agreement with the feds he came at me with guns blazing. That’s when I found out that he had turned and was in cahoots with Vercin. When we got intel of where Leif was hiding we went in and blew the place up. I was certain that he died in the explosion as I saw him go in, and I’m sure he didn’t leave, then how is it possible that he could be alive.

  The beep on my laptop brings me back to the present and I see that the energy levels in one of the areas where we have sensors has risen. I zoom in with the different cameras, rotating them to try and see if I catch anything. Fuck, I can’t see anything suspicious but there must be a reason why the energy level spiked so suddenly.

  “Hey dickheads” I call out to the three-playing pool. “Let’s move, I have a peak.” I say as I shut down my laptop. I will monitor the spike on my phone, I don’t wait to see if the guys will follow me as I make my way outside towards the bike I’m currently using, one of Tor’s Harley’s, it’s a sweet ride but I miss my own bikes.

  We take off heading towards where I’m still getting movement. I rev the bike, speeding to try and find a sign or lead to what triggered the sensor. I’ve been at this day and night for two solid months, I need to find something, my brothers are losing my shit but every time it seems like I’m about to find something it disappears or shit changes. It’s like someone is playing with me, could it be that it is Leif and that he knows I’m looking for him?

  No one at the compound has mentioned that I’m in Cape Town, therefore there is no way that Sven would report to anyone that I’m here. Is it possible that there is a leak here in the Cape Town chapter?

  I park my bike and see that the energy spike is still high, looking around I see a couple of businesses up and down the street nothing seems suspicious. “Do you guys feel that?” I ask of the guys that followed me. There is evidence of Keres energy nearby, one of the fuckers must be losing his shit for the energy to be radiating like it is.

  “Where the fuck is it coming from?” Storm asks as he steps off his bike and starts to walk. The other two do the same, but each move in different directions. I step off my bike and place my hands on the ground to try and feel the vibrations better. Closing my eyes, I drown out all sound and concentrate on the breeze around me and the vibrations through the earth and the air.

  It’s definitely Keres, I can feel the sourness on my tongue from their acrid energy. The air that I’m so Intune with also feels heavy. I stand and let the air guide me, as I walk the air starts to get heavier and more pungent letting me know that I’m getting closer. I see that Storm has stopped and is now looking around. The other two are close by him, and guessing by the direction the air is guiding me I will be standing close to them too.

  That means that the Keres are somewhere here, I look up at the buildings but don’t see anything suspicious. I look at the ground also nothing, but then I tense, could it be? The fuckers are rats after all, is it possible that they are underground? I notice that a few steps away from storm is a manhole, if they’re underground then that’s our way in.

  “Guy’s, over there” I say as I walk towards the manhole.

  “You’re fucking with me.” Hunter grunts but he also makes his way there. “It does suite them though.” He quips with a grin.

  I see Hunter lower himself onto his haunches and place his hands on the ground, Hunter is an earth bender, but we can’t bend now, or they will know that we’re here. “Hunter don’t” I mumble.

  “Help me open it, we can’t bend, or they will be gone by the time we enter.” I say, by the time we finally have the manhole open the energy spike is diminishing. As soon as it’s open I jump down into it’s darkness. It’s a good thing we as Elemental’s can see well in the dark because it’s as dark as fuck down here.

  I start to move quietly through the tunnel, not wanting to alert anyone to our presence. As we turn a corner a see a sliver of light shining from under what looks like a steel door. I approach stealthily worried that this might be an ambush, but then I hear voices drifting towards us. I look back at the guys and motion for them to retreat, I see their surprised looks, but they don’t question me. We leave as quietly as we arrived.

  I can’t engage without knowing who’s down there and if by us attacking they will activate the devices and kill the women before we can do anything. Burkhart and Caelius will be here soon, I will call Draco and let him know what we found and then we will plan what the best way is to move forward.

  As soon as we’re on the road again we cover the manhole and move away. “What the fuck, why didn’t we kill the fuckers Celmund?” Storm asks angrily.

  “We need to know how many of them are in there and what they have.” I reply as I mount my bike. “We now know where they are, and how they are hiding from us. We will set up surveillance and cameras and wait to see what Draco wants to do.”

  “We’re being fucking pussies if you ask me.” Storm grumbles as he starts his bike and takes off.

  “Don’t worry about him,” Hunter says as we look after Storm, “he’s on a mission to kill as many Keres as he can until he finds Magdalen.” I nod in acknowledgment, when the Keres kidnapped Storm’s sister a couple of years ago we all joined forces in looking everywhere for her but no matter where we looked we ne
ver found her. We still have hope in finding her, but Storm is hell bent on killing as many Keres as possible.

  “I understand brother.” I mutter as I start my bike, “I’m not going back, I’m going to hide the bike and keep an eye on the area. When Burkhart and Caelius arrive tell them to come meet me and bring my equipment. They will know what I need.” I say, Hunter and Stykes nod before they ride away. I ride around, to see if there is anything that might catch my eye, now that I know where they are hiding it is easier to look for evidence. As I turn of the main road I see that the manhole here is slightly raised telling me that it has tampered with.

  “Got you fuckers.” I mumble, I ride a few more meters and then pull into a alleyway just as my phone starts to vibrate. Looking down at the text I see that Burkhart and Caelius have arrived and are looking for me. After giving them directions, I continue sitting on my bike while I wait for them to find me. I look up and down the road noticing a hairdresser, shoe store and a stationery outlet. I start to plan the angles of the cameras and the sensors while I wait.

  A few minutes later I hear the rumble of bikes and know that my brothers are close. Caelius is the first to draw up next to me, Burkhart close behind. “We hear you found something.” Caelius says, I incline my head towards the manhole and see both looking behind them with a confused look.

  “That’s where they’re getting in.” I reveal, “Have you guys said anything to Draco yet?”

  “Nope, we don’t know much. The guys just mentioned that you found an underground cesspool of Keres.” Burkhart rumbles as he gets off his bike, I update them with everything that we found and what my plan is as Burkhart and Caelius open their saddlebags and withdraw all the equipment I’m going to need. Caelius will be setting up the sensors, Burkhart will set up some of the cameras and I will install the other half.


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