A Stranger in My Window

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A Stranger in My Window Page 3

by J Benito, C; Renzi, Federico;

  Logan walked to the Ferrari and tried to lift. Underestimates his strength and grasp it slipped from his hands thus raising the car several meters into the air, until it fell. The Ferrari shattered, broke the windows, chassis broke in two and the bodywork completely deformed. Logan looked at Tony.

  — Fuck! Now how I return home, again with a taxi.

  Tony laughed; Logan had just turned into the world's most powerful man and was still the same arrogant asshole.

  Chapter 6

  Logan opened his apartment door, locked it and came face to face with Irynae. She looked worried and angry at the same time.

  — Where have you been these days?

  — Just, what I needed that they put me problems in my own home.

  — What happened to you? You seem different.

  — I changed my deodorant. - Logan replied grinning wickedly to Irina.

  Iryna knew something had changed, the smell of his blood was not the same, and it was as if mixed with some substance. Suddenly his blood did not seem attractive, but preferred to keep his suspicions to herself, for now at least.

  Karsacry appeared at the window, looking at Iryna as if waiting to give him permission to enter. She simply cocked his head, Karsacry jumped into the apartment.

  — So great, come all and come into my house! Make like your house.

  Karsacry looked as if he were a mosquito.

  - Strauss wants you back. You take two days off and has to talk to you.

  — Well perfect. Go away both. - Logan said.

  — You also come! - Karsacry said. While far away sniffs Logan, he also realized something was up. He grabbed Logan and walked to the window. From there he gained momentum and jumped to the roof Claimor. In contrast to Irynae, this not picked him up but rather like a sack. From his back, he could see Irina following them, jumping from roof to roof. They were terribly agile. Logan had not proved his skills still not clear whether he would have his same abilities or was still at a disadvantage. The road to the house was tiring; he kept bumping into the hard back of Karsacry not to mention who was beginning to feel dizzy.

  The night concealed his movements, began to cool, but Logan was not cold in fact, his body seemed to have lost sensitivity. What if he noticed is that his vision slowly looked refined, his mind became more acute and his muscles tense ready for the effort.

  When they arrived at the mansion, he was surprised to see that Karsacry let him gently on the ground and headed toward the inside.

  — You have taught manners in my absence? Asked Logan.

  — Karsacry is very polite when he wants. Iryna said, but the truth is that she had a conversation with Karsacry quite hard no one played his servant. Although he was an arrogant asshole.

  Julius went to meet Logan.

  — Logan am glad you're all right! We thought that something had happened to you. - Said Julius.

  — Why should happen something bad? - Logan asked looking at Julius and Irynae. Irynae not seem to have the answer but Julius with a serious expression, made it clear that if he was aware.

  They went into the mansion and up the stairs on the way to the library of Straush.

  — By the way, where is Jud? - Logan asked that it seemed strange not to see his biggest fan vampire.

  Nobody answers, what bothers Logan, but rather wait to see Straush perhaps he will explain what happened.

  Iryna opened the door; Karsacry was sitting on the floor with his back against a bookcase. Straush looked at them with a look of concern.

  — Hi Logan! I see that in your absence you've made some changes. Said Straush.

  - I do not know what you mean. - Logan said.

  - Karsacry Kill Logan! - Ordered Straush.

  Karsacry hesitated, looked at Strauss in an attempt to confirm the order. Irynae stepped forward, but Julius grabbed her.

  Karsacry ran to Logan, he raised his arm and clenched his fist ready to hit Logan's face. Logan grabbed his fist, while his other hand grabbed him by the arm and threw him to the ground. Karsacry could not understand how a human was able to do that. Irynae was surprised, while relieved, already presumed dead Logan. Julius and Straush smiled.

  — I told you if you were part of my family would be under my protection, but also under my control. Straush said. - Julius followed you to your secret hideaway. We know you've done an experiment that seems to have worked. The question is, have you done out of fear or be useful? - Asked Straush.

  - Both I guess. - Logan said.

  Karsacry stood and glared at him.

  - Where is Jud? - Logan asked.

  Straush leaned on his desk with both hands, as he lowered his head dejected.

  — I fear that Jud soon be dead. Some vampire hunters retain her. - He explained Straush.

  — And you are not going to rescue her? - Logan asked without understanding that disregard for to help her.

  - We can not, it's too dangerous for us. They have sensors that detect the vampires.

  — I hallucinate. Ye let go of me this story that you are happy and well family and now when one of you is in trouble, you look elsewhere. I will free her. Give me the address and going to kick the ass to those hunters’ fangs.

  Straush down the address on a sheet of paper, he folded it and handed it to Logan without saying anything. Irynae took Logan's arm and pulled him out of the room. The others stayed inside.

  — You are like humans, many powers but basically leave his friends without a fight.

  Iryna looked at him without knowing what to say, she wanted to join them, but Straush not authorize it by the danger.

  - Why did not you tell me about your breeding? - Irynae asked.

  - It is not that trust much in you; apparently seen I do not think I'll ever do.

  - You'll need weapons to get there. Come with me.

  Irynae touched one end of a table and part of the wall yielded, opening as if a a door. Inside there were all kinds of weapons, explosives, M16 assault rifles, MP5, Beretta, and ammunition varies, a real arsenal. In one of the back walls, they were hung swords and axes of different designs. - Irynae grabbed a backpack and got into it two Beretta, Chargers and smoke bombs.

  — I think this will be sufficient.

  Logan grabbed the bag and slung it over his shoulder. Irynae closed room and together they walked to the front yard of the mansion.

  - Logan ... I would go with you, but I can not face Straush is my leader. I do not expect you to understand.

  - You're right, I do not understand. While you do not do anything for one of you, I'm a human risk my life for a kid who probably has twice of my age and that after all is a vampire. I'll have to deal with humans, perhaps kill to save an enemy of humanity. - Logan was thoughtful.

  - Then why did you do?

  — I like that breeds well. Logan replied. By the way, you spent two days in my apartment waiting for my return? How cute! If in the end will be that you have your little heart.

  — What are you talking about fool? , just watching my belongings.

  Logan gave her a wink.

  — Sure, your belongings. You can not pass without seeing this body.

  Irynae looked at him angry. Logan approached, as if a tango step is involved, grabbed her and pulled back, as he kissed her.

  - And this why? - Asked Irynae.

  - For, if I do not return. At least I'll take a good memory. - Logan answers.

  He looked at her and runs away to reach the outer wall, which jumped without difficulty. His skills may not be as powerful as the vampires, but it certainly was a matter to be considered.

  Logan smiled at see how he could jump, dodge and run like vampires. Was fun jump from rooftop to another. Now they were almost evenly matched, but best of all was that thanks to its speed could catch by surprise Irynae and kiss her. He must be angry, how he liked piss her off.

  Chapter 7

  He checked the address, there was no mistake, it was a two-story house located in one of the worst neighborhoods in the city.
He thought about how could get in, the windows and the roof, would be the first choices that they expect entered a vampire.

  He got out and opened the trunk. He checked the backpack had prepared Irynae, grabbed several smoke bombs and put them in his pockets. He left the weapons, not kill humans. Maybe they were wrong about the vampire chosen, but he meant well. Also he was sure that not all vampires would be like those who knew.

  He walked to a nearby pizza, ordered a family pizza and neglect taking advantage of a young attending him, he took one of his caps. He paid and returned to the street for a few minutes he stood looking the house. Was placed the hat and headed home.

  He rang the bell but not seemed to work, so he pounded on the door without consideration. A fat man with long unkempt hair and a shirt riddled with spots opened the door.

  — I have a request. Family pizza with extra cheese and anchovies.

  - You have ordered a pizza! - He cried the kind into the house.

  Logan took advantage that kept looking at him, his visual acuity to distinguish a weapon allowed under the clothing. He dropped the pizza down while giving a right hook that knocked him out. Come in and close the door, the person is going to take some time to wake up. He ran to the stairs and threw a smoke bomb her upstairs. He soon hear how several types coughing and screamed to others so that will pick their weapons. He focused trying to listen to Jud, first heard cocking a gun, the sound of footsteps approaching, and should concentrate more. Someone sharpening a knife in the basement, then he heard a scream.


  Logan threw another smoke bomb down a staircase leading to the basement. He ran downstairs, a guy appeared wielding a weapon, but Logan struck him with a nudge. Several hunters came to meet him, he jumped over them and grabbed they from behind, he rose them on the air, spun around as if to execute a hammer throw and threw them against a wall. He dropped with a kick the basement door; using his superhuman speed snatched the knife to a big guy and sickening aspect. The hunter tried to hit him, but Logan dodged easily, until he grabbed his jacket and gave him a big head that knocked him out.

  Logan touched Jud face was gaunt even for a vampire, his face and his body was covered with wounds that had not healed, lack of food must stop could heal.

  Logan broke the chains that had pinned down and picked her up. Steps were heard coming closer, the surprise effect was over, now it was time to receive a rain of bullets and was not sure that his healing factor was enough to leave unharmed.

  He ran upstairs, bouncing off the walls trying to dodge bullets. He dropped several types in his path, but they were too many. Soon the bullets began to cross his body. His green eyes disappeared to become blank, and then anger erupted. He left on the floor Jud.

  The bullets hit all over his body while Logan approached the six guys who were still standing. He punched one of the hunters shattering his teeth. He grabbed two of them by the neck until they were unconscious. One of the hunters ran away, while the other two ran towards him, Logan jumped and knocked them with a kick. He walked through the house, following a narrow corridor. The smoke still filled that place but his ear caught something. He threw a punch through the wall and he could feel how the last of the hunters fell to the ground. He ran toward the entrance, grabbed Jud and jumped to the roof of a nearby building. The roofs were happening one after another, the tiles were broken in its wake, the tin roofs bent under their weight. For a moment Jud opened his eyes, she was shocked to see the blank eyes of Logan, but smiled as had rescued her.

  When they arrived at courtyard of the mansion, Logan left Jud on the floor. The whole clan came out to meet. Karsacry was the first to arrive, but when he bent to recognize Jud Logan grabbed him and began beating him, Julius and Irynae had to grab him. Straush pulled a blue glass bottle full of blood and helped Jud drinking. Within minutes, his wounds began to heal. His face again have that angelic appearance so much liked to Logan. Julius hits the nape of Logan and this lost consciousness. Karsacry had the lip split, his ribs were not much better, but smiling.

  — Damn beast! - Karsacry said still smiling He liked a good fight and that useless human of Irynae , would have become in someone so powerful excited him.

  Logan awoke; he was lying on one of the chairs in the living room. Julius smiled.

  - I'm sorry I beaten you, but you were too angry.

  - And Jud? - Logan asked.

  - Quiet she is fine; as she drank, some blood was recovered from his wounds.

  Logan swallowed hard and closed his eyes. At least worthwhile the effort.

  - Yes, you've passed the test.

  - Test?

  — Really, you think that we will leave in the hands of these people. Karsacry watching the house at all times, except when he went for you.

  — You're telling me that you have allowed Jud suffer torture by hand of those heartless just to test my courage, loyalty or any other shit?

  - So is. But no one forced her, she volunteered. - replied Straush that then came into the room. He sat down next to Logan.

  - I have to admit I was not sure of you. But you have proved worthy of trust. From now you are a member of the clan, without restrictions or tests. —amicably he hits Logan's shoulder and left.

  Jud came in like a whirlwind and threw himself upon Logan.

  - I knew you would come! How cool, how did you end up with them and your eyes were white!

  - Quiet Jud, you're going to go crazy with your screams. - Replied Logan.

  — Forgive am very excited, very long time we do not have a new member in the clan.

  - There is something I do not understand why you left torturing in that mode? Could you break the chains and defend?

  Jud looked at him seriously.

  - The plan was to release me as signed into the house, but sprayed the iron chains with rose oil. Neither the oil nor the chains affect us individually but together, we lose our strength.

  In the minds of Logan ran a very interesting idea to hearing that.

  Karsacry entered the room and asked to Julius and Jud to leave him alone with Logan. He sat in front of him and was silent.

  — Strong enough to be a wimp Pegas. - Karsacry said.

  - If you want, I get up and give you a kick in the ass. - Logan replied.

  Karsacry laughed.

  - There will be no more fights between us. Now you're my brother. All who belong to my clan are sacred to me.

  Karsacry rose greets him with the head and went out.

  Logan joined as he could, had the aching body and riddled with bullets. He did not understand how he was still alive. He shivered and stood up as he could, as he began to suffer muscle spasms throughout the body. From his body emerged bullets were falling to the ground, causing a soft tinkling on the floor of black marble.

  — Not bad! Julius told me the details of the substance inhabiting your blood. You will be very useful in your new life.

  Logan looked at her. She was so beautiful, her extremely white skin contrasted with his black hair. When he looked at her felt like the Logan unscrupulous womanizer disappeared. He was another before her, although he continued behaving like a jerk, but he could not help but provoke her.

  Iryna approached Logan, lifted his shirt and touched his body, trying to find a wound that had not been closed. Logan shuddered at the touch of her soft hands; no woman had caused those feelings in him. He looked at his eyes, aware that the desire began to dominate.

  Iryna pulled down his shirt.

  — You seem fine. - She said as she gave him a slap in the face.

  - Oh, and this! First, you look if I'm okay and then you hit me. - Logan complained.

  - I do not like anyone to kiss me without my permission.

  Irynae stroked the neck of Logan with his right hand as he stroked his cheek with his left hand. She put his lips to the mouth of Logan and kissed him with a sweetness that almost made him mad.

  - This is for what you did for Jud. - She said as turned his back and walked away up stairs.<
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  - Fuck! If I have to mow with bullets, cause problems until the identity card and save his friend to give me a kiss? What would I do to have some sex?

  Chapter 8

  Logan crossed the room and walk down the corridors of the mansion. He went down the stairs really did not know where they led. It was rare to have the freedom to investigate the home of a vampire clan, but basically he felt good for the first time felt he belonged to somewhere. They had become something of a strange family. In the Upstairs an electric guitar was heard, should be Jud. She was his favorite breeding.

  The stairs culminated in a metal door. Turn the knob and entered. Julius was very focused with a team of laboratory specimens.

  - Hello again, Logan.

  — Forgive me, I did not want to disturb you was nosing.

  - Come in and sit beside me.

  This room must have been in the past a winery, but now was full of electrical appliances of all kinds, very advanced computers, medical equipment and objects that had no idea that they could serve. Everything was arranged around the room by curious half-shelves. In the middle, there was a large table with all the equipment samples and a computer. Logan sat behind Julius on a stool comfortable-looking.

  — Julius, I can make you a question?

  - Sure Logan. Shoot!

  - How you became a vampires?

  - Ugh! That's a lot of questions. - He paused, perhaps thinking whether or not to tell him -. I was a doctor during the Great Depression, were crazy times. People lost everything and just jumping from buildings. Working on a vaccine that would serve to treat heart conditions. One night when I was about to get on my car, a robber hit me a shot. Straush turned me before I died, and I thank him.

  — You grateful him? He condemned you to live forever.

  - Logan Tell me, do you know the Livasatin 5?

  - Yes, the best cancer treatment exists today. - Logan said.

  - I created it. Certainly with the income generated paid this mansion, but it's still the most effective and economical treatment that exists today. Julius said -. You do not know what that means the eternity for a scientist.


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