A Stranger in My Window

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A Stranger in My Window Page 5

by J Benito, C; Renzi, Federico;

  — Of course you're not Iryna. To you did not give you a kiss nor drunk.

  The being jumped on him trying to stick his fangs into his neck. Logan tried to avoid his bites, grabbed him by the neck and concentrated. His eyes rolled back, raised the being and gave him a strong punch, which disfigured. However, his face was regenerated quickly. He grabbed Logan's arm and threw him against the wall. It was a shattering impact, He can feel how his bones creak, though regenerated, he was not like those things, and the pain does not disappear just like that.

  The being caught him a foot and threw him against the ceiling. Logan fell, knackered.

  — Just, what I needed. This fucking bug that think I am a ball. - He said while spitting blood.

  With difficulty, he got up, walked to the being who seemed to be enjoying. He focused again and ran to him. This time he could not avoid his onslaught, the being briefly fell senseless on the floor. Logan ran into the kitchen, opened the drawers but could not find what he was looking.

  — Lola fuck! Where did you put. - He can hear that aberration as he rose, opened a drawer of the island -. Here it is! Let's see if it is true that cuts everything. Said wielding a Japanese knife of twenty centimeters -.Hey baldy! I keep playing with you, but the truth is that you bored me.

  The being jumped on Logan that turned dodging his attack.

  — End of the game! - Logan said while giving a setback curtail the vampire's head, just as he turned around ready to move against him.

  Logan looked at the ground covered by the ashes of that strange being.

  - You'll see tomorrow! Let's see how I told that to Lola everything is dusty.

  Opened window and looked at the roof of the adjacent building he was aware of his abilities but that did not stop will cost jump from one building to another. His human limits were still well rooted in his mind.

  He gathered her courage and jumped. It was an adrenaline rush, fall from that height, but he liked. He continued jumping from building to building, giving the odd setback. Must arrive at the mansion, he needed an explanation, he was tired of his apartment had become a vampire buffet.

  The mansion was far away, but run like that and jump from side to side it was very funny. Logan went on his way without a break. For a moment he felt a strong grip on the right shoulder, the intensity grew. He was forced to stop at an old roof rubbed his shoulder and went on to the mansion.

  When he arrived, Jud opened the door as always with a smile on his face, although showing great curiosity about his unexpected visit.

  - Can someone explain why a bald, ugly, no ears nor nose and a large mouth that a mailbox has attacked me in my apartment?

  Julius came to hear the conversation. Irina and Strauss appeared out of as nowhere.

  Chapter 11

  They all look, could not believe he had finished with a dark.

  - How did you kill him? - Asked Straush.

  - I cut off the head with a knife of teleshopping. - Logan said.

  Irynae and Jud laughed, but not for long. Straush the rebuked them with his eyes, there were people dying because the dark.

  — I see that the suit works. That being would you crushed like a fly in normal circumstances. - Julius said, adjusting his glasses with a finger.

  — I do not think you understand. This guy has ascended to skyscrapers, to finish me when he could kill anyone in the street with ease. I do not think he look to me, but to you. Explained irritated Logan.

  - He's right! It is clear that they have a leader. They must have followed us for a long time, otherwise they would not know about Logan. They seek to weaken us, killing our allies. - Strauss said.

  — Open your eyes and do not be mercy for them. We are in war. As for you Logan will be better you stay in the mansion although you manage yourself well, I do not think you can do nothing again several of them. Straush said.

  Julius and Straush moved away towards the stairs. Jud gave him a kiss on the cheek to Logan and ran upstairs to his bedroom.

  Iryna stood there looking at him. Logan slowly approached to her and took his hand. It seemed incredible the great seducer was intimidated. Irynae squeezed his hand and led him into the garden. They walked for hours because neither of them felt fatigue.

  Iryna sat on a stone bench and she accompanied by Logan. The black silk dress carrying the vampire was extremely sexy. He had to make a great effort not to look where he should not, if he wanted to imperiously.

  — What are those dark? - Logan asked.

  - Not are like us. All we come from of the same branch already lost and the who barely some vampires know his name or history. During the process there was a mutation on the one hand we arise us and the other the dark. Although they are weaker than we are, they are able to turn humans with greater ease. They have no manners or scruples. A long time ago, we were at war with them, we believed to have extinct they. I do not understand how they have been able to return. But I'm sure they have another bastion, by themselves are not able to act strategically. And the fact that they have not killed a large part of the population of Chicago is proof of that.

  — Those darks seem tough guys _?

  Iryna looked him.

  - Tell him that you killed! - Irynae said smiling.

  Logan ran his hand down the back of the vampire up to her waist. She looked at him with a strange sweetness, still had difficulty accepting a friendly Irynae.

  Four dark ones jumped in front of them. Irynae issued a warning cry to the rest of vampires.

  — Fuck! - Logan shouted. Unarmed and I with this hair!

  Irynae looked at him, smiled funny, but in his eyes there was something else, ecstasy that caused the hunt. She jumped on one of them; standing over his shoulders pulled her head to pluck it and killed another with a kick. Logan in turn gave a punch in the mouth to one of the dark, while grabbing another by the hand to hold it and thus inflicting a forceful kick to the hip. He could feel how her bones were broken, but was aware that that was not enough.

  Iryna pulled an iron bar from a rusty gate and used it to pass through the front of the dark that had knocked, and then twisted the bar as if it were a lathe and the dark head split in two. Logan was concentrated, his eyes became white and his strength doubled. He grabbed the two beings by the neck and pulled his heads as if uncork a couple of bottles of champagne.

  — Four out of four. - Irina said as she grabbed Logan for his neck and kissed him.

  Behind them is heard the noise of breaking windows. The darks were throwing incendiary grenades inside. Logan grabbed the arm of Irynae, who was preparing to run there. She looked at him blankly, but then was set more closely. A horde of darks was jumping the garden wall their number was now unstoppable. She did not understand how Logan could see them before she, of course the suit made him very powerful.

  - Run! Straush cried carrying in his arms Jud.

  Julius also urged them to get out. Logan pulled Irynae on the arm of and left the scene together.

  They ran without looking back until they can reach a safe distance. From the top of an old building in ruins, they looked as the mansion was burning.

  - Logan do you have some place where to stay apart of the apartment? - Asked Straush.

  - Yes. A flat in the Excelsiors.

  - Irynae, you'll stay with him. The rest we will leave to club of Láyonel to organize the clans. Stay tuned to my call. - Ordered Straush, while returning to pick her up Jud and with Julius, they went over the rooftops to the north of the city.

  What's wrong with Jud? - Logan asked worriedly.

  - Quiet, Julius told me that a dark wounded her but in a few hours will be ready for combat. - answered Irynae.

  — - Well let's get out of here! But when we get to Excelsiors you come through the roof and I through the front door.

  - And why is that? - Asked Irynae sulking.

  - Honey, you have all the blood-stained clothes. You want to notify the police?

  Irynae looked the dress..

  — Yo
u're right, I'm in a terrible state.

  -Even so, you like me. Logan said.

  Irynae smiled and started the race to the skyscrapers.

  Logan arrived ultimately, although his powers was still at a disadvantage against the powers of the vampires.

  He greeted the doorman and the security guard.

  — Please, I need my key. Floor 821 .

  The concierge reviewed a shelf in front of the small counter and took a key from a shelf.

  - Here are Mr. Wallace.

  Logan winked and disappeared into the elevator of the building. When he reached to the ground, Irynae was already resting on the front door. He had not told her nor the ground nor floor number once again she left him speechless. Logan approached her slowly wanted to contemplate her even with torn clothes and wild hair she was radiant.

  -It is for today! - Irynae complained.

  He opened the door and locked it, then dropped the key on top of a small table at the entry. Since he was not interested of decorating, pay a designer to be take care of everything and the truth is that not even went to see the result.

  - But what the hell is this! - Logan said.

  The whole floor was in gray and black, gothic furniture and white marble floor.

  Fuck this looks like a pantheon!

  — Well, I like it. - Iryna said she felt like being transported to the times of the French Revolution. In fact, it resembled one of the palaces in which she lived with Straush.

  - Logan took off his shirt and threw it over an ugly statue.

  - Step all, I'm going to shower!

  Iryna stood staring at him, was carried his hand to his mouth while she nibbling lips.

  Logan went into the bathroom, undressed and turned on the shower. He let out a sigh when the water stroked his back. It had not been a very good day. But at least he was with her.

  Suddenly he started convulsing and collapsed quickly breaking part of the screen. Irynae ran to the bathroom, intrigued by the din. She was shocked to see Logan on the floor with his eyes white while his chest was rising and fell spasmodically. She her into his arms and led him to the bed where this seemed to lose consciousness. Irynae closed the shower faucet and lay down beside him, spend the rest of the night looking for him.

  In the morning, Logan's eyes changed until returning to be green. Irynae seemed relieved to see breathing more rhythmic form.

  She felt troubled and strange, had never been suggested that he might die. Now that she had seen in a terrible state, she was shocked. The word love was not in his vocabulary, but certainly, he was important for her. Perhaps the idealize to resemble the vampire who once saved her or maybe liked the hard and ironic character of Logan. She curled up to him and kissed him on the cheek. She closed her eyes; she annoyed a little the growing clarity of the morning and tried to relax, but certainly not sleeping because vampires do not need.

  Logan was dreaming that ran through an enemy in a trench. With his browning machine gun peppered with all Germans who crossed his path. Strangest of all, seemed to be aware of being in a dream. He wore the insignia of a lieutenant in full uniform and takes ammo for the machine gun. The bitter and intense in the mouth, taste said he was smoking a cigar. It was crazy; he was awake in a dream. He peers out of the trench and watched as hundreds of amphibious boats approached the beaches. It was the D day.

  Chapter 12

  He could not believe what he was seeing, but still less, because he knew he was in a dream. Although aware his entire body, this was not responding to his commands. He moved hurriedly through the trenches shooting and jumping over the bodies of fallen soldiers. He arrived at the entrance of one of the bunkers, just as the door was closing. He threw a Granada within which not only killed several soldiers, but also deformed the door thereby preventing could be closed. He checked his weapon, checked the clip to make sure not to stay out of ammo in the middle of a shooting and ran inside.

  Several soldiers had mounted a machine gun and prepared to load the ammunition, when Logan shot them. He continued his climb up the stairs, which involved leading up to the turrets from which the guns of the eighty-eight were desperately trying to stop the Allied advance. Logan climbed the stairs, several soldiers and an officer turned to him. Bullets plowed stay, destroying the bodies of German soldiers. Introduced several grenades inside the canyons and down the stairs. The bunker shook a few guns would stop mow lives that day.

  Outside the bunker, a Nazi advance attempts to recover the section of the trench in which he stood. Logan was awake in his mind, but it was like being possessed, from inside saw everything that was happening but could not control his actions.

  He dropped the gun down, unhooked the carve with boots and threw them against some sandbags of the trench, he could not understand what he was doing. His eyes burned, it was as if they were on fire. His fingernails grew into claws of about fifteen centimeters.

  Nazi soldiers advancing in their direction, quickly opened fire, but the bullets did not hurt, his body almost instantly regenerated. When the soldiers were within reach, they watched horrified Logan. They did not have much time. Logan jumped on them like a bloodthirsty savage beast. Through his chest with his claws, he leaped forward with his bloody claws and beheaded an officer. Two soldiers opened fire with their rifles. Logan put aside the arms of the surprised soldiers and strung with its claws from the stomach into the depths of her womb.

  Logan woke up horrified; he could not believe or understand what had happened. Irynae stroked his back and looked at Logan, was still stunned, did not recognize where he was.

  -Where I am? - He asked.

  -In one of your flat. Your apartment was no longer safe.

  Logan rubbed his face and walked to the bathroom. He entered and turned on the cold water. But the suit annulled the chill. He punched to the wall and broke several tiles. Irynae who had followed him silently, watching him.

  - What happens with you have not seen me naked all night? Do you have to continue spying on me?

  - Do not be so smug. Not you have anything that has not seen before. - Answered cutting Irynae -. I see you have made reform in the bathroom. - Irynae said pointing shattered tiles.

  - It is suit. I feel nothing, neither cold nor hot. I start to become numb to everything.

  -¿To All? - Irynae took off her clothes, revealing her amazing body.

  - I think I still have some feeling down there. - Logan answered -. Of course, if yours is a joke, step. I'm not for games.

  Irynae approached him kissed him on the mouth first, then neck and was down his chest, while his tongue played and savored his whole body. Logan shook. Irynae come down more and more until his mouth met the most sensitive area of him. Logan could not stand more, now he had to master. He picked her up and carried her to bed. He began for his ankles with long, passionate kisses, was going up her thighs up to her stomach. She stroked the head of Logan, as he continued up to her breasts. Never believed that a human could fill it with so much desire, growing impatient, she wanted more. Logan kissed and licked her breasts more and more excited. Irynae turned and placed it over. She stroked Logan's chest while he felt how their bodies joined in the depths. Rhythmically. Irynae it was moving slowly, torturing so pleasurable that way already thought that her lover. She collapsed on him still moving, the kisses became more intense and provocative. Logan grabbed her waist to feel closer their union, until the climax came and both were exhausted eye to eye.

  In the basement of the club Straush had been locked in an office. Julius playing a game with Jud and Karsacry hitting a punching bag.

  - When we will return to the mansion? Karsacry asked.

  - The mansion is history. Now we must concentrate the clans and start searching the dark lair. - Julius answered.

  - Those cursed dark took me by surprise, but look forward to running into them and pluck a few heads. - said Jud sulking remember wounds that those beings had caused her. She needed a revenge.

  Straush examined maps of Chicago, did
a thorough Internet search. There were too many possible places where a beehive could be installed. That afternoon the bastions of the clans under his command would come to the club and he should have an acceptable plan of action.

  Mark several possible targets, a steel factory abandoned, an ancient network of coal silos and the former course of the meter. He did not like the idea but had to organize patrols roam the city. Many of his men would not return alive but had no choice. If the hive was not destroyed, soon their numbers multiply quickly and be impossible to contain their advance.

  That would mean the annihilation of the human in Chicago, but that did not happen while he was in charge.

  He remembered the battles in which he participated since ancient Rome to Vietnam. His military experience was unique, already once finished with dark and now would win, whatever the cost.

  Logan hugs Iryna _ _, kissed her and felt the pleasure of being reciprocated.

  - What are we doing? - _ Asked.

  - Enjoy the moment. - Irynae answered.

  - Are you aware that if we go ahead, you will see me grow old and even die?

  Irynae kissed him.

  - Let the punishment for later, however at this time whether you're a human or vampire. If the dark are imposed, all die.

  _ pulled her against his chest and stroked her hair. I knew that underneath all that vanity and threats layer had a little heart.

  - But I'm afraid that you were wrong with me. I'm not the person saved you when you were little. Maybe had my physical but not my personality. I have always treated women as trophies, I'm selfish and despicable and I have always behaved so.

  — You were not selfish with Jud.

  - I like her well, that's all.

  - You had me worried, I thought you were dying. - Irynae said.

  - What do you mean?

  - You passed out and your eyes were white. As much as I tried to revive you, it was impossible.

  Logan was thoughtful, remembered lost consciousness. Should be a side effect of the suit; he would have to talk with Tony.


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