Baby + the Late Night Howlers

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Baby + the Late Night Howlers Page 19

by Kathryn Moon

  “Do you miss your old job?”

  He huffed. “Nah. Keep in touch with some of my old co-workers and it’s the same old shit in there. I looked into starting my own company at one point, but I don’t have the deep pockets to dig my way into that field. Here I can control the product, put care and thought into the buyer. It may not be a cure for cancer, but it doesn’t come with dangerous side effects. Tom does some buying for the heavier recreational stuff, but for the most part we’re a medical dispensary.”

  “Did you make those truffles you gave me?”

  “Just the oil for them. Tom knows a guy in the neighborhood with a chocolate shop. You like ‘em?”

  I blushed, and Ryan raised his eyebrows as I nodded slowly. “I had one yesterday before Jonah and I… everything was very heightened.”

  Ryan grinned, a rare and beautiful sight, and I squirmed closer. “Hmm, that is worth knowing. I think we have some lotions we could experiment with too.” He laughed softly as I lit up at the suggestion. “Now, I let you stall and change subjects. If you won’t tell me what rattled you, will you tell me what I can do to help?”

  I avoided Ryan’s stare, mapping the muscle of his throat and the sharp angles of his jaw. I leaned in, took another long hit of the dark and heavenly scent of his, and he started purring. “I’m just… still navigating what’s omega and what’s me, and where those overlap, I guess. I won’t get it right every time.”

  “Omega is just biology, sweetness,” Ryan said, voice rough with his purr. “You fit us because you’re you. Anybody ever leaves you confused on the subject, they need to get their head on straight.”

  “If I was still a beta and I wandered into the bar…”

  Ryan shifted us, curling over me and blocking the room out, his salt and pepper hair hanging into his eyes. I pushed it away so I could soak up the heavy look he was giving me. “I would’ve asked if you’d let me buy you a drink.” He bent his head, rubbed his cheek against mine and pressed his lips to my ear. “And then I would’ve asked if you wanted to go somewhere less crowded.” I sighed, breath shaky and eyes falling shut as he kissed down the length of my jaw. “Told you to call in sick the next day so I could keep you in bed with my face between your thighs.”

  Then he smacked a noisy, sucking kiss to the skin over my pulse and leaned back, smiling.

  There was heat in my belly, but my skin wasn’t itchy the way it seemed to get before I became really demanding about sex. As tempting as Ryan’s alternate version of our introduction was, I was feeling pretty fond of how I’d found him at the moment.

  “Will you lay on top of me?” I asked, answering his smile with one of my own.

  His eyebrows ticked up. “Haven’t heard it put like that before.”

  I snorted and shook my head. “Nevermi—“

  Ryan moved, his arms tucking behind my head as he balanced himself above me. “Like this?”

  He was so tall he could cover me head to toe like a blanket. I nodded and then realized he probably couldn’t really see what I was doing, and a head shake might feel about the same as a nod. I dug my fingers into his sweater on his side and tugged him down.

  “Yeah, but you don’t have to hold yourself up. Lay down.”

  He hummed and hesitated before slowly sinking down. The couch was so soft and I was pressed into the cushions, his weight on just the right side of pressure, heavy enough to hold me still without it being hard to breathe.

  “Are you sure I’m not crushing you?” he asked, the words mostly a vibration through his chest and throat.

  “No. Feels safe,” I said.

  With that, Ryan was purring, loud and dense. I parted my thighs slightly, letting him nestle between them, slightly hard. It was sexual and comforting, the force of his purr just slightly erotic against my core, but mostly soothing. His cheek rubbed the top of my head, fingers tangled in my hair.

  “You are safe, sweetness.”

  “Holding you to the face between my thighs thing for later though,” I murmured and felt him laugh in response.

  We stayed like that, quiet aside from Ryan’s dense and uneven purr. The vibration was pleasant between my thighs, but neither of us pushed for more. Every few minutes Ryan’s face would shift, a kiss landing somewhere new on my forehead or in my hair. I was nearly asleep when the door opened.

  “Hey, there you ar—“ Bullet’s voice broke off abruptly and his throat cleared. “Okay, I can’t tell if this is a sex thing or not.”

  “Not,” Ryan said, words in my hair as he refused to move. “What’s up?”

  “Roads are clear and the temp just spiked to the low sixties.”

  Ryan twitched over me and I loosened my hold on him, letting him roll to the side. “What does that mean?”

  “Heyyyy, there’s my kitten,” Bullet said grinning. “It means we’re going for a ride, Baby.”

  Ryan and Bullet made me change into jeans and get my boots, and by the time we made it back down to the parking lot, the pack was waiting for us on sleek and shining motorcycles, engines humming at the ready.

  I fidgeted in place, eyes wide as I took in the sight. It was time for my first ride with my pack. With my motorcycle club. And I didn’t know what to expect or where to look. Chef and Brody and the others had betas on the back of their bikes, but my alphas all had an open spot for me.

  “Coal, Bullet, Scorch, and Bomber have the best seats for sharing,” Ryan said, frowning at his own bike and its narrow, sporty seat. “Gonna have to fix that for another time.”

  “Promised you I’d give you a ride, little omega,” Cole said, winking at me from his glossy, electric blue bike.

  Hard pass, I thought. Instead, I looked to Jonah. He was beaming at me, shoulders still loose and smile wide. The decision was mine.

  I turned to Bullet, bouncing on the balls of my feet, and he barked a laugh. “My fuckin’ honor, kitten.”

  “Give our princess her crown,” Tom called out, and Shade brought forward a beautiful helmet with a short visor. It was a nearly black, glittering, emerald color. Bullet took it into his hands as I faced him, standing by his great beast of a motorcycle, all frosted chrome and black leather.

  Bullet leaned down to my ear. “Lean in on the vibration and the turns, and you’ll feel like you’re flying.”

  I nodded and he smiled, putting the helmet on over my hair. It fit like a glove, and I grinned up at him like a kid on Christmas morning as he fastened it in place.

  He helped me on the bike behind him, showing me where to brace my feet, and then wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Ready, brothers?” Jonah called out.

  “Ready,” the pack chorused.

  Engines revved and I squeezed tight around Bullet, a giggle in my throat as we started forward, bike thrumming between my thighs like an alpha with a monster purr. It took me one block and one tipping turn around the corner to fall in love with riding a motorcycle. And as much as I loved holding onto Bullet as we sped through the city with a chorus of machine roars, I wondered how much begging I’d need to do to get a bike of my very own.



  The purr of Bullet’s motorcycle between my legs had been nearly orgasmic.

  Nearly. Not quite, although I might’ve been distracted by my own excitement at riding for the first time.

  But Ryan’s purr as he flicked between the underside of my clit and down a tender stripe of flesh to my opening? That absolutely was orgasmic.

  His purr flared as my nails scratched over his back and up his neck. His fingers curled inside of me, skimming with incredible care against aching nerves, and it was every bit as good as his mouth on my pussy.

  My fingers dug into his hair as I arched and trembled on the bed for the second time since we’d gotten back from the ride. The first orgasm had been slightly due to exhilaration and an engine vibration keeping me at a simmer for an hour. Ryan hadn’t even undressed and he hadn’t expected me to shatter apart, my legs still trapped in my jeans at
the knees as he playfully burrowed his mouth over my sex. It’d been an accident, really.

  The second was entirely to my alpha’s credit.

  Ryan growled as I sagged and panted, trying to catch my breath. We were both naked now, hands having greedily stripped one another. I’d gotten a brief taste of precum while I’d dragged his jeans down before he kicked them off and threw me back onto the bed.

  “Want your sweet taste again, Baby,” he said. His tongue traded places with his fingers and I shivered, clutching at his hair and trying to pull him up to kiss me.

  “Enough. Enough, please, Ryan,” I gasped. “Please, I want you.”

  Ryan took a last long, obscene lick from between my thighs, and then purred, sucking briefly at the crease of one thigh to hip and then the other, the kisses stirring up shimmery aftershocks through me. I moaned and propped myself up on my elbows, prepared to give Ryan a hard time until he came and kissed me. The words died on my tongue at the sight of Ryan bent over me, mouth marking up a wet trail to my stomach, his tan back shifting like water as he worked his way up to my breasts. His bare stomach pressed to my damp sex as he mouthed over my breasts, his hands sliding under my ass and up my back to hold me to his hungry lips.

  The sensation, the heat of his breath and scratch of his teeth and slick soothing of his tongue, was too good to resist. I melted into the embrace, my hands studying his skin as my eyes slid shut. Unconsciously, my hips rolled and rocked, still waiting and craving the stretch of him inside of me, the knot kissing the places inside of me nothing else could reach.

  He paused between my breasts, the tip of his nose running a line up and down my ribs. He sucked in a deep breath and before I could ask, or beg, Ryan surged up, balanced on his hands with his face directly above mine.

  “You sniffin’ me again, wolfman?” I asked, marveling at the twitch of his quiet smile and the steady warmth of him hovering above me.


  I snorted softly and tipped my head. “What’s my smell telling you now?”

  His grin flashed and his hips sank against mine, making me catch my breath as he surged against me, cock sliding through the sheen of my release. “That I’ve satisfied my omega, and that’s the most satisfying feeling I’ve ever known.” His head bent as I blushed, and he kissed the corner of my jaw before speaking in my ear. “That your sweetness only gets stronger with every orgasm. That you want my knot.”

  I sighed and whined, trying to force the head of Ryan’s cock into place to press inside of me. “I do, you know I do.”

  “Then show me,” he whispered in my ear. “Elbows and knees.”

  My breath hitched. He was asking me to present for him. I’d seen it in the AO porn I’d watched, omegas lowering their upper bodies to a bed and raising their ass into the air as they whined and waited to be knotted. I’d even felt the urge to do it. I hadn’t actually taken the opportunity.

  Ryan reared back on his knees, cock jutting proudly, barely-there smile softening his stern expression. I sat up and his hands reached for me, a heavy, deep kiss pressed to my lips, my own flavor sneaking in with a sweep of his tongue. He leaned back and I followed, chasing him for more until I was up on my knees. He pulled away, one hand swatting softly against my ass.

  His right brow lifted. “Sweetness, what did I say?”

  I grinned, stomach flipping happily at my reticent alpha opening up enough to tease me.

  “Yes, sir,” I purred watching Ryan’s eyes darken before I shuffled and lowered myself back to the bed.

  My breast dragged against the sheets as I stretched into position, heat flooding my cheeks as I realized the view I’d given Ryan and the vulnerable position I’d put myself in. It wasn’t uncomfortable. In fact, it was thrilling. I trusted Ryan not only to not hurt me, but to be as invested in my pleasure as I was in his.

  Fingers skimmed over the round of my ass and down the back of my thighs, and I quivered, picking one knee up to part my legs and offer a clearer invitation. Ryan’s hand stopped me, squeezing briefly around the side of my thigh. His own knees framed mine and his hands guided his cock against the lips of my pussy, teasing the head against me and leaving a sticky trail.

  “I want you squeezing around every inch of me, sweetness. Want you to feel so full, you don’t know where I end and you begin.”

  I nodded rapidly, leaning back and moaning as my nipples scraped over the cotton sheets, the sensation suddenly hyper-erotic.

  “Please, please fuck me,” I begged.

  “Call me sir again,” Ryan said with an uncharacteristic brightness. “I think I liked that, Baby.”

  “Please, sir,” I whined as he prodded my entrance, bouncing off slightly with my legs pressed together. “Please fuck me, sir. I wanna feel you, want you to take me—“ the words broke off with a sudden cry as Ryan bucked, cock forcing its way in with a heady and satisfying resistance. My body gave gladly to his entrance, but there was no denying that he was making room for himself against the odds of the tight position. “Oh god, Ryan, yes.”

  “That’s it, sweetness,” he growled. “That’s my good girl.”

  I whimpered and then gasped as Ryan pulled slowly out before driving forward again, sinking deeper.

  “You like that? Like to hear how good you make your alphas feel? How pretty and perfect this ass is?” Ryan, quiet Ryan, found a sudden fountain of filthy and frenzied praise as he fucked me. Every word made me gasp, moan, lose my grip on the thin threads of sanity I’d been clinging to.

  “Yes, more. Ryan, please. So fucking good, sir,” I whimpered.

  “Your soft skin. Wanna lick every inch of you. Bite my mark over every inch.”

  His knot was growing, and Ryan was staying pressed close, not fitting himself in but instead teasing my opening with the girth I wanted so badly inside of me. At the mention of his bite, I shouted, back arching and head thrown back, stretching my neck for his sight.

  “Please. Please, alpha.”

  “You don’t know what you do to me, sweetness. How bad I wanna taste you, mark you.”

  Cole had made claims like this that left me equally shivery and nervous. Jonah had promised me the bond, but only when I’d come crashing down after my first knot and asking him to bite me. Ryan’s words came flying out of him as if they were unconscious confessions, as if I was drawing them out of him instead of him taking control of my body, claiming me.

  Maybe we’d been bathing in each other’s scents too long, losing touch with the still slightly tenuous balance of my place in the pack. Or maybe we were just desperate enough in the moment to speak an involuntary truth.

  I keened as Ryan drew back again just before lodging his knot in. “Ryan, alpha, I want your mark,” I hissed. Sweat was dewing on my back and my thighs were shaking, pinned in place by Ryan’s position over me. “Please. Please, bite me.”

  You need to get your mouth under control, a distant voice in my head offered. It was buried under the delicious thrust and pound of Ryan fucking me, his hips knocking against my ass. If the pressure of his knot teasing me left me clawing the sheets, I wondered how much of an exquisite torture it was for him.

  Ryan growled and bowed over me, hot chest hitting my back. One of the hands stroking my hips and stomach and breasts was suddenly on the back of my neck, pulling me into a tight arch. My alpha snarled, and the slow teasing circle of his hips was one sudden kick. I came with a low scream as Ryan’s knot landed, stars bursting behind my eyes as fire raced through me. There was a pinch on my shoulder, followed by a deep ache of muscle, and my scream turned into a whispery gasp. He’d bitten me, body tense over mine, slowly pushing me down into the bed.

  Like that first morning I’d woken up with him, Ryan had me pinned beneath him, his arms around me as we both came. Except this time he wasn’t scraping his teeth over my skin to see if I liked it. Heat flashed inside of me as Ryan came in short, rough snaps of his hips until he stilled, both of us melting down on the bed.

  The pressure on my should
er vanished and Ryan hissed, face pressing to the side of mine.

  “Fuck, Baby.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, turning to try and see the bite. “It’s fine. I wanted it.”

  Ryan shuddered on top of me, and I hummed and then frowned at my shoulder. There was a mark, red and white, but no blood.

  “Sweetness, I didn’t bite,” he said, nuzzling my temple. “Fuck, I almost did though. Baby I- we all promised you.”

  “Oh,” I said, staring at the mark on the shoulder. It was a clear and distinct outline of Ryan’s teeth, slightly purple in the deepest parts where he’d nearly broken the skin. There was definitely going to be a bruise. But it would heal. And I found that surprisingly disappointing.

  “I’m so sorry, Baby,” he murmured. His hands were petting my sides, lips pressing in a repetitive pattern to my temple.

  I was drowsy with pleasure and confused by my own reaction to the not-bite, but one thing was clear. Ryan was stressing.

  “Hey.” I tried to twist and then winced. There was no way with us plastered to each other like this that I was gonna get decent face time with Ryan, so I settled for finding his hands and tangling our fingers together. “It’s fine. I’m fine. I know what I put down on that form and everything, but…look, Ryan, if you’d bitten I’d be happy about it right now. I am happy right now,” I clarified. I twisted my neck until I caught his eye, worry folding between his brows. “I know it was the heat of the moment and all that, but I…” I didn’t know how to say it without admitting things that it was far too soon to say.

  “You’re okay?” He rolled to the side, taking me with him and holding me in a deep and comforting spoon with his arms around my body. One hand lifted, fingertip tracing the grooves of his teeth as the mark swelled and blurred.

  I covered his hand with mine and leaned into him as much as I was able until his chin was covering the bite. “I’m amazing, promise.”

  I wiggled back against him and Ryan purred, the rumble carrying through my entire body. “Well that I knew, sweetness,” he said, finally relaxing.


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