Beautiful One

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Beautiful One Page 13

by Mary Cope

  “I wanted to take you someplace special. Happy anniversary. You’re so beautiful, Liz.” Aidan’s eyes shifted to the table and then back to me. “When I saw you at your birthday party wearing that dress, you took my breath away.” Aidan squeezed my hand tight. “I’m sorry I was such a jerk that night.”

  “It’s okay, Aidan, everything worked out.”

  My afternoon with Spencer crept into my thoughts and I hated myself for it. I got up from my side of the booth and slid in next to Aidan. I embraced him, willing the image of Spencer from my mind.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I leaned up to kiss him, then our server arrived. She placed our beautifully plated meal in front of us as I got up and went back to my side of the table. I unrolled my silverware from the crisp linen napkin and placed it across my lap. Aidan cut into his steak and placed a small portion on my plate. I returned the gesture with one of my scallops. Aidan wrinkled his nose at me.

  “I’m not much of a fish eater.” He pouted.

  “Oh, don’t be a baby.”

  Aidan stabbed the scallop with his fork and placed it in his mouth. I watched his wary expression transform into joy.

  “See? Good, huh?”

  “So good.” He smiled.

  When I took a bite of my scallop, my mouth watered from the buttery richness that invaded my taste buds. “Mmm… delicious,” I murmured.

  “Mine too,” Aidan agreed then cut into another piece of his steak.

  Throughout our meal, the server came back on several occasions to replenish our breadbasket and refill our drinks. When I couldn’t eat another bite, I pushed my plate in front of me.

  “Would you like dessert?” Aidan asked.

  “I’m stuffed.”

  “Me too. How about if we walk around for a bit?”

  “I’d like that.”

  Aidan made eye contact with our server. “May we have the check please?”

  “My pleasure,” she replied.


  Aidan took my hand and guided me through the resort. Eventually, we ended up at an outside balcony overlooking the beautiful Pacific. The moon shimmered over endless miles of ocean. Aidan hugged me from behind and wrapped me in his arms. He peppered my neck with kisses, and when his lips reached my earlobe, I was rewarded with a gentle nibble that sent chills down my spine. He shifted me around and grasped the back of my neck and pressed his lips against mine. His eyes burned with a dozen different emotions until his softened gaze settled on my face. He stroked my cheek with the tips of his fingers then brushed the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip before he kissed me again.

  Aidan leaned in, the look in his eyes pure. When he whispered “I love you,” I knew he meant it, which made my heart ache all the more. I didn’t say anything in return.

  My rollercoaster of emotions was getting to me. I wasn’t sure if what I felt for Aidan was love. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything, so after another passion-filled kiss, like a coward, I turned away. He hugged me, and I buried my face in the warmth of his chest. We spent the next hour wrapped in each other’s arms as the moonlit sky surrounded us.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The doorbell rang. Maggie barked, and seconds later Melissa hollered from the steps below.

  “Liz, are you up there?”

  “Ya, I’ll be right down,” I yelled from the upstairs landing.

  Melissa was scrounging around in the cupboards when I walked into the kitchen. She pulled out a box of crackers but put it back. “I’m starving. Let’s go get something to eat. You can tell me about last night in the car.”


  Melissa sucked down her chocolate shake while we waited at the drive-thru for the rest of our food.

  “So, he told you he loved you, and you didn’t say anything?”

  “No… I hugged him. That was it.”

  Melissa cocked her head to the side, as if she was trying to figure me out. “Liz, you’re probably freaked out because of the other night. I’m glad you’re not saying ‘I love you’ just because he did.”

  “He’s not your favorite. I know that… but I care about him.”

  Melissa grabbed the bag from the take-out window, handed it to me and pulled away. I opened the bag and grabbed a couple of fries.

  “I remember when you told me how it was for you and Mason. You both couldn’t wait to tell each other. I… I just thought it would be the same for me.”

  Melissa stuffed her hand deep in the bag and grabbed a fried zucchini. “How did he seem after? Was it awkward?”

  “No. It was a good night. I just always thought if he told me, I’d say it back. No hesitation… ya know?”

  My mind settled on thoughts of Spencer. I considered telling Melissa about him but, knowing how she felt about Aidan, I wasn’t going there with her.

  “I can’t believe he didn’t freak out. Maybe there’s hope for him yet.” She smirked then took a bite from the zucchini strip.

  Melissa pulled into the driveway. The open garage door and the guys playing surprised me. I glanced over at her before she put the car in park.

  “Did you know they were practicing today?”

  “No idea.”

  “I feel bad we didn’t get them anything.”

  Melissa held up the bag. “Do you think that’ll stop ‘em?”

  We exited the car and sat on the garage couch. The minute Melissa opened the bag, Mason and Derek were hovering over her with outstretched hands. I grabbed a handful of fries and was able to get two zucchini strips. Kyle walked from his keyboard toward us. I held up a zucchini.

  “Hey, Kyle, ya want it?”

  “No, that’s okay.” He sat on the arm of the couch. Melissa was next to me with Mason on her other side. After Derek tipped the bag in his mouth and ate the remaining fries, he squished in between Melissa and me.

  “Where’s Aidan?” I asked.

  “On his way,” Mason answered.

  “What are you guys doing? You never practice on Tuesdays.”

  “Derek can’t make it Sunday.”

  Derek piped up from his side of the couch. “I gotta hot date.”

  “But you’ll be back before we go on?” Mason eyed Derek.

  “Yes. I’ll be back… daddy.”

  “Hey, I wouldn’t have to be your daddy if you’d show up on time.”

  Mason got up from the couch and kissed Melissa on the lips before he walked over to the makeshift stage and picked up his guitar. Derek stretched out across the couch and put his head on my lap and his butt on Melissa.

  “Cut it out, Derek.” I pushed his head off me, but he just put it back. Melissa shoved him, causing him to fall to the floor. Kyle was still next to me with his arm draped across the back of the couch. With the laughter and commotion of Derek’s less-than-graceful fall, I never heard Aidan’s arrival. A loud cough alerted me to his presence.

  He was standing off to the side, half in the garage, half out. I wasn’t sure how long he’d been standing there, but by the look on his face, I was sure he had seen Derek’s head on my lap. I watched his eyes shift from me to Kyle’s arm. His expression was unreadable, but I would have bet money that he wasn’t happy. He let out a deep breath as he approached me. Kyle got up and headed over to the keyboard.

  “Hi.” I saw the disapproval in his eyes. Aidan leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before he acknowledged the guys and Melissa. He sat next to me and placed his arm around my shoulder while he whispered in my ear.

  “I hope I didn’t interrupt. Things seemed a little cozy from what I saw.”

  “Are you serious? Derek?”

  Aidan pulled me in close and whispered in my ear. “I’m not talking about Derek.”

  “What are you talking about?” I tried to keep my voice low. Melissa had gotten up and was chatting with Mason near the keyboard but I didn’t want her to question me on this ridiculous conversation we were having.

  “I’m talking about Kyle.” I glanced
at Kyle, who was eyeing us.

  “We’re friends, Aidan, you know that.”

  “Oh, I think he’d like to be more than friends.”

  “I thought you were working on this.”

  “Hey, I’m just telling you the truth. You have no idea, Liz.”

  “Oh, Aidan, let it go.” I sighed. Derek hopped behind his drums and started pounding.

  “That’s my cue.” Aidan got up, but not before he glanced at Kyle and branded me with a kiss.

  I had to remind myself Aidan was a work in progress. Determined not to let his irrational behavior get to me, I went inside while the guys practiced in the garage.


  I was singing and practicing at the piano when the grasp of warm hands made my shoulders tense. I continued to play as Aidan slid in next to me. When I finished the song, he leaned in and gave me a kiss.

  “That’s the first time you didn’t stop singing.” He smiled.

  “It’s getting easier.” I couldn’t help but think of Spencer, knowing he was the reason behind my confidence.

  “Just wanted to say goodbye before I left for work.” Aidan got up and held out his hand. “Walk me to my truck?” he asked.


  I got up and followed Aidan out. He leaned against his truck and pulled me in close. His lips enveloped mine, owning me. When I opened my eyes, Kyle was chatting with Mason in the garage. Kyle’s eyes met mine again. My eyes widened at Aidan.

  “Did you do that on purpose?”

  “Do what? I’m just kissing my girl.” His mock innocence was insulting.

  “I know what you’re doing, Aidan. You’d better knock it off.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he protested.

  Aidan smiled and hopped in the driver’s seat of his truck, but before he closed the door, he leaned over and yelled goodbye to Kyle and Mason, making sure he got one more quick kiss in before Kyle looked away. He shut his door while I stood next to the curb with my arms folded in front of me. Aidan flashed me a patronizing grin and blew me a kiss through the window before he drove away.

  After he left, I just wanted to clear my head. The best way for me to do that was running. It was still hard for me to believe that I enjoyed running. Feeling the need to pump some positive endorphins through my veins, I put on my usual attire and ran out the door. No Maggie today, just me. When I was overweight, I had heard of runner’s high and thought it wasn’t real. But, here I was, experiencing it and loving it.

  The sweat rolled down my face, and my back was wet with perspiration. I had run hard today. My mind seemed to be clearer, until I made my way up the street toward home.

  Spencer’s garage door was open, and he was piddling around inside. The thought ran through my mind to ignore him, but when he glanced my way, we made eye contact. He motioned for me to come over. Like a moth to a flame, I couldn’t resist. I adjusted my ponytail and wiped the sweat from my forehead with my arm.

  “Let me get you a towel. How ‘bout some water?”

  “That’d be great. Thanks,” I breathlessly answered.

  Spencer went in the house while I stood in the garage. All his camping gear was out. He was back within a few minutes. He handed me a small hand towel and a bottle of water.

  “Thanks.” I wiped my forehead and the back of my neck then guzzled the water until it was halfway empty. Spencer grabbed a couple of camping chairs and opened them up. He sat down and patted the chair next to him.

  “Take a seat.” He smiled. A smooth voice was crooning in the background.

  “I like this song,” I smiled.

  “Me too. I find his music soothing.”

  After I finished the rest of my water, Spencer motioned for me to hand him the empty bottle.

  “More?” he asked.

  I shook my head no. He tossed the empty bottle in a nearby recycling bin.

  “Have you always been a runner?”

  His question made me laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I started running about eight months ago.”

  “The way you run, I would have guessed you’ve been doing it for years. What got you interested?”

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell Spencer about my past, so I hesitated for a minute. Then I blurted it out. “I was sick of being fat.” I shrugged.


  “Yep. Lost a little over forty pounds last year.”

  “I don’t believe it.”

  “Trust me. I have plenty of pictures to prove it.”

  “I would have never thought that. I look at you and always think you’re a health nut.”

  That made me laugh.

  “Far from it. I love to eat. That’s the problem.”

  “Well, that’s good. I hate when girls don’t eat.”

  “Yes, but would you ever date a fat girl?” I lifted an arched eyebrow at him.

  “Actually, I have dated a bigger girl.”

  “I find that hard to believe. What happened to her?”

  “It just didn’t work out.” He shrugged.

  “Hmm… okay.” I scanned his face.

  “What? Do you want proof?”

  He started to rise from the chair, but I grabbed his arm.

  “No, no that’s okay. That’s nice to hear. Most guys aren’t like that. Seems they’d rather date someone with beauty on the outside rather than the inside.”

  “You’re lucky then. You’ve got both.” He smiled.

  My cheeks felt flushed, and I knew I was red. I wanted to get off the subject, so I glanced around the garage. “Are you going camping?”

  “Yeah, I’m taking Shawn and Simon Friday. We’re going to San Clemente for a night.”

  “It’s so close. Seems funny you’d go there.”

  “I know. It’s only because school is such a grind, and I can’t get away. The boys don’t care. They’re just happy to sleep in a tent and eat s’mores.” He laughed.

  “My favorite.”

  “You should come by, and we’ll make you some. In fact, I’ll bring my guitar, and we can practice a bit. Ya know, sing songs around the campfire. The boys would love it. You impressed them with your mad football skills. Especially Simon.”

  “Um… I’ll think about it.” I began to chew on my thumbnail.

  “Oh, that’s right. Boyfriend.”

  “Probably not a good idea.” That was a no brainer. Aidan would freak for sure. Sensing the shift in Spencer’s demeanor I decided to change the subject. “I never told you this, but I was close friends with the woman that used to live here.”

  “You were?”

  “She was good to me, kind and so full of life.”

  “What happened to her?”

  “She passed away… cancer.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “She always used to tell me that my life was before me… a blank canvas. ‘Paint it every color, Lizzie, and have no regrets.’ I loved her so.”

  “Wise words,” he said.

  I nodded.

  “Is it hard for you to be here… in my house?” Spencer’s eyes softened with concern.

  “No. I love coming here, it feels like… home.” My eyes lingered on his.

  Spencer squeezed my knee and smiled then leaned his body toward mine. His eyes slid to my lips then back to my gaze, causing me to sheepishly look away.

  “I should probably get home.” I stood up. “Thanks for the water,” I nervously muttered. “I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

  Spencer rose from his chair, and I handed him back the towel.

  “See ya,” he answered.

  I jogged down the driveway. I didn’t want to look, but I couldn’t help myself. I glanced back over my shoulder. He was standing in the same spot watching me as I jogged away.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Walking up the street to Spencer’s house, I realized I was beginning to look forward to our practice times together. I found myself thinking about him more than I should and longin
g for him when we were apart. I forcibly pushed the thoughts out of my head, dismissing them as a stupid infatuation.

  Spencer was in his driveway washing his jeep when I walked up to his house. When he saw me, he glanced up in surprise.

  “Crap! I lost track of time.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Do you want some help?” I picked up a sponge from a bucket full of soapy water and started washing down the jeep before he could answer me.

  “Thanks.” He smiled.

  We made quick work of scrubbing the jeep and hosing it off. Within twenty minutes, we were drying it with some old towels. Spencer’s stomach growled.

  “Did you hear that?” He laughed.

  “How could I not?”

  “You want to grab some dinner?” Spencer picked up the towels, walked into the garage, and tossed them next to the washing machine. I followed him with the empty bucket and placed it on the floor.


  While walking toward the jeep, I let my hand glide across the seat of the motorcycle. Spencer stopped in front of the sleek, black-and-chrome machine.

  “Do you want to take the bike?” he asked.

  My eyes grew wide, and a smile spread across my face.

  Spencer laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  I was relieved I didn’t have to answer. At that moment, all the saliva had left my mouth.

  He glanced at what I was wearing. “You’ll need a jacket.”

  “I could run home.” Adrenaline was pumping through my veins as I started down the driveway.

  “No, no, come back. There’s a jacket in the house you can wear, but I need to change.”

  I followed Spencer in the house, sat on his couch, and waited. A few minutes later he emerged from the hallway with his leather jacket draped over his arm.


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