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Maverick Page 11

by Ashers, LeAnn

  He strokes in and out, pressing against my ass. I arch my back slightly, pushing back against him.

  “Fuck,” he moans. I clench down onto him hard, already on the verge of losing myself again.

  I raise my head to look back at him. His head is thrown back as he slowly slides in and out of me.

  His hand moves between our bodies and he presses against the outside of my entrance the same time he slides deep inside of me, dragging my clit against the pillow.

  “FUCK!” I scream, my arms flailing, gripping the pillow under my head, hugging it to me.

  Maverick moves fast, opening my ass cheeks. I look back, still out of my mind at the relentless pleasure.

  He winks, his finger pressing against my ass. I jump so hard, I almost pull myself off of him.

  He pulls me back down hard, burying himself to the hilt. “Good?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I choke out. He presses his finger harder, slowly slipping his finger inside of me.

  I freeze. My toes curl and black spots move across my vision. He wiggles his finger and I gasp, trying to breathe. Maverick moves faster, hammering inside of me.

  I slam my hands against the headboard, coming so hard that everything inside of me burns.

  Maverick follows right with me. He falls down on my neck, his head pressed against my back.

  Both of us try to breathe, move, something.

  “I think I died,” I joke.

  He shakes my body with his laughter and pushes my hair over one shoulder to kiss my neck. “Good fucking way to go, isn’t it?”

  I snort. “The only way to go.”

  He kisses my shoulder once more before gently sliding out of me, lifting me out of the bed like I weigh nothing.

  “Round four?” he asks and throws open the shower door.

  “I won’t make it.”

  Oh, I made it.

  * * *

  I jump out of bed gasping for air. Maverick is already out of the room and I hurry behind him. My heart is pounding so hard I can feel it in my ears.

  We were woken by the most terrifying scream I’ve ever heard in my life.

  Maverick throws opens Ronny’s door, turning on the light. Ronny is in the corner of the room, holding his ears, screaming at the top of his lungs.

  “Ronny.” Maverick falls to his knees in front of Ronny, making sure not to touch him.

  I am shaken to my core.

  “I’m here, buddy,” Maverick says softly, over and over, until Ronny eventually stops screaming.

  I sit down next to Maverick, holding his hand.

  We wait and watch until Ronny slowly lowers his hands from his ears, then looks at us. “I had a bad dream.”

  “Can I hold you?” I ask.

  He nods and I lift him into my lap, wrapping my arms around him. “Let’s get in bed.” Maverick helps me carry Ronny into bed. I settle him in my lap and Maverick piles in next to us.

  “Want to tell us about it?” I kiss the top of his head, rocking side to side like he’s a small child.

  Maverick pulls up his blanket over all of us. I lean back in bed, holding him. “It was how scared I felt when the man reached inside of the center, grabbing me. I fought, but he told me my mommy sold me to him.”

  I close my eyes. I can’t even imagine the horror and how that felt, knowing that you are going to be taken and there is nothing you can do about it.

  “They took me to the house. They said things to me. I don't understand what it meant. I just know it was bad.”

  I look at Maverick. His jaw is clenched so hard I’m not sure how it’s not breaking.

  “I can’t imagine how scary that was, honey. You never have to fear again. You will always be safe with me and Maverick. Nightmares are awful and they remind you of bad things that have happened. I’ll be here to hold you through all of it.”

  He sniffs and wraps his little arm tighter around my stomach. “I love you Bell.”

  My nose burns from holding back the tears. “I love you too, sweetheart, more than anything.”

  I hold him a little tighter like I can take away his pain, his fears, and make him feel secure.

  Maverick kisses my temple, his arm wrapped around the both of us. Ronny reaches over and grabs Maverick’s hand. “I love you too, Maverick.” He pulls his hand over until it’s resting under Ronny’s neck.

  “I love you too, buddy.”

  Ronny sighs and goes silent, his body growing heavy as he falls back asleep. I imagine it’s so draining for him.

  “Sleep here with him?” I ask Maverick.

  He nods and scoots us farther in the bed. He lays on his side, wrapping his arms around the both of us, tucking us into him.

  I close my eyes, cocooned between Ronny and Maverick.

  * * *


  Two hours later

  The sound of Ronny’s screams will forever fucking haunt my dreams. I don't even remember getting out of bed and getting to his door.

  The sight of him huddled on the floor, the exact same place I found him in that fucked-up house.

  It’s killing me knowing I can’t fight this shit for him. It’s a huge part of me to protect and knowing that this is out of my control haunts me.

  I want to tear apart the people who did this to him and to her. I am making it my mission to make that shit happen.

  I can’t sleep. I can’t take my eyes off of them.

  Bell sits up in bed, gasping, and she climbs to the bottom of the bed. “Baby, what’s the matter?” I ask her, but she takes off out of the room without looking back.

  I slide out of the bed, making sure to tuck Ronny in, before I run after her.

  I find her in the bathroom in front of the toilet, puking. I grab a wash cloth from the cabinet, wetting it. “Baby, are you okay?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “I am so hurt by what happened to him. One day he will know what those men meant, what those words meant. I just woke up super sick to my stomach. It happens if I’m startled awake and I get sick from the fear.”

  I lean down and clean her face off, settling the cool rag on the back of her neck. “Come on.” I pick her up, setting her on the counter. She looks exhausted.

  It’s been a shit few days.

  I put some toothpaste on her brush. “Open.”

  She smiles slightly but does as I ask. I brush her teeth for her. “Spit.” She spits into the sink. “Usually I’m not a spitter,” she jokes, and I laugh, laying my head on her shoulder.

  “You need to get some sleep, baby. I’ll get up every so often to check on him.”

  She looks unsure. I reach around and take her hair out of her bun, rubbing her scalp. She moans, closing her eyes. “Why are you so good to me?”

  I fist her hair slightly, getting her attention. “You are mine. I take care of what is mine. Always.”

  Her pupils dilate and I grin, kissing her. “Come on, get some sleep.” She wraps her legs around my waist.



  Three months later

  “Let’s go, twenty-four!” Maverick yells at the top of his lungs. He’s standing at the glass staring down at the ice rink where Ronny is playing his very first game.

  The second he was on the skates I knew he was meant to be on them. He’s good. The coaches were shocked, I was shocked and Maverick was damn proud.

  Right now the whole MC, my daughters and their friends have taken over a whole section.

  Maverick didn’t last two minutes sitting before he was up at the glass shouting through it like Ronny can hear him.

  He’s a proud dad is all.

  Dad is exactly what he is. The last few months he has come into the role like he was meant for it. He has taken Ronny to every single practice and assisted in coaching.

  I’ve done every bake sale. I’ve been that person at every practice with cookies, snacks, drinks. We are those crazy-obsessed parents that most would make fun of, but we’re having the time of our lives.

is our heart, our soul.

  Maverick is my whole world. I love him so much sometimes that it catches me off guard and I can’t breathe.

  I know he loves me too. I know that without a doubt.

  Ronny is tripped by a little boy from the other team, on purpose. I am out of my seat and standing next to Maverick in a second to get a closer look to make sure he’s okay.

  Ronny gets up off of the ice and he throws his stick down, pointing at the boy who tripped him. The little boy yells something back.

  Ronny takes off his gloves like he’s a grown man ready to bust some heads.

  “That’s my boy,” Maverick gloats.

  The other little kid takes off his gloves and Ronny swings on him, knocking him back a little. “Fuck yeah!” Lane yells, and the others join in with their laughter.

  But I’m dying inside hoping that he doesn’t get hurt.

  The boy recovers. Ronny comes back, holding onto his shirt, hitting him twice in the face before knocking him down onto the ground.

  “I taught him that shit,” Maverick tells the guy standing next to him, both of them grinning.

  I roll my eyes and wait for someone to intervene. “Get that boy off the fucking ice or I will!” From the stands, some man runs to the door that leads up to the rink.

  Maverick’s head snaps over to look at the man yelling. I feel movement behind me and I know the guys are standing up preparing for a fight.

  I look back to Ronny, who is grinning at his teammates. The fight’s already broken up. He picks up his gloves before he skates to the bench.

  He looks up at us and his eyes go to Maverick, who has his hands around the guy’s shirt so he doesn’t tear off towards the rink.

  “Look, bitch, I don't know how the fuck that kid thinks he has the right to touch my kid…”

  I scoot closer, wanting to stop this before Maverick knocks him out. Maverick doesn’t play when it comes to Ronny.

  Maverick puts his face in front of his. “That kid is my fucking son. Your son started that shit. Get the fuck out of this arena before I make you.”

  I clench, getting wet at his menacing tone and for protecting Ronny. It may be wrong of me, but I get so turned on when he gets into dad mode.

  “No.” The guy leans forward, glaring at Maverick. “He shouldn’t be allowed on the rink with my son,” he says in a snarling tone. He looks over Maverick’s shoulder and I see Ronny leaning over the wall watching what’s happening.

  I smile at him reassuringly. “Maverick, Ronny is seeing what’s happening,” I point out.

  Maverick pushes the guy out of the door and slams it shut before he can get back in. He leans against it, not even moving from the pushing and shoving the guy is doing.

  Maverick gives Ronny a thumbs up. I walk over to him and take his hand. Maverick’s MC brothers sit down and pay attention to the game.

  I hear a very loud sound from behind the door. I look back and see the guy’s face in the window, his fist banging into the glass.

  I don’t understand why he’s so upset. It’s just a game. I watch as he starts throwing stuff from behind the door, before he whips around, looking at me.

  He grabs his dick through his pants, squeezing. My stomach turns in disgust, feeling very uncomfortable.

  He unbuttons his pants, and I gasp as he pulls out his dick right in the middle of the arena and starts stroking.

  Maverick turns around and looks out of the window. “That fucker!” he roars and rips open the door, tearing out to go after him.

  Smiley walks over to me. “What happened?”

  A second later Maverick comes back, disgust on his face, and I know mine is showing the same.

  He chose to pick on me, he assumed that I was weak and that I couldn’t do anything about it.

  “He whipped out his dick in front of Bell and was making fucking sick gestures. I want our tech guy on this. He’s mine.” Maverick points at Smiley.

  I take his hand. He’s shaking so hard. I wrap my arm around his back. Maverick moves me until my back is pressed against his front. “I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers into my ear, kissing the side of my neck.

  “Not your fault.”

  He shakes his head, kissing the side of my head. “It’s not, but I am fucking sorry that a grown-ass man decided that he was going to do that shit to you. I think that shit hurts me more than you.”

  He turns me around so he can face me, cupping my jaw. “You are my woman, you are my fucking world and the thought of some fucker upsetting you, disrespecting you, makes me murderous.”

  I smile. “You are everything to me too,” I whisper, leaning my forehead against his chest. He pulls me close, arms wrapped around me tight.

  “I want to tell you something, something I should have said months ago.”

  I lean back so I can see him fully, my heart starting to beat fast at what he plans to say.


  He smiles, showing me his dimple. “I love you. I love you so much, darlin’.”

  I laugh, feeling happiness unlike I have ever felt before. “God, I love you.” I lean up, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him with everything in me, not caring who’s watching.

  I pull back, smiling. “But I knew that.”

  “What?” he asks, smiling slightly.

  “I knew you loved me—you showed me every single day.”

  The way he takes care of me, always wanting to make sure I’m okay, protecting me. In the bedroom he is out of this world and he makes sure my needs are above his own.

  He worships the ground I walk on.

  “I don’t deserve you, darlin’, but I’m just selfish enough to keep you. But no one can care for you, love you like I do.” He stares down at me in disbelief, like he can’t believe I’m actually here in front of him.

  “You deserve all of me. I give you all of me,” I whisper back to him, the crowds around us going wild with what happening’s on the ice.

  Right now it’s just me and Maverick.

  He gives me the most heartbreakingly beautiful smile, and I turn around to check on Ronny, who is now back on the ice.

  I take Maverick’s hand and pull him to the glass so we can get a closer look. The timer is almost up.

  We’re up by a lot, but Ronny is still skating like he’s losing and trying to hit the last goal to make the win.

  I know with all of me he’s going to go pro. I know that this is what he’s meant to do in life. It just makes me happy that I get to watch this journey and be a part of it.

  Being with Ronny the last few months, it’s been the best few months of my life, but it’s been so hard too.

  I never got to experience things like this with my girls. I never got to take them to practices or games. I never got to see any of that.

  The most important thing is I’m here now. I’m here with them and we are so close.

  My old life seems like a dream.

  I hold my breath as Ronny knocks the puck towards the goal at the last second and makes it.

  “That’s my baby!” I yell, and he raises his arms above his head, hooting and hollering.

  Maverick chuckles and rubs my side, but I can see how proud he is.

  Ronny skates over, his helmet under his arm. He is grinning ear to ear, and all of the people who came to watch him walk over and congratulate him.

  He stomps over to the bench and takes off his skates. His friends sit down beside him, talking.

  “Thank you all for coming,” I tell everyone. Jessica and River come up to me and I squeeze them tightly. “I love you, girls. Be safe driving home.”

  I squeeze Chase’s hand and he smiles, pulling Jessica to him. He loves my girl fully and it makes me so happy that she has that.

  Thirty minutes later Ronny is packed up and ready to go. “I am so proud of you,” I tell him.

  He grins, his eyes shining, showing his happiness. “Thanks. I’m not sure what that other player’s problem was.”

  I look at Maverick, who
se jaw is clenched at being reminded of the very shitty father.

  Maverick opens the back door, grabbing Ronny’s bags from him and setting them on the seat. Ronny steps on the side steps that Maverick had installed because it got old not being able to get in the truck.

  “Buckle up.” Maverick stands and watches to make sure he does. “Do you guys want to get some drive-through?” We’re an hour from home.

  Maverick shuts the door and looks at me, his eyes going to something over my shoulder. He opens the passenger door and I’m lifted inside, the door slamming shut just as four men make their way over to him.

  Oh my god.

  “What’s happening?” Ronny asks from the back seat.

  What do I do?

  I take out my phone. Hopefully Smiley won’t be too far way. I dial his number. “Hello?” he answers, unsure.

  “There are four men here who I think are going to try to jump Maverick,” I rush out so fast I’m not sure if he can fully understand what I’m trying to say.

  “I’m right across the road eating dinner. I’ll be there in a minute.” He hangs up the phone and I look out the window.


  “Let me have her.” The crazy fucking dad from earlier looks through the window at Bell.

  I don't turn around to look at her, my eyes staying on him and the others.

  “Why do you want her?” I ask.

  He grins. “I was going to let it go. She’s a tempting bitch, isn’t she? But no one is worth that trouble unless she’s worth a fuck of a lot of money.”

  I try not to flinch at them calling her a bitch. My mind is immediately stuck on him saying she’s worth a lot of money.

  He grins. “I’m assuming you don’t know, because she’s sitting in your truck and not with those fuckers that want her.”

  Don’t fucking move, Maverick. Don’t show any kind of emotion. Your hands will be around their neck soon enough, I reassure myself.

  He chuckles, nodding to himself like he has it all figured out: I am a member of this fucking cult. It’s a cult where the men get to fucking rule, our wives, kids, anything we want.


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