THE HOT BAD BOYS BOX SET: A Bad Boy Romance Collection

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THE HOT BAD BOYS BOX SET: A Bad Boy Romance Collection Page 19

by Wood, Lauren

  Her voice was high pitched and I could tell that she was getting close. It happened so quickly with her and I was just enjoying it far too much to silence her. There was no way that I was going to stop my quest, until she was beyond the point of all recognition.

  “Why are you so impatient Cece?”

  I chuckled at the look that she gave me. She was not happy with my antics and I rubbed her slower, to make it get to her more. I don’t know why, but watching her squirm was a great sight to see and if my own need wasn’t so strong, I would have prolonged it even more, but I just couldn’t. I needed her that badly and the more I thought about it and the wetter she became, the more I was apt to give into her pleas. They really did sound so damn sweet to my ears.

  Moving over her, I realized that I didn’t have anything off. I had been so worried about winding her up that I had to sit back and remove my shirt and pants, shoes, as well as boxers. By the time I got to her, she was struggling with need and pulling me to her. I wanted to feel her skin on mine and it was perfect when we finally touched and I settled over her body.

  Her legs were up and they spread wider for my body to settle down in between. I just felt so perfect there, like I was meant to be there and she was made for me. The more I thought about it, the more I was sure she had been made specifically for me. As I slid inside of her ever so slowly, I knew that I was right. How could I be wrong? She felt too good and I knew that I was going to lose myself if I didn’t hurry up and get inside of her. It was all I could think about and all I wanted to think about.

  My eyes closed as I pushed in the rest of the way. I felt her bottom and pushed against it, trying to get every inch in before she put her hand up to slow me down. I didn’t want to slow down though. I needed more and as I pulled out, I slid in faster and faster, starting a rhythm that left me dizzy and her coming right out of the gate.

  “You feel so damn good Cece. I want to stay inside of you forever.”

  She didn’t answer me and by the look of things, she wasn’t able to. Her face was screwed up in pleasure, her eyes squeezed so tightly shut. All I wanted to do was get her to look at me and when I told her to, our eyes met and I was better off not seeing the need in them. I couldn’t stop looking at her as she whimpered and whined, struggling underneath me as another wave of bliss passed over her.

  I had to close my own eyes to not see such a sight. While I regretted not seeing it the first time, the truth was that I was more than a little close to my own edge. I had waited so long, years it felt like to be where I was, I literally never wanted to leave. The textured inside of her sheath was too good to ignore and I finally felt my own wave of pleasure washing over me and there was really nothing that I could do about it, or that I wanted to do about it. Filling her with my seed, I pushed as deep as I could, hoping to enter into her very soul. I wanted to imprint on her, so that she would be mine forever. I wasn’t going to let her get away again.

  I rolled over to her side and pulled her in, feeling her heart beating as I pressed a hand to her chest.

  “This is perfect Cece. You have to feel it too.”

  “I know that being with you feels so good Dante, but…”

  I waited for her to answer and she just slid on top of my chest and listened to my heartbeat, playing with the dark hairs on me. “Never mind Dante. It was perfect. No buts.”

  “Then tell me you are mine Cece. I don’t want to share you with anyone else. I don’t want to think about you with anyone else. I just want us to be together. So what if we work together? It just means that we were good friends first. I know that I am not used to this kind of thing, dating and all, but I am not that big of a tool, I can figure it out.”

  Cece smiled and moved up to kiss me. “You aren’t a tool.”

  She didn’t sound so sure, but I could see the happiness in her eyes. For once, all of the bullshit was pushed to the side and it was finally getting real. Never thought I would want it this way, but everything changed when I first got inside of Cece. After that, everything had changed for me.

  Chapter 49


  This time when I woke up, Dante was still next to me and he was holding onto me tight. There was no way for me to slip away because we were in my room. I couldn’t just grab my clothes and run off this time, but my eyes were still looking around for somewhere to go. I didn’t want to be here, not like this and it was the morning after that threw me off so much. It was because of those moments that I would fall. The more I got to know Dante, the harder I fell and the morning after was a red flag for me.

  So I got out of bed as quickly as I could, being as quiet as I could so that I wouldn’t disturb the man that was next to me. The hardest part was seeing his hard chest naked in the bed, knowing what was underneath the sheets and walking away. I had to of course, there was no doubt about that, but it was hard nonetheless.

  Grabbing some clothes to put on, I moved into the bathroom to take a shower. I could already hear people downstairs having breakfast and I felt my face get a little red with the idea that they were going to be able to see Dante coming down the stairs. I was loud last night, really loud and it was going to be just as embarrassing as when I was caught leaving the hand house yesterday morning. It was part of the reason that I was so inclined to take off early yesterday. But there was no reason to leave today, so I had a feeling that I was going to have to stick it out.

  I turned the water on and let it start heating up while I took a long look in the mirror. Something was different. There was a different sort of light in my eyes and I had a feeling that it was Dante. I hadn’t felt like this when I was with Cliff, but a couple of nights with Dante and everything changed. I really did feel like a whole new woman. How could he do such a thing to me so easily? It just didn’t make any sense.

  Pulling my hair back and then knotting it up on top of my head, I got in the shower and let the heat relax my muscles. I was sore in many places, but it was a good ache. It was more of a reminder of the kind of night that I had and I wouldn’t have changed any of it. I liked feeling like this. I felt unstoppable and the more I thought about last night and what Dante did to me, the more I was inclined to want more. Suddenly all of the ideas of everyone knowing didn’t bother me as much as before. As long as I was with him, that was all that mattered.

  At some point I decided that it was a good idea to just go with it and instead of worrying about the employees downstairs, I was about to turn the water off and see if we could have another round before we both had to get going for the day. I just needed him one more time.

  The door opened and I hollered out that it was occupied.

  “Go to the one downstairs. I won’t be out for a few minutes.”

  Whoever it was didn’t heed my warning and the shower curtain was pulled back suddenly.

  “I thought you were still asleep. I was going to come in there in a minute and wake you up.”

  “I am up. All of me is up.”

  I looked down to what he was talking about and I had to hide my face. The man was unstoppable and he had the same look of determination that he had last night. That made me nervous and I didn’t know what to say when he came into the shower with me. The part of him that brought as much fear as pleasure was in fact very well awake and I had to take a moment to really get myself together. It was hard to take him all in that way. He was so much bigger and taller than me and when he was towering over me, I could tell even more how overwhelming in size he was. All over.

  It didn’t take long before he was kissing me and I was lost to think of anything else but his lips on mine. The more I tried to push it all away and pretend that I wasn’t practically drooling, the harder it was to function. With Dante, I really had to just learn how to feel.

  As he picked me up and braced me against the shower wall before he slid inside of me, there was nothing else to do but feel. He was quickly like another part of me, one that I never wanted to go away. I just felt too damn good in his arms.

en I got downstairs I was late and everyone was waiting around for me because no one had their orders for the day. I hadn’t missed a morning meeting in a very long time, but it was just one of those days. Me and Dante had stayed in the shower long enough to get the water running cold. I finally left him upstairs and told him to wait a little while so I could get the kitchen cleared out.

  He had protested it, but I wasn’t going to do it any other way. I don’t care if everyone there had heard me screaming his name. I couldn’t think of that or even change it. But I could change whether or not we went downstairs together. After the debacle with Cliff, it seemed way too early to be claiming a relationship all over again. A small part of me was afraid that was going to end in much of the same way. I don’t think I could deal with the public humiliation of that happening again so close to the other failure.

  I didn’t look at too many people when I got to the kitchen. I could feel eyes on me and I knew it was for many reasons. But I was just going to acknowledge the fact that we still didn’t have any assignments for everyone. So I gave out the assignments I had at the top of my head for certain people and then I patch-worked the rest when I saw who was still standing in front of me.

  Barb was one of them and I decided that it would be better if she was away from the ranch. It wasn’t that I didn’t like her, but Dante was right about it being a constant reminder. Not only had Cliff cheated with her, but Dante had had sex with her as well. I don’t know which fact I disliked more, but I knew that I didn’t want to be the jealous type. Dante had a lot of ex-girlfriends and I was under no assumption that I was the only one. Far from it and I was just going to be happy that now I got to reap all of the benefits of that experience.

  “Morning Dante.”

  I heard her voice as she was leaving and for a second I wanted to tell her to leave. I could handle her being with Cliff. There was really nothing in between us, but I didn’t like the fact that she was still talking to Dante, not in the least little bit. It was not something I wanted to worry about. The fact that he didn’t answer her back made me feel a little better, but not enough. I started to consider the importance of me being the better person about it. Maybe that stand point was overrated.

  “It’s good to see that you cleared everyone out. So what am I supposed to do today, boss? You got me mending fences again?”

  I smiled at him, trying my best to shake off all of the ill feelings that I had. “No, not today. Today you are with me. I have some business to attend to and I need you there to talk to some people about the horses, what they can do and all of that jazz. Are you up for a little road trip?”

  His eyes got darker and I ignored the look. I was still really sore from our extra shower lovemaking. I needed some time to recover. Even though I had been in a relationship not that long ago at all, just a couple of days with Dante and I was beat. He really knew how to keep me satisfied.

  “Come on, none of that Dante. Don’t tell me that this is going to interfere with your work.”

  He snapped out of it and said that it wouldn’t, but it already was. This was the first time I was late since I started running the place and I hated that I was so short on the assignments for the day. I was going to have to find a way to make sure that it didn’t happen again. There was still a part of me that wanted to stay there with him, drag him upstairs until he ravished me again like his eyes suggested. But I couldn’t and I had to push it out of my mind.

  “It isn’t going to interfere with anything. I can wait. I waited this long to get you into bed, I can wait a little longer. Now that I know you are mine.”

  I didn’t bother to correct him. I liked the way it sounded, even if I wasn’t too keen on being anyone’s property or anything of the like. There was no reason that I had to be owned, but I did like the way he said it. I liked that he claimed me, because at the end of the day I claimed him too. It was the real reason I was now eying Barb as the enemy. I had a feeling I was going to look at every female that way now, for better or for worse.

  We got out to the truck together and I didn’t tell him where we were going. He wasn’t going to like who I saw yesterday and I had a feeling that he was going to dislike this meeting about as much. It was the way that it had to be though. I had made up a business plan with someone and even though it hadn’t worked out on a friend level between us, the fact was that it was a good business deal. I was not above working with someone I wasn’t that interested in as a person, to make the ranch grow.

  “So where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  He smiled at me and I wished then that I had told him what we were going to be doing. He most likely wouldn’t be looking at me the same way, but I wanted to hold onto that smile a little while longer. Dante would know soon enough and I can’t say that I was looking forward to it.

  Chapter 50


  “Why does that car look so familiar?”

  She didn’t answer me when we pulled up to a building. I had seen the little red sports car before, but it took me a minute to place it. I know that I had seen it before, but where? Then it hit me and I wasn’t sure how to feel.

  “Why is Cliff here?”

  “He is here for the meeting I was telling you about. I had to meet with him yesterday with some investors. Today we are going over the plan with the bank and more investors. I want you here as my expert.”

  I was floored and I could tell by the way she was avoiding my eyes that she knew why I was floored. This was not at all what I expected and it was literally the last thing that I thought would happen. What was I supposed to say to this?

  “So you met with Cliff yesterday?”

  She nodded her head, still not looking at me and I was a mix of emotions. There was a lot I wanted to say, but now wasn’t the time. Cece was getting out and she had a look on her face like she was asking me silently to be nice. I didn’t want to be nice to such a man, but it had to be important for her to ask.

  “Tell me that this is just business?” I don’t think I could have handled it being anything else than that.”

  “It’s just business Dante. I would never get back with him.”

  “I am just confused why you would have anything to do with him after everything that the two of you went through. I don’t know how you would even be able to be around him. I felt the same way about that woman, but I really can’t understand this.”

  I was fuming and I was trying hard not to let it out and let her know that is how I felt. But I couldn’t help it. What the hell was she doing?

  “Please let’s not make this a thing Dante. I know that you were going to be mad, but I need you to go in there and pretend that you don’t hate Cliff. This could be really good for the ranch and would take care of all of our money problems.”

  I didn’t know that there were money problems and I felt bad that I wasn’t that involved in all of that. I got my check every week and it cleared, so what was I going to say about it now? Now that I knew there was something wrong I could help and as much as I didn’t even like the idea of seeing him again, I knew that I was going to do what was necessary to help, no matter how much I felt like it was going to do my head in.

  So the pleasant feelings and butterflies that I was feeling from before were gone. The trip was now leaving a bitter taste in my mouth and I wished that I hadn’t come. The last person that I wanted to see was Cliff. It hadn’t even been a week since she threw him off of the property. I would never understand how she could compartmentalize so much, ranch be damned. I don’t know if I could.

  We got into the building and Cliff looked about as happy to see me as I was to see him. He still wanted Cece, I could see it in his eyes when he looked at her. But she was mine now. I had made my mark. It took everything in me not to take the time and pull her to me, claiming her even more in front of everyone. It wasn’t professional, but the only reason that I didn’t do it was because I knew that Cece would not appreciate it at all. So I held back, shaking the han
ds of the other people in the meeting and ignoring the hand out from Cliff. I was trying to make it an oversight to everyone else, but to him, he should know that it was a slight.

  Sitting down, it wasn’t long before the scope of the meeting was clear to me. Cece and Cliff had come up with an idea to lease out our horses for the day or weekend like someone would do a car. I didn’t know how I felt about it, but numbers and projections were being thrown around that I had a hard time ignoring. This could be lucrative and it was the first time I looked at Cece as a business woman. I was there for the horse and handling side of it, but everything else was already played out in her head. She had a handle on all of it and it made me realize even more how capable she was. To be as young as she was, she had really changed the ranch for the better and it looked like she was on her way to doing more of that.

  Cliff wasn’t as big of a problem as I thought he would be. Cece basically ignored him unless he asked a direct question and even then she was short. A comment was made about the iciness in the room and she just shrugged and didn’t mention why it was that way. It was because she was far more professional and grown up than I was.

  It was a strange meeting, but by the end of it a contract was signed that was going to make Cece and the ranch a lot of money. I voiced some concerns about having someone with the horses at all times, but she wanted to talk about it more in depth when we weren’t in front of people. I took it as the ride home was as good of a place as any to do so. I had so many questions and not very many had anything to do with Cliff. I wanted to know where she had come up with the idea for it.

  “Well Cliff was telling me about a few of his friends that were invited to the rodeo, but couldn’t find a horse in time or the one they were using had an injury. Since horses are fairly expensive to maintain, one is enough for many. We have all of these wonderful horses that are ready to go and it seemed like we just needed to put the two together. So when I was at the rodeo last week, I did some talking to some people, gave out some flyers and the phone has been nonstop ever since.”


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