Shadowborn Academy: Year Two (Dark Fae Academy Series Book 2)

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Shadowborn Academy: Year Two (Dark Fae Academy Series Book 2) Page 8

by G. Bailey

  Our lips collide the second we enter the shadows of the forest and he lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. My back thuds against a tree as he holds me up, his tongue sparring with mine.

  There’s an almost fiendish hunger about his movements and it sends a thrill through me. His hands find purchase on my thighs, pulling me harder against him, and I thread my fingers through his wavy black hair, snagging his bottom lip with my teeth. He groans against my mouth and I slide my hand down his chest. As expected, he grabs my wrist. Now it’s my turn to groan but out of frustration.

  “Pitch...” I breathe his name, pressing my forehead against his. “Don’t you want me anymore?”

  He runs a hand up my body, sliding his fingers between my breasts. “I want you with every ounce of my being, Corvina.”

  “Then why are you still holding back?”

  “Things are different now. We’re True Mates and our bond isn’t like the ones ordinary magics share...” he pauses, his fingers tweaking my nipples through my silk dress, his gaze burning with desire. “It binds us for life and cannot be untethered. No magic on all the realms can undo such a powerful bond.”

  I tighten my legs around his waist, waiting for him to continue. I don’t know a thing about how faes mate, let alone True Mates. This makes having drunken sex with my sexy Dark Fae Prince harder than I thought. But I’m patient, and good things come to those who wait.

  “When I saved our lives that night,” he continues, tweaking my nipples harder and I bite my lower lip, “I hated myself for taking that right away from you. I vowed to never do anything like that again until you were ready. Are you?”

  “Yes,” I gasp out. “With Selena as my witness, I want you with every god damn ounce of my being. I can’t wait any longer!”

  He chuckles and sets me on the ground, taking my hand in his. “Then come with me.”

  Excited, I let him guide me through the forest. He takes my other hand and the shadows engulf us. This is the first he’s ever shadowlocated in front of me. When I open my eyes again, I’m standing in the middle of a beautiful meadow soaked in the moonlight. My eyes are immediately drawn to the huge wisteria tree, its tassels lifting softly on the breeze. It’s not just a normal tree, either. The lilac leaves are glowing and fluttering like butterflies. So utterly breathtaking, almost like it’s been frozen here in time, completely untouched by the rest of the forest.

  “What is this place?” I ask in a whisper. “It’s not mentioned in the Book of Zorya. I would’ve remembered something this beautiful.”

  Pitch pulls a handful of tassels to the side, his eyes pressed on me. My breath catches in my throat when I see the most stunning creation I have ever come across. And that’s saying something now that I’ve seen both the Dark and Light Fae kingdoms. No, this is entirely different, it’s intimate.

  Two steps lead up to an altar with intricate markings carved into the stone that shimmers like stars. The branches of the tree twist and wrap around the altar almost like a bird’s nest. Petals cover the branches and forest floor. Candles dangle from the briars and surround the altar in a circle. As soon as I step foot on the petals, the candles light up and their amber glow bathes the altar in soft halos.

  “This is a place only for the fae,” Pitch tells me in a quiet voice. “It’s called a mating altar.”

  His tone dips and takes on a sexy edge when he utters the last two words. My insides clench in anticipation. Mating altar? I can get down with that.

  “What happens on this...altar?” I ask instead, using tremendous effort not to pounce on the fae.

  “They say upon this altar, when two souls are True Mates, the gods of old will bless their union. It’s they who tether their souls indefinitely.”

  “So we’ll be just like before, only stronger?” I slide my fingers over the branches holding up the stone atlar. The wood feels like the finest silk. So beautiful.

  Pitch’s warm breath fans the back of my neck as he moves behind me. “Yes. Is this what you want? It’s on your terms. If you say no, we can go back to the party. We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.”

  I turn to face him and the seriousness clouding his features unsettles me. He looks more torn than anything. I cup his face and stand on my tiptoes, bringing our noses only centimeters apart.

  “I love you, Alastair Pitch, just like I’ve loved you since the day we met. Of course I want you. I’ve never stopped wanting or loving you.”

  He lifts my chin with his thumb and closes the distance between our lips. My bracelet vibrates on my wrist as I melt into his strong arms. I unbutton his shirt with shaky fingers and he shrugs it to the ground. I decide to leave my dress on and climb the steps to the altar, too excited to undress, but his hand falls onto my arm.

  “I want to see every inch of your beautiful body.”

  A blush stains my cheeks as I reach for my strap. I yank the first one down, followed by the second, then I slowly pull the dress off and let it puddle around my ankles before stepping out of it. Next, I take off my panties and heels and kick them onto the floor. All the while, Pitch’s eyes never leave mine, his pupils blown with lust. His tongue pokes out and licks the seam of his lips as his gaze travels over my body. I can hear his heart racing and I wish I knew what he was thinking at this moment. It’s not like he hasn’t seen me naked before, and yet, there’s something different about the way he’s looking at me. It’s almost...feral. It sends a shiver through my body.

  “Lay down on the altar facing the sky,” he orders in a low, sensual whisper.

  I climb the steps and spread myself over the smooth surface. The stars are just visible through the canopy of leaves. They look so close in the sky that I could reach out and touch them. I hear Pitch removing the rest of his clothes, and I take the opportunity to roll on my side and remove my bracelet. I let out a sigh once I pull it off, the vibrations instantly going away. The little jewel embedded in the silver glows when I set it on the side of the altar. When I look up, Pitch is standing on the altar, looking down at me. My heart skips a beat and my breathing quickens. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen my shadow naked, and by Selena, I am not disappointed. I’d wait another eighteen years for such a view.

  The ribbons of moonlight cutting through the leaves catch every crevice of his body. He’s all strength and barely contained muscle. He kneels in front of me, his muscles flexing, and it’s such a beautiful display of masculinity.

  My skin feels like it’s on fire when he gently touches my ankles and slides his palms up my legs. I widen them and place my hands on the altar behind me, barely able to look away from his impressive cock. I’ve dreamt of this for years and I’m almost terrified of it happening because then the first moment is over.

  “There’s pain in your eyes,” Pitch regards, sliding his palms underneath me. “What’s wrong?”

  I hate that tears are collecting on my lashes. “I just don’t want this moment to end,” I tell him honestly, blinking them away while he tugs me a little closer.

  “Well, I’m not going anywhere.” A wicked grin plays over his lips. “I’m claiming you, Corvina Charles, Princess of the Dark and Light Fae. How I have waited for this moment—for us.” He moves his palm between my legs and the gasp that escapes me when he slides his fingers over my slit is a little embarrassing. He gives a low chuckle and teases my lower lips, his eyes rooted on my face. “How I have wanted to worship you like the goddess you are.”

  His breath tickles me as he leaves a trail of kisses on my inner thighs. He nudges my legs wider with his elbows and I dip my head back, my hair touching the altar, basking in the glory of his lips assaulting my clit. He circles and flicks his tongue with seamless dexterity as he eases his fingers inside. I lift one hand and thread my fingers into his hair, looking up at the stars twinkling above us. His mouth abandons my pussy to anoint kisses all over my stomach, my chest, and my throat. One hand continues to tease me below while his other glides over my body. It’s like he’s mapping ever
y inch of me to commit each freckle, crevice, and valley to his memory.

  The candles around us flicker and strands of gold begin seeping out from the flame. When Pitch thrusts into me, the strands turn into streams that filter towards the altar like ribbons of gold. It’s like they’re dancing around us and weaving together. I lay back and hold onto Pitch’s shoulders, watching as the magic pours onto the altar and snakes around our entwined bodies. Our moans grow breathless in each other’s ears as Pitch thrusts harder, faster, and whispers in an ancient language I’ve never heard before, yet understand completely.

  “Your sun will never diminish and your stars will never fade, for I bind thy soul to yours, now let our union be made.”

  His words completely undo me and I let go, coming onto his cock while orgasm after orgasm reduces me into a shuddering mess upon the stone altar. I open my eyes as I feel him come, and the pure pleasure on his face is something I will never forget.

  The magic shines like a beacon before dissolving into our bodies, and I know then, that the gods of old have given us their blessing. We’re entwined as True Mates for the remainder of our lives and nothing in all the realms will keep us apart. Not even the king or queen.

  “So the shadow calls a meeting,” Jonah all but grumbles as he grabs a chair and spins it around, sitting on it backwards. Out of all the assholes in the shadowborn world, I’m sure my mate’s relationship with Jonah is here to test me. “What could Vina’s little secret want?”

  “Don’t be a dick,” Zander says, sticking up for me, which I do not need either.

  He leans against the window in his apartment, his eyes watching me with clear amusement. He knows I’m inches away from wrapping Jonah in shadows and dropping him off the nearest cliff.

  Gage is the last one to turn up to my impromptu meeting.e doesn’t say much as he shuts the door behind him. After he sits down on a chair next to Jonah, they all look to me.

  “First off, I want to explain that I am Corvina’s true mate and I will not ever be leaving her side,” I say, the tension in the room visibly picking up. If I wasn’t sure these idiots were in love with my mate, I am now. “But I have no intention of stopping your own relationships with her.”

  “You couldn’t if you tried,” Zander darkly warns. “She’d make sure of it.” There goes the nice, jesting boy act he usually has on.

  I simply smirk at him. I could and would if Vina asked it of me.

  “Is that why you are here, Pitch?” Gage asks. “To gloat?”

  Clearing my throat, I cross my arms. “No, I need your help.” Jonah looks the most surprised, but he doesn’t say anything, waiting for me to explain. “Tomorrow is the Night of the Moon, as you all well know. This is the favourite celebration for most fae, a night where our world feels closer to the gods. For the first time in history, there will be a secret masked ball in the dark court and King Ulric will be attending, as well as the Draconian and many others. Make no mistake, they are here to see Corvina and test her strength.”

  Jonah shuffles nervously in his seat. “Does Corvina know of this ball?”

  “I believe Narah is informing her tonight over dinner. That is why I called us together,” I say, knowing Corvina won’t be happy about me going behind her back, however, her safety will always be more important. “I have four invites to the ball and you each need to drink a fae potion so no one can recognise you.”

  “Except for those that love you. They will always see through the potion when they are close,” Zander reminds me.

  I nod, eyeing Zander closely. “None of your families will be there, nor will any wardens. It will mainly be fae who attend.”

  “Do you believe Vina is in danger?” Jonah asks with a hint of anger in his voice. “She shouldn’t go if there is even a chance she could get hurt.”

  “There is always and forever a chance Corvina will be hurt from now on. She is the heir of both thrones. She has enemies who would love to see her die so she couldn’t take either of them, let alone the personal enemies she has,” I warn them all. Everyone around Corvina needs to realise who she is now, even herself. Corvina will never be safe in this world because her name alone holds too much power. Not to mention the two thrones she will inherit and is yet to choose where she will rule. There has to be one royal in each fae kingdom and I don’t believe one ruler for both is a good idea. The light fae will never respect a half-dark fae queen and the same might be said for the dark fae about a half-light fae queen.

  Corvina’s future is dangerous and I must be her shield against it. I’ve just realised I might not have to be alone. Vina might not have admitted to me she loves these fools, but I sense her feelings. I see how they look at her, too. At the start, I may or may not have come up with a few hundred ways to kill each of the men in this room, but that would hurt Vina.

  And I won’t ever do that to her again.

  “Like that bastard Ronan,” Zander growls and I nod, feeling his anger as my own. When I find that son of a bitch, death will be a kindness compared to my plan for him. He will suffer for what he did.

  The gods will pity him.

  “And princess Eva. She should not be trusted. I have been keeping an eye on her,” I warn them. “Something about her isn’t right but, I haven’t found out why yet.”

  “What about her birth parents?” Gage asks, leaning back in his seat and running a hand through his hair. “Can they be trusted to keep her safe? They did give her away.”

  “I would trust Narah, but Ulric? No. He has a million secrets that could crush himself and I don’t want Vina under that rock when it falls.”

  They each nod, looking at each other.

  “We will protect her then,” Jonah states, standing up off the chair and walking to me. He slips a dagger out of his pocket and in a blink of an eye cuts a line across his hand. He hands me the dagger and I accept it. “The best way for each of us to trust each other is a blood oath. We swear to protect Corvina with our lives and until our deaths.”

  “The gods will punish you greatly if you back out of this oath,” I warn each of them as I cut my own hand. My blood, soul, and heart are already heavily in debt to Corvina so this oath will be an extension of my promise to myself.

  And to her.

  Gage takes the dagger from me and cuts a line across his palm, which we all replicate. With each of our hands bleeding, we align our palms together, and I close my eyes, summoning dark magic. The shadows snake out of my arm and surround our joined hands like snakes, swirling around as our oath is created.

  “In the name of Selena, we swear to protect Corvina Charles with our lives and until our last breath on this earth. May the gods strike us down. May Selena bless this oath.”

  We each hiss as a burst of bright white light pours down from the windows, shining right on to our hands and it burns from the touch. We all fall apart like a blast, the room seeming too small as I crawl to my feet and look at my hand. Where the line I cut was is now a row of ravens, flying across my palm.

  “The gods are watching after all,” Gage comments when none of us speak.

  I look up to the moon and smile.

  For once, I feel like the gods are on our side.

  My bedroom at the dark fae castle is designed for a child no older than eight, and a weird child at that. Everything from the purple birds plastered over the walls, the freaky gothic dollhouse that takes up half the room and the single bed with floral sheets...I hate being in here.

  There’s a weird presence to the room, something I can’t quite put my finger on or shake off. It’s like stepping into what should have been my life but was taken from me before I was born.

  The only plus side is that the bed is comfy, but I’m eager to escape this room as soon as possible. Today is the perfect time to do just that. It’s the Night Of The Moon, a fae celebration for the gods that made our world. They literally celebrate the moon and Selena by eating lots of good food and dancing.

  We used to celebrate all the fae holidays in the fos
ter home, the fae who felt sorry for us would send gifts. Sage and I used to count down to those days.By Selena, she would love to be attending this ball with me tonight. It’s an event that has never happened in fae history before.

  The light fae king, the draconian royals and all high fae are attending a ball in the dark fae court. It’s been made clear they are coming because of me. No pressure, huh?

  I wish Sage was here. She would know what to do. My door is knocked twice, kicking me out of my head. I call whoever it is in, as I sit on the edge of my bed. Two fae men, both impossibly handsome and shirtless come into the room, each draping a dress over their forearm. They hook the gowns by the door before bowing at me and leaving the room, shutting the door behind them.

  I walk over to inspect the dresses. They can only be from my mother and father. And they both look exactly like their souls. One dress is black, smothered in lace with a massive skirt that is as puffy as the arm cover. The other is white and has even more lace, but falls simply while being just as conservative as the black dress. They’re both exactly the kind of dresses helicopter parents would choose for their child. Oddly, it’s some kind of good parenting but it’s a shame I’m not a good kid.

  Moreover, choosing either of these dresses would be picking a side and I refuse to do that. I hardly know my parents, but what I do know, isn’t good for either of them. I was born right in the middle of a lot of secrets and I can’t be a tool for the royals.

  I have to be myself.

  I pick the dresses up and leave my room. I eye the five guards outside, wishing one of them was Pitch but knowing he’s getting ready himself.

  “Who can show me where to find a dressmaker? Or someone to change these for me?”

  “Master Gia makes all the royal gowns. He has a private room four doors down,” one of the guards with clear green eyes tells me. “Would you like me to direct you there, Your Highness?”

  “Call me Corvina, and yes,” I say and he nods once, his eyes running over me.


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