Orion's Gate

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Orion's Gate Page 3

by Sabine Priestley

  “You going to eat that?” Vin asked, eyeing the confection.

  “Do you always eat this much?”

  “Only when the food is this outstanding.” She raised one eyebrow, and he held out his palm to her.

  She placed her hand alongside his, her skin smooth and warm, and the thing walked across.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her mouth as she held it open and let the delicacy waltz inside.

  Her full lips once again dusted with glowing powder, she maintained a sexy smirk as she licked them clean. Everything she did had a sensual tint to it.

  Candi appeared at their sides a moment later, disapproval of Vin’s propensity for consumption written on her face. “Well, are you two ready to see your new home for the duration of the competition?”

  “Will we be remaining on this planet, then?” Armond asked.

  She let out her annoying laugh before answering, “That wouldn’t be much fun, now would it?”

  “We get a spaceship!” Vin playfully stroked his arm.

  Unaccustomed to contact, he stifled the instinct to flinch.

  “Haven’t you seen the show before?” Vin asked.

  “Never heard of it before today.”

  Her touch lingered as her expression sobered. “That’s a major disadvantage. Can we get access to the previous seasons on the ship?” she asked Candi.

  “Absolutely. You two need to win this thing for me.”

  “Watch it.” Vin turned her attention back to him. “I mean it. You’re a liability otherwise.”

  Her calling him a liability was laughable, so he simply nodded.

  “Do you fly? I haven’t flown anything larger than a two-seater. Last season there were a couple, and neither of them flew. The AI had to do it all for them. Messed it up more often than not.”

  Candi rolled her eyes.

  “I am a highly trained pilot in an array of spacecraft,” he assured them both.

  Vin sported a lop-sided grin and did a little dance move. “And we have a pilot.”

  Candi led them from the room, stopping to say goodbye to individuals and media as they went.

  They returned down the hall, past where they’d been assigned their partners, and into a glass elevator. Unlike those on Earth, this traversed not only vertically, but horizontally as well. The craft breached the exterior of the corporation and, for the first time, Armond saw the planet beyond.

  A green-blue sky was dotted with dual moons and fast-moving clouds. Below, a great deal of vegetation interspersed with the cityscape beyond. A large river wound its way through structures that ran the gauntlet from single story to mega buildings like the one that housed what must be Octiron.

  Once outside, they continued their ascent. By the time they moved horizontally again, they had to be at least a hundred stories in the air. More impressive, some of the tree-like growth was nearly as tall. Stunningly thin reddish-brown trunks sprouted branches that spanned seemingly impossible distances. Armond wished he could get a better look, as some of them appeared to join together near the top of the canopy.

  The room slowly rotated until they faced a fair-sized airfield. Dozens of spaceships of varying configurations dotted the tarmac. They skirted along the perimeter until coming to a stop behind a sleek number that looked like a high-end personal transport similar to that which the Cavacent Clan owned.

  Vin kept her focus on the views beyond. The planet was just as beautiful in person as it was on the broadcasts. She had to force herself not to stare at Armond. She’d never come across an individual so completely closed off. Zero emotion, he was a true enigma. Were all his people like this? Was she unable to access his emotions, or did he simply not possess any? She hoped it was the former. An entire race devoid of any kind of passion was a terrifying thought. She had a deep desire to find the answer.

  One thing was perfectly clear: Candice had a chip on her shoulder a mile-wide where she was concerned. That was fine. She rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Many were simply overwhelmed by her energy.

  “It will be such fun watching you two.” Candice stroked Armond’s muscled arm, and continued to ignore Vin.

  At least she knew how this was going to play out. The viewers would love the animosity between them. She should probably try to be more bitchy to increase ratings, but honestly, that just wasn’t her style. Candice would just have to do her best to piss her off.

  The transport came to a halt, and the door slid open. A crisp breeze whipped at her hair as they stepped out. The air was heavy with the scent of the flowering Windaria trees below. Damn things were beautiful, but they set off her allergies.

  “This little baby here is yours,” Candice said. They made their way across the tarmac to the ship’s bow. She was long and sleek, a true beauty of a spacecraft. The name was imprinted just below the bridge viewscreen; Galaxy Riders.

  Candice dug around in her ridiculously large purse and brought out two com units. She swiped across the screen of one and entered a code. A door appeared on the side of the hull and stairs slid out from underneath, coming to rest at their feet.

  “Here you go.” She handed Armond one of the units, then ascended the stairs.

  “Guess I’ll have to ask for my own,” Vin said, shaking her head as a media vidbot zoomed past.

  “So it would seem. After you,” Armond stepped aside and let her go next.

  As soon as she entered, it hit her, and she took a deep breath. “Nothing like that new-ship smell. How did we get so lucky?”

  “There was a behind-the-scenes battle over who would supply our fleet. A new company won the contract.”

  More like stole is what Candi was thinking, Vin thought.

  “Survive and it’s yours. Everything is top-of-the-line, including a brand new AI system. It’s designed to be more helpful than previously. I would suggest you make sure to leverage its knowledge as best you can.”

  “That should be interesting,” Vin said. “They didn’t do anything before except navigation, and that they messed up half the time. It was hysterical.”

  “I don’t see the humor in that,” Armond said.

  “Do you see the humor in anything?” Vin asked, giving him her most suggestive smile.

  “Occasionally. When something is, in fact, humorous.”

  Was he teasing her? She studied his face. It was impossible to tell, which was as frustrating as a reluctant orgasm.

  “Come along, the departing ceremony is in an hour. I’m sure you’ll want to get changed into your travel clothes and get ready.”

  “I assume our clothes and toiletries are provided?” Armond asked.

  “I keep forgetting you’re new to all this,” Vin said. “They provide everything, except for the stuff they don’t. It’s hysterical. Last time three contestants didn’t have deodorant, one woman with hair thicker than mine didn’t have a brush, another had no shampoo. And you can’t borrow anything. You have to make do with what they give you. Isn’t that a riot?”

  Armond raised an eyebrow at her, which was the closest thing to emotion she’d seen so far. She decided it was a step in the right direction.

  Candice gave them the tour, starting with the bridge. Top-of-the-line was an understatement. Even she could tell the equipment and console were impressive. She reached out, but felt absolutely nothing from the man next to her. Surly he would be pleased by this?

  Candice, on the other hand, was a hot mess of desire where Armond was concerned. She pulled up her com and entered something. “Marty, I want you to meet Armond and Vin. They are your crew. Treat them accordingly.”

  “Greetings,” a male voice surrounded them. “I am looking forward to working with you.”

  “Hello, I’m Vin.” She waited for Armond.

  He said nothing. She nudged him with her elbow. Or tried. He was a rock. “You need to say something so he can identify your voice.”

  A slight nod and Armond responded. “Greeting, ship’s AI. I am Armond.”

complete. And call me Marty. AI is so impersonal.”

  Next, Candi took them to the galley. It had a nice-sized kitchen and lounge area.

  “Wow.” Along the far wall was a viewscreen that ran the length of the room.

  “Far more than wow.” Candice dripped sarcasm. She toyed with the com unit and the screen turned opaque, displaying the tarmac outside. Another key sequence, and the surface morphed into a massive stone fireplace. The flames were at least five feet high, and a delicious warmth spread across her face.

  “Oh, my. Just what you need in the cold of space.” She rubbed her hands together and stepped closer. It was brilliant.

  “The kitchen is fully automated or, if you wish, you can use the provided cookware and do it yourself.” Candice looked like an oversized version of the creamed chocolate truffle Vin had eaten for dessert. In an unappetizing kind of way.

  “Do you cook, Armond?” Candice was back to stroking Armond's bicep. “A big man such as yourself must eat a lot. Rather like our Vin here.”

  She was not her Vin. Less so by the second. She liked food, that wasn’t a crime. And yes, there was a chance she’d out-eat the man. She could eat virtually anything and never gain weight. Didn’t lose any either, and she was good with that.

  Candice took them to the sleeping quarters next. Armond's first, of course. It was a decent size with a large bed in the center. “Our seamstresses have been working overtime to provide you with clothing,” she told Armond. “I had them make clothes similar to what you arrived in. I thought you’d be more comfortable that way.”

  “You were correct,” Armond said.

  And there it was. The faintest hint of emotion when he replied, but it was gone in an instant. It was emotion, though, she was sure of it. Okay, so Iceman wasn’t all ice after all. She’d find out what was buried under that cold exterior.

  "Go check the bathroom," Vin said. "Make sure you have soap and all that."

  He left for the small room off the side and returned a moment later. "It appears the only thing I'm lacking is a hair brush."

  Oh dear. All that long blond hair and no brush? She wondered if he'd let her braid it for him. She liked the idea of running her fingers through his mane. Liked it a lot, in fact.

  Candice took them to Vin’s quarters next.

  "Seriously?" Vin walked over and stood in the spot where there should have been a bed.

  Candice radiated smug satisfaction. She'd known one of them would go without, and had purposefully assigned Vin. Oh well, there were worse things to be missing. She was relived to discover she had ample soap, shampoo, and toothpaste, and even some makeup.

  They wrapped up the tour in the engine compartment and cargo bay. Five numbered lockers lined one wall.

  Armond seemed to know a lot about the technical aspects of the ship, and given her computer skills, they were a solid team. She mentally reviewed all the information she'd gleaned from the other contestants during the banquet, and decided their chances were pretty damn decent.

  Candice finished the tour back at the entry. Two large wheeled crates sat by the inner door. “These are your clothes for the duration,” Candice said. “Wear whatever you plan to fly in. Adds flavor for the viewers. I’ll be back in an hour to escort you to the departure ceremony. It’s right outside on the tarmac, in the center of all the contestants’ ships. The crews are busy setting up the function now.”

  “Remember that time the ships were cleared for launch before they finished cleaning up the space? That was spectacular! Servers went flying everywhere!” It was one of her favorite episodes. The amount of food that had been wasted in the carnage still made her weep.

  A look of worry crossed Candice’s face. “Yes. Let’s hope the producers aren’t planning a repeat of that stunt. It wasn’t only the servers who went flying that evening.”

  Feelings of anger and betrayal enveloped the handler. It surprised Vin. She’d always assumed that the handlers were in on everything.

  “I’ll see you!” Candice’s sing-song voice grated more each time she spoke.

  The outer door slid shut, and she turned to Armond. “She has such an annoying voice.”


  “Okay, then, Mr. Chatty. Time to get dressed,” Vin said. “Help me get this to my room?”

  He took both crates without a word.

  She watched him walk away. She wasn’t picking up on his emotions, but there was something else happening. Something new. Different. It felt like a vibration more than an emotion, but it definitely originated from Armond. This day just got more and more intriguing.

  Twenty minutes later, Vin was showered and had gone through the contents of her clothing crate. Two things were missing. One was something to sleep in, and the other was underwear. Plenty of bras, thank the gods. Her girls were too big to go free-range all day. She had a lot of shirts too, but they were too short to cover her ass. Without underwear, it left her sleeping in pants, which wasn’t going to happen. Still, it could have been worse. “Let the games begin.”

  Vin finished putting on some makeup and taming her hair before locating Armond in the galley. The vid screen bustled with servers and crew out on the tarmac, setting up tables and getting ready for the event.

  Armond’s dark pants were form fitting and showed off a seriously nice tush. His buttoned-up shirt accentuated his muscular physique. Black synth boots completed the drool-worthy ensemble. His long white hair was in a neat ponytail at the nape of his neck. Yeah, she wanted to run her hands through it all right.

  The tarmac had been transformed into a stunning sight. High-top tables stood in front of a stage large enough to hold all the contestants. It was standard for the launch ceremony to have them all together for the sendoff. She’d have to see what further information she could get from the others. They’d run into individual teams, but not all of them, and probably not more than a few at a time. That’s the way it worked.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said standing next to Armond.

  He looked at her with eyes that had only a hint of blue, and knew that he was pondering the word beautiful.

  “Don’t you think?” she prompted.

  “Beauty is a subjective concept.”

  “True, but many things are somewhat universal if you have a similar enough humanoid background. Like that scene out there. That’s very pretty.”

  “If you say so.”

  Not much of a conversationalist this one, but he had hidden depths, of that she was certain. “So, anything missing from your clothes?” He appeared fully equipped.

  “I am lacking in underwear.”

  She couldn’t stop the laugh. “You too? That’s so funny. How about pajamas? Do you have those?”

  “I don’t require them.”

  The image that came along with the words was pure decadence. “But did you get some?”

  He looked down at her. The man was tall. “I did.”

  “Like a soft shirt?” His would at least come to her knees.


  “Can I have them? They gave me nothing to sleep in, and no undies either. Please?”

  “I thought that was against the rules.”

  “They aren’t filming yet. At least, they’re not supposed to be. If we get them now, no one will know.”

  “Until you go to bed in my shirts.”

  “They don’t film the bedrooms unless you allow it.” They weren’t supposed to, at any rate. “Please? Before Candi comes back?”

  As usual, there were no emotional cues or facial expressions as he looked at her. “All right.”

  His acquiescence surprised her. Probably because she simply had no baseline to draw from. She followed to his room and grabbed the shirts, then sprinted back and shoved them in her crate.

  They’d just returned to the galley when Candice appeared at the doorway. She now wore a silvery metallic dress that would reflect every color out there. “Well, don’t you two look lovely.” Her eyes never left Armond.

“Thanks. I love these flowing pants and tight top,” Vin said. No doubt Candice had played a role in their selection. She probably assumed Vin wouldn’t like the way they hugged her ass, but that was one of her finest features.

  “Shall we proceed to the tarmac? The press is anxious for final farewells.” Candice definitely wasn’t pleased.

  The sun was setting as they emerged from the ship. The air was crisp, but not cold. A hint of a breeze carried the sticky scent of windaria.

  The event area was stunning. The way the multi-colored globes floated over the gathering left the tarmac looking like someone had spilled paint over everything and everyone. High-top tables were scattered throughout.

  Vin leaned closer to Armond and pointed to the stage. “That’s where we’ll get our first task. After that, we’ll be working for them.”

  A barely perceptible nod was his only response.

  They made their way across the gathering. It took a long time, with media peppering them with questions every few feet.

  On stage, Suede Harrington set down a briefcase and stood back. A moment later, a translucent multicolored podium rose from the case. It was an enchanting kaleidoscope of colors, mirroring those present in the air above.

  Music picked up with a lively beat.

  The ships were all stunning; glistening things of beauty. There was a tension in the air and the energy was thick with a wide range of emotions. This was it. They couldn’t turn back if they wanted to. Vin had always known this may be a one-way trip. If that was the case, she was going to enjoy every last second. Starting with the long table of sweets set up in the rear. She left Armond and Candi, and headed over.

  She’d just devoured her third animated delicacy when Mac Wendorn strolled over, followed by four vidbots that settled into a hover a few feet above them.

  “Vin Karatin…Karatintoo… Darlin’, you have a last name that was never meant to be broadcast.” He reached out and plucked an eight-legged confection off the platter and plopped it into his mouth. “Are you ready?” he said around the treat.

  “Absolutely,” she said. “I clearly have an advantage.” She motioned to Armond, who watched her from his position next to Candi. She held that gaze. What was hidden behind those nearly colorless eyes? She licked her fingers slowly, provocatively. From this distance, it was hard to tell, but she’d swear he was watching her lips. They weren’t her worst quality. The thought of this cold, indifferent being harboring a passionate side stirred something deep within. What would it be like to have those arms of steel exploring her body? Would he be interested in a woman like her? Hells, for all she knew, he could prefer men, or be asexual.


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