Double Coverage

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Double Coverage Page 11

by Meghan Quinn

  “We’re closed,” Piper tried to say in an even tone, trying not to show how irritated she was, but the man in front of her had an annoying effect on her body, so her irritation increased.

  “Do you mind if I stay a little longer? I’ll help.”

  Piper was just about to tell him that she did mind, but then again, she looked around and the place was a mess; she could, unfortunately, use the help.

  “Fine, start stacking the chairs on the tables for me.”

  Mason made a show of flexing his muscles, his very defined and corded muscles, while saying, “I can handle that.”

  Piper rolled her eyes, but the image of his strong arms in mid-flex was burned in her brain. God, he was hot. Life wasn’t fair.

  As she stacked the dirty glasses, she conjured up thoughts of Jax and the way he gently pushed her hair to the side to kiss her neck, or the way he called her darlin’ in his southern accent. Her heart beat faster at the thought of him, so she pulled out her phone to see if he’d sent her any messages. When she saw a message from him, her face lit up with excitement. He never let her down.

  Jax: Hello, my sweet. I know you’re working, but I wanted you to know I was thinking about you tonight and can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. I miss you, terribly.

  Piper felt a wave of ease roll over her body. That was what Jax did to her. He eased out all of the unwanted tension she accumulated with just of a couple of sentences. He always helped her find her inner peace, whereas Mason made her feel incredibly tense, confused, and uneasy.

  But she craved him; she craved for him to look at her and to touch her. Why would she want someone who made her feel so uneasy near her? There was something seriously fucked-up about her. Maybe she should just blame her overbearing father, like she blamed him for everything else. That worked, she thought.

  “So, how long have you lived in Denver?”

  Mason nearly startled Piper to the ground with his question. She was so lost in a train of thought, she’d forgotten that the man who tied knots in her stomach was even in the room.

  “Not very long.” She didn’t want to go into details. She didn’t want him knowing too much about her, even though she’d blabbed all about her tattoos to him when they were on the beach.

  “How long is not very long?” She watched him stack the last chair on the last table in the room and couldn’t believe he’d worked so fast. He grabbed a broom and started sweeping, waiting for an answer.

  She stared at him with a hand on her hip. “What’s all this about?” she asked, motioning her hand between the two of them. “What do you want from me?”

  A flash of hurt showed through his eyes, but was replaced with sincerity. “I want to be friends.”

  “Friends?” Piper laughed. “Mason, we hate each other. How could we possibly be friends?”

  Mason came towards her and set the broom down, placing her hands in his. The warmth that radiated off him shot straight through her body all the way to her core. Her breath caught in her throat at the proximity of him and the way his eyes bore down on her made her want to cream her pants right then and there.

  “I don’t hate you, Piper. Is that how you feel about me? You hate me?”

  She did and she didn’t. She hated him for making her feel the way she was feeling at the moment, completely and utterly confused…as well as happy and warm. This wasn’t supposed to be happening. Mason was supposed to stay the ass that he was and she was supposed to be happy with only Jax touching her, but the way Mason’s thumbs caressed her knuckles made her shiver and the movements scrambled her brain.

  “I don’t hate you.”

  “Then, we can be friends?”

  She tried to pull away, but he didn’t let her. “No, we can’t. Not when you obviously want more. I’m seeing someone Mason, someone I very much like.”

  Mason blew out a frustrated breath, but kept her hands in his. “He’s a lucky guy, but I just want to be friends. I promise, this is all innocent. I will never cross the line.”

  “Holding hands is innocent?” she asked, as she accidently rubbed his hand with her thumb as well. Was that an accident? No, because she kept doing it. Her thumbs apparently were calling mutiny on her brain.

  “Completely innocent,” he responded in his deep baritone.

  “Okay, but that’s it. Friends don’t kiss.”

  “They don’t kiss on the lips, but cheeks are okay and so are hugs.”

  “Mason…” she drawled out.

  He feigned shock. “What?” He pulled her in for a hug and then tickled her side, making her screech. She smacked his side and went back behind the bar as he followed her. She was about to spin around and ask what he wanted when his hand slipped to the front of her waist and yanked her phone out of her pocket.

  Piper lunged to grab her phone, but he held it above his head, completely out of reach for her.

  “Give that to me.”

  “Settle down, woman. I just want to put my number in here. Friends have friends’ phone numbers, you know.”

  “Well, you could have said that.”

  He smiled while he typed in her phone. A couple of seconds later, his phone chimed. “There, now I have your number too.”

  “Grand,” Piper said sarcastically. “Now, if you could finish sweeping, that would be great. Thank you.”

  They worked in silence until the bar was completely cleaned up and ready to be closed. They walked out together and Mason waited for her while she locked up. When she turned around, she found Mason studying her. Friends…just friends, she repeated in her head.

  “Can I take you home?”

  “NO!” She practically shouted, making him hold his hands up in defense. She quickly apologized. “I’m sorry. I can walk home myself, that’s all.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable…”

  Piper held up her hand to stop him. “Mason, you’re skating on thin ice here. Don’t push it.”

  “Alright, fine. Walk home in the dark all by yourself. See if I care.” He crossed his big arms over his equally big chest, making Piper smile.

  “You care,” she teased.

  “You don’t have to rub it in.”

  It was surprising to Piper how easily they could talk and barb with each other, especially since the very first moment they’d met each other, they’d been at each other’s throats. Mason was actually really easy going and fun to be around. Hannah was right, he was a good time.

  “Well, thanks for your help.” Piper waved and started walking away.

  “Wait. What are you doing Saturday?”

  Piper turned around and searched his eyes, hope shone right through those molten chocolate eyes.

  “I’m not sure. I’m not going on a date with you, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Why the hell would I ask your scrawny ass on a date?” Mason said with a smile.

  “Scrawny? Really?” Piper turned around, showing off her butt and lifted her shirt, exposing some of her skin so she could take a look at her stomach and then pulled her neckline away from her chest to look down her shirt. “I wouldn’t describe myself as scrawny.”

  When she looked back up at Mason, she could see the heat shining through his eyes. She’d provoked him, but she didn’t care. It was all in good fun.

  “Devil woman,” he muttered.

  Laughing, Piper asked, “I might be free. What do you have in mind?”

  Ryker and I have tickets to the Boulders’ baseball game. Hannah is already in. Do you want to join us?”

  Piper was shocked to hear that Hannah had agreed to such a thing. Todd must be on a long business trip because she never committed to an outing that far in advance.

  “Hannah is going?”

  “Yeah, she’s pretty excited. So, you in?”

  Piper should have taken longer than a second to think about the offer, but like her thumbs, her mouth joined in on the mutiny of her brain.

  “I’d love to.”

  “Great, I’ll text you the det
ails later.” Mason started toward her, but stopped himself and put his hands in his pockets. “I’ll see you later, buddy.”

  “See you…friend.”

  Piper watched Mason walk away and cross the street. He must live close by because there were no vehicles in sight. As she watched his backside stroll away, she thought about how she wished he had given her a hug goodbye. She wanted to be wrapped up in his arms one last time.

  Instant guilt washed over her. She should not be thinking such things when there was a perfectly amazing man waiting for her to call him. She pulled out her phone to call him and noticed the picture on her phone wallpaper had changed. It was a picture of Mason grinning at her, which made her laugh. She needed to change the picture before Jax saw it, but that could wait until tomorrow. For now, she would keep it.

  Chapter 8

  Ryker tied up the laces to his neon Nike’s and rolled his shoulders, trying to get the kinks out. It was, once again, another rough practice. The season was going to start soon, pre-season games at least, so Ryker couldn’t understand why their coach was still running them ragged.

  Their schedule was relentless, practices in the morning, conditioning, lifting…followed by watching film on the other teams for hours. Luckily, food was catered, so at least they didn’t starve. Ryker didn’t know how much more he could take of the brutal hits to his body, long nights and lonely bed.

  Coach Ryan, their offensive coordinator kept the offense longer than special teams and defense. The other teams got to go home earlier, had some days off, and didn’t spend hour after hour in the film room watching the same damn film over and over again until they could play each defensive strategy out in their heads.

  Maybe the trade to a new team and dealing with a coach that didn’t quit would be better if he was able to hold and love Hannah the way he wanted. At least she’d agreed to go to the baseball game with him and Mason the other day. That was a miracle in itself. Ryker wanted to know who the douchebag was that she was dating. The man was never around, which was a positive for Ryker, but he didn’t get it. Who in their right mind would ever leave Hannah for so long? Ryker understood having to leave for business; hell, he had to leave for games all the time, but he’d be either dragging Hannah along with him or he would be rushing back to her side the instant he could.

  Ryker put his wallet in his pocket and turned to Mason, who was sitting on the stool in front of his locker with his towel still wrapped around his waist.

  “Are you going to get dressed man? I know you’re proud of that log between your legs, but we could all use a break from your bragging.”

  Mason chuckled and looked up at Ryker. “I’m just moving a little slower these days. I don’t know how much more I can take from that dickhead.”

  “I know. What’s he trying to prove? That he can run us all into the ground before the season starts? What good will that do? I don’t think Jesse can even lift his arm.” Ryker said, referring to their starting quarterback.

  Mason shook his head. “Well, when he has his third string offense starting the season opener, he’s going to realize what a massive pile of shit he was during training.”

  “Let’s hope we make it that far.” Changing subjects, Ryker asked, “So is Piper in for Saturday?”

  “Yup.” Mason was grinning like an idiot when he finally got up, shucked his towel and slipped on some clothes.

  “Wow, how did you pull that off?”

  “Calling truce. Asking to be friends.”

  “And she fell for that bullshit? I thought she was smarter than that.”

  “I guess not.”

  Ryker patted him on the back. “Well, I’ll pick up Hannah, you got Piper?”

  “Sure do. See you tomorrow man.”

  Ryker said his goodbyes and walked to the corner market for some food. His fridge was completely devoid of anything of substance. Since he was not a cook whatsoever, he found himself perusing the frozen food section. What was he in the mood for? Pizza, lasagna, possibly mac and cheese?

  Ryker went to reach for a frozen burrito when he heard the voice that had been haunting his dreams.


  Ryker dropped the burrito and quickly shut the freezer door, feeling embarrassed for some reason. He didn’t want Hannah thinking of him as some lowly bachelor who had to resort to frozen burritos for nutrients, even though that was an accurate assessment.

  “Hannah, hey. Uh…what are you doing here?”

  Hannah looked down at her cart that was full of food that could actually be used to form meals, not something you popped in a microwave.

  “Shopping, I thought that was kind of evident.”

  Ryker ran his hand through his hair. “I guess it is.”

  “Nice shoes.” Hannah nodded toward his new sneakers.

  “Thanks. Some people find them a little too much, but they’re perfect for me.”

  “I agree.” She looked at the basket he was carrying. It had a six pack of beer and a stick of deodorant. “I didn’t know football players did their own grocery shopping.”

  “Some of us do. I even brush my own teeth and wipe my own ass.” Why did he just say that? He didn’t want Hannah having the visual him wiping his ass rolling through her head. What an idiot!

  She gave him a nervous giggle. “What’s for dinner?”

  “Frozen burrito,” Ryker said with a shrug. “I’m not much of a cook.”

  “Frozen burrito? No, you are going to make a meal. Do you have pans?”

  Feeling a little taken aback at her abruptness, he shook his head. “Good, Follow me.”

  For the next half hour, he followed Hannah around the store as she filled his basket with beef, taco shells, seasoning, lettuce, chips and salsa. She threw a couple of other things in there and went through the grocery line with him. She followed him home, shocking the hell out of him, and went straight for his kitchen.

  “Do you have an apron?”

  Ryker smiled brightly at her and handed her the only apron he had, which his mom had given him a while ago. It had a floral print on it with lace lining the edges. She stared at it for a second and then barked out in laughter while gripping her stomach.

  “Why on earth do you have this apron?” she asked, while holding it out.

  “My mom gave it to me.”

  “Please, tell me you wear this.”

  “All the time!” Not really, but he loved the sound of her laugh, so he took the apron from her and wrapped it around his body. The brilliant smile that came from her face was worth all the humiliation he was feeling at the moment. He topped the look off with the matching pot holders and spun around for her.

  She busted out in more laughter and held onto the counter for support. “That is quite the look on you.”

  “Thank you.” Ryker did a little runway walk for Hannah, twisted at the end and then broke out into the robot.

  “Enough of that,” she said in between hysterics. “I don’t have all night. Where are your pans?”

  They spent the rest of the evening making tacos, laughing over the fact that Ryker was incapable of keeping the contents of his taco in the shell, and enjoying each other’s company. Ryker could not remember the last time he had such an amazing night with a woman. Usually, he brought them home, fucked them, and sent them on their way, but he wanted so much more with Hannah. He wanted to cook dinners with her, watch movies while eating popcorn in a big cozy recliner and then spend the rest of the night in each other’s arms. He wanted it all with Hannah.

  Ryker was in the middle of helping Hannah clean up when her phone went off. She ran to her purse and pulled it out, answering right away.

  “Hey…I miss you too. Yeah, I had a good night. At a friend’s, uh Piper, yeah. I’ll call you back in five okay? Love you too. Bye.”

  Hannah turned off her phone and stared at it for a second before turning to face Ryker. Pure and utter jealousy ran its course through Ryker’s body. He wanted to be the one on the phone calling Hannah, checking up on
her, hearing her tell him she loved him.

  “I got to go.” Ryker figured as much. His magical evening with Hannah was over.

  “Was that him?”

  “Todd,” Hannah corrected.

  ‘What kind of name was Todd,’ Ryker thought. A name for a douchebag.

  “Todd. Did you tell him you were with Piper?”

  Hannah looked away and whispered a yes under her breath. Ryker went toward her and made her look him in the eyes.

  “Why would you do that?” Please say because you don’t want Todd knowing you have feelings for another man, that you can have fun with another man, Ryker pleaded.

  “He wouldn’t understand our friendship.”

  “Is that what this is to you, friendship?”

  “Yes, Ryker. That is all this ever can be. You know that. I’m in love with Todd. We’re getting married someday, hopefully soon. If you want to hang out, then we have to be friends.”

  Not what he was hoping to hear, but he would take what he could get right now. “I’m good with friends.”

  Even though it was ripping him apart…not being able to hold her, touch her in a way only a boyfriend can and kiss her until they were naked in his bed, panting from making love. All in due time, he thought. Todd was going to slip up at some point and, in the meantime, Ryker was going to make it pretty much impossible for Hannah to not fall head over heels in love with him. He said she was going to be his wife one day and she was going to be. He believed in love at first sight and Hannah was it for him. He wanted no one else.


  Mason was exhausted, completely and utterly exhausted. Practices were running him into the ground and, when he got home to finally get some sleep, all he could think about was the baseball game and spending time with Piper. He hadn’t seen her since he helped her shut down the bar for the night. He wanted to keep his distance because he wanted to show her that he was really trying to be friends, not the horny dog he felt like. Anytime he was around her, he thought he was going to explode in his pants. It was embarrassing.


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