Double Coverage

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Double Coverage Page 30

by Meghan Quinn

  Piper sauntered over to her door and just prayed that Mason and Jax were not behind the pounding. Piper whipped the door open and instantly started crying. Standing in front of her was Lexi with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates.

  “What are you doing here?” Piper asked, in between tears. “I thought you went back to San Diego with Jake on Monday.”

  Lexi invited herself in and went straight for the kitchen to grab some wine glasses. “I was going to, until I heard about your little predicament. Once you refused to answer my calls and texts, I thought it might be best if I paid you a little visit. Tell me what’s going on.”

  They both sat down on Piper’s couch with a glass of wine in hand and the box of chocolates wide open, ready to be eaten.

  “I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “Well, you’ve been seeing two men. That’s a good start.”

  Once again, tears welled up in Piper’s eyes as she looked at her friend in shame. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. The minute I met Jax, I knew he was special. I knew he was the kind of guy I wanted to be with, that I could spend the rest of my life with. I was doing great until Mason decided that he had feelings for me and started acting like a decent human being. Then, my hormones took over and, before I knew it, I was fucking the man on a pool table, in the shower, on the kitchen floor…”

  “I get it,” Lexi said, laughing and holding her hand up. “You had a lot of hot sex with the man.”

  “We did and it was amazing, Lex. I have never had such a connection like I have with Mason. There is some strange energy in the air when we’re together, as if the universe is pulling us together. Whenever I’m around him, I find it impossible to keep my distance; even when we’re fighting, which we do often, but I think the fighting stems from jealousy.” Piper shook her head. “I just don’t know what to do. I love Jax so much, but when Jax asked me if I loved Mason, I didn’t say anything because I think, deep down, I might love Mason. Is it possible to love two men at the same time?”

  “Of course, sweetie.” Lexi put her warm hand on Piper’s arm to comfort her. “Sometimes your heart can be torn in two. The real question that you need to ask yourself is, who can you live without?”

  How could she even answer that? She couldn’t fathom not being with either of them. Jax was sweet, caring, and the perfect man any woman would want to be with. Mason was intense, demanding and irresistible. He was a challenge. They were different, but both very loving in their own way.

  “I don’t even know how to answer that,” Piper said, her gut swirling with anxiety over her situation.

  “You know what I’m going to say…”

  “No, I really don’t. Lexi help me.”

  “I can’t make the decision for you, Piper, but if you care about them, then maybe you just need to let them both go. It’s not fair, what you’re doing to them and you know I love you, so I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings. I’m just trying to be real. I think you need to take a step back and be done with both of them for now.”

  Piper started to get an itchy feeling. That feeling she got every time she’d been living in a city for too long. Maybe Lexi was right; maybe it was time for her to pack up and move on. She wasn’t doing anyone any good right now. It would be best for everyone if she did them all a favor and just left, like she always did.

  “You’re right, Lex, you are so right. I’ve been here too long anyway; I don’t know what I was thinking, staying here for so long. I am way overdue for a move.”

  “Wait, oh no. That’s not what I meant. Don’t go running away from your problems, Piper. You finally found a place to live, a place that you love.”

  “Are you crazy? I can’t stay here, not with Jax and Mason being so close to me. No, I need a fresh start.”

  Piper got up and started rummaging in her hall closet for her boxes. She might as well get a head start on her packing now. She didn’t know where she was going, but then again, she never really did. Would she go east or west this time? Either way, she was going far away from Denver to a place where football was not worshipped and talked about all the time.

  Lexi got up and steadied Piper. “Piper stop. You are not moving. You need to stay and face your problems. You need to talk to each guy and let them know what’s going on. You owe them that much.”

  Ugh, Piper hated when Lexi was right. She did owe it to Jax and Mason to talk to them and to let them go, but she didn’t want to. If she thought about it, the reason she was still in Denver was because of Jax, because he helped make Denver her home.

  “What if I did pick one of them?” Piper asked sheepishly.

  “Would you be able to do that? Would you be able to end all ties with the guy you don’t pick?”

  Piper didn’t know, but then again, she thought about what happened on Saturday. Mason was punished because of his connections with her. When Jax came to her apartment the other night and told her how wrong he was for taking out Mason, he said he would never do it again. But would he really stop punishing Mason if Jax saw Piper walking around with Mason? She couldn’t blame him if he didn’t; she wouldn’t be able to handle seeing him with someone else.

  She knew life with Mason would be more intense, demanding and passionate, which deep down, she knew she wanted in her life, but she couldn’t risk Mason’s career being played around with; she loved him too much to let that happen. Jax was safe; he was sweet and caring and he would possibly make a great husband someday. Jax would be the safer choice, whereas Mason would fill her soul completely. She knew what she had to do. She knew who she was going to choose. She was too selfish to let both go and Lexi was right, she shouldn’t just get up and leave like she always did. She had to be a grown up and she had to finally stop fooling around. It was time to make a choice she had been dreading for a while.

  “What are you thinking about over there?” Lexi asked.

  “I think I know what I’m going to do.”

  Chapter 19

  It had almost been a week since the last time Mason heard from Piper. Last he knew, she gave him her heart and was going to call him, but ever since the game against the San Diego Thunder, Mason hadn’t heard one word from her. He tried to call her, text her, and even visit her in the bar, but she was nowhere to be found. If it wasn’t for Lexi telling Mason that Piper was still alive, he would have thought something happened to her.

  Mason barely felt like he was living. He had gone through the motions of life for the past couple of days, living by the sound of his phone, begging for it to ring. After Brooke broke off their engagement earlier in the year, Mason found himself in an incredibly dark hole, one that he didn’t think he would ever climb out of. He was a very bitter man who leaned on alcohol and being an ass to get him through his days, but then Piper showed up and turned his world upside down.

  No longer did he feel numb inside or broken. No, Piper was a bright light in his life and helped him feel again. He was able to enjoy his friends, his job, and his fans. He was able to laugh and…love. Damn it if it didn’t happen to him, he fell in love with Piper, the hung-over sassy chick from the airplane. The hot topless redhead from Jake and Lexi’s wedding. The tempting silver-eyed waitress at his favorite bar; he fell bone-deep in love with her and there was nothing he could do about it.

  He paced the length of his living room as he searched his brain for options. What was he supposed to do? Piper was slipping away and there was nothing he could do about it. She wasn’t answering him, she wasn’t around and she wouldn’t visit him when he asked. She had completely cut him out of her life and Mason was terrified. Losing Piper would be way more detrimental to his soul then losing Brooke. Brooke was a stepping stone in his search for love. Piper was the end zone; she was what he wanted, what he desired, what he needed.

  He was barely functioning as it was. He didn’t sleep because all he could think about was Piper and Jax ending up together and he couldn’t eat because his stomach was occupied with tying itself in knots. He felt weak, de
flated, and rejected. He needed Piper; she was his lifeline, his love, his soul mate, the one true thing that would make him happy in life.

  Mason picked up his phone and decided he was going to send Piper another text. He was getting worried and he would do just about anything to hear from her. Even if it was just a text.

  Mason: Hey, baby. Are you okay? I haven’t heard from you or seen you in a couple of days and I’m really starting to get worried.

  Mason set his phone down on his wood coffee table and took a seat on the plush rug in his living room. He needed to expel the nervous energy that was running through his body, so he decided to do some pushups. It was the one thing that he knew would keep him busy and focused on something other than Piper.

  He got into position and started counting out his pushups, one by one. He started with fifty, but when he got to his allotted amount, he didn’t even feel tired. So, he started doing wide arm pushups and then one armed pushups and then pushups with a clap, then pushups with one leg up and then the other. Mason did so many pushups that the pain from his arms radiated down his body and masked some of the pain in his heart from not hearing from Piper.

  Mason finally collapsed on the floor after he lost count and couldn’t feel his arms anymore. Even though the pain from his arms was overwhelming, he still felt the pain from Piper. Was he that pathetic that he couldn’t take a hint? Clearly, she’d fed him some line on Saturday about giving her heart to him because, if she meant it, she wouldn’t be putting him through this kind of pain. He knew she needed time to figure out how to handle Jax, but he didn’t think that meant a complete exile. He at least thought she would talk to him, maybe even want to see him.

  Mason sat on his floor with his arms on his knees and his head in his hands when his phone dinged with a text message. Mason practically flung himself onto his coffee table to see if it was from Piper. God, he was pathetic.

  Mason’s heart soared to dangerous heights as he read the front of the screen on his phone; it was Piper.

  Piper: Hey, Mace. Sorry, I’ve been out of town. I’m doing alright.

  Mason’s heart pounded loudly in his chest as he figured out what to say. He was treading a thin line; he didn’t want to push her, but he knew he wanted her to know he wanted her, needed her.

  Mason: Out of town? Go anywhere fun?

  Piper: My mom’s been sick, so I went to visit her.

  Mason: I hope nothing serious.

  Piper: No, she’s alright.

  Wow, this conversation was going nowhere quickly. Piper seemed really short with him and it was terrifying. He debated calling her so he could hear her voice, but settled with texting her; he didn’t want to push his luck.

  Mason: That’s good. I’ve missed you.

  Mason waited and prayed that Piper would say she missed him too, but minutes ticked by with no response. Sweat started to trickle down his back as he figured she was not going to reply. That was it; she was done with him and he had no clue why. Should he have not given her time? Should he have pushed for her more? Fuck. He felt like his chest was splitting in two as his heart was being ripped out.

  Mason was about to throw his phone in frustration when his phone beeped again.

  Piper: I’ve missed you too…

  Thank fucking God! Those four little words parted the dark clouds that had been looming over Mason ever since Saturday. The pressure that was pounding down on Mason’s heart eased up slightly, giving him a little bit more room to breathe.

  Mason: You don’t know how happy that makes me feel, baby. Listen, I don’t want to be too pushy, but I have two tickets for Sunday’s game with your and Hannah’s names on them. I would love it if you would be there.

  Piper: That’s sweet. We’ll see if I can make it. No Promises.

  Feeling slightly deflated, Mason texted back.

  Mason: Alright, well can I drop the tickets off? I miss you and want to see you.

  Piper: I need more time Mace. I have to go; have a good night.

  And just like that, the sun that was slightly shining through the darks clouds in Mason’s life was covered up instantly. She was pulling away; there was no doubt in his mind. He was losing Piper, and at a rapid rate. He had no clue how to stop the hemorrhaging of his broken heart, but if he didn’t stop it soon, he would have no chance at living.


  “Show them to me already,” Hannah said, while placing another beer in front of Ryker.

  Ryker was surprised that Hannah was actually talking to him, especially after their last interaction when he tore into her for being judgmental toward Ashlin. Ryker still didn’t know why he blew up at her, but he was glad the little spat was past them. He didn’t like feeling awkward around Hannah and, ever since Ashlin came back into his life, he had felt nothing but awkwardness around Hannah. Their usually playful, flirty demeanor was non-existent and it was as if they were practically strangers again.

  Ryker knew he was crazy for claiming Hannah as his future wife, but he never second-guessed himself. The moment he saw Hannah, he knew she was it for him and he would do whatever it took to make sure she understood that.

  They were currently having a good time; Piper was gone and so was Mason, so it was just Hannah and him hanging out and it felt good. There were uncomfortable moments, like when Ryker nicely asked how Todd was and when Hannah brought up the photo shoot with Ashlin, but they moved past the awkwardness and carried on with their carefree relationship.

  Except, at the moment, Hannah wanted to see the test shots from Ryker’s photo shoot, but he was too nervous to look at them with her. The moment he got them, he brought them straight to the bar so he could share them with Hannah, but now he was worried there might be shots of Ashlin and him together, in compromising positions. He assumed the test shots he received were just pictures of him in the fall line, but now that he thought about it, there most likely were steamy pictures in the envelope as well, that Ryker didn’t really want Hannah to see.

  “Ryker…come on,” Hannah pleaded.

  He ran his hand nervously through his hair and said, “Okay, but if there are shots of me and Ashlin, I want you to skip those.”

  “Why? They’re going to be all over the place anyway. Aren’t they?”

  “I suppose they are,” Ryker cringed. Damn. He wished he hadn’t get himself into this predicament, but he really wanted to be a part of the fall line and that came with being a part of the bedroom line as well.

  Hannah grabbed the envelope from Ryker faster than he expected, so he was unable to grab them back. She pulled the pictures out and gasped at the first one, quickly looking up at him with amazement in her eyes.

  “Ryker…you…you look hot.”

  Ryker’s face turned into a bright smile at the compliment Hannah tossed his way.

  “And that’s a surprise to you?” Ryker joked.

  Hannah quirked her eyebrow at him, but kept flipping through the pictures. He actually looked pretty good, if he did say so himself. The colors in C.C. Morris’ fall line were incredible; Ryker was in love and he was luckily able to keep the bomber jacket that he instantly fell in love with, as well as pretty much everything that touched his body that day…except for Ashlin.

  “These are great, Ryker. They totally picked…” Hannah paused for a second and then looked up at Ryker. “Oh.”

  Ryker shuffled his body so he was standing over Hannah’s shoulder. The minute he looked over her tiny shoulder, he saw Ashlin’s scantily clad ass propped in the air, her bare back and Ryker’s hand gripping her lithe little body with a look of pure desire in his eyes. Shit, that was erotic.

  Ryker cleared his throat and quickly took the pictures away from Hannah before she could look at any more of them.

  “The other ones don’t really matter. But you liked the fall line? How about that jacket?” Ryker asked, trying to change the subject and hopefully get the image of Ryker squeezing Ashlin’s ass out of Hannah’s head.

  “Why do you do that?” Hannah asked, with on
e hand on her hip.

  “Do what, Boo?”

  “Act like I can’t handle seeing you and Ashlin together? I can; you two look really good together. I think you should go for it.”

  Ryker rolled his eyes. “Please, Hannah, let’s not start this. We were having such a good time.”

  “You were the one who took the pictures away. I want to see them.”

  Frustrated, Ryker threw the pictures on the table and said, “Fine, look at them. I don’t care.”

  Hannah picked up the pictures and started looking through them again. “You don’t have to be a child about it. We’re all grownups here.” Hannah flipped through the pictures, studying each one intently, making Ryker squirm in his seat. Finally, when she finished, she set them on the table, looked at Ryker, gave him a quick smile, and then turned to the bar.

  Oh, hell no.

  Ryker caught up to her and turned her around quickly, so she was looking him in the eyes. Tears welled up in the beautiful light blue pools, making his heart break in half.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head and said, “It’s so stupid.”

  “Nothing you think is stupid. Please tell me.”

  Hannah let out a long breath and then looked Ryker in the eyes. “I know I have no right saying this because I am with Todd and nothing will come of you and me…”

  “That’s not…”

  “Please Ryker, let me finish.” Ryker nodded for her to continue. “It’s just that, in those pictures, you’re looking at Ashlin as if she is the only woman in the world that you want, that no one else will even compare, and that makes me sad because I thought I was the only one that you looked at like that. I guess I was wrong, which is fine because, like I said, I’m with Todd. What’s going on in my head is so screwed up.”


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