Brooms and Brains (A Hocus Pocus Cozy Witch Mystery Series Book 5)

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Brooms and Brains (A Hocus Pocus Cozy Witch Mystery Series Book 5) Page 6

by Constance Barker

  Best to regroup and refocus… Celestial mused as she left the restaurant and made her way back towards her shop.

  Chapter 16

  Back at Herbal Heaven, Tamara and Celestial chatted over two steaming cups of ginger tea.

  “I don’t like Elaina at all,” Celestial said.

  “Neither do I,” Tamara admitted. “But that doesn’t mean she’s the murderer. I mean, not necessarily.” Then, with a cautious, curious look at Celestial, she added, “Right?”

  “Right,” Celestial conceded. “Plenty of people I don’t like aren’t murderers. And what I saw today… I mean, that’s all circumstantial. Speculation. Any kitchen like the one at Jardín Rico is going to have parsley in it, so I guess that doesn’t prove anything.”

  “Plus,” Tamara said, “do we really think Elaina is going to be stupid enough to leave hemlock in her kitchen, just lying around? She’s got to know the police will have figured out by now that was Tammy’s cause of death.”

  “Elaina’s a lot of things, but I’m not sure I’d call her stupid.”

  The two friends chatted a while longer, trying to reason through all they had seen and heard during their reconnaissance trip to Jardín Rico, but they couldn’t draw any firmer conclusions than they already had. The trip had perhaps supplied them with a stronger idea as to what Elaina’s motive might have been--getting back at Tommy for rejecting her professional offer, or doubling down on her attempts to win him from Jody--but they hadn’t exactly found a smoking gun just yet.

  Come closing time, Celestial and Tamara locked up Herbal Heaven and headed together, by silent agreement, to Jody’s diner for dinner.

  “I’m feeling guilty for spending money at Jardín Rico,” Tamara said. “I’m going to buy a double-sized dinner at Jody’s just to make up for it.”

  “We should buy dessert, too,” Celestial said. “And some fancy drinks.” Something told her Jody could really use the support, both financial and emotional.

  When they reached the diner, instead of immediately seating themselves, they walked back to the kitchen door to poke their heads in and say hi. Tommy looked up from the prep counter and offered them a little smile. “Hey, Celestial,” he said. “Tamara. Nice to see you both.”

  To their surprise, Tommy wasn’t alone at the prep counter. Next to him was a pleasant-looking middle-aged woman, who was expertly peeling vegetables and then passing them to Tommy to be chopped. She gave them big, bright smiles as they entered. “Hello,” she said warmly. “Are you both friends of Tommy’s?”

  “Yes, Mom,” Tommy said before Celestial or Tamara could answer. “These two are friends of Jody’s, and they’ve been really nice to both Jody and me through all of this. Celestial, Tamara, this is my mom.”

  “Please call me Nettie,” the woman said warmly as she wiped off her hands on a tea towel and rounded the prep counter to shake their hands. “So lovely to meet you. Are you both dining here at Jody’s tonight?”

  “Yes,” said Celestial brightly. “We absolutely love Tommy’s cooking.” Tamara nodded in eager agreement.

  “He’s a very talented boy!” Nettie beamed back at her son. “Ever since he was little. You wouldn’t believe it with how skinny he is, but he was always cooking, taste-testing, experimenting, baking… just all of it. Makes a mother proud.”

  “I’ll bet,” said Tamara.

  “And you know, there were those who didn’t always accept a boy who could cook,” said Nettie. “Didn’t think it was the manliest skill. Not manly! As if knowing how to take care of yourself and your family by feeding them wonderful food isn’t manly. But he showed them! Now he’s making a living off of it.”

  “Mom,” Tommy said pleasantly. “I’m sure Celestial and Tamara want to get to their dinner now.”

  “Oh, of course.” Nettie giggled. “I’m keeping you. Now, now, you two just go take a seat and I’ll make sure he cooks something extra special for you, hmm?”

  They did as Nettie urged them, sparing one last wave each for Tommy.

  The diner was, depressingly, emptier than it usually was over the dinner hour. However, two families seemed to be eating nearby at pushed-together tables, a pair of couples and a whole passel of children all eating heartily, which made Celestial happy to see.

  She and Tamara claimed a table across the room from the families, but the overall quiet in the restaurant meant that their boisterous conversation was audible even from several yards away. One of the mothers was loudly chattering, and Celestial distinctly caught the last half of what she was saying.

  “--had to make sure the kids weren’t playing near that stream, ever since our neighbors found that poisonous plant growing there.”

  Celestial perked up. She and Tamara silently met eyes across the table, then both leaned subtly closer to hear even better.

  “Wait,” said the other mother, “which stream is this again?”

  “The one near our house. Just outside the town limits.”

  “That’s horrible,” said some of the fathers. “What kind of poisonous plant was it?”

  “Some kind of hemlock,” said the first mother. “Water hemlock, I think. Why, Missy was about to pluck the flowers when our neighbor identified it and told her to stop! I’m glad she did. Evidently even handling the flowers can be very dangerous.”

  “But that woman was plucking them!” one of the little girls, evidently Missy, piped up in objection.

  “Yes, dear,” said her mother, “but that woman was properly equipped. She was wearing large glasses and gloves. And besides,” the mother added as an aside to the other adults at the table, “I don’t think she was supposed to be doing it. They were sunglasses, you know, and she had on a hoodie, too. And she ran when we tried to approach her and ask what she wanted the plants for.”

  “Oh my goodness,” said the other mother. “Do you have any idea who it was?”

  “No, none at all. I’m not even certain that I’d recognize her again. In fact I’d say, if her goal was to be incognito, she was doing a great job of it.”

  Chapter 17

  Jody sat at one of the tables in her diner. She was staring at the menu; a menu that would probably have to change now.

  “I’m so sorry Jody,” said Tommy coming over to sit next to her, “I don’t want to leave but I really need to be able to work more hours than you can give me.”

  Jody turned to look at him. “I know,” she managed with a half smile.

  “It’s just that I have debts that need paying. I wanted to hang in there with you until this was all over but ...”

  Jody placed her elbows on the table and rubbed her face with her hands. Her dream had been to have the best diner in town; a hub of the community, but now her diner felt more like the funeral home it had once been.

  * * *

  Nettie Rainford pushed open the door to Herbal Heaven and was instantly met by a cloud of rose scent. She coughed lightly and blinked a few times.

  “On my goodness, I’m so sorry, I was just . . .” Celestial rushed over and began swiping at the air around them.

  Nettie coughed again and offered Celestial a closed mouth smile.

  “Nettie, hello, I’m sorry about this,” Celestial said, still flapping the cloud away, “I was just shaking out the hessian sacks the rose petals arrive in.”

  Nettie held up a hand and took a breath. “No problem dear, it’s a lovely smell.”

  Celestial laughed. “Probably more so when your face isn’t covered in it,” she said leading Nettie further into the store away from the offending fog. “Can I get you some water?”

  “No I’m fine thank you. I wanted to get some of your bergamot hand lotion if I may?”

  “Yes of course, let me get that for you. How’s Tommy doing?”

  “Oh wonderful, he’s going to work for Elaina. Can you imagine all those fancy dishes he’ll be able to prepare? I’m so proud of him; he’s such a talented chef.”

  Celestial stopped and turned. “You mean he’s leaving Jody�
��s diner?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid so. She can’t give him the hours or the experience he needs. Plus Elaina is going to pay him twice what he was earning with Jody.”

  Celestial walked slowly back to the counter with Nettie’s hand lotion, her mind on poor Jody.

  “I taught him everything he knows about cooking,” Nettie said with pride, “Ever since he was a little boy and now he’s better than me!” she flung her hands up in a gesture.

  “Yes, Jody always appreciated his culinary skills. I expect she’ll miss him very much.”

  Nettie handed over some cash to pay for her hand cream. “It’s a shame indeed but my boy needs to keep moving forward if he’s to be a successful chef.”

  “I guess you’re right. Well, have a great day Nettie and come back soon.”

  Nettie bid Celestial a good day and left.

  * * *

  “Now that’s one protective lioness,” said Dakota as Celestial made her way to the kitchen where Athena and Tamara were also making themselves at home.

  “You heard that then?” Celestial said, taking a seat at the large wooden table.

  Athena flew over and landed on the plant by the back door. “I can’t believe Tommy is going to work for Elaina. What about all that talk of sticking by Jody?”

  Celestial shrugged her shoulders. “It’s a shame but I can kind of understand it. He needs a job that pays better and it’s not like there are a lot of restaurants to choose from in this town.”

  Tamara leaned back in her chair. “Do you think Tommy and Elaina could have been in this together?”

  “I can see it,” said Dakota, his lanky legs dangling over the edge of the countertop next to the sink. “Let’s face it, the whole thing works for both of them: Elaina gets to eliminate the competition and Tommy gets rid of the ex-girlfriend from hell.”

  Tamara and Celestial nod reluctantly.

  Dakota held up a finger. “Plus, Tommy lands himself a well-paid job where he can create the kind of dishes he loves.”

  Athena buzzed her wings in agreement. “I think the gangly guy sitting on the table is right. In fact, Tommy has more to gain than anyone.”

  “Thanks tiny bug,” Dakota retorted with a sarcastic smile.

  Celestial narrowed her eyes. “I need to see Tommy again,” she said pushing back her chair. “I’m going to Elaina’s; Tamara could you keep an eye on the store for me?”

  Tamara slumped in her chair. “Why is it always me who gets left behind to mind the store?”

  Celestial looked over at Dakota who was desperately trying to reconnect the napkin holder he had just broken. “Because I may not have a store to come back to if I leave Dakota in charge.”

  Tamara pursed her lips in surrender as she watched Dakota randomly banging the two sides of the holder together.

  “Dakota can stay here with you and Athena can come with me. We won’t be long, I promise.”

  * * *

  Celestial apparated into the alley behind El Jardin Rico and made her way to the back door of the restaurant. She didn’t want another run-in with Elaina; she was just here to speak to Tommy.

  The back door was held open by a small stool. Celestial let Athena fly into the kitchen to check that Elaina was not there. But she was...Elaina and Tommy were discussing the evening menu. As Athena reported back to Celestial, they were pretty chummy, almost gag worthy. Surely they weren’t in this together Celestial thought.

  Chapter 18

  Celestial was not happy about not being able to speak to Tommy when she visited Elaina’s diner. She needed to do some digging and the best way to find out about someone was to ask the local gossips.

  The church group were often very helpful and willing to gossip about anyone in the town but Elaina didn’t strike Celestial as the church going type. She got out her notebook from under the counter and flicked past her previous page which contained her list of suspects.

  She thought about both diners – maybe their customers could provide some information? Or what about Mary who worked at the town hall? Nothing ever got past that woman.

  Celestial felt an air disturbance that moved a few strands of her hair; it was accompanied by a gentle buzzing sound.

  “Hi Athena,” Celestial greeted her familiar with a sigh.

  “What’s up pussycat?” Athena flew onto the cash register. “You sound despondent.”

  Celestial raised her eyebrows as she looked at her. “Is that your word of the day?”

  “Don’t be snarky,” Athena retorted. “Now, what’s up?”

  I need to do some digging into Elaina but I’m not sure where to start.”

  Athena fell silent while she thought for a moment. “If you need to find out the four one, one on someone the best source of information would be a gossip...”

  “Yes, I thought about that myself but where should I start? I’ve already discounted the church group.”

  Athena buzzed her wings in excitement. She looked at Celestial.”What’s better than a gossip?”

  Celestial shrugged her shoulders.

  “A whole bunch of gossips,” Athena cried. “Elaina used to go to that yoga class in the sports center. Let’s ask them.”

  Celestial couldn’t think of anything better so they set off to the sports centre and made sure they were in the cafe as Elaina’s class finished.

  Celestial walked up to the juice bar where some of the class members had congregated. Elaina wasn’t among them. She asked if Elaina had been in the class. A skinny dark-skinned girl shook her head.

  “No, Elaina is having a few problems at the moment. Do you know her then?”

  Celestial ordered something that looked like someone threw up in a glass and replied. “Yes, I was hoping to see her here. She actually recommended the yoga class. Has she been taking the class long?”

  The skinny girl shook her head and ordered a wheatgrass shot. “No, just a few months. Her friend Nettie was the one who encouraged her to come. In fact, I think Nettie was the one who urged Elaina to move to Brightborough.” She looked to the fair-haired woman next to her who nodded in agreement.

  Celestial thanked them for their help before leaving.

  * * *

  Back at Herbal Heaven, Celestial and Athena were discussing this new piece of information when Dakota made a sliding entrance along the back of the store crashing into a set of baskets which held Celestial popular ‘Sound Sleep’ cushions.

  Celestial flinched as she saw his red sneakers whizzing past her. “Dakota! You scared the hell out of me. You really need to start calling me before crashing over here.”

  Athena was giggling so much at the sight of Dakota with his legs in the air that she slipped off the leaf she was sitting on.

  “I come bearing news,” he announced after heaving himself to an upright position.

  “Well I’d hate to think I almost just died for nothing.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic, woman. Now, gather around while I tell you my news.”

  Celestial sat on the stool by the counter and Athena landed back on the plant next to her.

  Dakota leaned in. “Did you know that Tammy and Jody had issues before—”

  The door jangled and in walked two of Celestial’s regular customers.

  “Hi girls, can I help you with anything?” Celestial stood briefly. Her customers were Angela and Morgan, teenagers with a passion for make-up and beauty products.

  “No we’re fine thanks, Celestial; we’re just going to look around,” said Angela.

  Dakota tutted his head and once girls were busy chatting around the corner, he continued. “Apparently, Jody has more reason to murder Tammy than we first thought. According to my source, it was Tammy that caused Jody’s boyfriend to cheat on her.”

  “Do you mean Jody’s boyfriend cheated on her with Tammy?” asked Celestial.

  “No, I think she introduced him to someone and encouraged him to leave Jody. I don’t have all the details but Jody found out that Tammy was interfering in her relati
onship so they were not the best of friends.”

  “And this was before Tommy went to work in her diner?”


  Celestial took out her notebook and pen just as Angela and Morgan rushed over with a basket each of products.

  They were chattering excitedly as Celestial bagged up their goods before giving them some free samples of her new lip balm and bidding them a good day.

  Once the store was quiet again, Celestial picked up her notebook and pen and looked at her list of suspects.”Okay, guys, so far on my list of suspects I have: Tommy, an obvious suspect; Elaina who could have been in it with Tommy to ruin Jody’s diner and gain herself an excellent chef and some mystery woman who was seen picking hemlock.”

  Dakota peered at her and pursed his lips. “And . . .”

  Celestial sighed. “Yes, I suppose in light of your information we should put Jody on the list. She obviously hated Tammy for what she did to her and I’m sure she’s not crying over her demise.”

  “Although, if she did want to kill her, surely she wouldn’t do it in her own place?” added Dakota. “And let’s not forget that Tammy was a despicable person so anyone in town could have wanted her dead.”

  Celestial nodded. “My concern now is that we still have a killer out there and so far they’ve got away with it – so who’s to say they won’t kill again?”

  Chapter 19

  Shortly after Dakota left, Celestial heard another customer come in. “Oh, wonderful,” said a bright, cheerful voice.

  Celestial turned to see who was approaching her. It was Nettie again, smiling warmly. Celestial, though still a little lost in her worried thoughts, managed a smile. “Good to see you again, Nettie.” She hoped her tone of voice didn’t give away any guilt over the fact that she was just ruminating on the possibility of Tommy being a murderer, and potentially still an active danger to the community. Celestial greatly doubted Nettie would be looking at her so kindly if she had any idea of that.


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