Elemental Summoner 2: A Chakra Cultivation Harem Portal series

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Elemental Summoner 2: A Chakra Cultivation Harem Portal series Page 13

by D. Levesque

  “Oh, nothing,” Leeha says with that big mischievous grin on her face, and she starts slowly crawling over me to get closer to Bridget.

  “I’m up!” Bridget screams as Leeha pounces on her and begins to tickle her.

  Suddenly I have two girls on me giggling their asses off, as one is getting tickled, and the other is doing the tickling. I can’t help it. I get in on the action and start to tickle the two of them until finally, Leeha screams.

  “Give! Give! Or I will have to use my Water Magic to clean up!” she says, still squirming.

  “Fine,” I tell her with a laugh.

  Once I stop, they both get up on their knees next to me. They look at each other, and then at me. Those damn liars! I can’t help it, once they start to attack me I don’t last long. I have to admit, I am one of those guys who is ticklish as fuck. Within a minute of them doing this, it’s finally my turn.

  “I give! A kiss as a reward!” I yell out.

  “Deal!” they both yell in unison, laughing.

  “Pay up,” Leeha says with a grin, laying on my chest.

  She bends down and kisses me deeply. Once she gets her payment, she stands up, and Bridget takes her place.

  “My turn, and I want the same amount!” Bridget says with a smile. She bends down as well and gives me a kiss just as good as Leeha’s. Finally, she pulls away.

  “We still need to re-energize me, or the pain will come,” Bridget says, now serious.

  “I know. I figure I have four or five days,” I tell her with a nod.

  We sit down and eat some berries that Leeha had said were safe and had stored really well in my dimensional bag. Once we’re done, I walk to the wall of stone that is blocking the small cave we had crawled into to sleep and dispel it by thinking Earth.

  “Let me go piss first,” I tell the girls.

  “Sounds good,” Leeha nods, fixing her hair.

  Crawling on my hands and knees through the small tunnel, I blink at the sunlight. Once I am standing up, I stretch, looking around to make sure we are alone. I don’t see anyone, so I start to move forward, but then suddenly something slams into me from behind. Shit! I didn’t look at the hill overlooking the cave’s entrance. I feel something rake my back, something that feels like claws.

  Without thinking about it, I grab whatever’s on top of me, feeling a handful of fur, and throw it over my shoulder, hoping to slam whoever this is on to their backs.

  Instead, the thing I threw ends up doing a summersault through the air and comes at me again. Holy shit! It’s a Felinis! A female, and she is naked as a jaybird.

  Her body is furred all over; white fur that is spotted in some places almost as if she is a white leopard. She flies at me and I grab her outstretched hand full of claws that are about an inch long, and I throw her again. She flies away, but yet again, she is agile enough that instead of falling down she does a backflip and is on her feet once more, facing me.

  “You shall die, human, for what you did to my people,” she screams. I notice that she’s not speaking in Elvish or whatever language the Felinis speak. Or is that Felini for more than one?

  “Listen,” I tell her, talking to her in Prithgarian, the same language she is speaking. “I was the one that saved you.”

  “Lies! You all lie to us. You shall not take me alive,” she hisses at me. Suddenly there is a fireball in her hand, and she throws it at me.

  Without hesitating, I think Earth. Earth Wall. Immediately, a rock wall slams upward out of the ground and blocks her spell. Shit, I forgot all of the slaves here were Mages.

  “Listen!” I scream. “I was the one that saved you all!”


  “Bridget, I need help. There is a Felinis out here trying to kill me!” I tell her through our connection.

  Suddenly Bridget is standing next to me. “I told Leeha. She is crawling through.”

  “We need to stop her, or she will do some serious damage,” I tell Bridget quickly.

  “On it,” and once again, she is gone. Then I hear a scream of rage, and a fireball hits the corner of my wall, sparks flying sideways.

  “No!” I hear the Felinis cry in anguish.

  “You’re good, Alex,” Bridget says.

  I dispel the Rock Wall with a thought. Earth.

  Once the wall is gone, I am greeted with a gaze of pure hatred coming from the naked female Felinis. She is bound in vines, barely able to move. The good thing is, the vines are in strategic spots. I would say I have Bridget to thank for that, not chance. She is giving the Felinis some mediocre privacy.

  Just then, Leeha comes up behind the girl, her hand raised and ready to cast a spell, just in case.

  “It’s all right. I have her hands encased so she cannot cast,” Bridget says from next to me. I look down at the Felinis’ hands, and they are bound in vines.

  I nod to Bridget, who is back in her Elven form. “Smart, I never thought of that.”

  “That’s what you have us for,” Bridget says, wrapping her hands around my chest. “I think I deserve a kiss for that.”

  “I think you do too,” I tell her with a chuckle, and I give her a quick kiss.

  “Now, shall we see how our guest is doing?” I say, turning to the Felinis in question.

  She is looking between Bridget and me, confusion on her face. Leeha nods, and seeing that the Felinis is secured, she walks around her towards me, giving me a hug and a kiss as well, and moving her hands up and down my body.

  “You aren’t hurt, are you?” she asks me worriedly.

  “No, I was able to get a rock wall up quick enough to stop her fireball. Though, barely. Glad you had me practicing that.”

  We all turn to the Felinis again, and she is now looking between the three of us with a perplexed look on her face.

  “You just kissed two Elves,” she says, but it comes out sounding more like a question.

  “I tried to tell you,” I say to her. “I was the one who saved you with the aid of my two partners.”

  “But,” the Felinis starts, and I can see her struggling with something. Then it finally comes out. “You’re human!”

  “Yes, I am. About that,” I say with a disarming smile.

  Chapter Twenty

  “But you’re a human!” cries the Felinis for the umpteenth time.

  “You’re drooling,” Bridget says through our connection, and there’s laughter in her tone.

  I bring my hand up quickly, getting caught in the act. I can’t help it. The Felinis is beautiful. From afar, she would look like she has very white skin, like an albino. But closer up, you can see that she has fine white fur that is spotted, except for on her face, which is clear of the markings.

  She isn’t very tall, maybe 5 feet 6. Right now, she is hunched over, ready to attack. She is naked, so I can see that her breasts are large, but not high up like Bridget’s and Leeha’s. That’s not to say that they are any smaller than theirs are. Her waist is tiny, and when she moves, her motions are smooth and graceful. Then again, if what happened when I threw her around was any indication, she was agile as fuck. Before all the vines covered her, I had seen that her tail is white, with some of the same black markings she has on her chest, arms and legs. Her hair though, isn’t white, it’s black, long, and flowing, and she has the greenest eyes I have ever seen.

  “She is beautiful, though,” Bridget says with a sigh. “I almost want to pet her.”

  “I don’t blame you, but can we diffuse this first?” I tell her with an internal chuckle. Honestly, I would not mind petting her either. I mean, she’s a catgirl!

  “He is human,” Leeha is saying, not being privy to the conversation that Bridget and I just had. “But he is different. He is telling the truth when he says he was the one that rescued you all.”

  “But I saw you release us,” the Felinis says, looking at Leeha. “He wasn’t around.”

  “You are correct, but who do you think put the whole camp to sleep in order to allow me to rescue you?”

nbsp; “How can an Earth Mage put a camp to sleep,” she says, turning back and looking at me suspiciously.

  “Let’s just say he has his ways,” Leeha says, avoiding the touchy subject of what I am. An Elemental Summoner who can use all five Elements of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Mind. The last thing I think Leeha wants to do is mention that, and have the catgirl do her best to try to kill me.

  “He looks weak for a human. I mean, he is fast. He stopped my fireball, and he was able to throw me. Maybe I should just kill him anyhow.”

  “And how are you going to do that, all tied up like that?” Leeha asks her with a raised eyebrow.

  The Felinis looks down at her body, which is wrapped up in vines. “This is only a temporary issue. Once I get out, I can always kill him.”

  “Not if we kill you first,” Leeha says, and suddenly on either side of her are two large Water Swords.

  The Felinis looks at the Water Swords, and her eyes open wide in shock at seeing that Leeha can call up four Water Swords, not just two.

  “Why does a weak human have such a powerful Water Mage following him?”

  “Him? Weak?” Leeha says with a chortle. “Alex. Can you call up your Earth Swords?” Leeha asks me with a, and with the eye that the Felinis can’t see, she winks at me.

  That little minx! She did that on purpose. I smile at her and nod. Earth. Earth Sword. Earth Sword, and I do it another four times. Once I’m done, I am surrounded by 36 swords—18 on either side of me.

  You have used the spell, Earth Sword. You have used 10 points of power.

  You have used the spell, Earth Sword. You have used 10 points of power.

  You have used the spell, Earth Sword. You have used 10 points of power.

  You have used the spell, Earth Sword. You have used 10 points of power.

  You have used the spell, Earth Sword. You have used 10 points of power.

  You have used the spell, Earth Sword. You have used 10 points of power.

  Well, if I thought the Felinis’ eyes were big when she saw Leeha had four Water Swords, that’s nothing compared to what happens when she sees all of mine. Her eyes literally bug out in astonishment and fear, and she swallows hard. “Hmm. I mean, I was joking, all right? I wasn’t going to actually kill you.”

  “I want your word as a Felinis that you will not attempt to kill Alex. Truce?” Leeha says.

  The Felinis looks at Leeha quickly, with a scowl. What? What’s going on? Finally, looking like she is sucking on a sour lemon, the Felinis says, “I, Sara Limi, of the Clan of the White Tiger, do swear a Truce between this Alex and myself.”

  “And us, Leeha and Bridget,” Leeha says, pointing to her and Bridget.

  The Felinis scowls harder at Leeha, and if anything, now she looks like she is sucking on a whole case of lemons. “I, Sara Limi, of the Clan of the White Tiger, do swear a Truce between Alex, Bridget, Leeha, and myself.”

  “Good. You can release her,” Leeha says.

  “What? Just like that? What if she tries something?” I say hesitantly.

  “She won’t. She swore on her Clan, so we are all safe unless one of us breaks it,” and she waves at herself, Bridget, and me.

  “Swearing on her Clan is that strong of an oath?” I ask Leeha, looking at her skeptically.

  “Is he a stupid human?” Sara says with a sneer.

  I am about to retort, but Leeha beats me to it. “He isn’t aware of the Felinis’ code of honor,” she says quickly.

  “Is that why he is with you?” Sara says, her eyes widening in surprise. “He hasn’t been poisoned with what humans call their ‘ideology’? How is that even possible?”

  “Let’s just say that Alex is different,” Bridget says with a giggle.

  “You keep saying that. What is so different about him?” Sara questions, looking between all of us curiously.

  “Well, he has sex with us for one!” cries Bridget, causing me to groan.

  “Wait, he has sex? With both of you? And he doesn’t think it’s disgusting?” Sara blurts out in surprise.

  “I think,” Leeha cries before Bridget can respond, “we can discuss that at another time. For now, Alex, you can let her go.”

  “Sure, though, do we have something to cover her?”

  “Why?” Sara says, anger in her stare now. “Do you find my body disgusting?”

  “No,” I tell her, looking at her straight in the eyes. “Quite the opposite.”

  At my comment, Sara blushes, which is interesting to see on a white-furred being. Her cheeks turn a cute shade of pink, as does the rest of her. Oh, so she is all smack talk, is she? I walk up to her, where she is still trapped in the vines. Earth, I think suddenly, and the vines dispel into the ground. Sara catches herself before she falls sideways, and she is left standing there, naked.

  I look her body up and down with a small smile on my face. From her beautifully shaped legs, to her pubic area that I now see has a tuft of darker hair, to her breasts that hang low and are large. Then I reach her face, and her blushing has changed from pink to full on red now.

  “Yes. You have a beautiful body, and it’s not disgusting in the least,” I tell Sara softly, still smiling.

  I turn to Leeha. “I still need to piss, so I’m going to do that. Not sure if you can find clothes for her? We might find something in the camp down below,” I tell Leeha, waving down the hill to the slaver’s camp where the Portal is still waiting for us to deal with it.

  Nodding, I go off to do my business. I head up the hill until I am in the small thicket and relieve myself. Once I’m done, I cheat and use Water. Water Fountain to wash my hands. The water is cold and invigorating. After I’m done washing, I drink some of it. Two birds with one stone, as the saying goes. I need to test if I can heat the water next time as I did with the hot tub.

  When I come back down, all three girls are standing around, and I see that Sara is still naked. She is standing up proudly, with her back up and her breasts jutting out, but I can see it’s for show as the second I look at her, she blushes.

  “I will walk up ahead,” I tell them. “Leeha, did you want to walk with me, in case I miss something? Bridget, can you take the rear just in case I need you? Maybe Sara can walk with you.”

  “Yes, that would be good,” Leeha says, coming up and kissing me, but she whispers quickly. “Good move on that. It will hide her nakedness from you. She is shy.”

  Nodding without responding to that, I say instead, “Let’s see if we can find Sara some clothes. And maybe some much-needed supplies they left behind, if any.”

  “Gods, I would kill for food,” Sara says passionately from behind me.

  It takes us a good fifteen minutes to get down to the pens. When Leeha went last night, it took her almost double that time, but she was sneaking in. We didn’t have to worry about that this time, but we were still careful. We stopped a couple of times for Leeha to go ahead and check on things. Each time, she called us forward without issue. Once we get near the pens, I see the state they are in. The smell is the first thing that hits me. Shit and piss. I wrinkle my nose at it.

  I look back at Sara quickly. She must have washed in the water or something, since she looks clean. When I look back at her, she blushes, but she doesn’t avert her gaze. Once we get past the pens, we hit the tents where the slavers had been sleeping.

  “Can you sense anyone, Bridget?”

  “No, but did you want me to go check? Sara will see me disappear.”

  “No, but keep your eyes open for anything, please.” Out loud, I say quietly to Leeha, who is still next to me, “Anything?”

  She shakes her head. “It’s quiet.”

  I nod to her and keep walking past the tents until there is one that catches my eye. It has its flap opened and tied back. Inside I see a large mound of clothes and I point to it. “Sara, maybe you can find something in there?” I say, without looking at her.

  “I will check,” she says quickly, and rushes forward until all I see is her shapely ass as she runs t
o the tent and disappears inside it.

  “You want her, don’t you?” Leeha says quickly with a chuckle.

  “It’s that obvious?” I say with a laugh.

  “Yes. Any more obvious, and I would need to change your shirt from it being so wet from the drool,” Leeha replies with a soft laugh.

  “It’s not that bad!” I tell her defensively.

  “Actually, it is,” Bridget comes up and hugs me, looking up at me with a grin. “I like her. She is sassy.”

  “So, like you two?” I say with a smile.

  “We aren’t sassy,” Leeha says with a pout.

  “No, you’re right,” I tell her, straight-faced. Leeha looks at me suspiciously. Until I say with a big grin, “You’re bratty too.”

  Leeha laughs and slaps my arm. “You ass.”

  “What does that make me?” Bridget says, still hugging me.

  I bend down and kiss her. “Sexy as fuck. But that goes for both of you,” I say.

  “How’s this?” I hear the voice of Sara. All three of us look up at her return.

  I nod appreciatively. Sara is wearing a pair of gray pants that still let her tail hang out, with a white top that has a deep cut in the front, which shows her cleavage off quite well. Damn, I love worlds where bras are not a thing. She also has on a pair of long brown leather boots that go up to her upper calf.

  “Much better,” I tell her. “Not that I had issues with the previous view,” I say with a wink.

  Sara blushes but maintains eye contact. “You truly are different,” she mumbles. I can’t help it, but I laugh. I turn around and head deeper into the camp, towards our target, with Leeha next to me on one side and Bridget on my other, as she had not removed her arm from around my waist.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  As we walked through the tents, we discovered a couple of surprising finds. Leeha had cried in joy at one point and pointed to a tent. I looked over and saw a large fire pit with an enormous cauldron sitting on it, and smaller pots on the ground next to it. When I saw that, I shouted in joy as well; it was the cooking tent.


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