Cesare Borgia

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Cesare Borgia Page 40

by Sarah Bradford

  Clough, C.H., ‘The Chronicle 1502–1512 of Girolamo Vanni of Urbino’, in Studi Urbinati, Anno XXXIX, Nuova Serie B, No. 2 (1965).

  Dionisotti, C., ‘Machiavelli, Cesare Borgia and Don Micheletto’, in Rivista Storica Italiana, 39 (1967).

  Dupre-Theseider, E., ‘L’Intervento di Ferdinando il Cattolico nella Guerra di Pisa’, in Congreso de Historia de la Corona de Aragon, Estudios 3 (Zaragoza, 1954).

  Ehrle, F., and Stevenson, H., Les fresques du Pinturicchio dans les salles Borgia au Vatican (Rome, 1898).

  Feliciangeli, B., Sull’ acquisto di Pesaro fatto da Cesare Borgia (Camerino, 1900).

  Filippini, F., ‘Liverotto Euffreducci’, in Atti e Memorie delle Marche (1895).

  Galbete, V., ‘Bosquejo Historico-Urbanistico de la Ciudad de Pamplona’, Revista Nacional de Arquitectura, No. 102 (Madrid, 1950).

  Galbete, V., ‘Vida y Andanzas del Coronel D. Cristobal de Villalba’, Revista Principe de Viana, XXV (1946).

  Garnett, R., ‘Contemporary Poems on Cesare Borgia’, English Historical Review, vol. i (1886).

  Goñi Gaztambide, J., Los Obispos de Pamplona del Siglo XV y los Navarros en los Concilios de Constanza y Basilea, Estudios de Edad Media de la Corona de Aragon (Zaragoza, 1967).

  Hermanin, F., ‘L’Appartamento Borgia in Vaticano’, in Monografie Artistiche dei Musei e Gallerie Pontifiche, vol. I (Rome, 1934).

  Hernandez, A.P., ‘Fano e Cesare Borgia negli scritti politici di Niccolò Machiavelli’, in Fano, Studi in memoria di G. Grimaldi (Fano, 1974).

  Idoate, F., ‘Como trataban los Condes de Lerín a los de Allo y una semblanza de Cesar Borgia’, in Rincones de la Historia, vol. III (Pamplona, 1966).

  Jones, P.J., ‘The End of Malatesta Rule in Rimini’, in Italian Renaissance Studies, ed. E.F. Jacob (London, 1960).

  Juaristi, V., and Becerra, S., ‘Informe “Cesar Borgia” ’, Revista Principe de Viana, XX (1945).

  Larner, J., ‘Cesare Borgia, Machiavelli and the Romagnol Militia’, in Studi Romagnoli, xvii (1966).

  Lisini, A., ‘Relazioni fra Cesare Borgia e la Repubblica Senese’, in Bullettino Senese di Storia Patria, vol. 7 (1900).

  Menotti, M., ‘Vannozza Cattanei e i Borgia’, Nouva Antologia, clxxi (1916).

  Michelini Tocci, L., ‘Agapito, Bibliotecario “Docto, Acorto et Diligente” ’, in Collectanea Vaticana in Honorem Anselmi M. Card. Albareda, vol. III (Vatican City, 1962).

  Olivier y Hurtado, ‘Don Rodrigo Borja, sus hijos y descendientes’, Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia, vol. ix (1886).

  Partner, P., ‘The “Budget” of the Roman Church in the Renaissance Period’, in Italian Renaissance Studies, ed. E.F.Jacob (London, 1960).

  Perez Goyena, A., ‘Cesar Borja, obispo de Pamplona’, Revista Razon y Fe (Madrid, June 1934).

  Picotti, G.B., ‘Ancora sul Borgia’, Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia, VIII (1954).

  Reti, L., ‘Leonardo da Vinci and Cesare Borgia’, in Viator, IV (1973).

  Rubinstein, N., Lucrezia Borgia, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana (Rome, 1971).

  Sanguinetti, F., ‘La fortezza di Civita Castellana e il suo restauro’, Palladio, IX (1959).

  Saxl, F., ‘The Appartamento Borgia’, Lectures, vols I and II (London, 1957).

  Schulz, J., ‘Pinturicchio and the Revival of Antiquity’, in Journal of the Warburg and Courtland Institutes, XXV (London, 1962).

  Van der Put, A., The Aragonese Double Crown and the Borja or Borgia Device (London, 1910).

  Volpe, G., ‘Intorno ad alcune relazioni di Pisa con Alessandro VI e Cesare Borgia (1499–1504)’, in Studi Storici, vols VI (1897) and VII (1898).

  Weiss, R., ‘Scholarship from Petrarch to Erasmus’, in The Age of the Renaissance, ed. D.Hay (London, 1967).

  Whitfield, J. H., ‘New Views upon the Borgias’, History, xxviii (1943).

  Ybarra, G., ‘Guevara Buscador de Epitafios’, Revista Principe de Viana, XIX (1945).

  Map 1

  Italy in 1494

  Map 2

  Cesare Borgia’s Romagna Campaign of 1499-1500

  Map 3

  Cesare Borgia’s Romagna Campaign of 1500-1

  Map 4

  Cesare Borgia’s Romagna Campaign of 1502-3


  MY grateful thanks are due to Dr Cecil Clough for his generosity in providing me with suggestions and material and for his critical reading of my manuscript, to Dr Michael Mallett for his help with the bibliography, to Professor Nicolai Rubinstein for his monograph on Lucrezia Borgia, to Dr J.P.C. Kent for his information on contemporary coinage, and to Professor Douglas Johnson for his advice on French sources. In Navarre, my special gratitude goes to Don Vicente Galbete, director of the Diputación Foral de Navarra, whose unstinting kindness and cooperation enabled me to visit every site connected with Cesare in Navarre and to consult the archives of Pamplona and Viana, and who obtained for me much unpublished material. My personal thanks are due to my editor, Christopher Falkus, for the enthusiasm and work he has put into this book, to my agent, Jacintha Alexander, for her support and confidence, and to Peggy Munster for lending me the cottage at Bampton where the last draft of the book was written.


  Currency values: inflation has made difficult any valid equation between the values of fifteenth-century coinage and today’s money. The gold coins mentioned in the text, Italian ducats and florins, French écus and livres, were worth roughly the equivalent of between one third and one half of a modern gold sovereign; e.g. an écu of Louis XII weighed about 3.5 g and in its own day a coin of this weight would have been worth about 4s 6d in English money of the time.

  Military terminology: a condottiere was a mercenary captain whose contract, condotta, with his employer obliged him to provide a number of men for an agreed period of time in return for a stipulated sum. By the end of the fifteenth century the condottiere’s cavalry force would consist of squadrons of twenty-five lances, each lance comprising five to six men, the man-at-arms, i.e. the heavily-armoured cavalryman, and his necessary attendants.

  For Tony, Miranda, Annabella and Edward


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  First published by George Weidenfeld and Nicolson Limited 1976

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  Copyright © Sarah Bradford, 1976

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