The Stranger Next To Me

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The Stranger Next To Me Page 1

by Vasser, LaShawn

  Table of Contents

  The Stranger Next To Me


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34


  Other Books by LaShawn Vasser

  The Stranger Next To Me


  LaShawn Vasser

  The Stranger Next To Me © 2014 LaShawn Vasser

  All Rights Reserved

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead are entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.



  This novel is considered romantic fiction with erotic elements or erotica. This is for mature audiences only. This book contains adult profane language, mild violence and strong sexual content


  There are so many people that I would like to thank for helping me step outside of my comfort zone and complete The Stranger Next To Me.

  First and foremost, my husband, you are my rock and my inspiration. I love you dearly. My children, thank you for your patience and understanding when mommy is lost in her own little world while trying to give my characters life.

  Thank you to Tiffany A, Beverly D, and Tina Y for helping me feel confident in releasing a quality book. [email protected], thanks for an INCREDIBLE cover. Lolah Lace you get it and THANK you for always encouraging, inspiring, and pushing me to be my best.

  Finally, you the reader, THANK YOU for your kind words and continued support. It motivates me to continually work hard to give you a great reading experience. I’m forever grateful.

  Chapter 1

  Present Day

  Tasha tossed and turned most of the night before finally falling into a fitful sleep. She was so exhausted when the alarm clock went off that it took everything within her not to throw it across the room.

  Instead, she reached across the bed and shut it off. It was five-thirty in the morning which meant she’d only gotten a few hours of sleep. Honestly, it was surprising that she got that much sleep.

  Although, Tasha should be getting ready for work, she snuggled deeper underneath the warm confines of her comforter. She was buried so far beneath them that her head was barely visible. If it were left up to her she would stay that way and never leave the safety of her bed…ever. However, that wasn’t really a possibility. Life didn’t stop because hers was a disaster.

  A deep sigh escaped from between her lips as she flipped over onto her back, “What I wouldn’t give to be able to rewind the last four years of my life.” Especially, the last couple of days.

  When Tasha entered her apartment a couple of nights ago, she shut off her cell phone and turned the ringer off on her land line. She still hadn’t turned them back on. At the time, the feeling of being on the verge of a nervous breakdown was so real that the need to shut the world out became the only way she could cope.

  As she lay in bed staring at the ceiling, she still felt slightly on edge but at least she could breathe.

  How was it possible to experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows in almost the same span of time? Tasha had to take responsibility for the mess she’d made of her life. Sure, she may not be able to go back in time but she definitely had control over what happened in her future.

  Her dad used to always say one moment at a time. Now she understood exactly what he meant. When you don’t know what the hell to do then be still and slowly take a deep breath and then another and another.

  Tasha’s first’s priority had to be to get her life together. She hadn’t been ready to make any changes in her life before but now she felt as if she no longer had a choice. She had to make some drastic changes.

  A moment later, she sat up, threw her legs over the side of the bed, rolled her head and shoulders in an attempt to work the kinks out. She’d been in bed for almost two days and her legs felt like lead. Her whole body felt like dead weight. Somehow, she was able to push herself up and out of bed.

  It was cold in her apartment so she put on her terry cloth robe and headed for the bathroom.

  After turning on the light, she took a good look at herself in the mirror. Tasha almost didn’t recognize the person that stared back. She ran her fingers across her swollen face just to be sure it was her.

  Speaking softly to herself, “There’s no amount of MAC that can cover up these dark circles, bags and blood-shot eyes.”

  How was she going to make it to work looking the way she looked? The answer was that there was no way she would make it into work today. Tasha finished up in the bathroom and went back to bed.

  This time when her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep immediately.

  Tasha woke up a few hours later having made a major decision. She’d made up her mind to finally do it.

  “Dallas here I come.”

  Hoping the feeling of despair that had been in the pit of her stomach would go away now that she’d finally made the decision to relocate…but it hadn’t.

  Tasha hadn’t really had much of an appetite but she still needed her morning coffee.

  She got up out of the bed and went into the kitchen to make a cup. Just as she was about to set the coffee maker, the doorbell rang. Tasha scrunched up her eyebrows and checked her watch. Who in world would be at her door this early?

  She prayed it wasn’t him. Had he called her job and found out she’d called in sick?

  At first she thought about not answering it. The doorbell rang again and then twice more. The feeling of dread crept over her because whoever it was at the door seemed to be determined. Tasha made her way to the door, “Okay…okay…I’m coming.”

  Tasha said a prayer before she opened the door, “Dear god please I can’t handle anything else today.”

  She opened the door only to be surprised with who was standing on the other side.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were out of town.”

  Sabrina stood there with what initially appeared to be a blank look on her face until Tasha looked into her eyes. They were burning with rage.

  A chill went down her spine and it had nothing to do with the temperature in her apartment. “What’s wrong?”

  “I took a red-eye to get here from New York and I’m missing a very important meeting. You know how I hate that. But, I needed to know what I would see whe
n I looked into your eyes. Would I see the innocent girl who knows all of my secrets, the woman who is like a sister to me, or the bitch whose been sleeping with my husband?”

  Chapter 2

  Four years earlier

  Tasha had been unpacking her suitcases while admiring the beauty of the ocean view in their luxurious suite. “I love this view Sabrina. I don’t think there is anything more beautiful than when the sun kisses the water.”

  It was nice that each of them had their own bedroom which was connected by a small living space, just in case they felt like being naughty. Tasha laughed at herself knowing that would never happen…at least not for her.

  She’d decided to come on this business trip with Sabrina at the last minute hoping to relax. How could she pass up a three night four day all expenses paid trip to Palo Alto, California?

  For once, Tasha was going to put her pride to the side. So what Sabrina was paying for it? She planned to have a good time anyway. This was probably going to be the closest thing to a real vacation that she’d get in a while.

  Tasha yelled from her room, “Let’s hurry and put our things away so we can hit the beach.” She was downright giddy with excitement. “The water is so blue. I can’t wait to put on my swimsuit and get into the ocean. As much as I love Chicago, there is nothing like being on an ocean front beach.”

  “I know right? However, before we can hit the beach, don’t forget that luncheon I told you about. We’ve got to do that first.”

  Sabrina’s company was having their annual Sales Marketing meeting. She’d asked Tasha to come on this trip because she would help her stay focused and hopefully help her get that promotion she was up for.

  That Executive Director Position should be hers based on merit alone. However, it wasn’t. She was in a race with a male co-worker who didn’t even produce half of her output.

  Anyway, to ensure her chances of getting that promotion were better than 50%, Sabrina was going to take advantage of any edge she thought she had; unknowingly, Tasha was her ace in the hole.

  Her boss, LaWanda Mackie had met Tasha at their offices on a couple of occasions and had expressed an interest in her; a romantic interest. Sabrina didn’t care that Tasha only dated men. She just wanted her to spend a little time with LaWanda and to treat her really nice.

  Sabrina was counting on the fact that Tasha could sometimes be a little slow to figure things out. And, by the time she did, LaWanda would have already awarded her the promotion.

  It was better to tread lightly during the luncheon because if Tasha knew the real reason she’d been asked to come on this trip, she wouldn’t have come.

  Tasha’s laughter brought Sabrina out of her thoughts just in time to hear what she’d said, “Oh yeah. That’s right. Well, as soon as the luncheon is over, I plan to hit the beach.”

  There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It wasn’t too humid or hot. The weather was absolutely perfect. “Sabrina, this resort is unbelievably gorgeous. I don’t know how you plan on getting any work done.”

  Sabrina put away the last of the outfits she’d brought along in her closet and put her toiletries in the bathroom. “It’s going to be hard but you know I’m going to squeeze in some fun time for me. I’m good at multi-tasking. As a matter of fact, I met this guy while we were checking in this morning.”

  Tasha was just about done unpacking. “Where was I?”

  “You were in the bathroom. Anyway, he invited me out for drinks tonight. As hot as he was there was no way I was turning down that invite.”

  Tasha scrunched up her nose, “How do you do it? I mean we haven’t been here for three hours yet and you’ve already met someone.”

  Sabrina came into Tasha’s room and plopped down on her bed. “Well, maybe if you’d put on a little makeup, take your hair out of that tired ponytail, and wear something that didn’t scream destined to be an old maid tattooed on your forehead you might meet someone too.”

  She touched her hair, “There’s nothing wrong with my hair.”

  Sabrina rolled her eyes, “Hmm…let’s see. How many dates have you had within the last six months?”

  She threw a pillow at Sabrina, “I’ve been on a couple. And, I don’t make the kind of money you make. I can’t get my hair and nails done every week and buy all those fancy designer clothes.”

  “You could if you dated the right men!”

  “Here we go. How many times have I told you that I don’t want to be a kept woman? I couldn’t even imagine everything that must go along with that. No thank-you.”

  “Hell…neither do I. I make my own money. I’m just saying you can fall in love with a rich man just as easily as you can a poor one. Then, you could really pamper yourself. However, looking like raggedy Anne in this pool of plastics isn’t going to attract any of them to you.”

  “I think I’m fine just like I am.”

  Sabrina shrugged her shoulders and looked at her perfectly sculpted finger nails, “Yeah…well, I guess that’s why you’ve only been on two dates in the last six months.”

  Tasha gave Sabrina a half a grin, “But, I’m not the one working on my third husband either.”

  Sabrina shook her head, “It took you this entire conversation to think of that comeback didn’t it?”

  “So what! But, you’ve got to admit it was a good one. Anyway, whatever you decide to do tonight just be careful and give me all of his information just in case I have to call the police.”


  Tasha was pissed. She was going to strangle Sabrina. Her boss, LaWanda Mackie , had been hitting on her at the luncheon all afternoon. At first she’d just thought Ms. Mackie was just being overly friendly until she put her hand on her knee under the table. Then, whispered in a voice that only Tasha could hear asking what she was going to be doing later. All the while, Sabrina sat across from them watching the whole thing with that special look on her face. The one that said she was scheming.

  When LaWanda turned her back Tasha gave Sabrina a dirty look. She was so mad she could literally spit nails. If she didn’t get up to go somewhere and calm down, she couldn’t be responsible for her actions.

  “I’m sorry, if you would excuse me, I really need to use the ladies room.”

  Sabrina decided she’d better go with her to calm her down or else Tasha was going to blow this promotion for her. As soon as they entered the bathroom, Tasha turned around shooting daggers at her with her eyes.

  Making sure to enunciate every word Tasha hissed, “What…the…hell, Sabrina!”

  Sabrina looked underneath the stalls to see if any of them were occupied. It didn’t look like it. “Oh, come on Tasha. So, she likes you. It’s really no big deal. It wouldn’t kill you to be a little friendlier to her either.”

  Understanding finally dawned on Tasha. “Why did you ask me to come here?”

  Trying to appear innocent, Sabrina responded, “I asked you because I know you needed a vacation.”

  Tasha crossed her arms underneath her breasts and raised her eyebrow, “So, it won’t matter if I just leave and go back to the room will it?”

  Sabrina put her hands out, “Wait. You can’t do that either.”

  “Why not?”

  “Okay, so LaWanda may have a little crush on you. Would it hurt you to just be nice to her? Or, even go to dinner with her?”

  “What? Are you pimping me out for that promotion? I will NOT be used like that Sabrina. It’s wrong. And you know damn well I’m only attracted to men.”

  “Oh come on. I would do it for you. I’m not asking you to sleep with her. I’m just asking you to be nice to her.”

  Tasha stood there incredulous, “It’s the same thing!”

  “No, it’s not but Fine. Whatever. Do what you feel is right even if that means I’ll lose this promotion. I’m going back to the table.”

  Sabrina had the nerve to act like Tasha was in the wrong. She angrily turned around and left Tasha standing alone in the bathroom. Tasha looked to the heavens asking god to have mercy
on…Sabrina because she was going to kill her.

  It took some time for Tasha to calm down but she eventually made it back to their table.

  LaWanda Mackie gave her a big smile. “Is everything okay? I was worried about you?”

  Tasha sat back down, “I’m fine. I just got a little overheated.”

  “Good. I wouldn’t want you to get sick or anything.”

  Tasha spent the rest of the luncheon trying to fend off LaWanda’s advances and thinking about all the different ways she could kill Sabrina without going to prison.


  By the time Tasha made it back to the hotel room from hanging out with LaWanda, it was early evening. Sabrina was in the middle of getting ready for her date.

  When she heard Tasha return, she popped her head out of her bedroom.

  “Hey girl, so how did it go?”

  Tasha stormed into Sabrina’s room, “If you pull some crap like this on me again I swear I’ll kill you where you stand. I hate when you try to manipulate me.”

  Sabrina put up her hands as if surrendering. “Okay…okay. I’ve said I was sorry a million times already.” She crossed her heart, “I’m sorry for the millionth and one. I promise I won’t do it again.”

  After an awkward silence Sabrina laughed out loud, “But, you do have to admit that you’ve been having such a hard time getting dates. Now you can say you’ve had three in the last six months.”

  Tasha gave her a hard stare, “Not funny.”

  “Was she a good kisser?”

  “Sabrina, I swear…”

  “Okay, so I see you’re not in the mood to take a joke. But, can you at least tell me if I’m getting the promotion or not?”

  “No, I can’t. We didn’t talk about you. You know you shouldn’t play with people like that. She actually seems like a nice person. I felt bad that she was interested in me in that way and I…wasn’t.”

  “LaWanda Mackie is not nice. She was nice to you because she wanted to get into your pants or should I say skirt?” She giggled and couldn’t seem to stop with the jokes. “But believe me she’s ruthless. I’ve seen her in action on more than one occasion.”


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