The Stranger Next To Me

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The Stranger Next To Me Page 10

by Vasser, LaShawn

  Begrudgingly, she went up to the front foyer to help Sabrina with the ‘surprise’.

  Chapter 20

  Somehow Sabrina managed to get everyone hidden, lights off, and house quiet before Tim’s car pulled up to the front door.

  Tasha was standing in between Daniel and Jenny. Jenny seemed to be a different person when she was around Daniel. She was always so jumpy and always giving other attractive women the evil eye. She felt sorry for her.

  Tasha spoke, “Hey Jenny. I didn’t know you were coming into town. I’m sure Tim is going to be thrilled to see you.”

  “Wow! Tasha, you look amazing. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  “Well, thanks…I think.”

  “I’m sorry. Given our past, that comment coming from me could really sound like an insult. I didn’t mean it that way. So, let me clarify, you always look nice but tonight you look amazing.”

  “Well, thank you. It is a little departure from my normal so I completely understand and thank you again for the compliment. You look great too.”

  Sabrina called Jenny over to stand next to her so that she could unveil her as a surprise to Tim.

  Once she went over by Sabrina, Daniel leaned over and tried to whisper into Tasha’s ear. She couldn’t stand him. He was a jerk of epic proportion and a disgusting individual. At one point, he had tried to come on to her when his wife was in a room not two doors down from them. I guess she really had some nerve. After her little tryst with Tim, she didn’t get to make judgments like that anymore.

  “You do look sexy as hell, Tasha.”

  She felt like he was literally undressing her with his eyes. It didn’t matter that his wife was standing just a few feet away from them. He whispered into her ear again, “Tasha…Tasha…Tasha…you look good enough to eat. I would you know…eat you real good.”

  Tasha moved away from him.

  Daniel reached out to touch her shoulder and Tasha reacted as if someone had poured scalding hot water on her. “Come on…don’t be like that. I just gave you a compliment.”

  Tasha spoke through clenched teeth, “Don’t touch me Daniel. Don’t ever do that again. I’m sure your wife who is here wouldn’t appreciate it. And Sabrina probably wouldn’t either.”

  “If that’s what’s bothering you, how about you let me handle them.”

  She hissed through clenched teeth, “How about NOT. You make my skin crawl and my stomach sick. So, please back up a step or two because I’d hate to make a scene at your brother-in-laws birthday party.”

  Daniel laughed her rejection off, “You know I could care less about him. But, I get it now. I guess that explains why Eric always looks so miserable…dating a bitch will do that to you.”

  Before Tasha could respond, someone yelled out, “He’s at the door.” Since Daniel wouldn’t step away from her she stepped away from him. Otherwise, Tasha couldn’t be responsible for her actions.

  A moment later, Tim walked inside and turned on the lights. Everyone came out of hiding and shouted Surprise.

  Sabrina glided over to his side and her voice almost sounded like a purr when she spoke, “I couldn’t let your birthday pass without celebrating it and you.” Sabrina gave him a kiss that would make a porn star blush.

  When they finally came up for air, you could hear their friends talk about what an incredible looking couple they were; Tim with his sable hair and dark blue eyes and Sabrina with her dark Hershey’s kiss colored skin and large chocolate eyes.

  Tasha had so many mixed emotions watching her friend kiss Tim. She did her best to bury those feelings…every…single…one of them.

  The kiss was supposed to be Tasha and Craig’s cue to roll the huge birthday cake out to him, but Craig couldn’t make it so Daniel took his place. Birthday music started playing in the background.

  When Tim saw Tasha rolling the cake out, he did his best not to stare. He immediately released his hold on Sabrina and could barely keep his eyes off of her. It had been a while since he’d seen her but he didn’t think he’d ever seen her look the way she looked tonight.

  Unfortunately, it was Daniel that caught him drooling over her. He whispered into Tim’s ear, “Your wife might not take too kindly about you drooling over her best friend. Me on the other hand…that is expected.”

  It took everything within him not to put his fist into Daniel’s face. Instead, he decided to let it pass especially since it was true…but mostly because so many people were watching especially Jenny.

  He was more than a little surprised that she even came. It was no secret that his siblings, especially his sister and Sabrina, didn’t like each other.

  He reached out for a bear hug, “It’s good to see you.”

  Jenny hugged him back, “You too big brother.”

  Sabrina stood there watching the little family reunion trying to hide her dislike on her face for Jenny while Daniel held a smug look on his.

  Tim looked up from his sister’s embrace and scanned the room to see all of his friends, his business associates, and many of his employees who came out to celebrate. However, he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes from coming back to Tasha.

  Was that really her? She looked sexy as hell. It made him sick to his stomach to think that Eric was the one who got to be with her. With the exception of tonight, he’d done a pretty good job of hiding his feelings for her over the past year.

  Tasha smiled but her eyes never reached his, “Happy Birthday, Tim!”

  He gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek, “Thanks Tasha.” No one would ever know the warring emotions that was going on inside of them.

  Sabrina, who was already a little tipsy, had had enough of the greetings and was ready to party.

  “Can someone please get my husband a drink and turn the music back up!”


  It had taken almost an hour, but Tasha finally made her way back to Eric. He was standing around talking to some guy she didn’t recognize. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Eric only half turned around.

  Tasha looked around him to the gentleman he was speaking with, “Excuse me, they are playing our song? Would you mind if I steal him away for a moment? Eric would you care to dance with me?”

  Eric smiled but his eyes were hard, “You mean you’ve finally got time for me?”

  She ignored him and took his hand in hers and led him to the dance floor. They started off moving to the beat of the music. Eric put his hands on Tasha’s hips and pulled her closer to him. Tasha closed the remaining space between them and rolled her hips into him as she let her hands roam all over his chest.

  Eric wrinkled up his nose, “Come on Tasha…don’t do that here. What’s gotten into you?”

  She smiled up at him, “Do what? This?” Tasha grinded her body into his again, “Why not?”

  “Because this isn’t you and I don’t like my girl acting like a whore in front of all these people.”

  He stopped dancing, “I need some air. I’m going to step out for a minute.” Eric left her standing on the dance floor.

  That stung. Tasha was hurt and confused. One minute Eric was telling her that she was too uptight and frigid. The next he was telling her she was acting like a whore. Lately, she could never seem to win.

  Tasha walked off the dance floor. Feeling embarrassed and rejected, she needed a moment alone to gather herself. She went to the upstairs family room. The upstairs had been blocked off so there shouldn’t have been anyone up there.

  But, as she walked towards the room, that didn’t seem to be the case. She heard what sounded like people arguing. Initially, Tasha couldn’t make out the words but as she got closer the words got clearer.

  “I didn’t ask for this party Sabrina!”

  “You could at least act as if you’re having a good time!”

  “You’re lucky I didn’t embarrass the hell out of you when I walked through that door. I told you not to throw it. You know this isn’t a good time for us. I told you I don’t want to prete
nd like we’re this happy couple when we’re not! We seriously need to talk.”

  “I was just trying to do something nice for you. This was my way of saying…I’m sorry.”

  Tim stared Sabrina down, “For what exactly are you sorry?”

  “I know I haven’t been the best wife. I want to start over.”

  “I don’t. I’m tired of pretending. We’ve been pretending for years. Aren’t you tired?”

  “Actually, no. I like being Mrs. Timothy Horne.”

  Tim ran his hands through his hair, “Why? Because of the connections you’ve made? You don’t need me for that. Sabrina, how many times can we do this? A year ago, we made a renewed commitment to make our marriage work. It hasn’t.”

  Tasha felt guilty standing there listening but she was afraid to move. She was afraid if she did they might notice she was there.

  She’d known that they were still having problems but not to this extent. Looking at them downstairs no one would have ever known. She quietly and slowly turned around, then went back down the stairs before they discovered she’d overheard their conversation.

  Tasha ended up outside in the garden. It was really the only place that wasn’t occupied by a lot of people.

  She looked around thinking that if her backyard looked like this, she would never want to leave it. A person could get lost out here. It was perfect…and peaceful.

  The night truly was lovely…the stars were out and the moon was full. It was a little chilly but that was okay. She walked out a little further pretending that for just a little while everything was all right in her world.

  What was she going to do about Eric? Every day the distance between them seemed to get wider and wider no matter what she tried. Her great plan for tonight was a bust. He didn’t seem the least bit interested or turned on by her makeover. It wasn’t the first time that Tasha wondered if there was someone else. If she were honest he’d been sharing her at least emotionally for a while too.

  The sound of the back doors opening and someone coming out into the garden was disappointing. She really didn’t want to share her sense of solitude with anyone just yet and wished to be alone for just a few more minutes.

  Tasha couldn’t see who’d come out because she was hidden behind all the lush trees and flowers. However, before she could announce her presence, she heard two hushed but angry voices.

  It had to be the full moon with everyone fighting on such a beautiful night. She decided it might be better to stay hidden since the couple seemed to be in a full blown fight. One of the voices became very clear. It was Sabrina.

  “Stop it already! I told you that I would call you tomorrow. Being out here together like this is just not smart.”

  His voice was low and frustrated, “I don’t know how much longer I can keep playing these games with you. Either we are going to be together or we’re not.”

  “I need more time.”

  “For what? People don’t throw birthday parties for someone they plan to divorce. Are you going to screw him tonight too?”

  It suddenly got quiet. Tasha tried to listen harder but it was difficult. She still couldn’t make out the guys voice. It didn’t really sound like Daniel but it could have been him.

  Sabrina tried to silence her lover with a kiss.

  She pulled away hoping her kisses would keep him at bay for a little while longer. She gently touched his cheek, “You know I don’t love him. The timing is just not right. Baby…please just be a little more patient. I promise, I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll make plans.”

  He held her hand to his cheek, and then turned it so he could kiss the inside. “Sabrina, I don’t want a call. I need to see you before I fly out...I need to be so deep inside you that you won’t remember your own name.”

  His words and knowing that he could back them up were getting Sabrina excited. “Okay we’ll meet tomorrow. But, you have to go back inside the party and act normal. Tim already suspects something is up.”

  That was the wrong answer because the man exploded, “I don’t give a damn. You’re leaving him!”

  Sabrina did her best to calm him down. But, she also had to make some things clear, “Look, I love you but I’m not leaving this relationship broke. The prenuptial has parameters. When I ask for the divorce, Tim is going to make sure that it is strictly enforced. So, a little more time is all I’m asking for. Then, it’ll just be you and me.”

  He looked doubtful and as if he were about to protest. She put her hands up as if to ward him off before she spoke again.

  “You’re lucky that you don’t have to deal with any of this. Your….I can’t even say her name because it makes me nauseous…but…she’s so far gone that she would never dream in a million years that you would leave her to be with someone else.”

  They’d been alone long enough and Sabrina was feeling antsy, “Look, you’ve got to go…now. We’ve been out here too long already.

  Sabrina kissed him one last time before ushering him away from her. Then thought to herself, she had no intention of leaving Tim. She’d be crazy.

  Once Tasha heard the man leave, she came out from behind the bushes. Sabrina looked up startled and sputtered, “Tasha…jeez…what are you doing out here? Why are you always lurking and jumping out of bushes?”

  “I just came out here for some fresh air. You invited someone you’re having an affair with to Tim’s party? I thought you said you were going to try to make your marriage work?”

  Sabrina was relieved apparently Tasha hadn’t seen who she’d been in the garden with. “Please get off of your high and mighty soap box. I plan to end it with him tomorrow.”

  Tasha put her hands on her hips, “Well, it sounded like you were going to go screw him tomorrow. And, please don’t use me as your excuse to get away tomorrow either.”

  Sabrina pressed her two fingers together clenching the space between her eyes and nose. “I haven’t asked you to cover for me in a while, ever since you asked me not to. And, I don’t plan on it now. You asked me to stop so I did. With that being said, I know you and Tim are friends but you don’t need to worry about us. If you want to be worried about something…worry about your issues with Eric.”

  Tasha swallowed hard, “Wow…okay.”

  Sabrina sighed out loud, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that, at least not all of it. It’s just things are crazy right now. Tim wants a divorce. You know at one point he had the nerve to accuse me of cheating?”

  Did Sabrina just say that with a straight face? “Sabrina…you are cheating! And, not for the first time since you’ve been married either.”

  “Yeah but he doesn’t know that. He just suspects it.”

  If Tasha’s head could explode from her shoulders this would be the moment it did. “I’ve known you a long time Sabrina and you’ve never been able to be faithful to anyone including Tim. I don’t understand it. I would give anything for Eric to treat me the way Tim treats you. Why do you do this?”

  “Tim is a great guy. But honestly…I just don’t think human beings were meant to be monogamous.”

  “Then why get married? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Aren’t you listening? Tim is a GREAT guy. He’s sexy, he’s rich, and he’s great in bed. But, if I told him that I enjoyed being with other men kind of like how some men like to play basketball…he’d divorce me. So, I creep…a little. As long as he doesn’t know…nobody gets hurt.”

  “Sabrina…but what if he does find out? You know he would be really hurt.”

  Sabrina lashed out which was typical when she felt cornered. “Why? I can’t prove it but I know he has someone else too.”

  “What would make you say that?”

  “I can just feel it. Even when he’s present he’s absent.”

  “Maybe if you could just focus on you and him…”

  “I don’t need a lesson from you. I get it! You’re miss goody goody and I’m not. I’ve done some things you wouldn’t have but it’s my life so can you just stop trying to
fix my life? I think you have your hands full with Eric.”

  Tasha felt a stab of guilt, “I’m not miss goody goody. I’ve made mistakes too. But, you’re right…it’s your life.”

  Chapter 21

  The weekend couldn’t get there fast enough for Tasha. She’d been incredibly busy all week and things between her and Eric were even more strained; if that were even possible. She really needed some time to herself to relax and recharge.

  Her plans, at least for tonight, included doing absolutely nothing. Especially since Eric was going to be hanging out with some of his friends. When he called to let her know, Tasha was tempted to hang out with some of her co-workers who had invited her out to dinner, but she declined determined to relax.

  She even put a very persuasive Sabrina off. Tasha was making it a point to have some time just for herself and she wasn’t going to alter them one little bit.

  The pizza was on its way, she’d had a couple of her favorite romantic movies picked out, and she was wearing her favorite pair of pajamas. Tasha took a sip of her water, snuggled up on the sofa with her favorite blanket, and pressed play on the DVD. Yes, she was definitely in relax mode.

  When her cell phone rang, Tasha had no idea how long she’d been laying there. She hadn’t really been asleep but wasn’t focused on the movie either. She had no idea what was going on. Tasha picked up her phone to see who was calling. Depending on who was on the phone was going to determine if she answered it or not. It was Sabrina.

  Tasha took a deep breath, “Sabrina…I’m in for the night. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Are you sure? I managed to get reservations to that restaurant you’ve been wanting to go to for a while.”

  “As tempting as that is not tonight. I just want to relax.”

  Sabrina sounded frustrated, “You know I hate it when Tim is out of town. Being alone sucks.”

  “Maybe we can get together tomorrow?”

  “I guess. Well, since you’re going to leave me to my own devices…Oh, before I forget, I booked that weekend getaway for all of us next month.”


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