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Aftermath Page 3

by S. W. Frank

  “No, I said go out on dates.” He responded in a serious tone. Prior to Sal, they’d hung-out, but what he had in mind was old-fashioned courting. Before he married her a second time, he would do it right, sweep her off her feet, so when he got down on one knee and proposed, she’d know this time it was for keeps.

  “Oh, okay. We can do that.”

  “Good, it’s exactly what I expected to hear.”

  She swiveled her head to view his handsome face, “Oh really, I believe I hear the arrogance returning. Maybe, I need to rethink my answer for a few days then get back to you with a decision.”

  He slowly stroked his chin in contemplation, “Ah man, so you’ll do me like that, give me lessons on humility and make me beg, too. Is that how it is now?”

  She flashed that dazzling smile and a dimple formed near the corner of her mouth, “Beg,” she repositioned on top of him. “Honey you will never have to beg me for anything.”

  Selange’s lips closed over his and a smirk formed as he ran his tongue over the pearly white teeth then made her pay for teasing by giving her no room to breathe when he sucked firmly on her small tongue and their oral juices mingled.

  “Ummmm,” he moaned while he groped her body and his hands went boldly up the hem of her dress, rubbing and squeezing her plush ass.

  Her body pushed hard on his groin and he sucked her, kneading her ass and forgetting where he was until he heard his mother clear her throat loudly.

  Geez, he thought she slept!

  She did it again. “Um-hum!” This was her official announcement to end the raunchy display, ahora!

  Alfonzo moaned and cursed her crappy timing. Reluctantly he detached from Selange’s moist lips and gave her bottom a solid spank then slid forward clutching her in his arms and grinned at his mother’s embarrassment, “¿Qué?”

  She scoffed and looked away.

  Blood raced through his vessels from the intimate encounter and the bulge pushing forcefully against his slacks was evidence of his desire. He held Selange firmly on his lap and whispered in her ear, “Don’t move yet babe, you have me standing at attention.”

  She covered her mouth to stifle a laugh and his mother tossed the pair a dirty look.

  Alfonzo peeked from around Selange’s head with an innocent expression, “What mama, what did I do, eh?”

  “You two need a room. Aye-ya-yai!”












  Maria’s feet came to a halt at the edge of the veranda. Her hands held the smooth marble and she leaned forward on the balustrade inhaling the beauty of the property. Below, shadowy figures walked the perimeter and a futile sigh escaped in a breath. 

  The voices drifting outdoors carried her back more than thirty years ago when she first laid eyes on Sicily’s lush soil seeking opportunity and excited at the prospect of starting a new life. So many things changed since then. The girl who saw opportunity in this wondrous landscape only saw regret as a woman. She fled in shame and withheld the truth from Alfonzo about his father. The lie tore at her heart because Alfonzo never had an opportunity to know Luzo or experience his love because her selfishness prevented it.

  Time did not erase the guilt, but with faith she found clarity. Her most egregious sin was failing to forgive herself for sleeping with a married man. When Luzo visited her in New York, she sent him away with a heavy heart and allowed him to return to Italy believing she did not love him. She also did not tell him about his son.

  She committed to faith, and harbored her flesh.

  Men flirted, yet none caused goosebumps to rise like Luzo had. Oh, the crush of a young girl when reflected upon is comical. The crisp air carried with it a hint of sea and she smirked while thinking of her son and Selange. The gentle laugh was in response to her embarrassment for having to witness her son’s lasciviousness. The horny man probably would have made love to Selange right there in the car if she had not awakened.  “Ahhh,” she clutched her chest at the image of the lovebirds and the laughter became a loud melodic note. Alfonzo and Selange were her and Luzo and what might have been. The musical mirth faded, drowned out by the presence of another.


  She became poised and studied the distinguished man. She’d seen him during the funeral, standing beside the widow in fashionable tinted shades. He did look familiar, but from the distance she wasn’t sure, until now. Devoid of the sunglasses, she recognized Luzo’s friend. “Bruno?”

  He smiled, “Yes.”

  Many years had passed, yet time was gentle on him. Thin lines of wisdom at the corners of his brown eyes did not detract from the handsome gentleman. Streaks of grey gave him distinction and that lopsided grin hadn’t disappeared, instead it gave a boyish mischief to the mature face.

  Bruno kissed each blushed cheek then wrapped Maria into a friendly embrace. She inhaled his pleasant scent, felt the hardness of his body beneath the suit and was light-headed from being held so intimately. Butterflies emerged from a hidden place and a fierce pulsing occurred between her thighs. She began to silently pray for strength, no, actually, she begged for it and when he released her, it was if her prayers were answered.

  “Ah, Maria, it’s so wonderful to see you again, how are you bella?” He asked.

  She clutched her rosary beads, “I’m good and you Bruno; how is the family?”

  He sighed, “Sadness comes to my home, yet again, my wife and now my daughter Bianca’s husband. Seeing you has restored joy.”

  Maria was floored by his statement. “Lo siento. I am very sorry for your loss Bruno.” Her hands worked the beads, “I had no idea your daughter was Alberti’s wife. I can’t believe that is little Bianca you often brought to the house.”

  “Yes, she has grown.” He watched the changes of color to her lovely eyes. The woman was as pretty as he remembered. She was sexier, if that’s possible. The red flames on her cheekbones beneath the moon was breathtaking. He had always thought she was beautiful and was saddened when she left. Luzo was heartbroken; he tried to conceal it but there’s nothing hidden between friends. “I’ve met your son. He has his father’s temperament aside from other things.”

  Maria laughed. “He’s a good man. His surly attitude is only an act.”

  Bruno nodded, “I suppose.” He replied looking toward the balustrade doors at the younger man approaching and smirked. “I came to say I’m leaving. I wanted to say hello earlier but you were surrounded by family and I didn’t want to interrupt.”

  “Oh, well it’s good to see you again.”

  “How long will you be in Palermo?”

  “Not long…a few days.”

  Bruno remained resolute when Alfonzo pushed open the heavy glass doors. He found the son as all sons were, rude. Alfonzo’s eyebrow was arched high, like his father’s would have been and he wore an undisguised scowl.

  “Mama, everything okay out here?”

  “I’m fine Alfonzo. This is Bruno DeMarco, a very good friend of your father’s and the man who tried to teach me Italian. I failed the course.” She laughed.

  Bruno chuckled and Alfonzo looked from one to the other, “Did I miss the joke?”

  Maria shook her head. Yes, Alfonzo was being abrasive and it was time she gave him a refresher course on social etiquette and a reminder about respect. “I’m not in any danger from Bruno, but I thank you for your concern, I’ll be inside shortly, okay son?”

  Alfonzo’s face flushed angrily. He would not offend his mother or speak his thoughts. He relaxed his muscles and walked to her and kissed the side of her face closest to Bruno. As he did so he glared menacingly at the overly-confident Bruno.

  The warning was not lost on Bruno and he frowned at Alfonzo’s quiet threat. Alfonzo was very protective of his mother, as he should be, Maria wa
s very attractive. Yet, when he wanted something, he went after it, threats were never a deterrent. He usually got what he wanted. Bruno’s eyes twinkled in amusement once Alfonzo exited, “Intense isn’t he?”

  “Aye, sí!”

  “I will be in the states on business, perhaps we can get together over dinner when I’m there.”

  “Dinner…Bruno…I…don’t know…I may still be in Puerto Rico.”

  “I can go there.”

  “To Puerto Rico for a date?”

  Bruno reached in his breast pocket for his cell, “Yes, if that’s where you will be.” His eyes went to the device, “The number please.”

  Maria was taken aback by his persistence, “You’re going to come to Bayamón to have dinner with me?”

  “Does it surprise you?”

  “Well, yes.”

  The lopsided grin came, “Ah, bella then you are easily surprised. The number, porfavore?”






  The sleeping arrangements were made. Ari, Nico and the boys were staying as guests of Bianca’s in the spacious villa. The Diaz’ were bunking at Sophie’s. That was the plan, until Sal decided he wanted to hang with his cousins the moment they were ready to depart.

  Alfonzo stood in the foyer of the widow’s home, eyeing the boy, “Sal, you’re coming with your mom and me.” Sal gave an impressive puppy-dog expression in a silent plea to stay and Alfonzo didn’t budge, “Not working. Do you see a dog in our house, nino?”

  Sal pout and retorted, “Aw come on dad, pleeeeaase!”

  Alfonzo cast a glance at Selange who waited near the door holding Allie’s hand, with a ‘hey it’s your call’ expression. She wasn’t any help.

  Then Giuseppe emerged from the living-room with the woman Geovonna smiling adoringly up at him and each click of those sparkly stilettos indicated a step closer to what Alfonzo suspected was a night of debauchery. His eyebrow pointed skyward, wondering when his cousin planned to mention the damage to his bed.

  “Buena notte, cugino. I need sleep.” Giuseppe announced. He halt behind Sal who continued to make imploring faces.

  “Good night, Geo.”

  Geovonna removed lipstick from her purse and applied another coat to an already glossy mouth; puckered then smiled, “Yes, buena notte, Don Alfonzo. It was so nice to have met you.” She bent low and gave Sal a loud smack on his cheek leaving a red imprint. “And you as well bello.”

  Sal beamed. The boy loved busty women, Alfonzo could tell. “Good-night Geovonna,” he blushed staring at her and Alfonzo shook his head.

  “Come on Sal, time to go.”

  “But dad, I’ll behave. I promise.”

  Giuseppe came to Sal’s aid, “What is the matter Salvatore, you can tell Uncle Geo?”

  Alfonzo cut Giuseppe a look for interfering which went ignored.

  “I want to spend the night here like the other kids and dad says no.”

  Giuseppe frowned, “Your father is a cazzo. Uncle Geo says you can stay. I will handle your father.”

  “Geo I’m standing right here.”

  “I have heard it takes a village to raise children and it is true. I am the village elder and I say the boy stays. Shame on you cugino!” Then he slapped Alfonzo upside the head and grinned. “Go make more babies with the boy’s mother,” he glanced over at Selange near the door and waved, “see, she is eager and oh so ready.”

  Alfonzo dropped his head mortified. His cousin was a character, a goddamn mess, but he loved him. “Ah,” he blew, “Sal, you can stay one night. Uno noche, no mas. Tomorrow, you stay with your mom and me, comprende?”

  The boy’s head went up and down in excitement, “Sí, thanks dad!”

  “I’ll send someone over with your suitcase.” Then Alfonzo cautioned, “Sal, make sure to brush your teeth and keep the noise down. The woman just buried her husband. Respeta ella, tu sabé?”

  “Okay, I will. I promise.”

  Alfonzo nudged his son’s chin with a fist, “Okay, hijo, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Sal turned to Giuseppe and spoke fluently in Italian, “Thanks Uncle Geo, you’re super cool. Word!”

  A fondness for the boy showed when Giuseppe responded testing the boy’s fluency in the language, “You are the son I do not have Salvatore. As long as I live I will treat you like my own. Who taught you Italian?”

  “Uncle Vinny. We talked all the time and he was really cool like you.”

  Giuseppe nodded, “Thanks young Alfonzo, now go say bye to your mama.” He said and watched the boy take off on command. Giuseppe’s eyes did not leave the child. The boy had him considering fatherhood, goddamn!

  Alfonzo eyeballed Giuseppe the entire time during his reverie and asked, “What did you say to Sal and what’s that about Vinny?”

  “None of your business. Improve on your Italian, your son understands and speaks as if he were born knowing the language.” He gripped Alfonzo’s shoulder in passing, “Do not be hard on him. He is not you, cazzo!”

  Alfonzo snarled at Giuseppe, “I may not be fluent in Italian but I do know what cazzo means, you asshole!”







  Soft music played in the background as Selange worked the lotion between her fingers. She inhaled the cinnamon aroma then rubbed the creamy substance over her legs and it absorbed in her skin making it supple to the touch. She reached for the cream and squeezed more into her hand, then worked it in her arms. She carefully avoided the gauze and frowned, hoping the wound didn’t leave a huge scar because she liked wearing sleeveless dresses. When she thought of how things could have turned out, she sobered and realized she was blessed to have survived. Her family was safe, thanks in part to Ari for taking out that gunman and saving her life. Selange was grateful to the woman, who would’ve thought when it came down to it; they’d stand side by side to fight?

  Wow, life’s something, isn’t it?

  She had second and third chances. Her parents must be in heaven pleading with God to spare her, why else was she given undeserved do-overs? She had to get it right, she had to!

  She didn’t tell Alfonzo she’d enrolled in grad school after passing the MAT when they were apart. It’s something she always wanted to do and now was a good time to start. There were changes coming. Big ones. Her charity was neglected long enough and it’s time she made it a huge success and help more youngsters by getting donations from Alfonzo’s wealthy associates and doing something productive with it. Hell, she could send hundreds of inner city kids to college in a year. Crime was going to pay in a good way for a change. Having a happy life meant not living in fear and waiting for the worse to come. There weren’t any hidden cobwebs in the corner of her brain anymore. The tangled threads of indecision and doubt were removed and in the tragedy she’d gained another crack at life. She came through hell and back, too many times.  Death had taken hold of her but something inside fought it and unleashed an ass-beating. It reaffirmed her passions. On this go round, life was going to be fun and exciting.

  Have fun…yeah…enjoy life with Alfonzo and your children. Protect them with your love and be there for Alfonzo, let him know you’re always going to stand with him as his post. But, live…live for yourself, too!

  Love’s a soulful dance, and stop walking in doubt.  

  ‘Just live, love hard and do you girl. Be happy so when death comes, you can shrug and say, so what, come bitch I’ve had my fun!

  She inhaled and screwed the top on the tube of cream then made herself comfortable. She smoothed down the edge of her satin lingerie and stretched her legs, hoping to be irresistible when Alfonzo arrived. She tried reading as a distraction but her body yearned for him and a romance novel made it worse.

  Unable to concentrate, the book was discarded next to her iPod and cream which became its night
stand companions.

  God, she wish he’d hurry before sleep snatched her away. He could hang out to dawn with Domingo and the guys drinking and talking mess. Then again, he might be downstairs talking business. Whatever, the reason for his nonappearance she only hoped he brought his butt to bed.

  The children were asleep. Maria, of course insisted on sleeping with the babies like an overprotective Nana. Selange allowed the woman to have her way this once because she understood they were still somewhat shaken-up over their harrowing ordeal. Heck, she was!

  She turned on her side, reached over and raised the volume on her iPod at the instrumental portion of a mood setting song. Her playlist tonight was filled with romantic ballads. There were classics and different genres that could fire the libido all night long.

  Her body relaxed. The dim light, the soft music and the cozy bed were lulling her to sleep.

  ‘These lips can’t wait to taste your skin,


  And these eyes can’t wait to see your grin…

  The door opened. When she heard it, she smiled. The one she craved entered the bedroom. He was a vision of chic in the dark tailored suit, which served to highlight his bright eyes.

  An eyebrow ascended when he saw her in the sexy baby doll outfit and the warm reception in the lusty curve of her lips. The music set the tone and he was ready for some chocolate dessert. “Waiting long, chica?”

  “Um…you’re worth the wait, guapo.”

  He locked the door and quickly loosened his tie, “Is the sexy lady complimenting me? There’s a time you weren’t as generous with the flattery.” He threw the tie on the chair beside the door and his Armani jacket followed. The sea color of his irises were torrential pools of lust washing over her body.

  She chuckled and he worked the diamond cuff-links loose without breaking eye contact, “What’s so funny?”

  “Oh I may not have verbalized to you how hot you were, but at night…,” she answered then licked the heart-shaped mouth, “…Ooooh amor…when I imagined you touching my body, it held you in high esteem.”


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