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Page 9

by MarieRochelle

  Not wanting to get into an argument with Rowan, she walked over to the table and started putting away her supplies. Hopefully, Rowan would take the hint and leave her alone, but her wish didn’t come true.

  Even before he said a word, Akayie knew he was closer because of the familiar tingling sensation that went down her spine. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed how Rowan leaned against the table watching her as she worked. She hated that she didn’t have a clue what he was thinking. She wasn’t used to him not firing off at her about something stupid.

  “I guess you’re thinking I’m not a man that knows how to keep his word,” he said. “I didn’t mean to ruin Lucas’ time with you. I came looking for you and it just surprised me to find the two of you in here like that together. Lucas has a pretty quick temper and I shouldn’t have said anything. He wouldn’t have been putting the moves on you. I will call him tonight and apologize and everything should be fine between us. We disagree about something at least twice a week. It has been like that ever since we were kids.”

  Excuse after excuse was all she had heard since stepping foot on Rowan’s precious ranch, and she had enough. This was the last time he would ever accuse her of going after one of his brothers. If he wanted her gone, he should have told her in his office instead of offering her a fake truce and trying to ruin her time with the models, including his family.

  Picking up her bag, she slid it over her shoulder and then turned around. Today was the final straw for her. No matter how much she wanted Rowan to notice her, she couldn’t handle any more of his hot and cold attitude.

  “Look, Mr. Braden, I can’t figure out what your problem truly is with me. But, I’m done playing these games with you. I thought you hired me to do a job, but you keep showing up and ruining my progress. I took this job because I needed it, and I loved the idea of all the proceeds going to your sister-in-law’s homeless charity. But, every time I get started you always find a way to sabotage me.


  She held up her hand, cutting Rowan off. She actually didn’t care anymore. Her mind was made up and she was leaving and not looking back. She was done. She would call Danya from the car and tell her to book them the first flight back to New York.

  “As much as we try, for some reason we just rub each other the wrong way, so I quit. You can hire someone else to do the calendar for your family. I will get all the photos off my computer and put them on a flash drive for you before I leave. Have a nice life, Rowan Braden.”

  Akayie tried walking around Rowan, but he stepped in her way. “I thought you wanted to use some of Braden Ranch property for a showing you had planned,” he said, staring down at her.

  “I was, but I can go in a different direction. Please let your brothers know I enjoyed talking to them. I’m sorry that I wasn’t ever able to meet Tanner. Goodbye.”

  Brushing past Rowan and his stunned expression, Akayie left the room, trying not to worry about how she was ever going to get the money the Braden brothers had offered to pay her.

  * * * *

  Rowan started after Akayie and then stopped him before she made it completely to the door. Why was he even thinking about going after a woman who pushed every nerve in his body and mind? Plus, she acted like she hated him but totally loved his brothers and every other man walking around the ranch. She never looked at him the way she did Lucas when he walked in on them.

  Are you jealous? his mind taunted.

  No, he wasn’t jealous of Lucas or Morgan. They were his brothers and would never do anything to hurt him.

  Are you sure?

  Yeah, he was damn positive that he wasn’t affected by how easily his siblings could talk with Akayie while he seemed to make her angry when she was with him. But, any time words left his mouth they came across like an insult to her, professionally and personally.

  Had it really been that long since he was in the company of a gorgeous woman that he didn’t know how to act…no, flirt with her? Akayie’s stunning looks had thrown him off balance a little. She wasn’t like other women. Her dark beauty made his cock hard every time he was within touching distance of her.

  No, he had gone out on a date with Kali Kitterman last month. Well, Morgan wouldn’t have called it a real date because Rowan was trying to purchase one of her father’s horses. Mr. Kitterman had been overseas and let his daughter handle the business meeting over dinner. Nothing romantic sparked between them, and after the negotiations were over they had shaken hands and then parted ways.

  Cursing under his breath, Rowan ran his hand across the back of his neck. Hell, if he honestly thought about it he hadn’t taken pleasure in the company of a beautiful woman in over three years. Shit, no wonder he was so rusty with Akayie. He had lost the ability to charm a woman. Morgan and Lucas dated constantly. They knew just the right words to say to make a woman like being around them. He didn’t know how to express his growing feelings towards her, not when the ranch had taken up his entire life for so long.

  God, why had he opened his big mouth again? He was constantly ruining things by not getting all the facts first…. That wasn’t right. He had been jealous when he saw Akayie touching Lucas. He wanted her soft hands on his body instead of Lucas’. Her body and face had been in his dreams for the past week; he couldn’t close his eyes without seeing her tempting him in every way imaginable. He was fighting the sexual tension between them instead of going for it full force.

  Fuck! He just messed up any chances he had of being with her by being a complete and utter asshole. He had to get her back at the ranch before Morgan, Lucas, and Tanner found out she actually quit this time.

  Turning, he hurried towards the door. He probably didn’t have much time left to make it to the hotel and apologize to her. He would offer Akayie her job back with a little added incentive not to leave. What he had in mind, she wouldn’t be able to turn down. This was one time he was concerned that his mouth might have caused problems he wouldn’t be able to fix.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Have you lost your mind?” Danya asked, watching as Akayie paced her hotel room. She had never seen her friend this angry after one of her run-ins with Rowan. “What in the world happened after I left you alone with Lucas? Rowan wasn’t anywhere in sight, so how did the two of you end up in another fight?”

  “No, I haven’t lost my mind,” Akayie snapped, stopping by the foot of the bed. “I told that self-centered, judgmental asshole to keep his damn job. I don’t need him or his money.” Spinning back around, Akayie’s thin braids flew around her shoulders as she reached for a t-shirt on the bed.

  “You know that we can’t lose this job,” Danya pointed out. “Mathis Photography won’t last without Rowan Braden’s check in the bank. Are your hurt feelings worth more than keeping your dream up and running?”

  Danya slipped through Akayie’s anger and made her see reason. Her best friend was right. This project, along with the exhibit she was working on with it, was supposed to bring clients back into her studio.

  Tossing the shirt back on the bed, Akayie looked at Danya. “I can’t believe I let my temper get the best of me. I’m usually so calm but Rowan always finds a way to push my buttons. Why can’t he be a little bit nicer? It pisses me off that he is so good-looking and most of the time I can’t stand him.”

  “I see how the two of you play off each other. I have never seen two people with so much sexual chemistry boiling beneath the surface. Just get it over with and have sex with each other and then everything will be okay. Take him to one of those hay-filled stalls and have your way with him.”

  Denial quickly rose in Akayie’s throat and flew from her mouth. She sat down on the bed. “I have never thought about Rowan that away. He’s not even my type. I wouldn’t ever─”

  “You do know when a person denies something as much as you do, it usually means they aren’t telling the truth,” Danya pointed out, joining her on the bed.

  “I can’t be attracted to Rowan,” she answered softly, “and yo
u know the reason why.” The pain in Akayie’s voice echoed in the room. Memories of the past hit her before she could stop them. All the hurtful words, name calling, and the countless nights she lay in bed crying into her pillows over men not wanting her because of her…No, she had come to grips with this a long time ago. She wasn’t going to allow Rowan to bring up any of her old insecurities.

  “When are you going to listen to me? Most men out there aren’t going to be like that asshole ex-boyfriend of yours. He wasn’t worth all of the tears you cried.”

  Akayie heard what Danya was telling her and it was the truth, but it still stung that no man would ever look at her with unconditional love in his eyes.

  “I hear you, but I don’t believe it. Now, it is too much for me to handle. How can I expect a man do it? It just isn’t going to happen, so let’s leave it alone. How about you change clothes? We can have an early dinner and then we’ll look over the photographs. I can get them organized and then send them back to Rowan in an email since I won’t be using any of the pictures,” Akayie said, getting up from the bed.

  “You’re rushing to judgment and this isn’t like you. How about we go to dinner and then you get a good night’s sleep? I can talk to Rowan in the morning while you stay at the hotel. From what I’ve heard you talk about him, he needs this calendar as much as you do, maybe more,” Danya said, looking at her as she stood up. “Honestly, all the two of you have to do is admit you are too much alike and that’s why you’re always finding something to fight about. Once that is done everything will be good to go. You should listen to me. I know how to handle any man that comes my way.”

  “Oh really?” Akayie looked at her best friend and she didn’t like that pleased look on her face. “If you can handle any man, why did you practically run out the door away from Lucas? I walked in on something, didn’t I?” she asked. “I have never seen you that nervous before, especially around a good-looking man.”

  Danya’s eyes darted away from hers and focused on something in the distance. Instantly, she could tell something was going on with her friend. Danya never broke eye contact when she thought she was winning a fight. The silence in the room continued for seconds that led into minutes, making Akayie wonder if Danya was even going to answer her.

  “Lucas Braden is a born flirt. I’ve noticed him at the ranch flashing that killer smile at some of the women who work there. I didn’t want him using his well-practiced skills on me and I told him so.”

  “Is that so?”

  Danya glanced quickly back in her direction. “Sure. I might flirt, but never with an agenda. He was up to something, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what he wants from me.”

  Akayie shook her head. “Are you complaining that a hot man was coming on to you because he wanted you? I don’t get that kind of attention and I never will. So, love it and enjoy every damn second.”

  “Stop it,” Danya scolded. “You’re beautiful. I saw how Rowan has been watching you when he thinks no one is watching him. Don’t give me any advice unless you are willing to take some from me.”

  Akayie already knew the words that were going to leave Danya’s lips before they did, but she was a team player, so she would humor her best friend. What would it hurt? She wasn’t ever going to be in a relationship with Rowan Braden.

  “Maybe you’re right and I do feel a tiny, and I do mean a tiny, spark whenever I look into his eyes. However, nothing is going to happen between Rowan and me because we are leaving town as soon as I book our flight back home.”

  “We don’t have to leave and let Rowan win. You are tougher than this. Show him that he can’t chase you away. God, are you the same woman who got rid of my crazy ex-boyfriend by taking his picture and then threatening to plaster it all over the Internet, calling him a cheater? Plus, you were going to warn all single, intelligent women to stay away from him.”

  Akayie smiled at the memory. Jerry had been the biggest bastard that she had ever met in her life. She never knew why Danya wasted almost two years of her life on such a jerk.

  “Alright, I─”

  A sudden knock at the hotel room door stopped Akayie in mid-sentence. “Who in the world is that?” she asked, looking at Danya. “Are you expecting anyone?”

  “No,” Danya said, walking over to the door. Her assistant glanced through the peephole and then spun back around with a huge grin on her pretty face.

  “I think someone had a change of mind about you leaving.”

  “Who is at the door?” Akayie questioned.

  “Why don’t you come and take a look for yourself?” The knock came again as Danya moved away from the door.

  I don’t have time for this, Akayie thought as she made her way towards the door. She took a quick glance through the peephole before twirling back around.

  “It’s Rowan,” she whispered. “I don’t want to deal with him. I’ve had enough of his insults.”

  Danya crossed her arms over her breasts and glanced back at the door. “So, why don’t you tell Mr. Braden that to his face, and then we end our contract with the Braden brothers once and for all.”

  She heard the challenge in her best friend’s voice. Akayie hated that she couldn’t let it go, but Rowan wouldn’t get the best of her. She wasn’t going to let him win the battle or the war. This job was perfect for her and she was already doing a damn good job. She wasn’t going to get chased away before of his ego.

  Spinning back around, she unlocked the door then opened it, catching Rowan as he was about to knock again. “I’m surprised to see you’re here, Mr. Braden, after our last conversation. Did you come all the way here to check and make sure that I’m really on my way back home?” she asked, trying not to get lost in the scent of his cologne.

  Rowan’s shoulders looked a mile wide as they filled the doorway. His steady gaze never left her face as he stared down at her from his impressive height. “Do you always need to have a comment ready?” he questioned. “I might have come here to tell you something important, but you would never know.”


  “Hey, guys. Why don’t you two bring your conversation into the room instead of having it in the hallway?” Danya suggested from behind her.

  Rowan arched an eyebrow at her and waited. Damn, she hated how he got underneath her skin. Slowly, a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth like he had actually heard her thoughts. She didn’t like that knowing look on his handsome face.

  “Are you going to open up and let me come inside?” he asked.

  Opening the door wider, Akayie waved Rowan into her hotel room and then closed the door behind them. The room seemed to get instantly smaller with his presence. “I opened up and let you in. Now, what did you come here to tell me?”

  “Wait, I need to leave,” Danya suddenly tossed out, surprising her. “I’m late for something. Her best friend eased around them and reopened the door.

  “What are you late for?” Akayie asked as Danya hurried out of the room, leaving her alone with Rowan.

  “I don’t know, but I do know that I’m not a part of this conversation. Just call and let me know if we are still leaving.” Danya glanced past her at Rowan, who stood in the middle of the room. “Good luck,” she said and the closed the door.

  Akayie took a few seconds to get herself together before turning around and finding Rowan watching her in that unblinking way that she found so unnerving, like he was seeing deep into her soul.

  “Well, let me have it. I know you drove all the way here to give me one of your famous lectures about how wrong I am and how right you are.”

  Rowan took off his cream-colored Stetson and ran his fingers through his thick, black hair before tossing it down on the bed. He sighed and then ran his tanned hand along the back of his neck. “You aren’t going to make this easy for me, are you?” he asked. Hazel eyes held her while Rowan waited for her answer.

  A slow, simmering current of awareness started to build as neither of them wanted to break eye contact, but Akayie
finally looked away, missing the smug look Rowan tossed her way.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about. What do I need to do to make it easier on you? Can’t you see I’m leaving your life?” she asked, waving her towards the half-packed suitcase on the bed.

  “That’s why I’m here. I can’t let you leave. I need you…No, I want you to stay.”

  Her breath caught at his words, but she didn’t understand why. Maybe it had to do with the sincerity in them. Something she wasn’t used to hearing from the handsome man standing in front of her.

  “Why can’t you?” she questioned, not wanting to let the aloof rancher off that easily. He had to do some work to make her set foot back on that ranch.

  “God, haven’t you figured it out by now that I’m not used to admitting when I’m wrong, and you aren’t making it any easier on me? However, I’d rather deal with you than my three soon-to-be angry brothers. Ms. Mathis, I overreacted when I saw you with Lucas. I seem to do that a lot when it comes to you. I really need you to stay here and pretend that the argument never happened. You were our one and only choice for this project. Can you find a way to get past my stupidity and come back to the ranch with me? I’m getting rooms ready now for you and Danya.”


  “Driving back and forth to the ranch every day is getting ridiculous. There is plenty of room there for all of us. You and Danya can stay with me until everything is completed. How does that sound to you?”

  Her ears must be playing tricks on her, because she couldn’t believe what she was hearing coming out of Rowan’s mouth. Was the horse breeder actually offering her a place on his ranch to stay along with an honest to God apology?

  I must be dreaming.


  Rowan frowned at her.

  “Don’t look at me like you don’t understand what I’m talking about.”

  “I’m clueless,” he answered, still frowning at her.

  Grinning, Akayie looked up at Rowan, loving the feeling over power that was coming over her. This was going to be good.


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