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Rowan Page 21

by MarieRochelle

  “I thought you were lying when you kept saying you loved Akayie, but you were telling me the truth,” Morgan said, truly shocked by his brother’s heartfelt speech.

  “If you asked me to choose between keeping Akayie and getting my ultimate dream of winning the Kentucky Derby, I would have walked away from that horse without a second thought. Look, I can’t talk about this anymore. I need to get out of here and clear my head. I’m going for a ride. If something happens, let one of my men handle it. I won’t be around for the rest of the day.”

  Morgan didn’t like how his brother sounded. The man in front of him wasn’t the confident, smug older brother he was used to seeing. Nothing about Rowan seemed like a man who was planning to think of a way to win back the love of his life.

  “Hey, why don’t you let me take the day off and we can spend it together? Maybe I can help you think of ways to get Akayie back. She still likes me. I could call her and talk to her. She might listen to me when I tell her how devastated you are this morning. She cared about you as well. I honestly believe she was falling in love with you, and a woman in love can forgive a lot of things.”

  Rowan shook her head. “I believe you’re right, but a woman as amazing as Akayie wouldn’t ever look at me again and not hear those words over and over. Just give me some space. I need time to think.” Walking away from him, Rowan headed out of the door without a backward glance.

  Waiting a few minutes to make sure Rowan wasn’t coming back, Morgan pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and hit speed dial. The phone rang twice before it was finally answered.

  “Hello?” a male voice answered.

  “We have a huge problem and you need to get over here as soon as possible.”

  “God, please don’t tell me you are at the ranch,” Lucas sighed. “I don’t have time to deal with any family issues. I have a huge case coming up and I need to get ready for it.”

  “If you want a relationship with Danya any time in the near future, you will get your ass over here and I mean fast. Rowan did something last night that might have ruined your chances with her.”

  “What did he do?”

  “Just get over here and I will fill you in on everything, and you aren’t going to like it.”

  “Damn it,” Lucas cursed. “Give me about forty minutes and I will be there. Is Rowan around?”

  “No, he left and I’m not sure when he will be back. I will be waiting for you in the study,” Morgan said, ending the call.

  He tossed his phone down on the table and ran his hands over his face. If he and Lucas didn’t think of a way to bring Rowan and Akayie back together, this entire idea about the calendar would be ruined. Not to even mention that Rowan would never in his life find a woman who loved him as much as Akayie. Rowan was going to get some help whether he wanted it or not. His stupid ass mistake wasn’t about to ruin the rest of their lives.

  He would make sure of it.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Six weeks later

  Walking around the party, Akayie loved what a success tonight was turning out to be for her. She couldn’t believe she had gotten through putting the calendar together and seeing Rowan’s face without breaking down and having Danya finish the project for her.

  The first time she pulled up the picture she decided to use for the cover, all the memories from their last encounter came rushing back to her and she had to take a break after seeing Rowan’s face. The pain had been unbearable, but she pushed it down and got everything done that had to be. These calendars had been for a good cause and she wasn’t going to allow him or his cruel words to ruin it for anyone else.

  “Can you believe the turnout we got tonight?”

  Turning around, Akayie smiled at Danya, who was standing behind her looking stunning in an off the shoulder white dress. She didn’t know what she would have done if her assistant hadn’t stayed behind and taken the last of the pictures for her.

  “Have I thanked you enough for staying in Texas for me?”

  “I love you. You’re my best friend. I wouldn’t have stayed back at that damn ranch if you hadn’t begged me to do it, especially if I had known what that bastard had said to you,” Danya answered.

  Akayie placed her hand on her friend’s arm. “Stop. Don’t go there. I haven’t seen Rowan in weeks. I can’t let him control my life anymore.”

  “You know that he’s coming here tonight, right?”

  She had been thinking about it most of the day, but this event wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for him, and she owed him a check for the remaining calendars. Rowan allowed her to sell them in her shop, so she would just hand him the check and walk away.

  “Yes, I know. I got the email from Morgan a few days ago. He wanted to warn me, so I wouldn’t be shocked. Tanner isn’t coming because he and Rowan still aren’t on speaking terms. He also told me that Lucas was coming with them,” she said, looking at Danya. “Are you still not talking to him? I thought the two of you were having a moment back at the ranch.”

  Danya rolled her eyes. “I don’t want anything to do with him, especially after he took Rowan’s side over yours. How could he do something like that?”

  “Lucas is a good guy. Why don’t you talk to him while he’s here tonight?” she asked.

  “Are you going to talk to Rowan? What if he wants you to forgive him and take him back?” Danya tossed back. “Didn’t he tell you that he loved you before everything happened that night?”

  “No, we are over. I don’t want to go down that road again. Honestly, the less I see of him tonight the better things will go for me.”

  “Well, I think you aren’t going to get your wish,” Danya said, looking over her shoulder.

  Spinning around, Akayie locked eyes with the last man she truly wanted to see tonight. “Rowan,” she whispered softly.

  No…she lied to Danya, she wasn’t ready to see him. It was too soon. The wounds were still too fresh. She had to get out of here and fast.

  “Akayie, wait. Don’t go,” Rowan begged her.

  Akayie turned to leave but then stopped in her tracks. No, this was her time and no one was going to steal it from her, not even Rowan. She had wasted so much of her time praying that she wouldn’t have to cross paths with him again, but honestly, she knew this day was fast approaching. He was a main part of this project and there was no way he wouldn’t have shown up tonight without his brothers.

  Slowly, she spun back around as a war of emotions raged within her. Her eyes connected again with Rowan’s searching ones. Just thinking about their last conversation still shattered her. She wasn’t sure if she would ever get over how he made her feel. However, she was strong enough to get through tonight and she wouldn’t have to ever deal with Rowan Braden after this. They would be finished with each other in every way possible.

  “Mr. Braden, I see that you and your brothers were able to make it tonight,” Akayie answered, looking Rowan in the eye with more confidence that she actually felt. God, she had been so in love with this man and his cruel words almost destroyed her.

  Rowan looked at her with surprise. “Of course, we came. We wouldn’t have missed it for anything,” he answered, taking a step closer to her as she moved a step back.

  She noticed the stunned expression that passed over his face before it quickly disappeared. Good, now he knew how it felt to be rejected. “How do you think the pictures came out?” she asked, glancing around the crowded room filled with prospective buyers. “I have to thank you again for allowing me and Danya access to Braden Ranch, because several photographs have already sold.”

  He smiled at her. “Baby, you know that I would do anything for you.”

  Akayie raised her hand, pointing a finger in Rowan’s direction. “Don’t you dare call me that again or anything close to it,” she snapped. “What in the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I’ll tell you what is wrong with me. I’m lonely,” he answered. “I’m lost without your beautiful face and smile. I can’t focus on a
nything since you left me. I came here to get you back. Sweetheart, I need you in my life.”

  Dropping her hand, Akayie glared at him and bit back a laugh. “Rowan, you can’t be serious. How could you ever think I would ever want you again? Do you not remember the things you said to me when you accused me of cheating on you with your brother Morgan?”

  Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair. “Akayie, I was drunk and I lashed out at you. You have to know what I said to you was because of the alcohol and jealousy. I never meant a word of it. I−”

  “Let me stop you right there before you embarrass yourself in this room full of people. We both know how much the Braden name means to you. Furthermore, my father always said that a drunk man’s words are truly what are in his heart. You just needed the liquid courage to say them. Now, I know how you feel about me. Nothing will ever erase the words that came from your mouth that night.”

  “No, I won’t let you do this to us. You have to listen to me. Let me explain,” Rowan pleaded. “I was jealous. I’d thought you wanted Morgan more than me the first time I saw the two of you together. There was this spark between the two of you and it upset me. I just allowed my emotions to get the better of me that horrible night. God, you have to believe me. I love you more than anything in this world. Akayie, you mean everything to me.”

  Laughing, Akayie shook her head. “Now I know that is a lie. The only thing you love has nothing to do with me, but everything to do with building up Braden Ranch. You’ve worked for years to get that prize and not even I will come between you and your ultimate dream.”

  He shook his head. “That is a lie.”

  “Isn’t it a good thing that my ‘horror movie back’ is no longer in the picture?” she continued like Rowan hadn’t said a word. “I would hate to think of you having nightmares about me, that I would cause you to be sleep depraved. You have to be at the top of your game each and every day. Goodbye, Rowan. Have a nice life.” As she turned to leave warm fingers wrapped around her elbow, stopping her from moving another step. She tried to jerk her arm away, but Rowan wouldn’t let her go.

  “I won’t let you leave like this,” Rowan said. “I love you and I want you back.”

  “Let go of me,” Akayie said, tugging at her arm again. Rowan let it go. She glared at Rowan over her shoulder, ignoring the pained look on his handsome face. “You know nothing about love and never will. Now, leave me the hell alone.”

  * * * *

  Rowan started after Akayie again as she disappeared around the corner, but Danya stepped in his way blocking his path. “Stay away from my best friend. You are such an asshole. Do you know how long it took before Akayie was finally able to tell me what you said to her? God, how can you possibly think she would want you back after something like that? I can’t tell you to leave, because this showing involves the calendar release. However, I can make sure that you aren’t within touching distance of my best friend ever again.”

  “Do you really think I came all this way for those calendars?” Rowan demanded, staring down at Danya. “I want Akayie and I’m not going to leave town until she hears me out. I’m in love with her and she has to know it. All I need is just a little more time to get through to her.”

  “Stop lying. You sure as hell can’t believe you will win Akayie back because that isn’t ever going to happen.”

  “How can you be so sure?” a male voice cut in. “If everyone will give Akayie and my brother some time alone, she might be able to hear how sorry he is. Everyone makes mistakes and deserves to be forgiven for them.”

  Glancing to the side, Danya looked at Lucas. How had she ever thought she was falling for this guy? Did he really not see what Rowan said to Akayie was beyond heartless? It was horrible and malicious. The words were meant to hurt and they did just that to Akayie. She honestly wasn’t sure if Akayie would ever recover, because she had been so in love with Rowan.

  “Of course, you would be defending him,” she said, crossing her arms over her breasts. “Lucas, you probably don’t even think he did anything wrong.”

  “I was mad at Rowan after I heard what happened, but after seeing the torment he has been going through I forgave him. No one is perfect, and everyone should find forgiveness even for the lapse of judgment Rowan had that one night. Does he really have to suffer for the rest of his life? Hell, he loves Akayie and you are standing in the way of their happiness.”

  “The torment he has been going through,” Danya hissed, walking closer to Lucas. “His torment…what about Akayie’s torment? She was the one I heard crying in her office when she thought I had left for the night. I watched her put this calendar together for weeks looking at his face over and over.” She glanced at Rowan before giving her attention back to Lucas.

  “So, if anyone has the right to be upset and not want anything to do with Rowan Braden that would be Akayie. I don’t give a damn about what he has been going through. It will never compare to what Akayie has been through, what she is going through now, and will continue to experience after he is out of her life. “

  “I still...”

  “Enough, Lucas, and you too, Danya,” Morgan said, jumping in. “We are drawing attention, and this isn’t what the exhibit is supposed to be about. There will be another time and place for Rowan and Akayie to talk to each other.”

  “No, there won’t be either,” Danya said.

  “Stay out of it and maybe Akayie will start to see how much my brother loves her. Why don’t you focus on your own life instead of hers? Why haven’t you been answering my calls and emails?” Lucas asked, suddenly surprising her.

  Danya frowned at Lucas. “Are you seriously asking me that after what Rowan did?”

  “Yes, I am,” Lucas replied. “What is going between my brother and Akayie has nothing to do with us. I thought we were getting closer while you were at the ranch. I know you felt it too.” He reached out to touch her, but Danya took a step back.

  “I can’t deal with this or you right now. I need to make sure this event comes off as perfect as Akayie wants it to be. She put a lot of time and energy into this and I can’t have it fail. Not now. Not after everything she has been through to get here tonight. Enjoy the event, gentleman, and make sure you keep Rowan away from Akayie.” Danya glared at Rowan, who was standing at the side still staring in the direction Akayie has disappeared five minutes ago.

  “Don’t you dare think about following her,” she warned. “I’ll be watching you.”

  Turning his head, Rowan’s held her eyes with a direct stare. “If I decide to go after Akayie, you won’t be able to stop me. I love her and I’m damn well going to prove it to her before I go back to Texas.” He gave her one final look before walking away. A second later Lucas went after him, leaving her alone with Morgan.

  “Danya, I think it is wonderful how you are protecting Akayie. But, she and Rowan need to talk this out with each other. You might not believe it, but my brother truly does love her. He has been a different man since Akayie left the ranch. If he tries to see her, please stay out of their way.”

  “I can’t just….”

  “Please,” Morgan pleaded, touching her on the arm.

  “Fine,” Danya sighed, moving her arm away. “Akayie has been taking care of herself for a while. She’s tougher than I give her credit for and she will be able to handle Rowan. Look, it was nice to see you. I honestly mean that, and Akayie is right. You are the nicest out of your brothers.”

  Morgan smiled at her. “Thank you, but sometimes being nice doesn’t get you what you want. Remember, there is a saying about nice guys finishing last,” he said, touching her on the arm again. He then turned away and joined his brothers across the room.

  * * * *

  Hiding in her office, Akayie listened to the chatter of the people coming through the door as her showing went on around her. She couldn’t think about going back out there, not with him there. She had to invite all of the Braden brothers to the event, but she honestly didn’t think he woul
d show up, not after what happened between them.

  The shock of seeing Rowan still hadn’t worn off yet. And every single word that Rowan yelled at her weeks ago…they all came back fresh and just as painful, like she was still living that night in Morgan’s bedroom over again. How could she have fallen in love with him? He crushed her by making her believe he was different. That her scars didn’t matter to him and he loved her despite them, but all his sweet words had been lies on top of lies.

  Touching her face, Akayie stared at her wet fingertips. She hadn’t even realized she was crying until she felt the dampness on her cheeks. She had fallen had for Rowan and none of their time together had meant anything to her…nothing at all.

  Just thinking about it shattered her more than she could describe. She was level-headed and never acted on her emotions until Rowan Braden sauntered into her life, and how easily she fell for him tore at her insides.

  A week after coming home, she fought down the urge to call Rowan and call him the bastard he was for treating her the way he had. However, after taking a long and troubled night of soul searching, she realized it wouldn’t do her any good to give Rowan any more power over her.

  The sound of the door opening and closing behind her drew Akayie away from her inner thoughts. She wasn’t in the mood to talk to Danya about Rowan being here. All she wanted to do was stay here a little longer before getting herself together and going back to her event. She had worked too hard to let Rowan or anyone else keep her away from her success tonight.

  “Danya, thanks for coming to check on me, but I’m not in the mood to talk about Rowan. I’m still trying to get over the shock of seeing him here tonight.”

  “Sorry, but I’m not Danya,” a deep Texas drawl answered, making her body stiffen in shock. “How about you talk to me and we can figure out a way together to get over your shock, because I miss you, baby, and I want you back.”


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