The Immortal Huntress

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The Immortal Huntress Page 24

by Kelly Hall

  Just when Rebekah didn’t think she could feel anything, her heart ached as if it were breaking in two, and tears formed in her eyes. “I’ll try to come. Thank you.” She ended the call and then fought back her tears.

  “Was that the hospital?” Father Timms walked into the office and came around the desk to offer comfort.

  “Yes,” she said as his hand rested on her shoulder. Ignis came into the room as if sensing her grief. “Her body is shutting down, Father. I’m not sure I’ll be able to get away, not in light of what’s happened with Aziel, but could you please go be with her so she doesn’t have to die alone?”

  “It is my honor, friend.” Father Timms put his hand on his heart and bowed his head.

  Then as he left the room to prepare his departure, Sister Frankie walked into the room carrying two suitcases and dressed in a white cotton dress that was still modest but looked more like everyday fashion and not something the Church had issued. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m afraid I’m about to leave. My notice is up, and my ties with the church are no more.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Sister.”

  She dropped her bags at her feet. “Oh, don’t bother calling me sister. Frankie is fine, thank you.”

  Rebekah got to her feet and walked around to offer the woman a hug. “I will miss you.” She pulled away. “Are you sure you can’t stick around a while? I’m sure there will be a service for Estelle soon. The hospital said that she’s shutting down. It’s a matter of hours.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t. I have a plane to catch. But I’ll be in touch about Merik.”

  “I shall place his ashes in the Great Hall. Come and see us both sometime.”

  “I won’t promise, but I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Rebekah’s phone rang, and she gave the woman a warm smile as she bent to pick up the bags.

  “Allow me,” said Ignis, stepping up to offer a hand. The woman had almost warmed up to the mage when he’d brought her a gift, and though she was still a little unsettled around him, she was getting used to him. Even though he was a bit different, she could tell that his time with the Huntress had made him compassionate.

  Ignis couldn’t help feeling her emotions and detected a change in her as well. He hefted up her heavy bags and headed out.

  Rebekah hung up the phone and settled back into her chair as she waited on her guests. The front gate had called to warn her, and she knew soon, Michael would arrive with Elder John and she would have to explain herself.

  Sure enough, minutes later, Michael walked around the corner and into the office. “Where is he?” The man arrived without fanfare, or a chorus of his kind singing, and even though he was expected, Rebekah couldn’t help but be taken by his presence. She managed to contain herself. “He’s with our physician. I’ll call for him.” As Rebekah reached for the phone, Michael slammed his hand down on hers.

  The pain stung her hand as he leaned in closer. “You have defiled one of my own, and I want you to know that I will be receiving a full report from him. You better have your story straight because I’m going to make sure that you and that mage of yours are held accountable for bringing Aziel into this. Not only using his blood but causing him injury. He would be healing properly if you hadn’t caused him to lose so much of his light.”

  “He knew what he was up against, and the mage’s magic pulled his light, not me. If it weren’t for that, I’m afraid your angel would be dead. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Rebekah was glad that the angel’s light had distracted the mage enough to make the final move that ended the battle.

  “You better hope that he makes a full recovery, but I’ll be letting Nathan know that the Immortal Huntress doesn’t look after our warriors.” Michael left to go find his fellow angel, and Rebekah sank back in her seat as Elder John walked up, giving her a smug grin.

  “I hope you have a good reason for going on this rogue mission without the consent of the Church. Do you make it a habit of putting trainees in danger, Ms. Ward, or is this something new you’re going to try?”

  “You can address me as Commander Ward, and as the Immortal Huntress, mother of these hunters you call trainees, I can do any goddamned thing I want.”

  His smug smile faded. “I think the Elders’ Council is going to have something to say about that.”

  “Maybe they will, but you will not disrespect me. This war only works because of me, and while I’ve been more than accommodating by working my ass off to make sure mankind is protected, I’ve had enough of the Church making all the calls. I’m taking control of this academy, effective immediately.”

  “Well, be ready. The Elders’ Council is already organizing a trial. They asked me to extend this summons to you and your mage, Ignis. Even immortals have to be held accountable, Commander Ward.”

  Rebekah stood and went around the desk. “Good, and while I’m there, I’ll be mentioning the fact that someone has been embezzling money from this academy, which happens to be interesting considering funding is under your watch.” His face paled, and she knew she had her culprit. “If we’re done here, I’ll show you to the door.”

  She led him out of the office and to the front doors, all the way out onto the front steps where she stopped as he headed to his car. Ignis shut Frankie’s door and turned to see what all the commotion was about.

  As he walked up the steps, she handed him the formal papers. “You have been summoned to the Elders’ Council.”

  “I will make sure and dress nicely,” he joked, shoving the letter into his pocket.

  “It’s going to happen, Ignis. The end of all hope is near. Once Estelle passes, I suppose we’ll see what the prophecy means.” She closed her eyes a moment and let that sink in.

  “Are you okay?” Ignis placed his hand on her arm.

  She cupped the back of her head and let out a sigh. “It’s just, it’s not every day I can say that.”

  As Rebekah took a seat on the steps, he sat beside her and scratched his head. “That’s two things.”

  “Two things?”

  “Yeah, two things I didn’t expect. One being the prophecy, and the other…” He paused and chose his words carefully as he turned to meet her eyes. “Well, not to be disrespectful, Bexy, but it’s not every day one sees a pregnant nun.”

  “Pregnant nun?” She looked to where Frankie’s car was turning onto the main road and then back to Ignis, who was nodding.

  “I know. I couldn’t believe it either. I mean, I knew there was something about her I couldn’t put my finger on, and well, you know I’m able to sense these things, but with her crazy emotions, I must have missed it.”

  Rebekah’s heart thumped so fast she thought it had grown legs and would run away. “Ignis, are you positive?”

  “Yes, I’m quite sure. I’ve had the ability ever since I used my magic to conceal your mother’s pregnancy with you. Sister Frankie can’t be too far along because it’s faint, but she’s definitely with child.”

  With Merik’s child. Rebekah jumped to her feet. “Ignis, you have to catch her!”

  “Catch her?”

  “Yes, I know we don’t usually keep secrets, but I had sworn to Sister Frankie that I wouldn’t tell anyone about her and Merik’s affair.”

  “She and Merik? That devil.” He looked to the road where the car was long gone, and then it hit him. “Wait, Merik’s child? Then the prophecy—”

  “Yes!” Rebekah thought of the hungry wolves coming for an innocent child. “Go and get her, Ignis. Tell her anything you need, but bring her back! That child has to be protected.”

  “On my way, Bex!”

  As he misted away, she sank back down to the steps and looked up at the large building behind her. It wasn’t the beautiful castle of her dreams, but she was home.

  Nothing mattered more than keeping the end of days at bay. No matter what that took, she would hold back hell and all of its promises.

  Even if it was just her standing against it. She was born for this mom
ent, and she had known it all her life.

  She was the Immortal Huntress.

  Continue the Saga…

  Book 2 will release January 23!

  Stay informed HERE!

  Author Note

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for reading The Immortal Huntress. I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I do and fell in love with the characters I created as much as I did. It’s been an amazing start, and I hope you’ll continue on this journey with me as we explore the world of the Seven Sons and learn more about Rebekah and the Hunters in book two of The Immortal Huntress series, The Fellowship of the Hunters.

  I’d love to hear from you, so if you’d like to leave a quick review, it would be most appreciated. For more of my books, check out my website at and sign up to receive my newsletter for special announcements and extra content.

  Thanks again, and happy reading!


  About Seven Sons

  Seven Sons is Fantasy. Urban Fantasy. Paranormal. Romance. Adventure. Relationships. Trials. Death. Journey. Finding yourself. Stepping into your next Big Adventure. Join us. Now.

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  About The Author

  Kelly Hall was born and raised in a small town in Southeast Texas where she lives with her husband and two sons. When she’s not busy working as a full-time writer, this self-proclaimed creative junkie can be found dabbling in many forms of art, including cake decorating and mixed media. Learn more about Kelly at

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  The Immortal Huntress

  Copyright © Kelly Hall 2019

  First published in US as a paperback and ebook. This imprint by BrixBaxter Publishing & LMBPN Publishing 2019

  Cover Designer: © Ryn Katryn Digital Art

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and plot are all either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental.




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