A Deal for Zeylum: A Sci Fi Alien Romance (Tallean Mercenaries Book 1)

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A Deal for Zeylum: A Sci Fi Alien Romance (Tallean Mercenaries Book 1) Page 11

by Lynnea Lee

  Ashe didn’t want to see him. She knew she was acting immature, but she wasn’t ready to face him yet. She could still see the look of anguish as he struggled ineffectively against his bindings. Ulrek had tried to violate her with Zey in plain sight. She felt so dirty. What would he think of her now? Would he pity her? She wasn’t ready to see him, wasn’t ready to face his reaction, not yet.

  Sidas, the ships medic, had tried to explain to her that Zey wouldn’t care one way or another. He just wanted to see his female. But Ashe had broken down in a useless sobbing heap, and Moira had ushered Sid out of the infirmary. Ugh, she was so embarrassed at her own actions. It was so easy to believe that in the face of danger and stress, she would be the type to face it head-on, fearless, and strong. But reality proved just too much to deal with. Ashe appreciated that Moira had agreed to let her hide out in the med bay until she was ready.

  When Sidas had given Zeylum the news, he had flipped his lid. There was a loud noise, which Ashe later found out was from Zey throwing Sid against the wall. She knew she was being selfish by refusing to see him, but she needed this time alone. She decided to give herself a full day to work it out; then she would shore up her will and face him, whether she was ready or not. She owed him that much.

  She rubbed the lingering tears from her eyes and looked around the infirmary. Moira sat in the connecting lab, studying something on a screen. Ashe took a moment to study her new companion. She was slim and built very much like a runway model with legs that went on forever. She had the predatory green eyes associated with the alien race, though hers were light chartreuse with a streak of yellow showing through. Like all the other Tallean Ashe had already met, Moira had the tell-tale cheek creases and clawed feet. The combination of her tanned skinned, straight, rich brown hair and pale green eyes gave her a distinctively exotic look. If she were human, Ashe would have definitely pegged her as an islander.

  The subject of her study turned from her screen to smile at Ashe and spoke, “Are you feeling a little better now?”

  “Yeah, I am. But I think I still need some time here alone. Thank you for offering to let me stay in the infirmary.”

  “You know, you don’t have to hide from him.”

  Ashe sighed. “I know. But it’s too difficult right now to face him.”

  “I’ve never seen him this way. You must have really made an impression on him.”

  “I’m sure he just wants to make sure he keeps his promise to get me to Reka 5.” Ashe didn’t want to harbor any delusions.

  “You keep telling yourself that, but at the end of the day, you are still the female responsible for the uncharacteristically protective and possessive vibes pouring off my captain. He tends to be a bit rough around the edges, but his loyalty to those he cared for is legendary. Zey deserves someone to love and someone to love him back.”

  Ashe didn’t reply. She didn’t know how to reply. Love wasn’t something they had talked about; it wasn’t part of their deal. Luckily, something flashed on the screen, and Moira turned her attention back to her work, leaving Ashe to her thoughts.

  “This is Tanith of the mercenary vessel Defiant hailing former Dominion merchant vessel Stellar Fortune. Please reply.”

  The deep voice spouting the rough sounding alien language came again through the communications system. Trenton Walker, formerly of Earth, sat at the helm of his newly acquired ship and considered whether or not to ignore the incoming message. He knew the ship they had taken over with the help of the alien pirate was part of the Dominion fleet, while the voice over the system claimed to be from a mercenary vessel. It also referred to them as a “former Dominion” vessel, so they must know of the recent exchange of power. Were they friends or foes?

  The comm crackled again, and a new but vaguely familiar voice came over the speakers. “This is Captain Zeylum of the Defiant. I know you humans took over the ship. I freed your sorry ass myself. Now reply at once before I—”

  Before the voice could continue, Trenton slammed his hand on the button to open the two-way channel. The screen brightened, and the recognizable mug of the alien pirate came online. Behind him stood a few of his crew.

  “Well, I’ll be! Glad you made it out in one piece. I was wondering what happened to you and the girl.” He scanned the line of men standing behind Zeylum, but the woman from the hold was nowhere to be found. “Where is she?”

  “Ashe is recovering in the med bay. She’s fine. Good work taking over the ship. I assume I’m speaking to the Stellar Fortune’s new captain?”

  “You might say that. Captain Trenton Walker does have a good ring to it. But ever since the Stellar Fortune had the, ah, stellar fortune to have been commandeered by our team, we have renamed this beast the Second Chance.”

  “Well then, Captain Trenton Walker of the Second Chance, congratulations on your new vessel.” The other captain nodded his head slightly in acceptance of Trenton’s claim on the ship. “However, if you want to keep your ship, I have a few pieces of advice for you. First, you will need to reprogram the broadcasting signal. The same signal that is allowing us to communicate is also allowing the Dominion to track the ship. Second, I’d hightail it out of Dominion airspace posthaste if I were you. Don’t even think about returning to Earth. It’s way over that way, the wrong way. Third, we offer our assistant in training your new crew in exchange for the information stored on your ship’s computer. I suggest you take it.”

  “I doubt many of those aboard this ship are interested in returning to Earth anyway. We’ll just be locked back up, quite a few of us were serving life sentences. This is an opportunity for a new life for many of us. And considering the Dominion has already tried to contact us through the link, we don’t have much time to dilly dally. Besides, a ship is useless if we can’t refuel or restock it. We’ll do it.”

  “Good! We can escort you to Reka 5. They are looking for new colonists and will take in the humans who do not stay on as your crew. We can also set up your first mission there so you can make some credits. All we want in return is the info on the ship’s log.”

  To keep both sides feeling satisfied, they decided to trade personnel. Two of Trenton’s crew were to board the Defiant while two of the mercenary crew came aboard the Second Chance. Tanith, the Defiant’s technological ace couldn’t wait to get his hands on the Dominion’s shipboard computer. The other crew member to join them was the youngest of their crew, Grissom.

  Grissom, or Grisly as he was affectionately called by his crew, had been training hard at the compound for years to be accepted onto the Defiant. This was his first trip out of the compound. He claimed he wanted to explore and learn the cultural difference between the two species. For future interactions, of course. That was the official reason he gave. But they all knew it was because he had heard there were females aboard the ship. Trenton remembered when he was a young man and shook his head. Aliens were not so different.

  The human crew sent over a male engineer by the name of Gavin Pulley, or at least he was an engineer before his incarceration. They also sent over a female who had worked as a doctor back on Earth. Sophie Lorens was a leggy redhead who kept her hair pulled back in a messy bun. She had a bubbly personality and was quite cheery considering her recent ordeal. She was super excited to learn about the Tallean’s medical advances. Exchanges made, and broadcast signal successfully altered, the two ships headed out of Dominion space and towards Reka 5.

  While Trenton felt it in his bones that he was meant for a life in space, he knew that many aboard his newly acquired ship would prefer to settle down and start their new life on good ole terra firma. He leaned back in his Captain’s chair and thought of the red-headed doctor who had insisted on boarding the other ship. He had wanted to keep her here. He didn’t want to send any of the women over into a ship full of alien men that he knew had a hankering for their women.

  Telling her that had been a mistake. She had called him some choice names and poked her fingers so hard at his c
hest that he was sure he had a bruise there. The Tallean ship had not sent any of their medics as their representatives. Sophie was one of only two trained doctors on board. The other doctor was a sniveling man who Trenton did not trust at all. He also refused to be an ambassador to the alien ship. So, Sophie had won in the end.

  Now was not the time to be chasing after a skirt anyway, he reminded himself. He had been granted another life, one not behind bars, a second chance, and he planned to make the most of it. It was time for good old homo sapiens to leave a mark on the galaxy!

  Chapter 12

  “This ship actually has an onboard chef?” Ashe had been convinced that she didn’t have an appetite, but when Moira returned from the mess hall with two trays instead of one, the aroma wafting through the room, her stomach growled loudly. She lifted more of the rich, savory noodle-like substance to her lips. “Mmm, this is delish!”

  Moira laughed. “I wouldn’t let Arus hear you call him a chef! He’s a chemist by trade, but he does like to cook. It sure beats eating rations all the time. We try to stock up on fresh and frozen foods for him whenever we stop off at port.”

  Ashe was grateful for the woman’s presence; her easy-going attitude stopped her from dwelling on what had happened back on Vosthea. Moira seemed pretty excited to have another female on board as well and spared no time telling her all about the ship and its crew. She was also taking the time to tell her all about the new developments since Ashe had been hiding out in the med bay for the last light cycle.

  “Sophie should be arriving any time now. She’s a doctor, so she’ll probably stay here in the med bay since the human male is staying in the only extra quarter that isn’t filled with cargo.” Moira saw a moment of consternation flit through Ashe’s eyes and quickly added, “But you can stay here too; there are enough cots for both.”

  Ashe looked down at her tray of food, recalling another tray from not so long ago, a tray filled with root vegetables and roast bird. She had given herself a day, or more specifically a light cycle, to work things through, but she still wasn’t ready to face Zey.

  “Thank you. I think I might take you up on that offer for another day, er, cycle.” Moira had explained earlier that days were only used when planetside and were determined by the planet’s rotation. While on the ship, they used light cycles that were standardized throughout the galaxy.

  There was a knock on the door before it slid open to reveal Sidas and a bright, cheery redhead sporting a wide smile.

  “Oh em gee!” the redhead squeaked. “Look at all this equipment!” Then noticing Ashe and Moira, she blushed, the color staining her cheeks easily. “Hi, I’m Sophie.” She stuck out her hand for Ashe, who was sitting the closest. “And you must be Ashe. I was in the other cage back on the ship, but everyone talks about you vamping the guard to get us free. I’m so glad to have a chance to meet you! When the smoke cleared, they didn’t find you or the good guy alien. I’m so glad you made it out.”

  Ashe took her hand and gave it a firm shake. Everyone talked about her? And Zey was considered the good guy alien?

  “We took one of the shuttles to Vosthea. It seems like it would have been easier if we just stayed aboard with you. Trekking through the jungle was a bitch. I ruined my only pair of shoes and tore up my pants something awful.” She looked down at her pants, which had been converted into cut off shorts, really short shorts. “Good job taking over the ship, by the way!”

  “It was all Trenton’s doing. That man’s a force to be reckoned with when he gets going. Good-looking too. Too bad he reminds me too much of my pa. Did you know he tried to stop me from coming over because I’m a woman?”

  “Since you are here, I know who won the argument.” Ashe directed her attention to the other female in the room. “This is Moira. You’ll probably want to buddy up with her if you want to know how to work all this machinery.”

  Sophie took in the regal looking Tallean.

  “Wow! Do Talleans only come in shades of beautiful? I mean, every man I’ve seen on this ship is a hunk, but you are gorgeous!”

  Put on the spot, Moira stuttered, “Err…ah, thanks?”

  “She’s right, you know. On Earth, you would have been a model,” Ashe agreed. “I’ve met one other female Tallean on Vosthea, and she was breathtaking as well.”

  Ashe thought of a particularly hunky Tallean male. With such an array of Tallean beauties to choose from, would Zey get bored of her? Was he slumming, or simply trying out a new species for a thrill? Doubt crept insidiously into her mind.

  Sidas cleared his throat. “I’ll have to third that opinion. My mate is absolutely stunning!” He beamed. “I’ll leave all you beauties here to get acquainted. Feel free to show her how the med beds work. I understand that they have quite a few injured males over on the Second Chance.” Sidas gave a curt nod and left.

  “The Second Chance?”

  “Yeah, we had a vote and renamed her. I thought it was fitting, all things considered. In more ways than one too. All of us got a second chance at freedom. And the men, well, all of them were convicts, this was their second chance at making something useful of their lives.” Sophie looked meaningfully at Ashe.

  Ashe thought about that and had to agree. Yes, being aboard that ship gave her a second chance, a new opportunity. After her fiancé and best friend betrayed her, she was ready to swear off relationships forever, both romantic and friendship. She was ready to settle for a less than interesting life doing nothing in particular. Now that old boring life would never do.

  Despite telling herself that she would confront Zey after a cycle, Ashe found herself hiding out in the medical bay for another night. Both Moira and Sophie stayed with her, reminding her of the sleepovers she had as a kid. Moira spent that time showing them how to work and maintain the med bed and various other machines and devices. Some of the devices required specialized cartridges and chemicals to do their job, so she gave Sophie a list of places where supplies could be procured.

  They also looked at the half-healed scabs on Ashe’s calf, which just recently were open raw gashes. The trek through the forest had infected the shallow cuts, which in combination with her cold dunk in the river, had explained why she had felt so delirious in Ulrek’s camp.

  Sophie was amazed at the accelerated healing and prodded Moira on clinical details, which Moira couldn’t answer fully. Sophie would have to ask Sidas when he got back. By the end of the show and tell, both human women had the basic knowledge of how to work the med bed and handheld healing devices.

  Moira also taught both humans how to recognize and read the Tallean symbols on the machinery. They were disappointed to find out that there were no shortcuts to learning how to read the language. The translator implant only worked with spoken language. They would have to learn to read and write the old-fashioned way. Moira also taught them basic phrases in the Tallean language for fun. They’d never really need it as long as their translator worked.

  Ashe looked down at the handheld console where Moira had jotted down the co-ordinates to non-Dominion-friendly medical suppliers, and a thought came to her.

  “Besides heading back to Earth, where can a girl get some personal supplies? Things like moisturizers, cosmetics, feminine hygiene products, and the likes. I know Tallean females use cosmetics, I’ve seen it.” She felt a bit silly asking about makeup but pushed that feeling aside. After all, there was nothing wrong with a mini confidence boost.

  “Oh em gee, what I wouldn’t give for a tube of lipstick!”

  “I was thinking of concealer and mascara.” She was glad not to be the only one.

  “If the translator is working correctly, I think we have very similar products for enhancing our appearance. To be honest, I use them myself. Being the only female on a ship full of males, I’ll go crazy without something feminine.”

  “There aren’t many women who choose to live on a ship are there?” Sophie looked pensive.

  “Most prefer solid ground,”
Moira agreed. “Most of my personal products I order through the shipboard computer and have it delivered to the next port we plan to stop at. We are headed to Reka 5 now, it’s a relatively new colony, but many companies already have set up shop there. We can probably shop when we get there. You will need to get a credit tag set up for when you start collecting credit.”

  With the mention of Reka 5, Ashe’s mood dipped. Zey had originally promised to bring her there in return for helping him escape the cell. Did he expect her to stay on Reka 5 with the rest of the displaced humans? She remembered the look of disgust on Zey’s face when Ulrek had touched her. Was he disgusted with her now? Did he want her to stay with him? Had he even wanted her to stay in the first place?

  “Ashe, are you alright, hun?” Sophie shot her a look of concern. “You got really quiet and pale all of a sudden.”

  “Ah, well, I was just thinking about Reka 5.”

  “Are you planning on staying there? I know some of the women were considering finding a way back to Earth.”

  “I’m not sure.” And Ashe wasn’t. She wanted to stay with Zey. “I don’t think I can ever go back to my old life now, though.”

  “My thoughts exactly. I’m not sure I’ll want to stay on the first colony I set foot on, though, especially now that I know there’s a whole galaxy to explore. I was hoping the Second Chance needed an onboard medic.”

  A soft rap sounded on the door before it opened, signaling Sidas’s return. He stayed with Sophie to discuss the more technical side of Tallean medical advancements while Moira dragged Ashe out of the med bay for the first time since she first boarded the Defiant. She insisted that Ashe needed exercise, and a tour of the vessel was the perfect excuse to get some. Ashe wasn’t so sure, what if they bumped into Zey? She had no idea what to say to him. But Moira was not to be denied, and Ashe found herself led by the arm towards the ship-board greenroom.


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