A Rose in Bloom

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A Rose in Bloom Page 11

by Tamie Dearen

  “I think he’s a pretty good guy, Elyssa. You should give him an opportunity to explain. When we were hanging out this weekend—”

  “Hanging out? You were hanging out with Jaxon?” She could feel steam coming out her ears.

  “Yeah, we went mountain biking a few times. It was no big deal really. He’s got a really nice bike—a Trek Fuel EX 9 with twenty-nine-inch wheels.”

  “I don’t care about his bike, Scotty. I can’t believe you were spending time with the enemy.”

  “Come on, Elyssa. You're so over-dramatic. He’s not your enemy; the guy really likes you. I don’t see any other guys lining up at your door, unless you want to count that creepy rich guy. What was his name? Darrin?”

  “Baron. His name was Baron. And what are you saying? That I should settle for Jaxon because no one else is interested?”

  “You’re putting words in my mouth.”

  “I’m ready to stuff a sock in your mouth. Anyway, Jaxon’s just using you to get to me.”

  “I’m sure he’d rather have been with you instead of me, but you refuse to answer your phone when he calls. And he told me you go upstairs every time he comes into the shop.”

  “Let’s change the subject.” She spoke over his protests. “Here’s the reason I called. I want to go see the new movie, Leaving Lisa, tomorrow afternoon, and I don’t want to go by myself. Will you come up and see it with me? You’re not working Saturday, are you?”

  “Please, no. Isn’t that a chick flick? Couldn’t I just drive little slivers of wood under my fingernails, instead? You know I hate that kind of movie. Don’t you have a girlfriend you could go with? Or I know what you could do… ask Jaxon. He’ll go with you for sure.”

  “Are you kidding me? Jaxon would never go to a chick flick. He’s all about macho and muscles.”

  “He helped you with your flowers for that wedding, didn’t he?”

  “It doesn’t matter; I don’t want to go anywhere with him. Come on. I’ll make your favorite—chicken and dumplings.”

  “Ughhhh! You’re not fighting fair.”

  “And peach cobbler.”

  “Chocolate chip cookies?”

  “Sure—if that’s what it takes.”

  “I want chocolate chip cookies with double chocolate chips, and I want them before we go to the movie.”


  Having made good her promise to bake cookies, Elyssa closed up A Rose in Bloom for the day and waited for her brother to arrive. She couldn’t help glancing out the side window toward Jaxon’s gym. He hadn’t called or texted all day. She’d been prepared to dash upstairs if he came across the street, but he’d never appeared. He must’ve finally given up. Good. I’ll never have to see him again. I don’t need him. I don’t need any guy.

  “Oh, good. I’m glad you came a little early. We can walk to the theatre from here, since the weather’s nice. This movie’s going to be sooooo good—I can’t wait.” Elyssa greeted her brother at the door of the shop.

  “I want my cookies first.” Scotty edged past her, making a beeline for the plastic-wrap-covered plate on the checkout counter. “These look great, Sis.” He slipped one out, forcing the entire cookie into his wide-open mouth.

  “Scotty. Can’t you wait until we get back from the movie?” Elyssa stood in the open doorway, glancing nervously over her shoulder. She didn’t want Jaxon to catch her when she didn’t have an escape route.

  “I’m hungry now. Have you already made the chicken and dumplings? Maybe I could grab a quick bowl.”

  “No, you’ll just have to wait. Leave those on the counter. We need to go.”

  “I’ll just put these on my front seat, so I’ll have them for sure.” He carried the plate in both hands with a rather lustful expression trained on the cookies.

  “Put those back. You can eat some more after dinner.”

  “But… but what if something happens, and I don’t come back for dinner?”

  “What would make you miss dinner?”

  “Like… uhmm… maybe if the theatre catches on fire and I get hurt rescuing people and I have to go to the hospital.”

  Elyssa pointed her finger over his shoulder. “Put them back. I’ll bring the cookies to you at the hospital.”


  She flashed her evil-eye at him, and he turned like a soldier, marching back to replace the plate. She saw him snatch cookies from the plate, stuffing them in his coat pockets and his mouth.

  “Seriously, Scotty. You can be such a pig sometimes. You’re going to get chocolate all over the inside of your pockets.”

  “Ick wuh hih.” A few crumbs tumbled out with his words. He continued to devour the cookies as they walked.

  “It’s worth it? Didn’t you learn not to speak with your mouth full?”

  “Stah ashin qushun wy I ee-een.” He grinned, winking at her the way he always did when he was in a particularly good mood.

  “I’m glad you don’t mind going to the movie with me. It really means a lot to me, knowing you’re willing to sacrifice your time. And I’ve been so down lately, I really need the pick-me-up.”

  He swallowed the last of his mouthful. “You know, what’s really good for you when you’re feeling depressed? Working out. You should go across the street and work out at the gym.”

  “I’m never going back there again.”

  “Because of that girl who made you exercise until you wanted to puke?”

  “No. Because I don’t want to run into Jaxon.”

  “Oh. I get it. You’re afraid of him.”

  “I’m not afraid of him.”

  “Sorry. I meant to say ‘you’re afraid to face him.’”

  “I’m not afraid to face him, either. I’m not afraid of anything.”

  “I definitely smell fear.”

  “I’m not afraid. I’m just mad, that’s all.”

  “Nope, I don’t buy it. If you were mad, you’d march right over there and tell him off. This is avoidance, and it’s got fear written all over it. Just like the time in fifth grade when Lana made fun of your haircut in the lunchroom, and you didn’t want to go to school the next day. But when she called you a chicken, it made you so mad you got over being afraid and stomped on her foot.”

  “And you decided you liked her. Some big brother you are. You didn’t even take my side.”

  “I felt sorry for Lana limping around for days after that. You can be pretty fierce, Sis.” He chuckled, ruffling her hair. “Besides, she was hot.”

  “Hot? Really? You were in sixth grade and she was in fifth.”

  “What can I say? I’ve always had a thing for flat-chested girls. That’s why I like you so much.” Scotty ducked as she swiped at his head. “Ha—you missed! Ow!” He hopped on one foot, muttering under his breath.

  “Figured if you liked Lana so much, I’d give you the same treatment.”

  “Tsk, tsk. Violence is never the answer, Elyssa. Do I need to tickle you until you surrender?” He lunged for her, and she squealed, darting ahead, racing all the way to the theatre with Scotty hobbling behind her.

  “I declare a truce during the movie.” She said between breaths, as she bent over, panting and laughing. She hadn’t felt this lighthearted since before she’d cut off contact with Jaxon. It felt good.

  “Okay.” He grinned. “But after the movie, all bets are off. And you’re still gonna owe me big time for going with you. I bet I’ll be the only guy at this movie. My masculinity is really threatened.”

  “...says the guy who dressed up like Marilyn Monroe last Halloween. You’re just worried someone will find out you cry at the sappy scenes. Don’t worry; your secret’s safe with me.”

  “I’m just saying only a really great guy would sacrifice himself to watch a chick flick with you. Right? I want to hear you say it.”

  “You’re right, Scotty. Only a really great guy would go to a chick flick just to make me happy. That’s why you’re such a great brother.” She stood on her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek

  Soon Elyssa was munching happily on popcorn and watching the previews, trading comments with her brother on the upcoming movies. As the feature movie began, Scotty whispered in her ear, “I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

  She waved him off, intent on the opening scene. She barely noticed when he returned a few minutes later, handing her a box of Milk Duds.

  She tore open the box and popped one in her mouth, savoring the flavor of her favorite movie candy. She sighed with contentment. What a great way to escape her worries and get over her foul mood as a result of the Jaxon fiasco. Popcorn, Milk Duds, and a good chick flick with the one guy in the world she trusted. She was lucky to have a brother like Scotty. She reached her hand over and squeezed his arm, leaning toward him to whisper, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he murmured in her ear, his breath tickling her skin.

  The hair on her neck stood up as a shiver ran down her spine. Her popcorn slipped from her fingers, tumbling to dump on the floor. She turned to stare at him.


  Part 32: Tug-of-War

  EVEN IN THE DARKENED theatre, Jaxon could see the fury in Elyssa’s expression.

  “What are you doing here?” She hissed the words through clenched jaws.

  “Shhhhh!” The protest came from several rows back.

  Jaxon bent to whisper in her ear again, but she leaned away. “Stop it!”

  “It was my only chance to talk to you.” Jaxon reached for her hand, but she slipped his grasp.

  “Shhhhh! “ This time the hushes came from multiple directions.

  Abandoning the spilled popcorn and struggling to balance her purse, Coke, and Milk Duds, Elyssa scooted two seats down the row, leaving only a single seat between her and the next movie-goer.

  Now what do I do? Jaxon caught her eye and offered an encouraging smile, but her glower sliced him to shreds. Why did I have to fall for a girl who’s so infuriatingly difficult? Nothing is easy with Elyssa. This is hopeless.

  He slipped into the aisle and made his way down the dim stairway to the exit ramp. Blinking his eyes at the light outside the door, he trudged toward the theatre entrance. Maybe I can at least get my money back.

  “Whoa! Where are you going?” Scotty grabbed his arm, spinning him back around.

  “I'm leaving.” Jaxon wrenched his arm away.

  "You're giving up already? You just got here."

  Jaxon stepped back to lean against the nearby wall, sinking to the floor with his head in his hands. "It's no use... she'll never forgive me."

  “Did you give her the Milk Duds?”

  “Yes, but she took her Milk Duds, gave me the evil-eye, and moved down the row.”

  “But she took the Milk Duds. If she took them, you’re in like flint, buddy. She took your peace offering, so now she’s obligated to forgive you. That’s how it works in the Rose family. She knows the rules.”

  “I think she forgot the rules. Besides, I startled her so bad, she dropped her popcorn. She may see the Milk Duds as a fair trade.”

  “She dropped her popcorn? That’s awesome! She can’t enjoy her chick flick without it. Just go back in there with a large buttered popcorn, and you’ll have her eating out of your hand… literally.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Is a frog’s butt water-tight?”


  I can’t believe Scotty set me up to make the switch with Jaxon. What a weasel. I’m gonna kill him. And Jaxon’s got some nerve, sitting down beside me and offering candy as if I’d agreed to go on a date. I should’ve thrown those Milk Duds in his face.

  Elyssa popped a delectable milk-chocolate caramel into her mouth and chewed with vigor. She dug her fingers into the box, reaching for another piece of candy. Oh no—I’ve already eaten the last one, and the movie’s hardly even started.

  Around her, the audience twittered with laughter, and she realized she was barely paying attention to her flick. She turned her focus toward the big screen, losing herself in the story. Until… the aroma of warm buttered popcorn wafted past her nose. Her stomach growled as she glanced toward the mouthwatering smell on her left. There it was… a fresh steaming box of popcorn, two seats away…. in Jaxon’s sneaky, smug hands. He tilted the popcorn toward her in an obvious offering, but he didn’t extend the box across the gap. To eat it, she’d be forced to move to the adjacent seat.


  Jaxon held his breath. He’d followed Scotty’s instructions, but would it work? Could a box of popcorn really be all it took to gain Elyssa’s forgiveness? Or at least earn him an audience—an opportunity to explain? She eyed the popcorn with obvious longing. If only that look was meant for me.

  He could tell she was debating in her head. Her shoulders twitched. She hesitated. She leaned forward. She was coming. No. She sunk back into her seat. He had to do something more. He reached his hand into the popcorn, digging his fingers through the buttery morsels to stir up the scent. He pulled out a handful and opened his mouth to stuff it in, when he noticed she was watching. Mesmerized. He stopped the popcorn inches from his lips. Moving in slow motion, he inserted a single fluffy popped kernel into his mouth, giving her a view of it on his tongue as he savored the flavor. He closed his eyes, relishing the taste, even emitting a small moan of satisfaction. He squinted one eye open. Was it working? Elyssa’s crazed eyes were riveted to his lips. She moved.

  Elyssa slithered into the seat beside him, her hungry gaze fixed on the popcorn in his hands. And before she'd settled in place, she garnered a handful of the butter-laced pieces, transferring it to her greedy mouth. As she chewed, her expression morphed from anticipation to ecstasy. He watched as she devoured more popcorn, her lips shining from the butter. How he wanted to taste those buttery lips with his own.

  With a murmur of satisfaction, her gaze returned to the chick flick in progress. The background music swelled with strains of a haunting romantic melody. The onscreen couple exchanged passionate glances as a single tear swelled from the heroine’s eye to roll down her cheek.

  Jaxon’s attention was drawn back to Elyssa. Intent on the movie, she didn’t seem to notice when he carefully draped his arm around the back of her seat. He let his hand rest, motionless, on her shoulder. When she gave no objection, he moved his thumb in slow circles on the soft sweater fabric covering her arm. He chaffed at the clothing separating her skin from his touch. Pulling his arm back, he slid his hand, ever so slowly, across her shoulder. His thumb snaked under her hair to caress the soft area on the nape of her neck. She squirmed beneath his ministrations, but didn’t push his hand away, as he feathered his fingers across the madly pulsing artery in her neck. He noted with satisfaction her eyelids drooping until her thick blond lashes splayed across her cheeks.


  This was not going according to plan. Elyssa struggled to even keep her eyes open, much less to follow the plot of her chick flick. As heavenly tingles spread from Jaxon’s fingers, down her spine to the tips of her toes, she fought to hold onto her anger. No matter how nice he’s being now, I can’t let him control me like this. With immense effort, she stiffened her back, grasping his hand to push it away from her traitorous neck.

  “Elyssa, I didn’t trick you on purpose.” He breathed the whispered words into her ear. “Give me a chance to explain.”

  The humiliation of her confession returned in a torrent, dousing the fire of his touch on her skin. Her face burned with embarrassment at the memory. She had to get away. To escape the stroke of his fingers on her neck, muddling her mind. She hopped to the next seat, but found herself in a tug-of-war with the popcorn box.

  She sent her most intimidating scowl his direction and yanked on the box. He raised a single brow in response, his knuckles whitening as he firmed his hold.

  “Let. Me. Have. This. Popcorn.” She spat a coarse whisper.

  “No.” He stuck out his jaw.

  “Shhhhh…” “Can it!” “Shhhh…” Hushes came from all over
the theatre.

  Elyssa’s cheeks flamed, but she couldn’t let Jaxon win this battle. Without relinquishing her hold on the box, she shifted one hand to the bottom for better leverage. She mouthed her words without making a sound, but she could tell he understood. “Let. Go.”

  Jaxon’s hands flew up in surrender.

  So did the box of popcorn.

  The rain of fluffy white buttered kernels was spectacular.

  Part 33: Breathtaking

  JAXON FOLLOWED ON Elyssa’s heels—her angry, stomping heels—down the hallway, through the lobby, to the glass exit doors. He cringed as she lunged with all her weight against the door. Fortunately it didn’t shatter under her assault. Outside, she skidded to a stop, whirling to face him with her hands on her hips, her jaw clenched, and tears pouring down her face.

  “Now I’ll never know what happens at the end of the movie! I can’t believe you got us thrown out!” She swiped her face dry on her sleeve, but more tears flooded from her eyes.

  “Me? You think I got us thrown out? You were the one who threw the popcorn in the air.” He fought to control his temper. “And I’ll tell you how it ends. Monica and the rich guy are at the alter, and she hears a dog barking outside, and she backs out at the last minute, runs down the aisle and out of the church, sees the dog and follows him to the park. And the dog leads her to Gary, and they kiss while the dog jumps around them barking. And they live happily-ever-after.”

  Elyssa sniffed, her furrowed brows arching in surprise. “You’ve seen this movie? You went to a chick flick voluntarily?”

  “No, of course not. I… you know… I just guessed…” He stammered to a stop, his face burning as her lips curved in a smirk. Then her smile disappeared as quickly as it had come.

  “Wait a minute. You must have gone with another girl. That’s it, isn’t it? You’re dating someone else.”


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