The Swing Set: Tom: (The Swinging Florida Keys #3)

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The Swing Set: Tom: (The Swinging Florida Keys #3) Page 1

by Cheri Wood

  The Swing Set:


  (The Swinging Florida Keys #3)


  Cheri Wood

  This is a work of fiction and does not in any way claim to be quality literature. It has been produced solely for entertainment purposes. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you’d like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.

  Copyright © 2017 Cheri Wood. All rights reserved. Including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.

  Cover image under license from Shutterstock.

  It all started with Tanya’s party.

  Before I knew it, my husband Cameron and I had agreed to experiment with swinging.

  Our book club turned swing club were amateurs at best, but we’d agreed on the rules up front. Such as not going back home until the next morning, no matter what happened…


  I looked over to see Tom, Lauren’s husband, puffing up his chest. Tom was forty-five years old, making him fifteen years my senior, and I knew from Lauren’s comments in book club that he was domineering.

  It’d been a month since our last key party and I was nervous all over again. But Cameron and I had been hotter for each other than ever in that time, and even though I’d thought we had great sex before, there was no denying this little experiment had made us both step up our game a notch. Cameron had insisted I read aloud to him from the books I liked most and we’d tried out quite a few new positions and scenarios.

  “Let’s go.”

  I startled as Tom grabbed my arm but I let him steer me to the door without a look back. Our host, Tanya, had succeeded in drawing my husband’s color key again and they’d already left for our house.

  “I need to stop by the office,” Tom said as he unlocked his silver town car.

  “Okay. Um… do you want me to just wait here, or-” I gestured to Tanya and Corey’s house towering behind us.

  “No. Just get in the car.”

  “Okay.” Unease settled in my gut as I sat down in the passenger seat. I’d never been fond of domineering men, and since I didn’t know Tom, it wasn’t like I could tell if it was part of the act or his true character.

  Honestly, I’d rather spend the night with Adrian again. At least he was a young guy. Everything from Tom’s suit to his strong jaw and gray temples screamed ‘in control’. He’d had years to figure out what made him tick and I felt like a novice.

  We drove in silence along the Overseas Highway, and it seemed forever until we turned off onto one of the islands and finally pulled into a parking garage under an office building. He parked not far from the elevators and climbed out. I didn’t know if I was supposed to follow him or stay in the car, but then he opened his car door again.

  “You coming, or what?”

  I fumbled with my seat belt and clumsily got out of the car. It beeped as I hurried to catch up with his long stride.

  The elevator ride was just as quiet as the car ride had been and I kept sneaking glances at Tom to gauge what mood he was in. My best guess was tense.

  We alighted on the eighth floor and Tom used his key card to open a set of glass doors leading to a spacious reception area. The waiting area was dotted with modern-looking chairs that didn’t exactly scream comfort. More like spaceship.

  I paused, assuming he wanted me to wait for him in the reception area. From what little I knew about lawyers, they were big on confidentiality. They probably wouldn’t be happy for a civilian to be traipsing around their office.

  Again, I was mistaken.

  “This way,” Tom said, sounding impatient.

  I tensed up even more, biting my tongue. How was I supposed to know what he wanted me to do?

  We reached an office where the glass walls had shutters to prevent anyone from peeking inside. Tom used a key to unlock the door. I was about to follow him when he turned around.

  “Wait here. Count to thirty, then knock and wait for my permission to enter.”

  “Um… okay.”

  “And Sandra?”


  “From here on out, you will address me as ‘sir’.”

  I stood there, gaping as he closed the door in my face. Did he expect me to-? A chill went through me, but it also made my core tingle and my nipples tighten. I started counting.

  When I reached 30, I knocked on the glass door. Then I waited, my ears straining to make out any sound other than the pounding of my heart. Just as I raised my hand to knock again, I heard Tom’s voice.


  My hand trembled on the handle, but I pushed open the door as I took a deep breath.

  “You’re late,” Tom said from behind his massive desk.

  There was only the light from his table lamp lighting the room, and it cast his face in shadows, making him look cold and dangerous.

  My instinct was to argue that I couldn’t possibly be late when I didn’t know the rules, but I suppressed it and played along.

  “I’m sorry. Sir.”

  “Close the door,” he ordered and I turned, clicking the door shut behind me.

  “Tardiness isn’t acceptable in my office. You need to convince me to let you off with a warning this time.”

  “How? Sir,” I added quickly.

  “You can start by getting rid of that dress,” he said and I looked down at my black sheath. “It’s not appropriate office attire.”

  I reached behind me to unzip the dress, and once I’d gotten the zip down to my lower back, I peeled the dress off. I’d worn a black balconette bra and matching high-cut panties and as I stood exposed in the middle of the room, I was glad for all the hours spent at the gym.

  “Get over here,” Tom said, pointing to the side of his desk.

  As I walked over, he swiveled his high-backed black leather chair so that he was facing me.

  “On your knees.”

  I felt a tug low in my belly, and while a part of me rebelled at the control, some part of me wanted it.

  I gripped the edge of the desk for support as I lowered myself to my knees on the hard floor and I hoped I wouldn’t have to stay there long, or else my knee caps would start to protest.

  I watched as Tom unzipped his trousers and pulled out his stick of meat. He was barely semi-hard yet. Obviously just watching a woman undress and kneel before him wasn’t too much of a turn-on for him. If I’d had done the same for Cameron, he would be thick and hard already. I made a mental note to try it in front of the TV some time soon.

  Tom took himself in hand and tugged on his dick, making it grow and stiffen. Once it had doubled in size, he sat back in his chair and looked down at me.

  “Get to work, Sandra.”

  I nodded and reached up to stroke him lightly, getting a feel for his length and girth. Then I leaned in and licked his cock from root to tip, flattening my tongue against the underside.

  “Your work performance is really sub-par, Sandra,” Tom drawled. “You need to work on taking initiative. I can’t be expected to do the work for you, can I?”

  “No, sir,” I said before taking his head into my mouth, circling it with my tongue even as I could taste the salt of his precum.

  “Suck my balls next,” he
said, completely in control of his voice. No indication whatsoever that he was aroused. Except for the hard dick in my face, of course.

  I moved my attention to lick his testicles while stroking his length with my hand. He was hairless, which helped with the ick-factor, and I wondered if he shaved regularly. I sucked one of his balls into my mouth and he grunted. Happy that I’d managed to affect him, I did the same to his other one while intensifying the strokes up and down his length.

  “Enough,” he said and I released him immediately, looking up at him for guidance. How was it that I was so desperate to please this man?

  “I like those big blue eyes. Keep them on me while you take my cock down your throat.”

  I took a breath and took him into my mouth while maintaining eye contact. There was only so far I could take him in that position, and I soon started to gag.

  “Deeper,” he ordered in a guttural voice, his fingers fisting in my hair.

  I wanted to argue that I couldn’t deep throat him and keep eye contact, but with my throat stuffed with cock, I didn’t get a say. Instead, I focused on swallowing to trick my body, and it had the desired effect. Tom groaned.

  “Fuck, yes, just like that. That’s a good little slut. Taking it from the boss. I’m gonna fuck you so hard. Just you wait.”

  Tears mixed with saliva on my chin, but I kept going until he yanked me off. My scalp stung, but I gratefully sucked in air.

  “Bend over,” Tom ordered as I panted, and it took all my strength to pull myself up to a standing position.

  He grabbed me by the waist and turned me around so that I was facing the door, his desk against my upper thighs. Then he pressed down on my back.

  “I said, bend over.”

  The desk was cool against my skin, and my breasts ached as they were flattened against the hard surface. I still had my underwear on, but as soon as I’d thought it, Tom yanked my panties down and kicked my legs apart enough so that my panties would stay on, stretched between my knees.

  I heard Tom spit, and seconds later he rammed two fingers inside me. I cried out at the sudden intrusion. I was slightly wet, but clearly not enough. His saliva-coated fingers lubricated me some, but I needed more.

  “Ah, that’s a tight little cunt. I’m gonna tear it up when I get my big cock into you. You’ll like that, won’t you? Such a greedy little cunt, ripe for the taking.”

  His thrusts brought my clit against the edge of the desk, making me moan. His words and forcefulness made my pulse race and got my juices flowing.

  “Yeah, that’s it,” he murmured. “Good and ready.”

  In the silence of the room, I could actually hear the sloshing of my juices around his digits.

  He pulled his fingers out of me as abruptly as they’d entered, and moments later, his head was pushing inside.

  “Tom!” I gasped.

  “It’s ‘Sir’,” he snapped and smacked my ass hard enough to sting.

  “Condom,” I insisted, raising myself off the desk.

  “Ugh. Fine,” he grunted and pulled out. He yanked open his top desk drawer and ripped a package open. Moments later, he thrust back inside me while holding me pressed against the desktop with a hand on the back of my neck.

  With each punishing stroke, he smacked my ass with his free hand. I cried out each time, the pain quickly surpassing the pleasure. I could have told him to stop, but instead I ground my teeth and waited for it to be over.

  I’d made a huge mistake suggesting this experiment to Cameron. Yes, it had made for some interesting nights at home, but what Tom was doing to me - not with me - felt wrong. It wasn’t a fantasy come true. It was just… tawdry.

  Just as I thought it, Tom grunted his release and I felt him jerk inside me. As soon as he pulled out, I pulled up my panties and stumbled away from him, grabbing my dress off the floor.

  “Hey, where are you going?” he called out. “We have the whole night.”

  “Screw you,” I snapped at him and yanked my dress back on. “You’re a jerk and I feel sorry for your wife.”

  “Oh, yeah?” he said, following me out of the office, zipping up his fly. “Let me tell you something, Miss High-and-Mighty.”

  I stabbed at the elevator button. If I had to stand there and listen to him-

  “I pity your husband, cookie. Talk about a cold fish. I’d have a better time with a blow-up doll. Do yourself a favor and watch some porn. Maybe it’ll help you thaw out that frigid pussy.”

  I slapped him. I figured it was only fair seeing as how he’d slapped my ass to the point where I probably wouldn’t be able to sit for a week, but he didn’t seem to see it my way. Instead, his eyes went black and he grabbed my throat, pressing down.

  The elevator door dinged and he abruptly let go. Gasping for air and rubbing my throat, I wondered why Tom had stopped until I looked over and saw a security guy stepping out.

  “Everything all right here, Mr. Powers?” he asked warily.

  “Everything’s fine, Eugene. Mrs. Matthews was just leaving. Will you see to it that she gets a cab?”

  “Uh… of course, Mr. Powers. Right this way, Ma’am,” he said, indicating the elevator.

  I didn’t need to be asked twice. As the doors closed, I shuddered and rubbed my arms.

  “Are you all right, Ma’am?” the security guard asked, sounding concerned. No wonder, since the elevator was plenty warm and there was no obvious cause for me to be cold.

  “I’m fine. Thank you.”

  He jerked his head in a nod and we spent the ride to the entrance level floor in silence.

  “Shall I call you that cab, Ma’am?” he asked as we crossed the lobby, my heels clicking loudly on the marble.

  “No, I’ll do it. Thank you.”

  “Well, goodnight, then,” he said, holding a door open for me.


  I heard the door lock behind me and dug my phone out of my bag. It was a humid night and there wasn’t enough of a breeze to even rustle the palm leaves. I crossed my fingers and hoped that the cab had air conditioning.

  The cab pulled to a stop in front of my house, and I was digging around in my bag to get my wallet when I heard the cabbie let out a low whistle.

  “Looks like someone’s having a party tonight.”

  “Huh?” I tried to see what he was looking at and pressed my face against the window. I stifled a gasp. A light was on in our upstairs guest room and the curtains weren’t drawn. I could clearly see Cameron taking Tanya from behind, gripping her hips as he thrust into her with enough force to make her breasts sway.

  “Those are some damn fine titties,” the cabbie said, practically drooling.

  “Actually, could you take me to the Low Key Diner instead?” I said, swallowing the bile that had risen in my throat.

  “Uh… what?” he said, clearly transfixed by the visual my husband and Tanya were providing.

  “The Low Key Diner,” I repeated. “On Third and Adams?”

  “Uh… yeah… sure.”

  I closed my eyes and sunk back against the seat, trying to un-see what I’d just seen.

  Halfway through my second serving of key lime pie at the all-night diner, I felt like I was going to combust if I couldn’t talk to someone. But it was the middle of the night and I couldn’t exactly call up one of my friends and explain that I couldn’t go home until my husband’s fuckbuddy had left.

  Still, I scrolled through my phone book, hoping an answer would appear to me. I landed on M. Mel. She would be occupied tonight, like I was supposed to be, but maybe I could send her a text.

  Hey. I really need to talk. Call me when you get the chance?

  I set my phone down on the table and called on the waitress for a refill on my coffee. I was adding creamer when my phone buzzed with an incoming text. From Mel.

  Where are you?

  I quickly typed back. Low Key Diner

  Be there in 15

  I sighed in a mix of relief and guilt. It was selfish of me to interrupt Mel’s ni
ght. But maybe, if she was checking her phone, she wasn’t having such a great time, either.

  I had almost finished reading an article on my phone on how to be a successful swinger when someone entered the diner. I looked up from my phone and saw not only Mel, but Corey, too.

  “Hi,” I said, my voice coming out broken instead of cheerful.

  “Oh, sweetie, come here,” Mel said, sliding into the booth and wrapping her arms around me. Corey took the seat opposite us and signaled the waitress.

  “What happened?” Mel asked while Corey placed an order for coffee and pies.

  “Tom happened.”

  “What did he do?” Corey asked, his voice low and serious.

  “He was a jerk, that’s all.” It wasn’t like I could file a report saying that he was rough when we had sex in his office.

  “Sandra. If he hurt you, you need to tell me,” Corey said.

  “I don’t want to talk about it. I’m done. It was a mistake to do this in the first place.”

  “Does Cameron feel the same way?” Mel asked, rubbing my back in soothing circles.

  “From the way he was pounding Tanya tonight, I doubt it,” I scoffed. I regretted the caustic remark instantly, not only because it was unfair to Cam, but because Corey was Tanya’s husband. “Sorry,” I added quickly and dropped my eyes to my coffee.

  “Listen, why don’t we have some pie and then we’ll all go back to the house and talk?” Corey suggested.

  “I didn’t mean to ruin your night…”

  “Nonsense,” Mel said. “We’re your friends.”

  I definitely counted Mel as a friend, but I’d only talked to Corey briefly at the parties.

  “That’s right,” Corey said, surprising me. He must have seen it on my face, because he continued. “I know we haven’t known each other for long, but I for one had hoped we’d get to know one another much better in the near future.”

  “Excuse me, I have to use the ladies’,” Mel said, sliding out of the booth. “Don’t eat my pie.”

  Corey chuckled and I couldn’t help but smile. “Tell me,” he said, drawing my attention back to him and his calm, green eyes, “did you enjoy your time with Adrian last month?”


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