The End of Sorrow

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by Eknath Easwaran

  Consciousness: devotion unifies, 54–55, 131–132; disruption of, at death, 219; effect of inspirational passage on, 104, 368; highest, see Unitive state; loyalty unifies, 54, 140–141; physical, see Body consciousness; reaching lower levels of, 40, 82, 225, 248–249, 366–367; transformation of, 40, 79, 82–83, 104, 303, 368; window open in, 79, 280-281, 387.

  – disunited consciousness: and divided attention, 19; blocks resources, 130–131; external signs of, 40. Story: four wheels of a car, 130. See also War within

  – unification of consciousness: by devotion, 54–55, 131–132; is deliverance from time, 145–146; requires loyalty, 140–141; through spiritual teacher, 54–55; transforms ordinary people, 41.

  – See also Body consciousness; Physical level; Unitive state

  Consideration, 376. See also Personal relationships; Putting others first; Respect

  Control of the palate, see Palate, controlof

  Cosmic consciousness, 88

  Courage, 35, 42–43: E.’s Grandmother taught, 35

  Cravings, see Desires, selfish; Sense cravings

  Creation, 39, 176, 189. Stories: spider brings forth its web, 176; the Lord was lonesome, 189

  Creative faculties, 130, 140, 170, 260. See also Deeper resources

  Criticism, 86–87. See also Praise and blame

  * * *

  D Top of Index

  Damodaran, Geetha, 164, 174, 191, 193, 227, 266–268, 294, 315, 343, 389–390

  Damodaran, Meera, 164, 174, 191, 193, 227, 266–268, 315

  Darkness and light, forces of, 27–28, 331

  David and Goliath, 56–57

  Death, 58–59, 62, 76–78: disruption of consciousness at, 219; E.’s Grandmother’s attitude toward, 65–66, 72, 82; fear of, 62, 65–66, 78; going beyond, 58–59, 145–146; is change of rooms, 72. See also Change; Immortality

  Deeper resources: detachment from results brings, 101; E.’s Grandmother on, 165, 239–240; kundalini and, 140; magnified for selfless service, 44, 77, 101–102, 165, 170, 186–187, 230, 239–240, 249–250, 252, 260, 306, 337; of instrument of the Lord, 246, 260; released in defeat, 102, 252; sankalpa prevents access to, 337; self-will and, 311; unification of desires and, 130. Story: the elephant’s eyes, 14, 165. See also Creative faculties

  Defeat: as spiritual aid, 102, 252; impossible on spiritual path, 30, 43, 384. See also Success and failure; Victory and defeat

  Delusion, 282

  Depression, 63–64, 252–254

  Desire: desire to, 302, 367; infinite capacity to, 233–234, 273, 302–303; is prayer, 231–232; prana and, 273; to possess, 121; unification of, 130–131, 233–234, 275, 302–303, 364; Upanishads on, 126, 233; will and, 126, 140, 232, 233. Story: mud pies, 234

  Desires, selfish, 125–127, 138–140, 205–208, 231–235, 364–366: action motivated by, 158, 167–168, 239, 250–251; anger and, 126–127, 199, 330–331; the Buddha on, 135, 330; can never satisfy, 42, 125, 142, 168, 233, 367; change, 125–127, 302, 358; cloud vision of unity, 92; complete removal of, 106, 142, 228, 251, 369–370; desire to go against, is grace, 224; diminish capacity to love, 233–234, 302–303; disrupt relationships, 30, 41, 121, 125–127, 199, 330–331; effect of meditation on, 119, 139–140, 184, 233, 302–303, 364–365, 370; endless in number, 142, 302; freedom from, 339; Gandhi’s removal of, 251; identification with, 92–93, 138–139, 182, 184; imprison joy, 369–370; William Law on, 42; margin for experimentation with, 90, 158, 234–235; obstacles to supreme goal, 199, 330; of the intellect, 207–208; of the mind, 138–139, 206–207, 367; of the senses, 52–53, 125–127, 206, 365–366; Patanjali on, 125, 142; postponing, 358; prevent freedom in action, 167–168, 369–370; rebellion against, 177; recalling, 233, 275, 302–303; repetition of the mantram to overcome, 93, 139, 140, 358; vital energy and, 142–143; yielding strengthens, 142, 183, 205–206. Stories: sweeping the veranda, 364; wasting fuel on local flights, 234–235. See also Kama; Personal satisfaction, pursuit of; sankalpa; Sense cravings

  Detachment, 226–228: E.’s Grandmother’s example, 227–228; from money and material possessions, 204–205, 259, 323; from opinions, 113–114, 207–208, 210–211, 224, 335, 380; from results, 97–102, 184–185, 249–251, 312; from self-will, 335; from the ego, 380–381; from work, 95, 150, 159; Gandhi’s example, 97–99, 204, 250–251, 271; in personal relations, 227; pain in developing, 226; parents require, 227–228. Stories: E. looks for ashram site, 100; eating the jackfruit, 298–299

  Devil, the, 342

  Devotion, 131–132: path of, 131–132, 334, 335–336; to spiritual teacher, 54–55. See also Love of God

  Devotional reading, 20

  Dhammapada, 16, 26, 43, 245

  Dhananjaya (Arjuna), 30

  Dharana, 118, 200–201

  Dharma, 166, 197, 220

  Dharmaputra, 372

  Dhritarashtra, 23n., 25n.

  Dhyana, 200–201

  Disappointment, 102, 257. See also Expectations

  Discrimination: cultivating, 243; is lost when angry, 127. See also Judgment

  Dissatisfaction, 214. See also Restlessness

  Distractions, see Meditation, distractions in

  Divine Ground, 12, 230, 291, 326

  Donne, John, 39

  Doubts, 53, 291–292, 382–383: E.’s Grandmother on, 291

  Draupadi, 255

  Dreams, 281, 309

  Drinking, 61, 83, 175

  Dropping out, 98, 153, 236, 304, 306

  Drugs, 64, 83, 175, 205–206, 325, 382–383: and physical consciousness, 83; as medication, 325; damage capacity to meditate, 383; Meher Baba on, 382

  Dual forces, see Darkness and light, forces of

  Dualities, the: equanimity in, see Equanimity; going beyond, 87, 109, 299; intellect thrives in, 261 jnana transcends, 149; tyranny of, 242. See also Elation and depression; Equanimity; Likes and dislikes; Pleasure and pain; Praise and blame; Success and failure; Victory and defeat

  duhkha, 85, 136. See also Suffering

  Duryodhana, 25n., 346

  Duties, see Rights and duties

  Dvarapala, 372

  dvija, 165

  Dwelling upon ourselves, 49, 74, 110, 135, 220, 263–264, 311. See also Needs of others, sensitivity to

  * * *

  E Top of Index

  Ears, training the, 116, 350

  Easwaran, Christine, 38, 227

  Easwaran, Eknath, Sri: basis for his vegetarian diet, 12, 134; as family man, 13; passed through Kurukshetra, 24; meets Anandamayi Ma, 38; with college friends, 50; his love for his Grandmother, 54, 279–280; as boy, sees death, 65; criticized for taking to meditation, 77; plants vegetable garden, 80–81; looks for ashram site, 100; waits for practical question, 104; about living 5,000 years in the past, 129; will perform funeral of the ego, 142; addresses Indian businessmen, 154; goes to Indian concert, 155; goes to Berkeley marina, 170–171, 173; sets example for children, 174; walks with nieces, 191; on the escalator with them, 193; training his dogs, 209; on news of friend’s death, 226; visits Gandhi’s ashram, 247; with children in Santa Rosa, 266–268; absorbed Grandmother’s spiritual awareness, 279; gets ride on train to see her, 279; is asked how he likes America, 349; learned lessons of sorrow, 359–360; changed food habits, 365–366; plays ping-pong, 367–368; sees calf led to slaughter, 372; takes student on long walk, 373–374; hears mantram in sleep, 374; learned swimming from Grandmother, 379; hears fiery sermon, 384; suitability of his family context, 385; gives swimming lesson, 389–390

  Easwaran’s ancestral home, 8, 45, 314

  Easwaran’s Grandmother: on people working together, 13; taught by her life, 35; her courage, 35; gives message of the Gita, 43, 239–240; could be harsh out of love, 48, 50; on sorrow, 48–49; cleaned cow shed herself, 50; overhears E.’s friends, 50; on human context, 50; E.’s love for her, 54, 279–280; takes him to the dying, 65; her physical beauty, 69, 161–162; her attitude toward death, 72, 82; on pleasure and pain, 85, 321; her equanimity, 98; goes to sacred spring every morning, 146; sheds he
r body holding Rama’s feet, 146; on human potential, 165; on the elephant’s eyes, 165; on grace of one’s mind, 214; on postponement, 236–237, 341; on living for others, 239–240; attends performance of Draupadi episode, 255–256; her wisdom, 279; corrects E.’s syllogism, 280; taught him about learning patience, 288; on divided love, 291; changed likes and dislikes at will, 299–300; not trapped in action, 308; on dreams, 309; on cooking and spilling, 314; on pleasure and pain, 321; on sankalpa, 336; swept the veranda, 364; taught E. to swim, 379

  Easwaran’s mother, 75, 173, 192–193, 195–196, 266–268

  Easwaran’s spiritual teacher, see Easwaran’s Grandmother

  Eating, 163–164: and physical consciousness, 61, 83, 225, 275; compulsive, 119; Huang Po on, 163; is a sacrament, 157, 164; Jesus on, 163; restraint in, see Palate, control of; with detachment, 308; with one-pointed attention, 19, 350. See also Body, physical, keeping, fit for selfless service; Food; Nutrition; Palate, control of; Vegetarian diet

  Eckhart, Meister, 74, 166, 213, 285, 296–297, 335, 340, 363

  Ecology, 12, 164, 205, 287, 327. See also Environmental crisis; Pollution

  Effect of meditation on: anger, 184, 355, 374–375; awareness of unity, 186, 287, 289, 310, 329, 392; breathing rhythm, 274, 333; capacity for selfless service, 131, 165, 169, 186, 306, 334, 337; character, 40, 303; competition, 38; concentration, 18, 138, 141, 184, 349–350; conduct, 40, 303, 367; consciousness, 17, 40, 41, 104, 303, 365, 368; deeper resources, 15, 35, 174, 186, 303, 311, 392; desires, 119, 139–140, 184, 233, 302–303, 364–366, 370; diet, 287; doubts, 292; ego, 34, 212, 378; energy, 35, 94, 306, 337; environmental crisis, 118, 164–165; eyes, 332; family, 215, 272; fear of death, 62, 65–66; fears, 89, 184, 356; forbearance, 44, 338; forgiveness, 181, 184, 297; habits, 165, 241, 356, 359, 366; health, 40, 392; identification with body, 58–59, 66, 78, 82, 219, 225; inhibitions, 366; intellect, 41; likes and dislikes, 182, 300, 335; loyalty, 140, 350; mind, 41, 119, 138, 253, 337, 340, 355, 362, 368, 378; negative emotions, 40, 356, 374–375, 377–378; nervous system, 194–195, 274, 324, 354; patience, 44, 46, 338; personal relations, 41, 112, 186, 310, 335–336, 338, 347–348, 356; physical and emotional problems, 15, 148–149, 274; rajas, 94; resentments, 363, 366; sankalpa, 337, 364; security, 38, 41, 392; selfish attachments, 184, 226–227, 337, 351; senses, 182, 364–365; spiritual disciplines, 286–287; tamas, 94; view of life, 134–136, 235, 363; will, the, 35, 41, 241, 354

  Effort: in meditation, 89, 155, 258, 329; on the spiritual path, 261, 365, 381, 386

  Ego, the: battle against, 24, 30–31, 56–57, 85, 377; detachment from, 149, 227, 228, 298–199; drains capacity to love, 299, 363; effect of reducing, 167–168; elimination of, 62, 142, 144, 165–168, 212, 313, 339, 363, 377; expressed as ‘hum’ and ‘aham’, 200; fever of, 184, 185; funeral of, 142, 377; gets caught in results, 102; hides the Self, 167, 363; identification with, 111, 363; is a bore, 144, 212; is a mask, 167, 363; is a usurper, 34, 378; is like yoyo, 181; is the foe, 51, 56–57; obedience to, 33–34, 378; renunciation of, 298, 312–313; ripe, 225; seeks attention, 144; view of life through, 134–135, 239; world is coliseum of, 189. Stories: David and Goliath, 56–57; eating the jackfruit, 298–299; Exact Change lane, 240; going limp, 247; Krishna’s empty flute, 167, 228. See also Ahamkara; Self-will

  Ego, Mr., 33 Ego-slit, 135–136

  Ego smog, 244

  Egoistic level, 108, 276

  Eightfold Path, E’s, 16–20, 135

  Einstein, Albert, 65, 335

  ekagrata, 18–19, 349. See also Attention; Mind, one-pointed

  Eknath Chippu Kunchi Ammal, see Easwaran’s Grandmother

  Eknath Easwaran, Sri, see Easwaran, Eknath, Sri

  Elation and depression, 63–64, 86, 253–254. See also Equanimity

  Enemies: respect for, 141, 211, 347

  Entertainment, 124

  Enthusiasm, 80, 150, 192, 258–259, 329, 381, 391

  Environmental crisis: caused by attachment, 116–118; spiritual living alleviates, 12, 118, 164–165, 297. See also Ecology; Pollution

  Equal-mindedness, 195, 347, 373

  Equanimity, 85–87, 97–99, 252–254, 260–263, 319–323: characteristics of one who has, 98, 109, 128–130, 320–323; E’s Grandmother’s, 98; Gandhi’s example, 86–87, 97–99, 247–248, 254; in dualities, 64, 109, 252–254, 260–262, 263, 319; in elation and depression, 64, 252–254; in likes and dislikes, 128–130, 194–195; in pain and pleasure, 85–86, 99, 109, 260–262, 321–322, 343; in praise and blame, 86–87, 97–99, 260, 262, 263, 312; in profit and loss, 87; in victory and defeat, 87, 98–99, 252–253, 257, 263, 312; is not lack of interest, 254, 261–262; repetition of the mantram for, 64, 253, 319–320; surrendering to the Lord brings, 169. Stories: applause machine, 260; J. F. Kennedy’s reply, 253. See also Detachment; Dualities, the

  Eternal Now, 59

  Eternity, 65. See also Immortality; Time

  Even-mindedness, see Equanimity

  Ever full, being, see Fullness within

  Evolution, spiritual, 14, 39, 152– 153, 190, 238, 329

  Evolutionary energy, see Kundalini

  Example, personal: better than preaching, 171, 183; E.’s and children, 174–175; importance of parents’, 174–175, 177–178; importance of woman’s, 19–20; of Gandhi’s life, 178, 179, 183

  Excitement, 253–254. See also Elation and depression

  Exercise, physical: for rising heat, 272; to harness energy, 94; to overcome body consciousness, 70, 225; when introverted, 150. See also Body, physical, keeping, fit for selfless service; Work

  Expectations, 184–185, 257, 336–337, 368. Story: girl daydreams and dances, 336. See also Disappointment; Results, detachment from; sankalpa

  Experimentation, margin for, 90, 234, 314

  Exploiter and exploited, 102

  Eyes: in meditation, 332–333, 353–355; reflect the mind, 332, 350, 355; training, 116, 350. Story: beauty aids, 332.

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  F Top of Index

  Failure, see Defeat; Success and

  failure; Victory and defeat

  Faith, 288–289

  Fame, 232–233, See also Attention-seeking; Prestige, pursuit of

  Family context, 19–20, 264–270: basis of all relationships, 265, 379–380; climbing spiritual mountain in, 338–339; compared to monastic context, 269–270; competition in, 37–38; extended, , 141, 265–266; is a free university, 265; is a Mogul miniature, 266; is training ground, 19–20, 37–38, 110–111, 121, 129, 141, 256, 264, 265, 270, 293, 300–301, 304–305, 336, 338, 379–380, 389; learning loyalty in, 141; reducing self–will in, 19–20, 37, 129, 110–111, 256, 304–305, 389; seeing the unity in, 37, 39–40, 129, 265–268, 287–288, 336; war in, 330–331. Stories: E. with children in Santa Rosa, 266–268; the spiritual lone wolf, 304–305. See also Householders; Personal relationships

  Fasting, 270

  Fear: anger and, 356; control of, 201; Gandhi on, 356; is a mechanical problem, 366; is ego’s infantry, 85; is unnatural state, 370; mantram and, 167, 366; meditation overcomes, 89, 184, 356; of death, 62, 65–66; of growing up, 356; within, 40

  Fishing, 170–171, 173

  Food, 19, 52, 133–134, 163–164, 225, 275, 308, 365–366. See also Eating; Palate, control of; Vegetarian diet

  Forbearance, 44, 288, 319–320, 377, 379

  Forces of light, 27–28, 331

  Forgetting self-interests, 12, 50, 135, 170, 220, 228, 231, 241, 313, 338, 371. See also Needs of others, sensitivity to; Self-will, extinguishing

  Forgiveness: capacity for, brings joy, 107–108, 141; difficult, 31, 95; St. Francis on, 30, 108, 141, 181; heals, 342; mantram and, 95, 181; meditation and, 181, 184, 297; purifies, 70; transforms, 27, 44, 178–179, 181, 377

  Four Noble Truths, 135

  Fragmentation, see Consciousness, disunited; Separateness

  Francis of Assisi, St., 143, passim: Prayer of, 16, 303, 337, 353, 360, 362, 368, 377–378

  Freedom, 264–265, 331–332

Gandhi, 42–43

  Fullness within, 136–137, 138

  * * *

  G Top of Index

  Gain and loss, see Equanimity

  Gandhi, M. K., 42–43, 97–99, 220–223, 246–248: at best in difficulties, 179, 252; attitude toward wealth, 271; Bhagavad Gita and 23, 103–104, 123; charged doctors, 271; declined reward or office, 178; discovered taste lies in the mind, 156, 160; ecologist, 164, 287; embodies karma yoga, 97–99, 102, 152, 334; fund raiser, 271; his basis for noncooperation, 102, 180; his capacity to love, 179, 186; his concentration, 103–104, 254; his concept of leadership, 250–251; his courage, 42–43, 87; his detachment, 97–99, 102, 204, 247–248, 250–251; his equanimity, 86–87, 97–99, 247–248, 254; his example, 42, 86, 98, 102, 160, 167–168, 178, 183, 250–251, 345–346; his freedom in action, 167–168, 247–248; his life his message, 183; his ordinary boyhood, 221; his reply on sin, 289; his title Mahatma, 42; immortal, 158; in London, 123, 221; in N. W. Frontier, 42–43; invents neem chutney, 156–157; Indian independence and, 42–43, 97–99, 102, 178, 220–223, 317; instrument of the Lord, 98, 238, 246–248; isha Upanishad and, 293; loved storms, 252; on control of the palate, 133, 156, 160; on exploitation, 317; on imperialism, 317; on renunciation, 293; on right means, 97–99; on sat, 67; prays for common sense, 188; reformed India, 152, 238; resister, 93–94; respected opponents, 207, 211; suffix –ji to his name, 42; transformed by grace, 221, 223; transformed others, 278; untouched by action, 247–248

  Gandiva, 35

  Ganesha, 14, 236

  Generation gap, 113–114, 210–211, 318. See also Children; Parents; Opinions, identification with

  Gift of life, wasting, 42

  Giving to selfless cause, 159, 271 273, 276–277, 290

  Goal of life, see Supreme goal

  God: not ‘out there,’ 92; personal or impersonal, 148. See also Lord within, the

  God and Mammon, 41

  God-seed, 340–341

  Goliath, the ego, 56–57

  Gopala (Krishna), 113

  Govinda (Krishna), 34n.

  Grace, 213–214, 221–224: accepting, 166, 221–222; chemical and mechanical, 351; E’s Grandmother on, 214; Eckhart on, 213; experience of, 132, 213–214; Gandhi transformed by, 221, 223; holy hammer is, 224; like a wind, 284; of one’s mind, 214


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