A Little Bit of Us

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A Little Bit of Us Page 5

by A. E. Murphy

  The only difference is, this place isn’t falling apart and doesn’t have pieces of metal covering holes in the roof. And this place doesn’t serve pancakes. This place serves American pancakes, I prefer crepes, the thin paper like pancakes that you can fill with ice-cream and syrup and wrap it. So awesome. Now I want crepes.

  We head through the glass door that jingles a little bell, Amelia swings between us as we make our way to a cute little round table by the window. “Iced caramel latte and a cheese and tomato Panini.”

  “No caffeine,” Jacob says sternly and my mouth drops open. “But…” “No.” “Just…” “No.”

  A cute waitress with chocolate toned skin and a pretty smile comes over with a notebook, her smile falters when she sees Jacob. Of course he’s wearing a cap and sunglasses but you can so tell who he is from up close. Then she notices me. I’m not wearing a disguise, I don’t need one. Her mouth opens and closes in shock.

  “I’ll give you a fantastic tip if you keep this quiet, at least until we leave,” Jacob says with a nervous smile and the girl nods frantically. She clears her throat, “What can I get you?”

  “Three glasses of water, put the kids in a plastic cup if possible and three cheese and tomato Panini’s,” he gives me a cheeky smile before turning back to the waitress. “No matter how much she tries to bribe you. Do not give her anything with caffeine. Doctors’ orders.”

  “You bas…!” Amelia is sitting right beside you. “Ssss fish.”

  “Smooth save.” He snorts.

  Face palm -- that was really smooth. Amelia isn’t even paying attention. I’ve missed this kid, I might ask Lucas if we can swap. Amelia is already past the gross parts and she lets me do her hair and put makeup on her and dress her and she plays Barbie’s. Not that I enjoy Barbie’s or anything… it’s totally for kids.

  When lunch arrives so does a magazine with both myself and Jacob in it, from when I first came to LA, which was madness. People assumed I’d been cheating on James with Jacob, fortunately James told them his side and said Jacob and I were just friends. This is an article before that, a picture of me and Jacob sunbathing on his private beach. We both sign it for her and Jacob leaves her a hundred dollar tip. She almost faints, I love it when they get that reaction, and it’s so silly. I doubt she’ll ever spend it for the soul reason it has been in his hand after also being in his back pocket.

  On the drive back my phone alerts me to a text. It’s from Marie, I called her this morning to let her know I’d be back within the next couple of days depending on flights. I wonder what she wants.

  Marie: Forgot to tell you, you aren’t getting your car back :-) xx much love.

  Maya: I’m not allowed to drive anywhere anyway according to James!

  Marie: Like I said before. Rather you than me. ;) Later biatch xx

  Well I never! Who actually uses the word biatch anymore?

  Random thought… am I still allowed to have sex whilst pregnant? Is it ok? Will it hurt the invader? I may not be happy about this situation but I don’t want to bop the poor thing in the head with James’ mammoth penis. Maybe I should read the books.

  Your coochie-pop is going to flee to Amsterdam if you even think about not having sex. I hear Amsterdam is great for a little action. Be warned.

  Note to self. Leave with it.

  An hour after returning home and watching yet another Disney movie, Lucas and James return and they are both empty handed. Where the hell did they go? I don’t ask, I don’t get chance because I’m being swept up by James and smothered in kisses. He’s apparently rather grateful that I’m moving back.

  Ok, so I just said they were empty handed. I was wrong. Sinus blocker Sylvia just entered the building with her own suitcase. I managed to get out of dinner the other night but now I’m going to have to tolerate her on a plane journey home. Great. We did like each other once, very briefly, when I almost died after my appendix went pop. That wasn’t a fun time and I’m happy to report I’m fully healed save for a tiny two inch long scar just below my bikini line on the right side of my stomach. I’m definitely getting a tattoo over that beast. Can I get a tattoo whilst pregnant? It doesn’t seem like a very safe thing to do.

  Read the books.

  But that will make it real.

  It’s already real. Nothing you can do now but ride the wave and learn the restrictions.

  Why does my mind have to be so damn annoying? Stop thinking about it damn you! “Hi Sin…via.” That sounded like SIGNvia. She didn’t notice I don’t think. I give her a large grin. “How are you?”

  “Looking forward to meeting my grandchild,” she grins broadly and glances down at my stomach. “You’re starting to get a little bump, I only saw you two days ago.” It’s like a centimeter more protruding than before! I’d hardly call that a bump! Ok, calm, steady breaths. I blow a breath out and step away from James.

  “I apologize for not being able to make it to dinner, as you can imagine I was not in the best of moods.” Don’t have to explain anything to her but I will anyway, just because.

  She gives me a concerned smile, one that I find looks rather genuine and aimed towards my wellbeing rather than the fact I’m not exactly what you could call maternal, “I understand. This whole affair must have come as a shock to you.”

  I hear Jacob snort. He doesn’t stop there. “She trashed her bathroom and bedroom. It was fun to watch her grumbling under her breath, lobbing clothes over her shoulder because they won’t fit soon and were apparently offensive.” Lucas covers his laugh with a cough, Amelia giggles just because Jacob has spoken, James outright laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders.

  Sinus blocker Sylvia raises a brow, “Are you two back together?”

  “No,” I say as he says, “Yes.”

  We both look at each other and scowl. Why would he even think that?

  Maybe because you’ve been sharing a bed with him and you’ve told him you’re going home. Meaning his home. That would be a pretty big hint right there.

  I just can’t get over the fact you’ve been sharing a bed with him and had no urges as of yet. You know what I mean, those sexual urges you normally get on a daily basis.

  That’s because you love him and have finally realized not everything is about sex.

  Please, there’s no way we’ve had a breakthrough that big this soon.

  I divert my eyes from his hurt greens. “We just aren’t there,” I respond honestly to nobody in particular. He takes my hand in his, “We will be. Eventually.”

  If you say so buddy. “I really want an orange.” Take that… wait what? He blinks at me, clearly thinking I’m crazy. I don’t remember thinking that before I said it… how strange.

  “Here you go Aunty Maya,” Amelia says and holds up an orange. “Got it from kitchen.”

  “Thanks princess,” peel, peel, peel, peel. Yummy. She skips off happily straight over to Sylvia for a cuddle and a kiss before taking up residence on, yet again, Jacob’s knee. This causes Lucas to look dejected for a moment. I catch his eye across the room and wink. “So, when are we going back?”

  “We leave in three hours for the airport,” Sylvia sits on the couch next to Jacob and Amelia. “I love your movies.”

  Jacob flashes her his best smile and even Sylvia can’t resist swooning. James gapes as his mother openly flirts and chats with Jacob, even I’m gaping to be fair. I could catch flies with the cave on my face right about now. Look at Sylvia go! Ooooh, she just flipped her hair, now she’s… squeezing his arm! I know that trick. Oh, and the eyelash flutter… she just giggled. Hell. This woman got it bad!

  “Shall we watch a movie?” Lucas blurts seeming to notice the stillness of the room as Sinus blocker makes a fool of herself. Although Jacob seems to be reciprocating. At least I thought so until he just gave me that wide eyed look. Yikes. I can feel his psychic waves entering my brain screaming, “SAVE ME!”

  James, being the good son that he is, and the grumpy son that he also is squeezes between them, pr
actically sitting on both of their laps. Me and Lucas look at each other and laugh silently.

  “I’m thirsty,” I announce. “Anybody want a drink?”

  “Lucas will get it,” James says and glares at him mom. “I’m not moving from this seat.” I grin smugly at Lucas and plonk myself on the couch whilst whistling the Star Wars theme tune, it seems like a dramatic enough tune for this moment in time.

  “Sitting a bit close to Jacob there aren’t you James?” I motion to the less than an inch gap between them. “I remember once you told me you loved the feel of body heat against you.” I wink at Jacob. “Don’t worry I don’t think he’s sporting wood yet.”

  James does the fish motion at me, then he speaks, “I was talking about yours. And he’s male. Don’t be crude.”

  “Nothing wrong with being gay James.”

  “I am not gay.”

  “Homosexual, bisexual. Whatever you want to label it.”

  “You’re pregnant, how did I get you pregnant if I’m gay?” he snaps but jumps from the couch and parks himself between his mom and myself. “Explain that?”

  “I’m either a very good looking boy or you’re more confused than originally thought.” Lucas takes this moment to walk in and hand me my drink. I take it from him and grin mischievously, “James is gay.”

  “I’m not gay.”

  “He did used to like wearing dresses when he was younger,” Sylvia adds thoughtfully. “And lipstick, sometimes heels.”

  “I thought you didn’t adopt him until he was like ten or something.”

  She chuckles and shakes her head in amusement, “He was five when I adopted him.” I really should pay better attention. “But he loved dressing up until he was about eleven.” Now I’m listening.

  “I hate you both, really hate you both,” James growls and glowers at his mom. “That is not true.”

  “Yes it is sweetie,” she waves him off with a flippant hand. “I’ve got pictures. I’ll show Lucas next time. You’d like that right Lucas?” I sure as hell would!

  “Yes ma’am,” Lucas snorts and ducks as James throws a pillow at him.

  “I like dresses,” Amelia chirps in.

  I nod in agreement, “Me too kid. So does Uncle James.”

  “I do not!”

  “Do too.”

  “I never did, so whatever he got as a child I’m glad I didn’t catch it,” Lucas also chirps in, barely containing his laughter. “How’d we get onto this subject? I was gone for one minute tops.”

  “James said he liked how warm Jacob’s leg felt against his thigh.” I deadpan. “I was shocked to say the least until Sylvia confirmed the dress thing.”

  James eyes go wide, “I did not say that at all! Did I Jacob?”

  “I believe you also said, Christ I’m sporting wood,” Jacob shrugs and gives me a playful smirk. “I swear Lucas, he kept stroking my arm.”

  By this point Lucas is laughing so hard no sound is coming out, it looks like he’s choking. I’m struggling to contain it myself but somehow I manage to keep a blank face. “It’s ok James. We all understand.”

  “I hate you all. Seriously, disowning every last one of you.”

  “I have his anchor right here,” I pat my belly and stick my tongue out at a flustered looking James who is now standing in the middle of the room glaring at us all. “One little male invader slow cooking in the oven. At least you get a kid before you step out of the closet. That’s always a bonus.”

  He sighs and leans against the wall, “One of these days I’m going to get you back.”

  I put on a deep voice, “When you least expect it. Muhaha.” That was my evil laugh in full form. Where’s that grey fluffy cat? “Hey!” I suddenly squeal startling them all. “Now we have an actual reason to go to all those awesome gay clubs. Thanks James, you’re awesome.”

  “Not biting.” He states with a firm nod. “It’ll only encourage you.”

  We opt for another Disney movie due to Amelia being in the room and Lucas being rather protective when it comes to movies above a Universal rating. I’m squished on the couch between James and Sinus blocker, I mean Sylvia. Jacob is sat at the end with Amelia curled around him and Lucas is on the armchair a few feet to the right. “I wish I could fly.”

  “So they need fairy dust and happy thoughts. Huh, I’m pretty sure you can buy fairy dust from the stationary store,” Jacob says and leans forward so he can see me over Sylvia who is as enthralled as Amelia is by the movie. “I don’t mind letting you test the theory.”

  “Jacob wants me dead.”

  “Just injured.”

  “Be quiet,” Amelia chastises making me snigger and reach behind Sylvia to tug on her braid. She spins and glowers at Jacob who holds his hands up in surrender. “Wasn’t me.”

  After a moment I do it again, this time she glares at Sylvia. Sylvia points at me, her eyes never leaving the screen. Amelia huffs and glares at me. “Stop it.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Pulling my hair.” Her little scrunched up face is adorable to say the least.


  “You pwomise?” she narrows her green eyes in suspicion. I nod, “Of course.” My fingers are crossed at my side making my promise empty, I’m going to have to teach her this.

  What a wrong lesson to teach a child.

  And this is the reason I should NOT be a parent. Ding, ding, ding.

  Evil laugh commencing, in my head of course otherwise I’d give up the entire operation. I call it, annoy the kid until she squeals for her daddy.

  I reach behind Sylvia once more and tug on her braid, I’m not doing it hard, just a tiny little tug that’s enough to annoy but not to cause even a tiny fraction of pain. “DADDY!” Amelia squeals, startling Lucas from his Peter Pan stupor. “Maya keep pulling my hair.”

  “I do not!”

  “Yes she does daddy. Tell her.”

  Lucas rolls his eyes, “Maya. Leave her alone.”

  Amelia sticks her tongue out at me and moves to the other side of Jacob’s lap so I can’t reach her. Clever little chimp. So, now that my entertainment has moved aside. What can I do?

  Feed your cunny!

  Chapter Six

  If there is anything I hate in this world it is airport security. Not only does it take ages, it also takes time upon that ages. I just don’t have the patience for it. At least I didn’t get searched this time. Lucas and Jacob did though, that was fun to watch and it made me forget about my time waiting for a brief few minutes. Jacob is seeing us off, that’s the reason he has six security guards surrounding him. I told him not to come but he and Amelia insisted. So not only did we have to suffer with airport security but we also had to suffer with a few of his screaming fans.

  At least now we are finally through security and there aren’t as many people, as we are in the first class lounge waiting to board. Jacob had to actually buy a ticket to make it this far. He’s crazy.

  “I am actually going to miss you.” I say and wrap my arms around his waist. Making sure to inhale deeply so as I can burn his gorgeous scent onto my brain. “Come back for Thanksgiving.”

  “No can do, at my parents,” he says and sticks out his lower lip. “But I’ll come see you for New Year.”

  “Oh my god, I’m going to be a blimp on New Year’s Eve!” I’m four months now, I’ll be about five and a half on thanksgiving. Six and a half on New Year’s Eve. Why do I suddenly want to cry?

  Because you’ll be fat and won’t be able to see your moo.

  Pregnant women are beautiful. Stretchmark’s and all.

  Other pregnant women are beautiful, other, notice the emphasis on that word. Other. Not me, I won’t suit the soccer ball up the shirt look. I never even had a baby doll when I was little. Of course I had Barbie’s but they never had babies. Even on the Sims I don’t make my families have babies. Then again I don’t usually have families, I usually make me, Marie, Summer and Jessica all roommates and make us attend or throw parties every night, because let’s f
ace it, the clubs on the Sims are hardly hopping.

  I feel like playing the Sims now. Sims three to be exact. Haven’t played that in a while, I was obsessed with number two in college. Completely getting sidetracked here. Darn it.

  “You’ll be gorgeous no matter what,” Jacob laughs at my disgruntled reaction. “And it will all be worth it.”

  I squeeze him tighter and sigh deeply, he does the same and kisses the top of my head before releasing me. “See you later.”

  “Yeah,” he beams and kisses my cheek. “See you later.” Because it’s not goodbye so there’s no use in saying it. He takes his time saying see you later to the others, mainly Amelia who looks heartbroken and says, “I’m going to call you always because I love you.” Which earns a few awww’s and sniffs from the small crowd. He shakes Lucas’ hand and gives James the male equivalent of a hug, the one pat on the back thing, then hugs and kisses Sylvia on the cheek causing her to sway a little.

  I hand over my boarding pass to the hostess behind the desk and watch Jacob hand his to a lone woman in the line for coach. He turns, waves and winks before disappearing into his herd of bodyguards. “Oh my god, Jacob Stone just gave me a plane ticket.” The woman squeals as she enters the lounge. With a grin of my own I follow James, Sylvia, Amelia and Lucas to our seats smiling the entire way so I don’t cry. I never did say thank you to Jacob for having me. Let’s just pray I’m not making the biggest mistake of my life by coming back here.

  Ever heard of anyone getting flight sickness? Yeah, me neither. Apparently I’ve been struck with it for the first time in my life, we’ve been flying for half an hour and so far I’ve been in the bathroom six times. The baby doesn’t like flying and the whole thing is making James frantic.


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