Marooned in Miami

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Marooned in Miami Page 5

by Sandra Bunino

  I do ask a favor of you. Please leave your worries, stress, guilt and, most of all, your inhibitions at the airport. They don't call it Sin City for nothing. Once your plane takes off, it’s just you and me, nothing else matters. No distractions and no interruptions. I promise you the most incredible five days of your life.


  Stephanie’s face flushed. She swallowed hard. Her mind raced with visions of them together. She ached to feel his touch and inhale his scent. Her hands burned to know she would soon sink her fingernails into his broad muscular shoulders. Oh God, his parting words that fell off his tongue like honey, I haven’t tasted you yet. She was getting herself hot and bothered right there on her leather chair in the office. I’ve got to cool off or I will be coming right here and now, she thought as she grabbed a bottle of water from her fridge under her desk and downed the entire bottle. She put aside the box for now and opened the envelope. Inside was a letter from Jason’s assistant thanking her for her interest in Royce Homes and informing her of her travel itinerary, hotel reservations and transportation arrangements. A first class window seat was booked in her name. Her flight was due to take off from Logan Airport at noon on Friday, and a limousine would be waiting at the airport to take her to her accommodations at The Castello Hotel & Casino.

  Stephanie had to catch her breath. What was a playful text yesterday became very real today. She looked at the small box on her desk, Tiffany’s, of course. Stephanie was beginning to learn to expect only the best from Jason Royce. She opened the box to find a rose gold, heart lock pendant encrusted in diamonds that she recognized from Tiffany’s new collection. Even though Stephanie was a lover of all things Tiffany’s, she could not accept the necklace. Under no circumstances would she be considered a kept woman. What did I get myself into? She leaned back in her desk chair, with the beautiful necklace in one hand, and used the letter to fan her face with the other.

  Chapter 9

  The sound of the doorbell put Stephanie into a panic. She considered calling the whole thing off. Playing sick was an option. Rick would understand. Jason? He would be another story. If someone told her six months ago that she would be flying across the country to be with a man she met in a hotel elevator and then went to bed with, she would have said they were crazy.

  Calm down. Take a chance. She thought as she slipped into the cab.

  Logan Airport was close by and she arrived in plenty of time for her noon flight. Never fortunate enough to fly first class before, she was pleasantly surprised by the niceties of it all. Her cell phone rang as she finished the complimentary mimosa in the airport. She smiled when she looked at her cell and saw his number.

  “Hello, Jason.”

  “Sweet Stephanie, I’m calling to see that you made it to the airport okay this beautiful morning.”

  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “The forecast calls for clear skies from Boston to Las Vegas so you can look forward to a perfect flight. You got my note, right, to leave all concerns at the airport?”

  She laughed nervously, “Yes, got it.”

  “Good, listen, I will be in later this evening. I have some business in Salt Lake to take care of first, but I’ve arranged some surprises for you when you get to Las Vegas.”

  “Yes, about these surprises. The necklace is beautiful but I cannot accept it.”

  “Its really just a token.”

  Stephanie smiled. “A token to you is one week’s salary for me. See you later tonight.”

  “Until then.”

  She paused, not sure she should show her cards right away. Oh what the hell.



  “I just want you to know that I haven’t been with anyone, you know, my husband, since before Miami. You are the last person I’ve slept with.”

  She was uneasy about the silence at the other end; maybe she shouldn’t have said anything. Then she heard him take a deep breath. “I can’t wait to show you how happy that makes me, Stef. And that is officially the last time you mention your husband, or any other man. for the next five days.”

  She smiled. “Got it.”

  Stephanie ended the call just as her seat was called. She retrieved the little blue Tiffany’s box from her purse and held the pendant in her hand for a moment. What a fitting symbol. She knew at that moment Jason and only Jason held the key to her heart. What started as lust and desire had grown into something more. She would discover just how much more during the next five days. She stood and took a deep breath, leaving behind worry, guilt, stress and, most of all, her inhibitions. Grinning from ear to ear, she took her first class ticket and boarded the plane.


  Stephanie found her name neatly printed on a sign held by a limousine driver when she landed at Las Vegas’ McCarran Airport. The driver swiftly took her carry-on and laptop bag and Stephanie followed him to the waiting limousine. Stephanie lowered her dark Del Sol sunglasses from the perch on top of her head as she walked outside. Unaccustomed to the sweltering heat and bright desert sun, she instantly felt overdressed in her business suit and heels.

  Once inside the limo, the driver confirmed her hotel stay and asked, “What brings to you Las Vegas, Miss Thomas?”

  “Business. Business with a little bit of pleasure.” Stephanie smiled.

  “That’s usually the case here.”

  The limo passed by the hotel entrance and stopped at a tall gate around the corner.

  “I think you passed the hotel.”

  “No, your reservations are at the Porta del Castello, known here in Las Vegas as The Gates. It’s the most exclusive and expensive resort on the strip. Must be pretty important business.”

  A man dressed in black appeared and knocked on the driver’s window. The driver gave Stephanie’s name to the guard who nodded his head at the direction of the gatehouse. She watched as massive wrought iron gates opened to a beautiful tropical garden. As the limo drove slowly along a narrow cobblestone path, Stephanie looked around in fascination. The garden contained lush ferns, palms, and brightly colored tropical flowers. They drove past two homes and came to a stop at the last structure on the narrow path. Stephanie visited Las Vegas multiple times before. She even stayed at The Castello Hotel & Casino on a few occasions, but never knew the existence of The Gates.

  A woman, also dressed in black, stood waiting for the limo to stop at the front door of a sprawling hacienda style home. She opened the limo door and offered her hand to helped Stephanie out of the limousine. “Good afternoon, Miss Thomas, my name is Victoria. Please come with me and I’ll get you settled in.”

  Stephanie followed Victoria into the expansive foyer. Victoria handed her a cool glass of iced cucumber water. “Mr. Royce gave us specific instructions and said you are to receive the royal treatment,” Victoria said with a smile. Royal treatment. Yes, there was definitely a connection between Jason Royce and royalty, Stephanie giggled as she wandered around the living room and kitchen. Victoria directed the driver to bring her suitcase into the bedroom. “Carla will be in to unpack your things.”

  “I think you’ll find everything you will possibly need for your stay here. Mr. Royce gave me the particulars on your likes and dislikes as well as your dress size and color preferences. If there is anything you desire, please contact me.” Victoria handed Stephanie a card with her phone number.

  “Also, you will find a note from Mr. Royce in the bedroom. Have a pleasant stay at The Gates, Miss Thomas.”

  Stephanie was speechless, but was able to squeak out a thank you. Her eyes panned the main room of the suite. The décor reminded her of the Penthouse suite at the Hotel Del Santos in Miami. From the plush sofas to the vases of fresh flowers, there was beauty everywhere. What was it that Victoria said? She personally shopped and if something didn’t fit to contact her? Confused, Stephanie walked into the bedroom to find it even more beautiful than the room she just left. Floor to ceiling windows showcased the lush garden. She heard the babbling sound of the stone f
ountain located outside the window. Beyond the garden, she spotted a small waterfall flowing into a tropical lagoon. The beautiful overstuffed king sized bed was covered in soft browns with various pillows of different sizes and shapes. Stephanie grabbed Jason’s note off the table next to a chunky glass vase filled with two-dozen red roses. She sank onto the bed and ripped opened the envelope.


  I can’t tell you in words how happy it makes me that you are now in the house we will share together for the next five days and nights. As Victoria mentioned, the unit is stocked with what I hope is everything you could possibly want. Please take a look around.

  I’ve scheduled spa treatments for you this afternoon and reserved a private cabana at The Castello for your use today. I hope you will find the selection of dresses, gowns and jewelry to your liking (don’t worry they are all on loan). Please choose something stunning and meet me at La Luna lounge at eight o’clock tonight.

  Remember my small, but important rules during our stay. No mention of anyone but us and since you are already here, you have already left all inhibitions back in Boston. As I said before, Stef, these five days promise to be incredible.

  Anxiously awaiting your kiss,


  Stephanie jumped off the bed and ran to the closet. Slowly she opened the double doors to find at least a dozen dresses and gowns of various lengths and colors along with two shoe choices for each dress sitting prettily on the floor. She walked into the expansive space and pulled open two drawers stocked with the most magnificent jewelry she had ever seen. The first black velvet lined drawer contained a diamond encrusted necklace, earring and bracelet set. The second drawer held a ruby choker and a long emerald pendant on a gold chain, each with matching earrings. Never in her life had she seen such dazzling jewelry. It was all so beautiful and perfectly matched her style. She checked out the dress and shoe sizes, which not only were all her size, but matched her taste perfectly as well. The note stated the items were ‘on loan’. She believed that was probably the case with the jewelry, but she had her doubts about the dresses and shoes. Stephanie would speak to him about such extravagant gifts. Even though it was exciting to play dress-up and wear insanely expensive jewels, the gifts made her feel uncomfortable and she refused to be bought.

  Stephanie shook her head in disbelief as she walked into the bathroom. All of her favorite hair and skin products as well as bath oils were presented in a beautiful basket. The huge bathroom contained not only a steam shower, but also a magnificent whirlpool tub. It took every ounce of self control not to fill it and spend an hour soaking. But there were spa treatment appointments to keep and a pool cabana to check out. Besides, she thought as a smile crossed her face, she would rather christen the tub with Jason anyway. She quickly changed into her bikini and headed out.

  As Stephanie enjoyed her hot stone massage her mind wandered to Jason. It had been five weeks since she saw him last. Five weeks since their glorious night together while stranded at the Hotel Del Santos in Miami. A tremor of worry flowed through her body when she realized she really only spent a couple of hours with him. Just a few short hours and they weren’t talking much of that time. What if the attraction was only due to the circumstances of that fateful Miami night? The excitement of the storm and the resulting power failure created the perfect setting for their one night affair. What if they couldn’t move further and take their relationship beyond that night? Her questions were about to be answered, soon.

  Chapter 10

  “I’m like a kid in a candy shop!” Stephanie exclaimed, as she looked through all of the beautiful gowns and dresses in the spacious closet. She chose a deep blue slim fitting cocktail dress. The back plunged to a deep V just above her ass. She stopped at the hotel salon after her massage to have her hair styled in a sexy up do that would show off her back. She slipped on a pair of perfectly matched deep blue stilettos and headed out the door.

  Stephanie felt the weight of many eyes on her as she walked through the hotel lobby. The women she passed gave her the once over, and she noticed emotions in their eyes that ranged from pure envy to appreciation. The men, though, their glances were something altogether different. She saw lust and desire in their stares. She liked the attention, but it also left her feeling vulnerable, and she was relieved to find a seat at the plush lounge at La Luna. Stephanie closed her eyes as she savored the first sip of her sugar-rimmed pomegranate martini.

  She thought she imagined the heat behind her just a second before she felt a warm hand low on the bare skin on her back. Stephanie kept her eyes closed to intensify her senses. She felt the warmth travel up her back to the nape of her neck. Warm breath burned her skin as she heard a whisper close to her ear.


  She swiveled in her chair and locked eyes with Jason. She smiled. God it was good to see him, and he looked incredible in a perfectly tailored black suit. His dark skin and features made him look almost dangerous, but those amazing eyes, that she imagined looking at her many times since, sparkled as their eyes locked. She took a deep breath and instantly relaxed. She had been anxious to see Jason, but all doubts melted as he stood before her.

  Slipping off of her seat, Stephanie placed both hands on his chest and slowly brought her fingertips up over his strong shoulders to his neck and skimmed his hair. She was shocked by the spark that moved from the tips of her fingers through her body. She moved in close to Jason feeling the heat of his mouth so close to hers.

  “I’ve missed you.” She whispered.

  He cupped her cheek with his hand and she felt the other encircle her waist. His darkened eyes pierced hers as their lips touched. She kissed him slow, savoring every second. His kiss was instantly familiar. Memories of their Miami night came flooding back as the tip of her tongue found his bottom lip.


  Jason had spent all week ensuring everything would be perfect for his long weekend with Stephanie. He was pleased he convinced her to come to Las Vegas a few days early. Jason tried not to think about a future with Stephanie. He thought he had a future with Jessica and was burned badly. This is just for fun he thought to himself as he walked through the lobby toward The Luna Lounge. Stopping in his tracks, he sucked in a deep breath as soon as he spotted her from a distance.

  Stephanie sat at the bar, long legs crossed, Jason was able to make out her profile as she took a sip of her drink. He watched her, patiently savoring every detail of her exquisite form until his gaze reached her back. Her midnight blue, backless dress showcased the curvature of her body that he knew quite well.

  His thoughts returned back to their night in Miami, when she was his for one glorious night. His hands curled into fists as he remembered the feel of his fingers trailing down that gorgeous back. The very last time they were together when he took her from behind. He remembered the way she arched her back and allowed her silky hair to flow over her spine. He also recalled the way he held her tight ass as he thrust deep inside of her, pushing further and deeper with each thrust until neither one could hold on any longer.

  The dress hugged every curve perfectly. It was so low in the back that he tried to decide whether she could possibly have panties on. Damn. He didn’t want to have feelings for Stephanie, other than desire, but he knew it was a losing battle. She was exactly the kind of woman that could get under his skin and he knew it. But like a moth to a dangerous flame, he couldn’t stay away.

  They would learn much about each other during the next five days and nights, he thought as he walked toward her exquisite form. He watched as she took a first sip of her martini and smiled to himself when he spotted the sugar rim, yes, he remembered she had a sweet tooth. As she closed her eyes, he swiftly moved in behind her and brushed her back with his fingertips. He instantly felt her skin shiver and respond to his touch. But instead of turning quickly as if by surprise, she remained still, her eyes closed and a smiled formed on her sweet lips. Her reaction to his touch and presence went straight to his cock as if those perf
ect lips were about to find their way to his pulsing erection.

  Jason was determined to take it slow, unlike Miami, time was on their side. He had all the time in the world to explore Stephanie and to discover what made her tick.


  Jason pulled away from their kiss and placed his forehead on hers looking straight into her eyes.

  “I’ve missed you too, Stef.”

  Stephanie ran her fingers through his hair. All she wanted to do was go back to their suite and rediscover each other.

  “Let’s go,” she smiled and winked.

  “Patience Stef. All in good time.” He picked up her hand and kissed the inside of her palm. “We have five days and five nights together, besides, I have a few surprises up my sleeve.”

  “Okay. We’ll play it your way, but I do need to tell you something.”


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