King of Souls

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King of Souls Page 25

by L A Cotton

  “I called in a favor.” Nicco lay me down on the bed. His eyes were dark and hooded as he trailed them over my body. He looked like a man starved, and I knew the tiramisu from the Blackstone Country Club wasn’t the only thing on the menu tonight.

  I WOKE TO SOUNDS OF birds chirping. Nicco’s arm was slung possessively over my hip, his body pressed impossibly close to mine. My lips curved at the memories of the night before.

  He’d proposed.

  Niccolò Marchetti, mafia prince, Prince of Hearts, had gotten down on one knee and promised me forever.

  I was floating on clouds so high I didn’t ever want to come down.

  After carrying me into our bedroom, Nicco had loved me with words and his body. It had been everything, being one with him.

  My fiancé.

  Uncurling my hands from the sheet, I admired his grandmother’s ring. Nicco’s fingers ran down my arm, curving around my wrist. “It looks good on you,” he murmured, his voice thick with sleep.

  “I still can’t believe it,” I choked out over the lump in my throat. “It’s like waking up from the best dream.”

  “Believe it, Bambolina. Soon enough, I will stand before all our family and friends and declare you mine.” Nicco tugged me onto my back and leaned over me. “No regrets?”

  “No regrets.” Laying my hand against his cheek, I leaned up to kiss him. “I love you, always.”

  His eyes shuttered, as if my admission was almost too much to bear.

  “Nicco, look at me.” They opened slowly. “I want this. It’s time to rewrite history.”

  I truly believed I’d met Nicco for a reason. It wasn’t coincidence he was there, in the alley, that night.

  It was fate.

  “I will never let another soul hurt you. You know that, right?”

  “I know. What do you think your uncles will say?” I wasn’t stupid, I knew Antonio didn’t usually solve their problems this way.

  “It doesn’t matter. My father is the boss. What he says, goes.”

  “But they won’t be happy?” My stomach twisted.

  “Uncle Vincenzo is blood thirsty. He’ll be disappointed.” I winced at Nicco’s honest words. “Uncle Michele has a softer approach. He’ll be more understanding. But either way, the deal you struck with my father will give the Family a better foothold in Verona County.”

  “And my father? What will happen to him?”

  “I guess that all depends on Roberto.”

  “He’ll come around,” I said quietly.

  He had no choice.

  And if he didn’t, well, I was sure Antonio would handle my father.

  Nicco lowered his face to mine, kissing me deeply. I could still taste the lingering sweetness of the tiramisu on his tongue. I would never be able to eat that dessert again without thinking about Nicco licking it off the most intimate parts of my body.

  “Are you hungry, Love?” he whispered against my mouth.


  My eyes jerked to the door at the sound of something banging. “What is that?”

  “Stay here.” Nicco darted off the bed and pulled on his boxers before grabbing his gun from the nightstand. I’d never seen him brandish a weapon before. But this was who he was, who I’d promised myself to.

  “Nicco,” I whisper-hissed as he crept closer to the door. “Maybe we should—”

  “Ssh,” he mouthed, reaching for the door handle. I clutched the sheets around my body, fear trickling down my spine.

  Quietly, Nicco opened the door and slipped into the cabin. I leaned over, grabbing my cell phone ready to call Luis. But then I heard voices. Laughter. Pushing back the sheets, I climbed out of bed and pulled on some clothes. My heart galloped in my chest as I left the bedroom and moved down the hall toward the main room.

  “You have some explaining to do.” Nora made a beeline for me. “I knew you were here, I frickin’ knew it. But we’ll get to that later. Let me see it.” She beckoned for my hand, but I was still standing there, gawking at her. “What did you do to my girl, Marchetti? I think you broke her.”

  “I... what are you doing here?” My brows drew together.

  “We thought you might want to celebrate.” Enzo gave me a pointed look.

  “You did this?”

  “And this?” Alessia peeked out from behind Matteo. “Congratulations.” She came over to me, and her and Nora swooned over my ring.

  “I can’t believe you’re both here.” It was the perfect way to round off a perfect night.

  “Group hug,” Matteo shouted, bounding over and wrapping his huge arms around the three of us.

  “Uh, Matt, you smell of bacon grease.”

  “Well, yeah, someone had to go and pick up breakfast.”

  “There’s breakfast?” I asked, hopeful. There hadn’t been much time to eat last night.

  “We got extra.” Matteo kept his arm around my shoulder, guiding me over to the breakfast counter.

  “Only because you eat like a fucking pig,” Enzo grumbled.

  “I see you’re as delightful than ever,” Nora shot back.

  “Shut up and eat, Abato.”

  “Hey, remember that time when she almost ate your—”

  “Matteo!” Nicco cut him with a harsh look.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ll behave. But seriously though, you two, congratulations.”

  “I can’t believe we’ll be sisters.” Alessia beamed. “Can I be bridesmaid?”

  “Me too,” Nora added.

  “Hmm, we haven’t gotten that far.” I glanced at Nicco and he smiled.

  “Well, for what it’s worth, I think you’re both fucking crazy,” Enzo said as he and Matteo unpacked the breakfast containers. “But if you’re happy then I guess that’s all that matters.”

  “Thanks, I think. You didn’t invite Luis?” I glanced around, half expecting him to appear at any second.

  “He’s with Tristan, they’re...” Matteo glanced at Nicco and he nodded. “They’re with your father.”

  Silence fell over the six of us. Here we were celebrating, but there was still a difficult uncertain path ahead.

  “Nope. Not happening.” Nora declared. “This is a celebration breakfast. So less moping and more celebrating.”

  “Thank you,” I mouthed at her and she nodded, pride glittering in her eyes.

  “One good thing about weddings... bachelor party.” Matteo smirked.

  A low grumble spilled from my lips and all heads turned to me.

  “Did Ari just growl?” His eyes were the size of saucers.

  “I’m just hungry.” I averted my eyes, heat burning my cheeks.

  “She did, she growled.” Amusement laced Enzo’s words.

  “Yeah, only because she knows what happens at such things,” Sia replied. “Remember Uncle Sil? His bachelor party was wild.”

  “How the hell do you know what happened at Uncle Sil’s party?” Nicco arched his brow at his sister.

  “I hear things. Aunt Dru made him sleep on the couch for a—”

  “Okay, Sia.” Nicco clapped his hand over her mouth. “I think we get the picture.” He shot me a pleading glance.

  “Let the guys have their fun, I say.” Nora stabbed her fork into a stack of pancakes. “While the men are away, the girls will play.”

  “I don’t think that’s how the saying goes,” Matteo said, and she shrugged.

  “It is in my world. I’m thinking a stripper, massages, the full works.”

  Nicco had gone as white as a sheet and I smothered a chuckle.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Nora offered him a saccharine smile. “Did you think we were all going to sit around and braid each other’s hair and have pillow fights while you’re off getting lap dances and drinking your body weight in liquor?”

  “More like sharpen each other’s claws,” Enzo murmured.

  “Careful, E, I bite too.” She bared her teeth at him.

  “You know you two just need to get it out of your system, right?” Alessia took a bite of

  “Huh?” Nora frowned while Enzo sat deathly still.

  “The tension between the two of you.” She wagged a finger between my best friend and her cousin.

  “Fuck that,” Enzo gritted out.

  “The feeling is mutual,” Nora hissed.

  “Okay, why doesn’t everyone just take a breath?” I suggested. I was too happy to let their bickering spoil my moment.

  “Ari’s right,” Matteo said. “We’re here to celebrate.” He grabbed a glass of orange juice and thrust it in the air. To Nicco and his fiancée, Arianne. May your life be filled with happiness, love, and lots and lots of hot newlywed sex.”

  AFTER BREAKFAST NICCO asked to talk to me.

  “What is it?” I said as he led me away from our friends.

  “I’m going to go back with the guys to see my father.”

  “You’re leaving?” My heart clenched but I knew it would be like this sometimes. There were still things to take care of.

  “Only for a little while. We need to figure out a plan. The sooner it happens,” he cupped my face, “the sooner we can get on with our lives.”

  “Okay.” I covered his hand with mine, turning my face slightly to kiss his palm. “Be safe.”

  “Always. Luis is on his way back. I think Tristan is with him.”

  “Maybe you should be gone before they get here,” I smiled.

  “I’m not scared of Tristan, Bambolina.”

  “I know.” We’d moved closer, our lips almost brushing.

  “You’re mine now,” he whispered. “Nothing can ever change that.” The sheer possessiveness in his voice made my heart swell.

  My hands twisted into his t-shirt. “Don’t be too long.”

  “I promise. I think there’s still some tiramisu left in the refrigerator.”

  My tummy clenched. “Nicco, you can’t say things like that to me in public.” I breathed, glancing to where our friends sat, as his lips painted a warm trail to the shell of my ear.

  “But you taste so damn good.”

  “Vitelli is here,” Enzo called. “We should go.”

  “I’ll be back soon.” Nicco pressed a kiss to my head before taking my hand and leading me back to our friends.

  “Come on, Sia, let’s go.” Enzo’s cold gaze went to where Nora and Alessia were sitting on the couch.

  Nicco’s sister pouted. “I could stay.”

  “Not. Happening. You’re lucky we brought you here as it is.”

  “Fine.” She hugged Nora before coming over to me. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you.” We hugged, Alessia hanging on for dear life. There was something so pure about her easy acceptance. It only reaffirmed the feeling that I’d finally found my place.

  Nora laced her arm through mine as we followed them out of the cabin. Nicco lingered at Matteo’s truck, locking eyes with mine.

  “Damn, Ari. Where can I get me one of those?”

  “Hush.” I nudged her with my shoulder.

  Luis’ SUV appeared down the track, rolling to a stop next to the truck. Luis and Tristan climbed out, stopping to talk to Nicco. My breath caught as I watched my cousin extend his hand to him.

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” Nora squealed with delight as Nicco took it.

  The two of them glanced over at us before Nicco pulled away and climbed into the truck.

  Tristan approached us, a faint smirk tugging at his mouth. “Sounds like you have some explaining to do...” His eyes went to the band on my finger.

  “We should probably talk, yes.”

  “Fuck, talking.” He pulled me into his arms. “You’ve got balls of steel, Ari.”

  “I didn’t do anything, not really.”

  “Like hell you didn’t. You brokered a deal with Antonio Marchetti and went and got yourself engaged by all accounts.”

  “I did what I had to.”

  Tristan eased back to look at me. “But you’re happy, right? You want this?”

  I nodded, fighting a smile. “I know we’re young and I know a lot of people won’t understand—”

  “Screw what anyone else thinks. All I care is that you’re happy and you’re safe.”

  “Have you seen the way he looks at her?” Nora scoffed. “Ari’s safety should be the least of your concerns.”

  Tristan’s eyes narrowed, a trace of hurt there. Or maybe it was guilt.

  “Yeah,” he said, “I’m starting to get that.”

  Chapter 27


  When we arrived back at my father’s house, I half-expected to find my uncles there, ready to toast my news. But the house was quiet when we entered.

  “Ah, Nicco.” Genevieve rounded the corner. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “You know?” My eyes narrowed.

  “Don’t sound so surprised, Niccolò,” my father moved beside her, squeezing her shoulder, “Genevieve is practically family.”

  I raised a brow at that.

  “Sia, can I borrow you, in the kitchen?” she asked my sister, no doubt sensing the tension rippling in the air.

  “Sure thing. I’ll see you later.” Alessia kissed my cheek before taking off after Genevieve.

  “Niccolò, my office.” My father turned on his heel and took off down the hall.

  “Why do I get the feeling I’m in trouble?”

  “Nah,” Enzo smirked. “He probably just wants to give you the father/son talk and remind you of the three golden rules.”

  “Three golden rules?” Matteo frowned.

  “Birth control, birth control, birth control.”

  Shaking my head, I flicked my head in the direction of the kitchen. “Go hang out, I’ll be back soon.”

  Matteo clapped me on the back. “Everything’s going to work out,” he said.

  I wanted to believe him.

  Proposing to Arianne, hearing the word yes spill from her lips, then sliding my nonna’s ring onto her finger, had been one of the most terrifying and best moments of my life.

  But our struggle wasn’t over yet.

  It wouldn’t be until Fascini and his piece of shit son were no longer a threat.

  “Come in,” my father demanded. I slipped inside, closing the door behind me. “How is Arianne?”

  “She’s fine.”

  “A toast.” He moved to his drinks cabinet and pulled out a bottle of his finest scotch, pouring us both a glass. “Here.”

  I accepted it.

  “I am glad you came to your senses, Niccolò. It is the right move for the Family as well as for your future.”

  Taking a seat, I glanced up at him, confusion clouding my eyes.

  “This job, it can be a lonely life. I look back and realize how much time I wasted. How much I took for granted. Do not repeat my mistakes, Son. When you first brought her here, and I saw the way you looked at her, I was concerned she would be your weakness. But now I see that she can be your strength. Love gives you something to fight for, something to lose. Arianne will anchor you, Son.

  “To family.” He lifted his glass and I mirrored his action.

  “To family. What happens now?” I asked.

  “Tommy is waiting for my word to make the tip off to our friend down at the local PD. Michele’s guys are handling Fascini’s legal team.”

  One of Uncle Michele’s guys, Johnny Morello, was our go-to fixer. With a penchant for extortion and coercion, he rarely failed to secure people’s silence or compliance.

  “And Uncle Vin?”

  “I have ordered him to sit tight. He doesn’t like it but the last thing we need is him barreling in all guns blazing.”

  “He needs to get on board with me and Arianne,” I said, pressing my lips together.

  “And he will. You’re his nephew, my son. One day you’ll be the boss. He’ll get over it. Besides, once your ring is on her finger, she’s family too. She’ll be Marchetti.”


  My heart flipped violently in my chest.

  I liked the sound of

  “Are you sure this is going to work?”

  Fascini wasn’t stupid. He had to have his bases covered in case his cover was blown—reassurance policies, the best lawyers money could buy, not to mention his squeaky-clean business reputation.

  Even if Johnny got to his most trusted inner circle... we couldn’t guarantee Fascini wouldn’t worm his way out. To the outside eye, Mike Fascini was an upstanding member of society. But everyone had secrets. You just had to know where to look and how to exploit them.

  My father regarded me and scoffed, “Niccolò, have some faith. This will work. Mike Fascini and that son of his will pay. No one messes with the Marchetti and gets away with it.” His hand tightened around his glass. “No one.”

  I gave him a small nod.

  “I have to ask though, Niccolò. Are you sure you don’t want that piece of shit taken care of for what he did to Arianne? She would never have to know. I can arrange for it to happen discreetly. Make it look like a suicide.”

  A bolt of anger rippled through me. “He lives. It’s what she wants.” No matter how much it pained me to say the words.

  My father rubbed his jaw. “You are a stronger man than I. Either way, he will never get within a foot of Arianne again.”

  It was enough.

  It had to be.

  “It could be a few days before everything is in place. We keep this between us, do you understand?”

  “I know the drill.”

  “There is something else...”

  I went rigid.

  Of course there was.

  “She will need to return to her father’s estate until it is done.”

  “No fucking way.” I lunged forward.

  “Nicco, hear me out, Son. We can’t risk Fascini discovering our plan. There is also the small matter of Roberto sitting tight. She needs to talk to him.”

  “She can call him—”

  “This is how it has to be. She will be safe. The estate is heavily guarded, and Luis will be there with her. Right now, we need to make sure everything falls into place.”

  “Then I’m going. I won’t leave her again. I promised her.” I’d promised myself.

  My father’s hand slammed down on the table. “Niccolò, I am not asking you. I am telling you, this is the way it has to be. The end is in sight, Son. Do not lose your cool now. She’ll be safe there.”


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