King of Souls

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King of Souls Page 28

by L A Cotton

  “No, but she knows something is wrong.”

  “Okay,” I let out a small breath.

  “Come on, she’s inside. Let him through, Harlen.” He motioned to the security guard. He glowered at us, but the gates began to recede.

  “Don’t mind him.” Luis gripped my shoulder. “He knows what’s at stake. They all do.”

  “You’re a good man, Vitelli.”

  Luis gave me a firm nod. “I’ll meet you back at the house. I want to do a perimeter sweep and talk to all the guards.”

  “Fucking hell,” Enzo said as I climbed back into the car. “This place is like the White House.”

  He wasn’t wrong. The Capizola estate was huge, and right in the center, stood the house with its grand balconies and alabaster pillars flanking the entrance.

  “Is that...?” Enzo started to growl.

  “Relax.” I levelled him with a hard look. “Roberto knows the deal. He might be a piece of shit, but Arianne is still his daughter. He’ll want her safe.”

  He snorted at that, and I knew what he was thinking. Roberto had practically handed Arianne over to Scott and the Fascini, gift-wrapped with a bow.

  Anger trickled up my spine, but I shook it off. I wasn’t here for Roberto; I was here for his daughter.

  The car rolled to a stop, and we all climbed out.

  “You,” Roberto seethed, his eyes alight with contempt.

  “Watch it, old man.” Enzo stepped forward, but a voice gave us pause.

  “Nicco?” Arianne flew down the steps and didn’t stop until she was in my arms, her face buried in my chest.

  “Ssh, Bambolina.” I held her tight. Roberto caught my eye, a strange expression passing over his face.

  “Something’s wrong.” Arianne eased back, craning her neck to look at me. “What is it? Tell me.”

  I stared down into honey eyes that had captured my soul and never given it back and whispered the two little words that had the power to push me into the darkness. “Scott escaped.”

  Her body tensed, her grip on my jacket tightening. “He got away?”

  I nodded, watching her expression. But she didn’t break. My strong Bambolina steeled herself and inhaled a sharp breath. “It’s okay,” she said calmly. “You’ll find him.”

  “And if we don’t?” someone asked.

  “Scott would be a fool to try anything now.” Her eyes never left mine, and then she said nine little words that spun my world. “He knows Nicco would kill him if he did.”


  “It’s okay.” She leaned up, ghosting her fingers across my jaw. Her warmth seeped into me, wrapping around me and taking hold. “Scott is gone, he can’t hurt me anymore.”

  She was too calm.

  Too composed.

  Enzo glanced at me, arching his brow.

  “We need to stay here for now,” I said. “Wait for word from my father. He has his men looking for Scott right now. If he’s still in Verona, we’ll find him.”

  Arianne took my hand and started moving toward the door. But Roberto stepped forward. “Figlia mia, I’m not sure—”

  “Don’t,” she seethed. “Niccolò is my fiancé, Father. He is here to protect me. To protect us. You are going to make him welcome or you can go retire to your study.” Her eyes bore into his until Roberto dipped his head and nodded.

  “Please,” he almost choked over the word, “join us.”

  Enzo looked impressed. Matteo grinned. And me? I stared at Arianne with nothing but love and pride for the woman she’d become.

  When I’d first met her, she was so unsure and uncertain of her place in the world. But now, standing here, she was strong. And brave. So fucking brave.

  She was no longer a pawn in a game she didn’t understand.

  She was the Queen.

  My Queen.

  And I was going to spend my life showing her.

  Chapter 30


  One month later...

  “Holy crap, babe, you look...” Nora fanned her face. “Tears, I have actual tears. Quick someone hand me a paper towel.”

  Genevieve grabbed a box of tissues and thrust it at Nora. “No crying. We can’t have anyone spoiling Ari’s make up. Sei bella come il sole.” Her expression softened as she took me in.

  “My brother is going to freak.” Alessia caught my hand in hers.

  “Oh, I don’t know about that, Sia. The two of you will steal the show.”

  They looked flawless in their pale lilac dresses. With a halter-style top that scooped low in the front and back, the silk flowed over their hips and skimmed the floor. Their hair had been braided to one side and pulled into an intricate bun, woven with flowers matching the Baby’s Breath and Larkspur of my bridal posy.

  “Okay,” Genevieve held out a tissue for me. “Blot and then I think we’re done.”

  I did as she instructed, leaving a smudge of lipstick behind.

  “Ready?” Nora helped me off the stool I’d spent the last hour sitting on while Nora and Genevieve took care of my makeup and hair.

  Nicco had wanted to pay someone, but I didn’t want any fuss. Besides, there was something special about sharing this moment with my best friend, my soon to be sister-in-law, and Genevieve. I hadn’t quite distinguished her place in my life yet, but she had become a fast friend over the last few weeks, the two of us bonding over the Marchetti men in our lives. I wasn’t sure if it was official, but I had it on good authority she was Antonio’s date for the wedding.

  I let her fuss over my dress, smoothing out the lace tail and arranging the long veil over my hair. Finally, they stepped back to look at me.

  “Oh my god,” Alessia breathed.

  Nora had tears collecting in the corners of her eyes as she smiled at me. “You look amazing.”

  The door creaked behind me, but I didn’t move for fear of ruining my hair.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Mom’s voice filtered into our room.

  The Blackstone Country Club had gone above and beyond to accommodate us on such short notice, but I wasn’t surprised. I was quickly learning that being a Marchetti carried weight. They had transformed the place into something fit for a princess.

  “Oh my... Arianne, sweetheart.” Tears filled her eyes. “You look...”

  “Thank you.” My body vibrated with nervous energy.

  “That boy has nothing to worry about.” I frowned and she chuckled. “Nicco needed some final words of encouragement.” A knowing smile played on her lips.

  “You spoke to him?” My head whipped up.

  “Hair, watch the hair,” Nora scolded.

  “Oops, sorry.” I shot her an apologetic look before turning to my mother once again. “You saw him? Is he—”

  “Fine, just some last-minute jitters. Tristan, Matteo, and Enzo are in the bar with him.”

  “The bar?” I groaned. “I hope someone is supervising them.”

  I’d witnessed the aftermath of the bachelor party. Nicco had ruined my favorite pair of sneakers after puking all over them before declaring his undying love for me and then passing out on the bathroom floor.

  “Don’t worry, Enzo is still in the doghouse for letting him get so drunk.” Alessia gave me a wink.

  “Ready?” Nora had positioned herself in between me and the mirror.

  “No,” my mom shrieked. “It is bad luck for a bride to see herself before the groom.”

  I rolled my eyes. After everything we’d been through to get here, I wasn’t about to let a little Italian superstition worry me.

  Moving over to the full-length ornate mirror in the corner of the room, I inhaled a deep breath.

  “Wait,” Genevieve said. “At least remove a shoe first.”

  “A shoe?” Nora balked.

  “For luck,” my mom added.

  “Fine, take it.” I lifted my foot and let Alessia slip off my ivory silk heeled pump.

  “Ready?” Nora had moved in front of me, blocking my view.

  “As I’ll ever b
e.” My heart was beating wildly in my chest but the second she stepped out of the way, and I saw myself, it stopped.

  “I look—”

  “Beautiful, sweetheart.” Mom grabbed my hand, coming into the mirror’s view.

  My skin was glowing, my eyes wide with wonder and anticipation. But it was the dress that took my breath away. Layers of sheer lace gathered at my waist and fell around my body like a delicate waterfall. The batwing sleeves gave the illusion I was wearing a cape, but when I turned around and glanced over my shoulder, I saw the dress cut into a deep V. It ended at the bottom of my spine and flowed into a line of pearl buttons. It was simple yet beautiful, sexy yet demure.

  It was perfect.

  “I love it.” I’d known the second I’d laid eyes on it; it was the one. I hadn’t even tried any others. We found each other and it was meant to be.

  Just like Nicco and me.

  “Okay, now all that’s left is your something borrowed and something blue.” Nora approached me, a small silver and sapphire hair pin. She leaned over me, sliding it into my hair. Before flinging an ivory and lace garter at me.

  “Nora!” My cheeks flushed

  “What? It’s tradition. Tell her.” She looked to my mom and Genevieve who nodded.

  “La giarrettiera.” Genevieve winked.

  “Thank you.” I choked out over the lump in my throat.

  “And something new.” Alessia approached me next, a small jewelry box in her hand. “Nicco wanted me to give this to you.” She flipped the lid, revealing a silver bangle. “Can I?”

  I nodded, desperately fighting the emotion swelling inside me.

  “It’s says, ‘tu mi completi’.”

  “You complete me,” my mom sighed. “So romantic. My turn.” She advanced toward me. “You can’t walk down the aisle without your something old. It was my mother’s, and hers before that.” She lifted the small butterfly brooch and slid it into place on my dress. “Vola in alto, farfella mia.”

  Fly free, my butterfly.


  She wiped at her eyes. “I’m sorry, for everything. But today, this is your day, Arianne.”

  “Damn right,” Nora added, cutting the heavy tension. “And Nicco is going to die when he sees you.”

  “Hopefully he won’t,” strained laughter spilled from my lips, “I kind of like having him around.”

  We were currently living in the apartment in my father’s building. Nora had officially moved back to the dorms, but unofficially, she still stayed over a lot. I think we both knew once today was over, everything would change, so we were clinging onto each other for as long as possible. Nicco didn’t seem to mind. In fact, more often than not, it was his idea to invite her over. Sometimes Matteo came too. Alessia even stopped by on the odd occasion. But never Enzo.

  “We have five minutes before Allegra shows up and starts barking orders.”

  Allegra was the wedding coordinator, but Nora liked to call her Bitchzilla.

  “Be nice,” I said. “It’s her job.”

  Genevieve ushered the girls over to the door, arming them with their posies. Nora would walk in first with Tristan, and Alessia would follow with Matteo. Then I would enter while Enzo waited upfront with Nicco.

  God, I couldn’t wait to see him. It felt like it had been days when it had been a little under twenty-four hours.

  “Did he come?” I asked my mother, but her grim expression told me all I needed to know.

  “He loves you very much, Arianne, but this has been hard on him.”

  “He made his choice.” I stuffed down my feelings toward my father for another time.

  Nothing would ruin today.

  I’d made my choice just as he had made his.

  “You should know he loves you very much, Arianne, we both do. Gosh, sweetheart, this is it. The first day of the rest of your life. Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?”

  “I have never been more certain of anything.”

  She gave me a small nod.

  “It is showtime,” Allegra’s voice rang out down the hall. “Grazie a Dio, you look sensational. Niccolò is going to stop breathing.”

  “Can we please stop with all the death jokes?” I gave her a tight smile.

  “You remember your walk, no?”

  I nodded.

  “One, two, together. One, two, together... We keep our heads up and our eyes forward.”

  Nora caught my eye and pulled a face.

  I smothered a laugh. “I think we’ve got it,” I said, trying to placate Allegra who took her job very seriously.

  “Of course you have got it.” She clapped her hands together, sending my heart into a tailspin. “Let’s go get your man.” Allegra marched out of the room in the same whirlwind she'd arrived in.

  “She’s really something,” Nora chuckled as we met at the door. I inhaled a shaky breath and she frowned. “Nervous?”

  “Yes, and excited.” There were a hundred butterflies in my stomach. “I just want to get to him.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Ari.” She air-kissed my cheek. “Now let’s go get your guy.”

  THE BLACKSTONE SUITE was filled with one hundred of our closest friends and family. Really, they were mostly Nicco’s aunts and uncles, but I’d been shown more love and acceptance from these people in the last month than I had my whole life.

  I spotted Michele and his wife, Marcella; Matteo’s sister, Arabella, beside them. The Boston family sat behind. Dane must have felt us standing beyond the door because he glanced over his shoulder, offering me a cheeky wink. He was trouble, that much was obvious, and I was relieved not to have to worry about him going after Nora. She might have enjoyed her newfound freedom, but she had boundaries, and Dane was still in high school.

  Besides, the second the doors opened, and she took Tristan’s arm, she had the attention of almost every guy in the room. Including Enzo.

  “Ready?” Luis approached me. He looked mighty fine in his sleek black three-piece.

  “I am.” He crooked his elbow and I laced my arm through his.

  “You look beautiful, Arianne. Every father should see their daughter take their wedding vows... I’m sure he will regret this day for the rest of his life.”

  “He made his choice.”

  “Well, his loss is my gain. It is an honor to accompany you down the aisle. Shall we?” We moved into place, waiting for the pianist and cellist to start the entrance music. The soft notes of Christina Perri’s A Thousand Years filled the room and everyone turned to watch as Luis walked me slowly down the aisle.

  I felt their stares, heard their sighs of approval, and whispers of judgment. But they all fell away the second my eyes found Nicco. His gaze grew, shining with pure and unconditional love as he drank me in. I wanted to run to him, to rush into his arms and declare myself his for all eternity. But I knew Allegra was watching, ready to intervene if anything went off script.

  With every step closer, my heart beat harder, until I felt sure it would explode in my chest. We finally reached the officiant, and Nicco stepped towards us.

  “Bambolina, you look...” the words died on his lips, but I saw the intention in his heated gaze, and color bloomed in my cheeks.

  Luis laid my hand in Nicco’s before dipping his head to kiss my cheek. “This is your moment, Ari. You deserve it.” He backed away and we turned to face the officiant.

  “Welcome, family, friends, and loved ones,” he began. “We are gathered here today in the presence of God, to unite Arianne and Niccolò in holy matrimony. Marriage is a gift, given to us so that we might experience the joys of unconditional love with a lifelong partner...”

  Nicco squeezed my hand, and I peeked over at him. He looked devastatingly handsome. The sharp, black three-piece molded to his broad shoulders and tapered in at his waist. His eyes were dark, swirling with possessiveness. But it was his smile that knocked the air from my lungs. He looked so happy.

  He looked... free.

  The officiant t
ook a deep breath, smiling at the both of us. “Niccolò, do you take Arianne to be your wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, remain faithful to her as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.”

  My heart beat so hard, I inhaled a shaky breath.

  “And Arianne, do you take Niccolò to be your wedded husband, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, remain faithful to him as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.”

  He nodded with approval before looking out to the crowd behind us. “Who gives Arianne to be married to Niccolò?”

  “I do,” my father’s voice rang out clear across the room, and my head whipped around.

  He walked toward us, his eyes filled with pride and regret. “Sorry I’m late.” He looked at me. “Mio tesoro.” It came out choked. “Sei bellissima.”

  Tears welled in my eyes, but I forced them down. “You’re here?”

  “I am.” My father turned his focus on Nicco. “Take good care of her, Son.”

  “I will.” They shared a lingering look before he took the empty seat next to my mother.

  She beamed at me, and a sense of rightness washed over me. I hadn’t mourned my father’s absence, but him coming here, being here to witness this, gave me hope for the future.

  As the officiant continued, I was too lost in my thoughts to hear his words. Lost in a daydream of dark-haired babies with brown eyes, of laughter and happiness, and a home filled with love.

  It wasn’t until Nicco squeezed my hand again, I realized they were waiting for me.

  “Sorry,” I whispered.

  “It’s time for the wedding vows. Niccolò, you’re first. Repeat after me...

  I Niccolò Luca Marchetti take thee, Arianne Carmen Lina Capizola,

  to be my wedded wife,

  to have and to hold,

  from this day forward,

  for better, for worse,

  for richer, for poorer,


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