Ella and the Billionaire

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Ella and the Billionaire Page 2

by Cidney West

  Then those almond-shaped eyes fixed on her again and Ella felt her legs wobble. Maggie introduced them. “This is my assistant, Ella Brodie.” Ella fumbled to hold onto her tablet as he shook her other hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Pearce.” Ella struggled to speak in a clear voice and hoped she didn’t sound as shaky as she felt.

  He waved his hand in dismissal. “Really, just Cedric.” He glanced one way and then the other. “Where to?”

  Maggie nodded to the other end of the hallway. “Follow me.” She smiled up at Cedric and led him to a conference room. Ella trailed behind, which gave her a moment to smile to herself…and catch her breath.

  “The department directors and editor-in-chief will be here momentarily,” Maggie said, stepping aside as they entered the conference room.

  “Oh, you didn’t have to do that.” Cedric gazed around at the rectangular table and window with a view of the opposite building. “But it will be nice to meet everyone since we’ll be working together and all.” He smiled again, his hazel eyes squinting up and almost disappearing as he did so.

  “Can we get you anything…Cedric?” Maggie asked. “A drink? Something to eat?”

  He shook his head, setting his helmet on the table and tearing off his black leather jacket. He was head and shoulders above them and as he wriggled free of the jacket, a broad chest and muscular shoulders came into view. He wore a white button-down shirt with jeans. No tie, no suit, no driver…. Not that Ella was complaining about his looks because she wasn’t, but he didn’t fit her preconceived notions at all. Based on the confused look that passed through Maggie’s eyes, she wasn’t expecting this either.

  As everyone else filed in with harried faces, Ella planned to slip out before the main event. But as she maneuvered closer to the door, Cedric pulled out a chair next to Maggie and motioned for her to sit. Ella’s eyes widened and she started to refuse, but Maggie gave a short nod, leaving Ella with no choice. With everyone’s eyes on her, she slowly slid into the chair, still holding the tablet close to her chest.

  With everybody assembled, Cedric stood at the head and clapped his hands together. “Let’s get started, shall we?”


  Cedric had a plan. After pouring over the rules of the trust, he’d found a loophole. A tiny, almost microscopic loophole, but still a loophole. Yes, he had to take on the responsibilities as heir to the company. However, holding onto those responsibilities or eventually becoming CEO was not up to him. It was up to the board of directors. And if they deemed him unworthy of those responsibilities, according to the trust rules, that did not disqualify him from taking control of the trust. So, in effect, all he had to do was try. He was going to try…and then fail.

  The board already saw him as unworthy of this post. How hard could it be to convince them to ignore his father and give him the boot? Especially if word got back to them of how he was approaching managing the transition of this company into the fold of Knightley Media.

  It was brilliant. Even Hunter would be impressed.

  He stared out over the small group of directors, who waited, stealing glances in the silence. Except for the assistant, who folded her hands on her tablet and fixed her round blue eyes on him in expectation. He couldn’t help but notice her soft face and curves and he was honestly sorry he’d disappoint her. “First of all, I’m terrible with names. So, please forgive me if I have trouble remembering yours. Second, I realize this is not the easiest situation to be in. We’re getting to know you; you’re getting to know us. It’s that whole awkward phase that relationships go through. But we’ll get through it together.” Everyone at the table gave each other curious glances. Only Maggie and her assistant kept focused on him.

  After a pause, he continued, “I know you’re all busy, so I won’t keep you here with some long speech. Consider this an introduction and we’ll worry about bigger matters later.” And, if he could swing it, under the supervision of someone else. When no one budged, he waved his hands toward the door. “Go on. Skedaddle.” After more confused glances, they all hurried from the room. Only Maggie and her assistant stayed behind.

  Whatever Maggie thought, she kept it hidden behind a mask of perfect composure. “I’m afraid with the short notice, we don’t have an office ready for you yet. So, I thought you could settle in here for today if that’s all right.”

  Cedric dug his hands in his pockets. “I won’t be needing an office but thank you. You don’t have to go to any trouble for me.” Possibly for somebody else, but he wasn’t intending to stick around.

  Maggie remained stoic. “It’s no trouble. And I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable that way. We’ll have one ready for you by tomorrow.”

  Cedric shrugged. “That’s fine.” He started to throw his jacket back on, the assistant’s eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

  “You’re leaving already?” Maggie said.

  “I only wanted to introduce myself. Besides, I’m sure you have better things to do.” He flashed his trademark smile, sure that would settle everyone down. Maggie remained neutral and her assistant’s doe eyes blinked back at him innocently. Maybe they were both processing what had just happened.

  “Of course.” Maggie gave him a thin smile. “Can we expect you tomorrow?”

  Cedric gazed up at the ceiling tiles. “Possibly. But don’t worry about it. Just go on about your business as usual.” He glanced between them and the assistant still betrayed the most confusion. But this time when he smiled at her, she let go of a shy smile in return. That was more like it.

  Maggie walked him back to the elevators and they shook hands again. “We look forward to working with you,” she said.

  “Likewise.” Cedric backed into the elevator when the doors opened, nodding at the assistant…Ella, he thought. She smiled wide this time, which showed off her blush apple cheeks and clear blue eyes and he couldn’t resist a wink before the doors shut. He wouldn’t mind coming to work to see her every day. Unfortunately, this wasn’t going to last. Everything had gone perfectly. He’d shocked the directors, and even that Maggie woman was probably horrified underneath her cool exterior. He was confident his role as heir was about to come to an end.


  Ella averted her eyes as the elevator doors closed, a flush of heat coursing through her. She told herself not to be such a silly girl over the smiling and the winking. He was a handsome billionaire and probably did stuff like that regularly. It was nothing to get excited about.

  Besides, she should probably worry about his nonchalant attitude toward his job. He didn’t seem very interested in it and that could spell doom for them. But then that cheeky wink through the slit in the doors flashed in her mind and she smiled despite herself.

  Maggie vanished behind her door, leaving Ella with no clue what she thought of all that. But she was about to be forced to divulge her own thoughts as several coworkers cornered her in the breakroom minutes later.

  “We’re all fired, aren’t we?” Olivia said.

  The Watch Editor tossed his head back in irritation, but everyone else watched Ella with wide eyes. She gripped her coffee mug, trying to figure out how she would describe what she’d witnessed. “You know I can’t tell you what happened.” But looking into the eyes of her coworkers, who reflected her own concerns, she sighed. “No one’s fired, okay?” she whispered. “He just came by to say hello.”

  Several sets of eyebrows of various shades and shapes arched simultaneously. “Are you serious?” Olivia said. “Or are you just saying that because you can’t tell us anything?”

  Not that she had a lot of experience with meetings like that, but she never imagined it would go down that way. “I’m not making this up. He came over just to meet everyone.” From his easygoing manner, she wasn’t sure if he’d stay or not, and part of her would be sorry if he did leave.

  Over the heads of Ella’s coworkers, Maggie reappeared and motioned for Ella. Apologizing, she squeezed through the pack and stepped i
nto Maggie’s office. Maggie sat down, smirking. “I guess everyone’s curious.”

  Ella certainly didn’t need to explain, so she asked, “What do you need?”

  “I think we need to find Mr. Pearce an office.”

  Ella traced the various office levels in her mind. “There’s a vacant office down the hall that’s never been filled again. It’s small but would probably work.”

  Maggie nodded, then looked at Ella from the corner of her eye. “There’s one other little thing. He probably needs an assistant. Unless he shows up with someone next time.”

  Ella swallowed. Assisting Maggie was one thing, assisting someone as privileged as Cedric Pearce was a little scary. But she bit down her uncertainty. “Of course. I’d be happy to help him out.”

  Maggie smiled. “I hoped you’d say that.”

  Ella smiled though a flutter of nervousness swept through her. As she went back to her desk, she told herself it would be fine. He didn’t seem that intimidating. And she’d lived with her stepmother, Sylvia, all those years and managed, right?

  Right. Now all she had to do was try and ignore Cedric’s charm and she’d be in good shape.

  Ella got back to her apartment that night, exhausted but relieved at the same time. The meeting with Cedric Pearce was the highlight. Later, she and Maggie had made sure the office was in good shape and stocked with supplies.

  An aroma of basil and tomatoes wafted over her and she instantly felt better about life in general. She might lose her job and her family might be impossible, but at least she had food to come home to.

  Her roommate, Scarlett, was a legal secretary by day but cooking was her obsession. And tonight was her night to make dinner and those were always the best nights of the week. “That smells heavenly.” Ella dropped her bags by the door and drifted over to the skillet, inhaling the scent at the source.

  Scarlett grinned, chopping peppers behind her at the island slash bar and tossing them into a bowl filled with leafy lettuce. “I thought something a little indulgent was called for tonight.” She peeked over through strands of wavy auburn hair. “How was work today? Any news from the big bad media company?”

  Ella smiled, shaking her flats off and wiggling her toes. While she explained the situation, she set about unpacking her lunch so she could repack it later.

  “So is the fact that the CEO’s son showed up good or bad?” Scarlett asked.

  Ella laughed lightly. “I’m still not sure. He was very relaxed about everything, so I’m guessing we’re not in imminent danger.” She set her now-clean lunch bag aside and snatched a piece of pepper from the salad bowl. “Regardless, he’s not at all what I expected.” She crunched down on the pepper, eyeing the loaf of garlic bread on one of the counters.

  Scarlett sliced some more cucumber, setting the board near Ella. “You mean you didn’t plan on him showing up on a motorcycle?” Scarlett wiped her hands on a towel.

  Ella shook her head. “Definitely not.”

  Scarlett leaned over the bar conspiratorially. “I think he sounds like he’s got a little bad boy thing going on.” She winked.

  “I wouldn’t know.” Ella took out the bread, taking a whiff before cutting into it. “I don’t have any experience with bad boys.”

  Scarlett grinned. “There’s a first for everything.”

  Ella peeked up through her lashes and smiled at her friend’s teasing green eyes. She might have a point, though she couldn’t picture someone like him paying attention to her in all seriousness. Though it was still fun to think about.

  Scarlett sobered, getting back to dinner. “I should warn you that a certain someone left you a voicemail today.”

  In all the excitement, Ella had forgotten about Angie’s call the day before–and its abrupt end. “Angie? I’m shocked she didn’t leave me twenty-five messages on my cell.” Of course, Angie’s phone might still be out of commission.

  “I wish.” Scarlett’s reddish lips pinched together. “It’s from Sylvia.”

  Ella froze, her bread hanging midair. Sylvia very rarely called. Ella only really talked to the girls. If Sylvia had gone to the trouble of calling, then it could only mean one thing. “It’s the dinner invite, isn’t it?”

  The invitation to have dinner with them came roughly once or twice a year. Ella never knew when it would happen, but she knew that it would. As Scarlett frowned, a knot grew in Ella’s stomach. There were few things in the world she dreaded more than these dinners. But she felt obligated to go since it was only every now and then.

  Scarlett reached over and took her arm, startling her out of visions of them sitting around the solid rectangular table with Sylvia at its head. “You don’t have to go. Your father’s gone, and you’re not related to them. You owe them nothing. Nothing.” Scarlett practically spat the word.

  And Ella wanted to agree. Desperately. But she still couldn’t shake the feeling that she was obligated to do this.

  “They stole your inheritance,” Scarlett continued, “and all Sylvia wants to do is prove she still has power over you. But you’re not a child anymore, El. You’re independent and you don’t need her. And you certainly don’t need to cave into her stupid demands.” Her usually soft eyes flashed in anger.

  Ella knew that too. All of it. And she’d tried to explain why she felt like she did to Scarlett before, but Scarlett had a hard time processing it. Her family situation was a little more normal and she tried to get it but she just couldn’t. Ella took a breath, tearing her bread apart. “Let’s talk about something else, okay?”

  After searching her face, Scarlett agreed, and eventually, Ella lost the sick feeling. At least for a while. But the dinner invite was the first thing that popped into her head the next morning before she even opened her eyes. She groaned, her stomach cramping at the thought. She hated mornings like this. They reminded her of life after her father passed away.

  That was an even worse thought, so Ella forced her eyes open and spent a few minutes goofing off on her phone before she got out of bed.

  When she was dressed and ready for work, she picked up the phone and dialed, taking several deep breaths while she did so. It was the only way to brace herself to talk to her stepmother. After a couple of rings, the maid answered, and Ella waited while she passed on the news to Sylvia, who was probably still in bed.

  Finally, after a click, Sylvia’s voice slithered over the speaker. “Ella…how lovely of you to finally return my call.”

  Gripping the phone, Ella tried to ignore it the way she did with Angie. Somehow, with Angie, it was easier. “I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner.” She could explain that she was at work and then tired when she got home, but they were just flimsy excuses to Sylvia. Ella could never meet her requirements no matter how hard she’d tried.

  “Well, everyone makes mistakes.” Except her, of course. “I assume you’re responding to my invitation.”

  “Yes, and I’ll be happy to join you for dinner.” That may have been the fakest she ever felt, but she had to say something.

  “Of course. You know what time we eat. Don’t be late.” With that, Ella was dismissed, and the phone clicked and went dead.

  Ella set the phone aside and rested her head on a hand to gain some composure before flying off to work. Regardless of how short the interaction, Ella always felt drained after dealing with her stepmother. And she needed her energy if she was going to be Cedric Pearce’s assistant. Once she felt like she could handle the outside world again, she finished getting ready and headed to the office.

  Cedric Pearce arrived at noon. Ella hoped she might be off the hook when the elevator dinged at the same time Maggie emerged from her office. She winked at Ella as she passed her desk and met Cedric when he stepped out. Maggie showed him to his new office and a short time later, Ella tapped his partially open door, holding files under her other arm.

  Cedric glanced up from his phone in surprise and sat up straight, setting it to the side of the desk. “Yes?” he said, straightening his shirt col

  Ella stepped forward, shifting the folders in her arms. “Ms. Evans thought you’d want to see the company’s reports.”

  Cedric’s eyes glazed over and he stared back at her. When he didn’t respond, Ella set the folders on the desk and readjusted her light blue cardigan. She caught sight of his phone screen before it went black. It looked like one of those easy game apps she’d seen before.

  “Okay…” Cedric’s eyes dropped to the stack of folders as if she’d just placed a bomb on his desk.

  “And if you need anything, contact me here.” She tapped the phone in a corner of the desk and handed him a card with her extension. He took it from between her fingers and Ella smiled, wondering why he looked so out of sorts. He held her gaze, something swirling through his eyes that she couldn’t pin down.

  “Would lunch be too much to ask?”

  Ella blinked, lost for a second in admiring Cedric’s eyes. She felt her cheeks grow warm and clasped her hands. “What would you like?”

  He smiled, making her heart do a little backflip that only made her feel more ridiculous.

  She took his order and filed out of his makeshift office to take care of it, reprimanding herself for getting lost in Cedric’s handsomeness. She was at work and never acted like this.

  On the other hand, no one else she worked with was that attractive.

  Ella picked up the phone to call in the order, mechanically taking care of things. His good looks would wear off eventually and everything would be fine. Totally fine.


  Ella wasn’t part of the plan, Cedric told himself as he walked out of the building. Something in that woman’s eyes had him spellbound. Some mixture of warmth and something else he couldn’t explain, and for a second, Cedric wondered if he’d made a huge mistake showing up at all.


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