Alice's Men

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Alice's Men Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  “Not around here,” Ben said.

  “But you know of others who live in threesomes?” she asked again.

  “Yeah, but they’re a little different,” Landon said, exchanging a look with Ben.

  “Different how?” Alice asked.

  She wasn’t sure how anything could be more different than having a ménage in itself. Surely a ménage was a ménage.

  “Well, the other two we know about are two women and one man,” Ben finally told her.

  “Oh. So not so different than what you’re looking for.”

  “The two women are lovers, as well,” Landon told her.

  “Ah, I see.”

  So different in that all three of them had sex between them, but with Landon and Ben, the sex would only be between her and them. Well, at least they knew that there were others out there and felt like it could work. She still wasn’t sure about it but was willing to see where it took them.

  They ate, talking about things around town, what they were working on at the garage, and plans for the next week. It wasn’t until they’d returned to the truck that she realized the two men had switched places, with Landon driving and Ben helping her into the truck. He buckled her seatbelt for her and patted her bare knee before closing the door and getting into the back. She liked that they were taking turns without making a big deal over it. It meant that they could share. At least so far.

  “I can’t wait for you to meet Sassy.” Alice waited while Ben unlocked then opened the front door of her house.

  She walked in and headed straight to her office, flipping on lights as she did. When she opened the door, a ball of fur flew past into the living area where the two men stood just inside the door. Sassy immediately climbed up Ben’s jeans and made it all the way up to his shoulder before the big man realized what had hit him.

  “What the fuck?” He turned his head when the kitten started licking his ear. “Get this monster off me.”

  Alice and Landon both laughed as the kitten ran around his shoulder to elude Ben’s grasping hands. It was funny, but Alice took pity on the man and walked behind him to peel the kitten from the back of his neck.

  “She likes you,” she told Ben.

  “Well, I don’t like her. She’s a menace. You should keep her locked up so she doesn’t hurt someone.” Ben wiped at his ear where the kitten had given him a quick bath.

  “She’s just a little kitten, Ben. You’d think you’d just gone a round with a tiger or something,” Landon said, still laughing.

  “Shut the fuck up. I don’t see you holding the damn thing.”

  Alice cuddled the kitten to her chest with a smile. She walked over and handed it to Landon.

  “Wait. I’m not really good with cats. They usually don’t like me for some reason,” he said, putting his hands up.

  “You better hope this one likes you, or we might have problems. Cats and dogs are good judges of personality.” Alice shoved the cat into Landon’s hands.

  To her relief, it curled up and started bathing herself. Evidently, she approved of both men. That was good. She did trust the little animal’s judgment. She’d meant it that dogs and cats usually were right about people.

  “I think she likes you, too, Landon.” Alice took the kitten back and carried her into the office, where she deposited the fur ball in her bed. She closed the office door and returned to find the men sitting on the couch talking.

  “Would you like some coffee?” she asked.

  “Yeah, that would be good.” Ben stood. “Want me to help?”

  “I’ve got it, but thanks.” Alice walked into the little kitchen and used the Keurig to brew three cups. She put them on a tray then called out to find out if they needed milk or sugar.

  “None for us,” Landon called back.

  She carried the tray into the living area, only to have Landon take it from her and set it on the coffee table. She took her mug and sat across from them in her favorite chair that she normally curled up to read in.

  “This is good. What kind is it?” Landon asked.

  “It’s a Green Mountain brand.”

  “Better than the crap we brew. Have to break down and get one of those fancy machines you’ve got,” Ben said.

  “So, were you comfortable going out tonight?” Landon asked her.

  “Yeah, I was. I honestly didn’t think much of it. I wouldn’t have known if anyone noticed the three of us or not,” she admitted.

  “No one really looked our way,” Ben said. “I was watching. I don’t want you to ever feel threatened by being in a relationship with us, babe.”

  “I don’t think it’ll be a problem until people notice that we’re always together. That might start to turn some heads, but maybe no one will honestly care one way or another. Life is so much more relaxed than it used to be.” At least Alice hoped that was the case.

  While she wouldn’t like it if people talked about her, she wouldn’t back out of a relationship unless she was happy with it. They could all go to hell as far as she was concerned. It wouldn’t matter to her job since she worked from home, but she was a little worried about the guys’ shop. She couldn’t help but wonder if they’d really thought about it and how it could affect them. They’d said it wouldn’t matter, but were they right?

  “So, would you go out to Harry’s with us next Saturday after eating?” Landon asked.

  “What’s Harry’s?” she asked.

  “It’s a bar on the edge of town. They usually have a live band on Saturday nights. Normally we go and have a few beers and shoot pool or just listen to the band,” Landon explained.

  “I bet you picked up some women there, as well,” she hinted.

  “Well, fuck,” Ben said and ran a hand over his head, musing his hair in the process.

  “Um, there’ll probably be some women there we’ve gone out with, but they don’t mean anything, Alice. You do,” Landon said, looking over at his friend.

  “Just say it, Landon. We fucked a few of them. Hell, we’ve fucked quite a few of them separately and together. She needs to know,” Ben said when Landon started to hit him on the arm.

  “He’s right, Landon. If I’m going to go places with you where you’ve dated other women, I need to know what to expect because women talk. They’re going to want to rub it in that they’ve been there first or tell me that I don’t know what I’m getting into. Stuff like that.” Alice crossed her legs, noticing that Ben followed the movement with his eyes, a hungry expression in them.

  She rolled her lips inward to keep from smiling at the knowledge that he wanted her. It felt good to be wanted and thought about as sexy. Too many times in her life she’d felt less than that. Especially when she’d felt good about herself, only to have someone cut into her self-esteem. She never wanted to feel that way again, and for some reason, Alice was pretty sure that would never happen with the two men in front of her.

  “He could have put it better,” Landon said, his voice just short of a growl.

  “He can be blunt, but I know where I stand with him. I like that. If he says something I don’t like, I’ll tell him. Hell, I’ll probably show him with my pointed shoe up his ass.” Alice grinned at the shocked expressions on their faces.

  “Well then. I guess I won’t worry too much about what he says.” Landon leaned back.

  “Oh, yes you will. It’s what you do. I don’t see you stopping from trying to censure him,” Alice told him with a smile.

  “I’d never have much to say if I wasn’t always trying to explain what Ben meant so that we don’t get slapped every time he opens his big mouth,” Landon told her.

  “You act like I can’t open my mouth without fucking up,” Ben said.

  “Well, that’s just about true.”

  “That’s enough, guys. I have a feeling I’m going to be playing referee between you two a lot.” Alice shook her head at them.

  “So, will you go with us?” Ben asked again.

  “Yeah. I like to dance and listen to music. It sou
nds like fun.” Alice meant it.

  “Well, Landon will do most of the dancing with you. I’m not very good with anything fancy.” Ben’s mouth dropped into a grimace of sorts.

  “In other words,” Landon began, “he can manage to sway to a slow song, but don’t ask him to move his feet or he ends up stepping on yours or some other poor soul’s.”

  Alice lifted her eyebrows as she looked over at Ben.

  “Nothing I can say. He’s right. I’m pretty dangerous on the dance floor.” Ben’s face actually pinkened a bit as his face softened into a wince.

  “We can sway on the edge of the dance floor then. You’re not getting away without giving me a few dances. It’s the least you can do if I’m going to have to fight off the women you’ve been with.” She winked at Landon.

  “I think I can manage that,” Ben said.

  “I hope you won’t have any trouble out of anyone we’ve been with in the past. All they wanted was to see what it would be like to be with two men. None of them were interested in anything long term. We’d made it clear in the beginning that we weren’t going to date them separately,” Landon explained.

  “I can handle myself. Don’t worry. I’m more worried about the three of us learning to trust each other and if this will last.” Alice didn’t miss the worry that flowed from Ben’s face to his friend’s.

  “We aren’t going to change our minds,” Ben said.

  “We know we like you already, Alice. Yeah, somewhere down the road, the three of us might decide that we just don’t fit, but it won’t be because we aren’t committed to sharing a woman between us. It’s in our blood.” Landon rubbed at his face with one hand. “We both liked you almost from the beginning. Getting to know you has only made it clearer to us that you could be the one for us.”

  “I like both of you guys, a lot. I don’t know where this will lead, but I’m willing to give it my best shot. Just remember that we’re going to have differences.” She pointed over toward Ben. “Especially you and me.”

  “Why you and me?” Ben actually looked stricken.

  “Because you’re very bossy. I don’t like being bossed around. So, expect there to be some fireworks between us,” she said.

  Landon chuckled. “I like a little fireworks when I’m not the one in trouble. Makes for some hot makeup sex.”

  “I’m only bossy when it comes to your safety and health,” Ben said with a frown pulling at the corners of his mouth.

  “I call bullshit,” Alice said.

  “What?” Ben asked.

  “You got all up in arms when you thought I had someone move in with me. Then, when you found out it was only a kitten, you got bossy about it, as well. We’re going to butt heads.”

  “Well, fuck. I don’t want you hurt, and that kitten can do a lot of damage if you’re not careful.” Ben crossed his arms, defiance evident by the stiffness of his shoulders.

  “Admit it, Ben. That kitten isn’t anything for me to worry about. You’re just worried that I’ll like it more than you.”

  “Am the fuck not! It’s just a ball of fur,” Ben bellowed.

  “Don’t wake up that ball of fur, or I’ll have it out here for you to deal with,” Alice teased.

  “Oh, hell no. I’m not taking care of that nuisance.” Ben shook his head.

  “All I’m saying is that you’ve got to give a little sometimes. Otherwise, it will never work between us. Okay?” Alice asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll try. I’m not good with compromising when I think I’m right,” Ben mumbled.

  “Sometimes it takes it to make a relationship work. That goes double for one like what you’re wanting.” Alice picked up the empty coffee cups and carried them back to the kitchen. She’d deal with them later.

  Ben and Landon were standing near the front door when she returned.

  “We’d better go now, let you get some rest. We’re going to keep you out late next Saturday night though,” Landon told her.

  “I had a good time, guys. Thanks for taking me to the steak house,” she said.

  Landon pulled her into a hug and brushed a light kiss across her lips.

  “The pleasure was all ours. You look hot in that cute yellow dress. If we don’t go now, I’m not sure that dress would stay on you much longer,” he said.

  Ben took her from Landon when the other man had released his hold. His intense gaze caught hers before he lowered his head and kissed her more like she’d expected from them, hard and deep and oh so tempting. He got her motor running as her pussy clenched at the promise that kiss made. If she let him, Ben would have her naked and bent over the arm of the couch in seconds.

  Yeah, she would enjoy it, too, but it was too soon, so she kissed him back then pulled away. She wasn’t the least bit surprised to find that she was panting a little.

  “You make me want to say to hell with going slow, Ben, but we need to. This is too important to rush in,” Alice said.

  “Yeah. As much as I hate to say it, you’re right,” Ben told her.

  “We’ll see you Tuesday at lunch,” Landon said.

  “Tuesday at lunch,” she repeated.

  Ben opened the door, and then Landon closed it behind them. The soft knock reminded her to lock up behind them. She smiled. Things like that she didn’t mind at all. It was nice to have someone worry about her. Now she seemed to have two somebodies.

  Chapter Eleven

  Saturday rolled around faster than Alice was sure she was ready for. Their brief lunch dates had been fun and lighthearted for the most part. When she’d bring up the kitten, Ben got all out of shape, but she was easily able to coax him out of it. She wasn’t sure why the kitten bothered him so much. It didn’t seem to be an issue with Landon.

  Spending time with both of them didn’t seem to bother her one bit. She liked them both, and they were so different that no topic was boring. She liked that about them, as well. Their differences.

  Face it. I like them for who they are and because they’re sexy as hell. There’s not an ounce of fat on either of them, and they’re so down to earth I can’t help but like them.

  Alice had already come to realize that she’d have to watch herself or she’d fall in love with them before she was sure the relationship had any possibility of working between them. Three people under one roof always brought some angst with it. She wasn’t sure how living with two men who were also her lovers would work out. Marriage between two people no longer seemed to work these days. The divorce rate was sky-high. She didn’t want to go into any relationship with the knowledge that if things didn’t work out she could just get a divorce. She wanted to believe it would work. That went for this one, as well.

  Since they were going to a bar after dinner, she decided on jeans and a nice blouse along with her comfortable pair of cowboy boots. She hoped there would be lots of dancing involved. Alice really loved to dance. She knew that Landon would dance with her but was already gearing up for a battle to get Ben to dance with her, as well.

  What was it about the big man that made her want to push his buttons? She loved riling him up. He got so he-man-ish and pouty. It was cute. She was sure that deep down beneath that gruff, almost angry demeanor there was a soft teddy bear or, at the very least, an amiable mountain lion. Alice wanted to pull it out of him and wrap herself up in it. A man like that was worth getting to know. Yeah, it might be tough going to learn anything from him, but she was sure he’d be worth the effort.

  Then there was Landon. He was the sort of laid-back person you could talk with just about anything and he’d listen. Really listen. She was sure he’d be the one leading the conversations since Ben tended not to say much. That was okay with her. She liked talking with Landon. Then again, once they were at the bar, talk would be difficult with the music.

  She smiled as she brushed her hair in an attempt to tame some of the curls. She was leaving it down since putting it up didn’t really help the wildness. Besides, she could tell that Ben liked it down from the way he had stared at the m
ess the last time they’d been out. She thought she’d seen him reach to touch the curls a couple of times.

  I sure hope I’m not making a mistake dating both of them like this.

  Well, it was too late now. She’d committed herself to seeing where the relationship went. She wasn’t a quitter or a tease. She’d see it through for as long as they were interested or unless it got to be too hard to handle.

  The sound of the doorbell startled her, and she dropped the brush.

  “Darn. I can’t believe I’m this nervous.”

  She’d already been out with them several times now. She shouldn’t be so jumpy.

  Alice peeked in on the kitten and found it asleep despite the ringing doorbell. She checked to see who it was then opened the door to Ben standing there without Landon.

  “Hey. I’m ready.” She stepped through the doorway and handed her key to Ben to lock up.

  “Landon’s in the truck. We’re going to the pizza place to eat then on to the bar if that’s okay with you,” Ben said.

  She smiled up at the big man. “Sounds good. I’m hungry for pizza today for some reason. I guess I was anticipating possibly eating it tonight.”

  The touch of Ben’s hand at the small of her back sent chills across her arms that had nothing to do with the cooling night air. She’d brought a sweater in case she got chilled, but the heat from Ben’s hand was enough to warm her all over. It all but seared the skin beneath her blouse.

  He helped her into the truck, made sure her seatbelt was buckled, then climbed into the back seat. Landon leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  “How are you doing tonight?” he asked.

  “Good. Ben says we’re going to have pizza. I’m famished.”

  “Great. We are, too. Didn’t get lunch today since we had a couple of trucks that needed done right away. We worked till five then had to rush home to get ready,” Landon told her.

  “Oh. We could have left later if you needed more time. I hate that you had to rush around on my account,” Alice said.

  “We didn’t rush that much. No reason to make her think it was a problem, Landon. It wasn’t a fucking problem.” Ben reached up and popped the other man on the arm.


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