The UnFolding Collection Two

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The UnFolding Collection Two Page 44

by S. K. Randolph

  A guard knelt and offered an arm. Karrew hopped on and tilted his head to show the single white feather at the base of his neck.

  The DeoNyte stood up. “She’s in her quarters.”

  Karrew took flight and winged his way down the tunnel that would take him to the woman he had protected since her infancy. At his approach, the curtain at the entrance to her quarters whipped aside. His heartbeat quickened. Almiralyn appeared. He landed on her arm, reveling in the beauty of her smile and the intense wonder of her presence.

  “I have missed you,” she said. “Did you find Allynae? Is he unharmed? How are the children?”

  He flew to the back of a chair and flapped his wings. “So many questions when all I want is to look at you.”

  She laughed. “I know, my dearest friend. I long for time together, as well, but things move too fast.”

  He bobbed his head up and down in agreement. “Allynae is safe.” After a quick account of his rescue and Nichi’s subsequent capture, he made his report on the whereabouts of the children, and although she knew about the kidnapping of WoNa, he gave her a message from Wolloh. “Nissasa has stolen the Oracle Stone. Use Elcaro’s Eye with great care.”

  “Gerolyn and Nomed arrived earlier and shared that piece of information. It explains the increase in Nissasa’s power. Does WoNa still have her snake?”

  “No. The kidnappers left it for dead. Nichi found it. One Man revived it.”

  “Then she is truly blind and more vulnerable than even Nissasa knows. If he were to gain control of her, as well, it could have a catastrophic impact on The Unfolding. You must return to DerTah. Too much is at stake for you to remain here.”

  She ran her hand down his back and planted a kiss on his head. He cawed and ruffled his feathers. “Who supports you with One Man and Allynae in DerTah?”

  “Nomed has chosen to stay here.”

  “The DiMensioner is here?”

  “He is a man of great power, Karrew, and he is pledged to protect Myrrh.”

  “You trust him?”

  “Until he proves unworthy…which I doubt will occur. The Unfolding has worked its magic on him. I think you will like the changes. Now go. There is too little time to do all that is necessary.” She pulled the curtain open.

  Karrew fluffed his neck feathers. “Take care. I will return when I can.”

  Enlivened by his visit, he soared down the tunnel, shot past the two guards, and entered the portal. Time tugged at his feathers and tossed him from the vortex under the light of the three moons of DerTah.

  Far from the Dojanack Caverns near the Demrach Gateway in the Terces Wood, Stee, the emerald Pentharian, crept through the forest in panther form. Kieel had informed him that a traitor called Stich was headed his way. Jeet also sent word that he had downed one of his targets, which left two men at large and one man standing guard by the portal. Mondago’s soldiers were within striking distance, but time was running out. If one traitor made it into the vortex, Nissasa would know Mondago still lived and had gained access to his plans.

  Quiet breathing and the odor of sweat warned Stee of a Human nearby. Flaring his nostrils, he swung his head in the direction of the scent and peered through the underbrush. Almost directly in front of him, the man called Stich crouched behind large-leafed ferns. Lorsedi’s man stood guard a few paces further on. Stich ducked beneath a low branch and bolted closer to the portal.

  Stee shifted to bat and darted after him. A tiny claw snagged on a thread of the man’s uniform jacket, left it struggling to get free. Stich shook like a dog, dropped to the ground, and rolled on his back. Stee shifted to panther and leveraged him into the air with powerful paws. Shifting to dragonfly, he shot upwards. Stich slammed into a stump and came to his feet, frantically searching the woods for his adversary. He gave a growl, loped towards the gateway, and slouched down nearer to Lorsedi’s man. Shooting a look over his shoulder, he dodged around a tree and lunged. Lorsedi’s soldier went down. With the help of the second guard, he pinned the man to the ground. Well-placed kicks rendered him unconscious.

  Stich yanked his comrade to his feet and pushed him toward the vortex. The man stumbled, slapped at something on his neck, and slumped to the ground. Stich took one frantic look round the clearing, raced for the portal, and jumped.

  Stee shifted to panther and leapt after him into the vortex. The destination point came into view. Stich flailed in front of it. Stee tensed for the exit and landed just short of where his prey fought to recover his footing. Crouching for the kill, he attacked. The man beneath him gave a terrified cry. Stee silenced him with a paw to the head and teeth filled with venom sinking into his neck.

  A shout warned of company. Shifting to his Pentharian form, he picked Stich up and slung him over his shoulder. Without a backward glance, he leapt into the portal, hoping the sand covering his emerald-scaled lower body had provided enough camouflaged to confuse whoever followed.

  When he hit the ground in the clearing in the Terces Wood, armed soldier’s circled the portal. Their expressions and their weapons aimed at his chest told him they did not know that Pentharian mercenaries helped in the battle to protect Myrrh.

  Grantese Tesilend pushed his way through the ranks. “I saw you with Mondago.”

  “I am called Stee. I owe my allegiance to the Guardian of Myrrh. This man fought for Nissasa Rattori.”

  The soldier Stich had tackled rested with his back against a tree. Indicating the gateway with a bloodied hand, he said, “I saw him follow Stich into the portal.”

  Behind Stee the vortex began to spin. Two men pulled him into the trees. He laid Stich on the ground and crouched between them. Their comrades melted into hiding, leaving the clearing empty and silent. The spin in the vortex accelerated. One after the other, four soldiers leapt free of the portal and took up a defensive stance.

  Lorsedi’s men stepped from the trees, weapons aimed and ready. Soldier faced soldier, neither group willing to take the first step in a battle that could kill a comrade. After a tense moment, the highest ranking of the four new arrivals knelt, put his weapon on the ground, and slowly returned to standing. His companions followed his lead.

  “We are here to see Tinpaca Mondago,” said the first man. “If you are his enemies, kill us now. If you are loyal to Lorsedi, take us to the Tinpaca.”

  Tesilend took a step forward. “I am Grantese Tesilend. Come with us peacefully, and we’ll let Mondago decide what is to be done with you.”

  The four nodded their agreement. Mondago’s men gathered up their firearms and prepared to escort them to camp.

  Stee moved into the clearing. “Grantese Tesilend, may I speak?”

  The Grantese waved him forward.

  “Besides the man in custody, four unconscious traitors lie in the woods. The only one who is dead is the man who escaped through the portal. I am sorry. In the event we were captured, I could not leave him alive to tell Nissasa that Mondago lives.”

  Tesilend dispatched two men to secure the traitors and bring them back to camp. Two more were ordered to stand guard at the portal. He returned his attention to Stee. “You’d better come with us but not in your natural form.” He turned to his men. “Until Mondago gives the word, no one here has ever seen a Pentharian. Am I clear?”

  A chorused “yes, sir” confirmed his order, and then they were on the move. Stee shifted to a dragonfly and landed on Tesilend’s shoulder. Life, indeed, was a gift not to be taken lightly.

  Almiralyn splashed water on her face and ran a brush through her hair. With deft fingers, she wove its length into a single, thick braid. Small, uncomplicated actions always refreshed her, and right now she needed to revitalize her energy and her brain. To that end, she picked up a piece of fruit from a dish by her bed, settled in a chair, and bit into it. Relishing the sweet, tangy taste, she reviewed both the discussion in Yookotay’s council chamber and Karrew’s news.

  Spending time with her personal guardian had given her a moment’s respite from her worries. She sighe
d and savored another sweet bite. If I could have thought of a good reason to keep you with me, Karrew, I would not have let you return to DerTah. Unfortunately, you’re needed there more than I need you here.

  WoNa’s capture worried her more than she cared to admit. Nissasa’s theft of the Oracle Stone compounded the seriousness of the situation in Myrrh and DerTah. The sooner the Atrilaasu Oracle’s rescue is accomplished, the better. Regaining control of the Stone will be more difficult. Nissasa will not let it out of his sight.

  Gratitude for Allynae’s rescue had left her light-headed with relief. Nichi’s capture by the LaTiru forced her to anchor her thoughts in the present. The LaTiru cannot be trusted to keep their word. For them, sacrifice is an addiction. If their lust for blood takes over … She refused to even think about that possibility. It made her wonder at the workings of the Human mind and whether The Unfolding would be able to shift humanity’s killing mania.

  The exchange of information at the round table had been fruitful. Yuin and Jordett were on their way to the RewFaaran camp. Jordett would be taking the place of Mondago’s adjutant by the Tinpaca’s request via Voer. Yuin would join Jeet to continue guarding the Demrach Portal, while Stee acted as a guard and advisor to Mondago and Jordett. Voer would be returning to DerTah with Gerolyn to make his report to Lorsedi.

  Another bite of her pommeletta made her smile. She chewed the luscious pulp thoughtfully. Today's biggest surprise… Nomed wishes to remain with me to help defend Myrrh. The Unfolding works in such mysterious ways. Now…how to deal with Wilith Whalend? She swallowed and stared beyond the half eaten pommeletta. His inability to shift makes him a liability. As much as he wants to deliver Nissasa’s message to Torgin, getting him there creates problems for which I have no solutions. Until Lorsedi captures and holds the desert portal, I can’t send Wilith to DerTah.

  Zugo had arrived during the middle of the meeting. Nissasa had found Elcaro’s Eye. She was headed there now to put wards up around the fountain. Shutting it down would leave her blind again. Nomed would join her. Between them, she felt certain, they could set up an energy field that would obscure the Eye from outsiders.

  Finishing the last mouthful of fruit, she filled her obsidian chalice and drank the cool mountain water. She arrived at the Council Chamber to find Nomed ready to leave for Veersuni. After a brief exchange with Yookotay, she led the DiMensioner down the tunnel to the door at the top of Retu Erath.

  “I suggest we fly,” she said.

  He stepped onto the landing and gazed into the cavern. “I have not yet passed the test of Tennisca. Will the ancients allow me to fly?”

  “Perhaps you should make the journey on foot, Seyes. I will be at the bottom to welcome you to Canedari.”

  “What if…”

  She smiled. “You won’t fail. I’ll see you at the bottom.” Stepping onto the stairs, she shifted, her heart filled with the delight of flying.

  Nomed watched her white form fade into the darkness, surprised by how easily they had developed a cordial relationship. Even so, the small boy in him wanted to please her. The man that he had become wanted her to respect him, his training, and his talent. He shoved the thoughts away and began his descent down the stairs of true heart.

  The quiet of the cavern stifled the sounds of his breathing and heartbeat, but accentuated the slap of his footsteps on stone. A gentle breeze cooled his cheeks. He was eleven again, standing in front of the mirror into Myrrh. When he cut his cheek, his world had become a muffled, muted, and colorless place.

  Whispering voices called him from that other time and sang him a song of beauty and wonder. His mother’s voice joined the ancients. She sang to him of love and gentleness. She apologized for her inability to protect him from his father’s rage. Her last words, ‘I love you, Davin,’ echoed in his heart long after the sound faded into the depths of the Cavern of Tennisca.

  The whispered voices stilled. The air grew rich with the scents of life, the feel of his breath, and the profound resonance of the galaxies. Last, as though a curtain had been drawn back, vibrant color flooded his senses. Astonishment and wonder propelled him down the stairs. The double doors stood open. Almiralyn waited by the entrance to the Hall of Priestesses.

  She held out her hands. “I see your triumph in your face.”

  He squeezed them and smiled. “How could I have forgotten about color and smell and the feel of life pulsing around me?”

  “It is enough, Seyes, that you have remembered now . Come. I will show you something of great beauty.”

  He followed her through the door at the end of the hall. The elegance of the Reading Room left him breathless. “I only remember this in muted shades of gray.”

  She led him across the threshold of a second door at the far end of the room. “This is Veersuni.”

  He scanned the space—absorbed the splendor of the stained glass window that covered the entire breadth of one wall, the exquisite color of the velvet curtains surrounding three sides of the room, and the two young DeoNytes who stood guard by an alabaster fountain. Their smiles for Almiralyn transformed into wariness with his entrance. Elae, the DeoNyte priestess, observed him with thoughtful interest. Yookotay’s young son, Zugo, glowered.

  Nomed withdrew a gold and sapphire pendant from his pocket. “I believe this belongs to you, Zugo. I don’t expect forgiveness, but I do apologize for my previous behavior.”

  Zugo’s expression remained neutral as he accepted the pendant and cupped his hands around it. “Thank you, sir.”

  A radiant smile brightened Elae’s serious face. “We are glad to have you on our side, Seyes Nomed.”

  Almiralyn gestured toward the door. Elae and Zugo slipped away, leaving him to watch as she waved a hand in front of the spectacular window. The patterned colors fled the glass to hover behind them in front of the curtains. In their framed spaces, the night sky stretched into the expansive magnificence of the Inner Universe. The clarity of his new sight filled him with astonishment as he stared spellbound at its beauty.

  He turned to Elcaro’s Eye. The simple elegance of the fountain reached out to him. Slow, measured steps carried him around it. His newly awakened senses assimilated the alabaster detail of the carved statue kneeling on its rim, the smoothness of the satiny bowl, and the ivy weaving its way up the pedestal. Drops from the statue’s hands created a calming sound that sang in his heart.

  Almiralyn drew him back to observe the effect of the fountain’s white alabaster against the vastness of space. Finally, she spoke. “We have work to do.”

  He closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath. When he opened them, he smiled his crooked smile. “Thank you, Almiralyn, for your willingness to give me a chance. Where do we begin?”

  A clap of her hands sent the hovering color flowing back to the huge window. Old Earth hanging in the sky soaking up the light of its solitary moon took shape as the pieces settled back into place. “We begin,” she said, “at the beginning of things.”

  With one hand in Almiralyn’s and one hand on the rim, he bowed his head. I, Seyes Nomed, DiMensioner od DerTah, share in the creation of shields to protect the fountain Elcaro’s Eye and the last remnant of Earth. He peeked at Almiralyn’s profile and smiled to himself. I have come full circle.


  ConDra’s Fire


  O ne Man lay on a cot in Narrtep’s tent. Allynae had curled up on the floor and fallen asleep soon after Wolloh’s departure. The rest would do him good. His experience with the LaTiru had left him weary. He would need all of his faculties and his energy for what was to come.

  Narrtep had gone to confer with the Atrilaasu in their hiding place beneath the outcropping. He had decided, and One Man agreed, that WoNa would want him to remain with their people.

  The tent flap rustled aside. A splash of moonlight illuminated Corvus; the closing flap erased it and left him in shadow. One Man gave him a moment to adjust to the dark interior before he indicated a cushion next to his cot.

nbsp; “Welcome back. What did you discover on your patrol?”

  Corvus shoved his hood back and settled on the cushion. “The LaTiru are camped south of here. Nissasa and the Sebborr are east. Fire ConDra guard the camp. And there are wards up under the plateau where WoNa is being held. We have a choice to make. The third moon has reached the western horizon, and the sun is beginning its climb on the far side of the planet. We must strike now or wait for nightfall.”

  Allynae’s voice penetrated the dim interior of the tent. “Wolloh paid us a visit.” Shuffling sounds announced that he was up and fully awake. A cushion landed on the ground by the cot and whooshed under his weight. “Based on his information and your patrol, I suggest we go now. We don’t want to give Nissasa the opportunity to wake her.”

  One Man pulled out the crystal Wolloh had given them and handed it to Corvus. While he studied it, Allynae briefed him on the Fire ConDra.

  Corvus held the crystal to his forehead. “Like all Evolsefil crystals, it is powerful.” It hovered above his hand, floated to One Man, and landed on his palm.

  Allynae shook his head. “Telekinesis…not in my skill set, I’m afraid. As much as Almiralyn would like me to believe that I am her equal…” He shrugged.

  Corvus gave him a sidelong glance. “You gifts are equal, Alli, simply different.”

  One Man curled his fingers around the crystal. “You didn’t happen to find the outer entrance to the caves under the plateau, did you?”

  “I did. There are no wards. Two soldiers guard it.”

  “How do we deal with guards without raising an alarm?” Allynae asked.

  Corvus loosened the top two ties on his kcalo. “I managed to subdue a guard at the outskirts of the camp and ‘borrow’ his uniform. Once we’re past the Fire ConDra, I’ll change my appearance to resemble his. With luck, I can deal with the guards quietly.”


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