Into India. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1999.
Acetylene. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2001.
Brindle Embers. Wellington: Thumbprint Press, 2002.
Nine Poems. Wellington: Fernbank Studio, 2002.
Vanilla Wine. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2003.*
White Nights. Wellington: Thumbprint Press, 2004.
Hypnic Jerks. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.
‘That Winter with Celeste.’ Sport, 36 (Winter 2008).*
The Worm in the Tequila. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2010.
William Colenso
The Authentic and Genuine History of the Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand, February 5 and 6, 1840: being a faithful and circumstantial, though brief, narration of events which happened on that memorable occasion: with copies of the Treaty in English and Maori and of the three early proclamations respecting the founding of the colony. Wellington: Government Printer, 1890;* Christchurch: Capper Press, 1971.
Glenn Colquhoun
The Art of Walking Upright. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 1999.*
An Explanation of Poetry to my Father. Illus. Nikki Slade Robinson. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2001.
Playing God. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2002.
Jumping Ship. Wellington: Four Winds Press, 2004.
How We Fell: A Love Story. Illus. Nikki Slade Robinson. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2006.
James Cook
The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery: Volume 1: The Voyage of the ‘Endeavour’ 1768–1771. Ed. J.C. Beaglehole. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press for the Hakluyt Society, 1955.*
Nigel Cox
Waiting for Einstein. Auckland: Benton Ross, 1984.
Dirty Work. Auckland: Benton Ross, 1987.
Skylark Lounge. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2000.
Tarzan Presley. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2004.
Responsibility. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.
The Cowboy Dog. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2006.*
Jungle Rock Blues. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2011.
Ian Cross
The God Boy. London: D.R. Hillman and Sons, 1957; London: Deutsch, 1958.*
The Backward Sex. London: Deutsch, 1960.
After Anzac Day. Christchurch: Whitcoulls, 1979.
The Family Man. Auckland: Vintage, 1993.
Barry Crump
A Good Keen Man. Wellington: Reed, 1960.
Hang On a Minute Mate. Wellington: A.H. and A.W. Reed, 1961.*
Bastards I Have Met: An ABC of Bastardry. Auckland: Crump Productions, 1971.
The Adventures of Sam Cash. Auckland: Beckett, 1985.
Wild Pork and Watercress. Auckland: Beckett, 1986.
Allen Curnow
Valley of Decision. Phoenix Miscellany, no. 1. Auckland: Auckland University College Students’ Association Press, 1933.
Poetry and Language. Christchurch: Caxton Club Press, 1935.
Three Poems. Christchurch: Caxton Club Press, 1935.
Enemies: Poems 1934–1936: Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1937.
Not in Narrow Seas: Poems with Prose. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1939.
Island & Time. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1941.
Sailing or Drowning. Wellington: Progressive Publishing Society, 1943.
A Book of New Zealand Verse 1923–45. Chosen by Allen Curnow. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1945; rev. with additional poems, 1923–1950. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1951.
Jack Without Magic. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1946.
At Dead Low Water & Sonnets. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1949.
The Axe: A Verse Tragedy. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1949.
Poems, 1949–57. Wellington: Mermaid Press, 1957.
The Penguin Book of New Zealand Verse. Ed. and intro. Allen Curnow. London: Penguin, 1960; Auckland: Blackwood & Janet Paul, under licence from Penguin, 1966.
A Small Room with Large Windows: Selected Poems. London: Oxford University Press, 1962.
Four Plays. Wellington: A.H. & A.W. Reed, 1972.
Trees, Effigies, Moving Objects: A Sequence of 18 Poems. Wellington: Catspaw Press, 1972.
An Abominable Temper and Other Poems. Wellington: Catspaw Press, 1973.
Collected Poems 1933–1973. Wellington: A.H. & A.W. Reed, 1974.
An Incorrigible Music: A Sequence of Poems. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1979.
Allen Curnow: Selected Poems. Auckland: Penguin, 1982.
You Will Know When You Get There: Poems 1979–1981. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1982.
The Loop in Lone Kauri Road: Poems 1983–1985. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1986.
Look Back Harder: Critical Writings 1935–1984. Ed. Peter Simpson. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1987.
Continuum: New and Later Poems 1972–1988. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1988.
Selected Poems 1940–1989. London: Viking, 1990; also included in the International Poets paperback series, London: Penguin, 1990.
Looking West, Late Afternoon, Low Water. Auckland: Holloway Press, 1994.
Penguin Modern Poets 7 with Donald Davie and Samuel Menashe. London: Penguin, 1996.
The Scrap-Book. Wellington: Wai-te-ata Press, 1996.
Early Days Yet: New and Selected Poems, 1941–1997. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Manchester: Carcanet, 1997.*
The Bells of Saint Babel’s. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Manchester: Carcanet, 2001.*
Wystan Curnow
Back in the USA: Poems 1980–82. Auckland: Blacklight Press, 1989.
Cancer Daybook. Auckland: Vanguard Xpress, 1989.*
Castor Bay: Pictures & Proses. Auckland: Holloway Press, 1996.
Modern Colours. Auckland: Jack Books, 2005.
Ruth Dallas
Country Road and Other Poems, 1947–1952. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1953.
The Turning Wheel. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1961.
Day Book. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1966.
Shadow Show: Poems. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1968.
Song for a Guitar and Other Poems. Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1976.
Walking on the Snow: Poems. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1976.
Steps of the Sun: Poems. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1979.
Collected Poems. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 1987; 2nd edn 2000.*
Dan Davin
Cliffs of Fall. London: Nicholson and Watson, 1945.
The Gorse Blooms Pale. London: Nicholson & Watson, 1947.
The Sullen Bell. London: M. Joseph, 1956.
No Remittance. London: M. Joseph, 1959.
Not Here, Not Now. London: Hale, 1970.
Breathing Spaces. London: Hale, 1975.
Closing Times. London; New York: Oxford University Press, 1975.
Selected Stories. Wellington: Victoria University Press with Price Milburn; London: Robert Hale, 1981.*
The Gorse Blooms Pale: Dan Davin’s Southland Stories. Ed. Janet Wilson. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2007.
Leigh Davis
Willy’s Gazette. Wellington: Jack Books, 1983;* 2nd edn, 1999.
Saying Mass., 1991.
With Wystan Curnow (eds). Te Tangi a te Matui. Auckland: Jack Books, 1999.
General Motors., 2000.
The Book of Hours., 2001.
Stunning Debut of the Repairing of a Life. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 2010.
Kate De Goldi
Sanctuary. Auckland: Penguin, 1986.
[As Kate Flannery]. Like You, Really. Auckland: Penguin, 1994.
Love, Charlie Mike. Auckland: Penguin, 1997.
Closed, Stranger. Auckland: Penguin, 1999.
The 10PM Question. Dunedin: Longacre Press,
Stephanie de Montalk
Animals Indoors. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2000.
The Scientific Evidence of Dr Wang. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2002.
Cover Stories. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.
Vivid Familiar. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2009.*
Rod Derrett
Puha and Pakeha. Wellington: His Master’s Voice (7EGM.6093), c. 1965.*
Jean Devanny
The Butcher Shop. London: Duckworth, 1926; New York: Macaulay, 1926; intro. H. Roberts, with a note by Bill Pearson on its banning. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1981.*
Point of Departure: The Autobiography of Jean Devanny. Ed. Carole Ferrier. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1986.*
Alfred Domett
Poems. London: Henry Leggatt, 1833.
Venice. London: Saunders and Otley, 1839.
Ranolf and Amohia: A South-Sea Day-Dream. London: Smith, Elder, 1872;* rev. edn with new subtitle, A Dream of Two Lives. London: Kegan Paul, 1883.
Flotsam and Jetsam: Rhymes Old and New. London: Smith, Elder, 1877.
Yvonne du Fresne
Farvel and Other Stories. Wellington: Victoria University Press with Price Milburn, 1980.
The Book of Ester. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1982.
The Growing of Astrid Westergaard and Other Stories. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1985.
Frederique. Auckland: Penguin, 1987.
The Bear from the North: Tales of a New Zealand Childhood. London: Women’s Press, 1989.*
Motherland: A Novel. Auckland: Penguin, 1996.
Marilyn Duckworth
A Gap in the Spectrum. London: Hutchinson, 1959.
The Matchbox House. London: Hutchinson, 1960.
A Barbarous Tongue. London: Hutchinson, 1963.
Over the Fence Is Out. London: Hutchinson, 1969.
Other Lovers’ Children: Poems 1958–74. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1975.
Disorderly Conduct. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1984.
Married Alive. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1985.
Rest for the Wicked. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1986.
Pulling Faces. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1987.
Explosions on the Sun. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1989.*
A Message from Harpo. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1989.
Seeing Red. Auckland: Vintage, 1993.
Fooling. Christchurch: Hazard Press, 1994.
Leather Wings. Auckland: Vintage, 1995.
Studmuffin. Auckland: Vintage, 1997.
Swallowing Diamonds. Auckland: Vintage, 2003.
Playing Friends. Auckland: Vintage, 2007.
Eileen Duggan
New Zealand Bird Songs. Dunedin: Harry H. Tombs, 1929.
Poems. London: Allen & Unwin, 1937.
New Zealand Poems. London: Allen & Unwin, 1940.
More Poems. London: Allen & Unwin, 1951.
Selected Poems. Ed. Peter Whiteford. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1994.*
Maurice Duggan
Immanuel’s Land: Stories. Auckland: Pilgrim Press, 1956.
Summer in the Gravel Pit. Auckland: Longman; London: Gollancz, 1965.
O’Leary’s Orchard and Other Stories. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1970.
Collected Stories. Ed. and intro. C.K. Stead. Auckland: Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1981.*
Kate Duignan
Breakwater. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2001.
‘Four Reasons to Come to Scotland.’ Sport, 28 (Winter 2008).*
Lauris Edmond
In Middle Air. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1975.
The Pear Tree. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1977.
Salt from the North. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1980.
Wellington Letter: A Sequence of Poems. Wellington: Mallinson Rendel, 1980.
Catching It. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1983.
Selected Poems. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1984.
Seasons and Creatures. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Summer Near the Arctic Circle. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1988.
New and Selected Poems. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1991.*
Selected Poems, 1975–1994. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Murray Edmond
Entering the Eye. Dunedin: Caveman Press, 1973.
‘Psyche at the Beginning of Spring.’ Mate (1975); in Big Smoke: New Zealand Poems 1960–1975. Ed. Alan Brunton, Murray Edmond and Michele Leggott. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2000.*
Patchwork. Eastbourne: Hawk Press, 1978.
End Wall. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1981.*
Letters and Paragraphs. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1987.
From the Word Go. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1992.
The Switch. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1994.
Laminations. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2000.
Fool Moon. Photographs by Joanna Forsberg. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2004.
David Eggleton
Dole Bait. Drawings by the author. Auckland: Lancaster Publishing, 1982.
The Mad Kiwi Ranter: New Comic & Political Poems. Auckland: X-pressit, 1983.
South Pacific Sunrise. Auckland: Penguin, 1986.*
After Tokyo. Drawings by Robin Conway. Auckland: Earl of Seacliff Art Workshop, 1987.
People of the Land. Auckland: Penguin, 1988.*
Empty Orchestra. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1995.
Rhyming Planet. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2001.
Fast Talker. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.
Stevan Eldred-Grigg
Oracles and Miracles. Auckland: Penguin, 1987.*
The Siren Celia. Auckland: Penguin, 1989.
The Shining City. Auckland: Penguin, 1991.
Mum. Auckland: Penguin, 1995.
Shanghai Boy. Auckland: Vintage, 2006.
A.R.D. Fairburn
He Shall Not Rise. London: Columbia Press, 1930.
Dominion. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1938.
Poems 1929–1941. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1943.
How to Ride a Bicycle in Seventeen Lovely Colours. Auckland: Pelorus Press, 1946.
The Rakehelly Man and Other Verses. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1946.
Strange Rendezvous: Poems 1929–1941, with Additions. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1952.
Three Poems: Dominion, The Voyage, and To a Friend in the Wilderness. Wellington: New Zealand University Press, 1952.
The Disadvantages of Being Dead and Other Sharp Verses. Wellington: Mermaid Press, 1958.
Collected Poems. Ed. Denis Glover. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1966.
Selected Poems. Ed. Mac Jackson. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1995.*
Fiona Farrell
Cutting Out. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1987.*
The Rock Garden: Stories. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1989.
The Skinny Louie Book. Auckland: Penguin, 1992.*
Six Clever Girls Who Became Famous Women. Auckland: Penguin, 1996.
The Inhabited Initial. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1999.
Light Readings: Stories. Auckland: Vintage, 2001.
The Hopeful Traveller. Auckland: Vintage, 2002.
Book Book. Auckland: Vintage, 2004.
Mr. Allbones’ Ferrets: An Historical Pastoral Satirical Scientifical Romance, with Mustelids. Auckland: Vintage, 2007.
The Pop-up Book of Invasions. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.
Limestone. Auckland: Vintage, 2009.
The Broken Book. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2011.
Cliff Fell
The Adulterer’s Bible. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2003.*
‘The M at the End of the Earth.’ Best New Zealand Poems 2007. Ed. Paula Green. Wellington: International Institute of Modern L
etters, 2007.*
Beauty of the Badlands. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2008.
Sia Figiel
The Girl in the Moon Circle. Suva, Fiji: Mana Publications, 1996.
Where We Once Belonged. Auckland: Pasifika Press, 1996.*
They Who Do Not Grieve. Auckland: Vintage, 1999.
Anne French
All Cretans Are Liars. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1987.
The Male As Evader. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1988.*
Cabin Fever. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1990.*
Seven Days on Mykonos. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993.
Boys’ Night Out. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1998.
Wild. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2004.
The Front Lawn
‘Tomorrow Night.’ Songs from the Front Lawn. Auckland: Front Lawn Records (FLCD 200), 1989.*
A.P. Gaskell
The Big Game and Other Stories. Christchurch: [s.n.], 1947.
All Part of the Game: The Stories of A.P. Gaskell. Ed. and intro. R.A. Copland. Auckland: Auckland University Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.*
Maurice Gee
The Big Season. London: Hutchinson, 1962.*
In My Father’s Den. London: Faber & Faber, 1962.
A Special Flower. London: Hutchinson, 1965.
A Glorious Morning, Comrade. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1975.
Games of Choice. London: Faber & Faber, 1976.
Plumb. London: Faber & Faber, 1978.*
Meg. London: Faber & Faber, 1981.
Sole Survivor. London; Boston: Faber & Faber, 1983.
Collected Stories. Auckland: Penguin, 1986.*
Prowlers. Auckland: Viking, 1987.
The Burning Boy. London: Faber & Faber, 1990.
Going West. Auckland: Viking, 1992.
Crime Story. Auckland: Penguin, 1994.
Loving Ways. Auckland: Penguin, 1996.
Live Bodies. Auckland: Penguin, 1998.
The Scornful Moon. Auckland: Penguin, 2003.
Blindsight: A novel. Auckland: Penguin, 2005.
Denis Glover
Thistledown. Christchurch: Caxton Club Press, 1935.
Six Easy Ways of Dodging Debt Collectors. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1936.
Thirteen Poems. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1939.
Cold Tongue. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1940.
D Day. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1944.
The Wind and the Sand: Poems 1934–1944. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1945.
Summer Flowers. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1946.
Sings Harry and Other Poems. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1951.
The Auckland University Press Anthology of New Zealand Literature Page 151