Ride of her Life: Lust to Love Series

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Ride of her Life: Lust to Love Series Page 2

by Kate Cabrera

  “Let’s sit,” he said and gently grabbed my shoulders. He pulled me away from the wall before pushing me onto one of the lower steps.

  He sat beside me, his large body dominating the step. My heart was pounding in my chest, but now it wasn’t panic making me feel breathless. It was being in close proximity to him. His leg was touching mine and my skin tingled.

  “We need to get out of here,” I said a little hysterically.

  There was a boom, then blackness followed by a click and a soft emergency light over the doorway coming on. The power was officially out, and I was officially freaked out.

  “The power will come back on soon,” he said in a voice that sounded to my overactive imagination like, “I want to kiss you until your body melts into mine.” I clearly needed to cut down on my steamy reads…

  “You can’t possibly know that.” I responded, trying to get a grip.

  He smiled. “My name’s Alex, short for Alexander, but only my mother calls me that.”

  I sighed, not wanting to be rude despite the panic and unwelcome desire vying for top position in my gut. “I’m Gloria.”

  “Hi, Gloria. What brings you to this stairwell?”

  “I wanted to check out the view from the roof. It’s so pretty out here I thought it would be nice to see it at night. Why are you in this stairwell?”

  “I was following you,” he answered matter of factly.

  I flinched, all tingles disappearing in an instant and scooted away from him. I didn’t go far. There wasn’t really anywhere to go.

  “You were following me,” I repeated woodenly.

  His mouth quirked slightly. “I saw you earlier today and you interested me.”

  “I interested you? What are you talking about?”

  “I was thinking how attractive you are.”

  I scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Why ridiculous?”

  I shook my head. “Guys like you don’t look at girls like me. My dad might have consoled me by saying I was a late bloomer, but the truth is, I’m still waiting.’ I shrugged with a small laugh. “You never know, one day I might wake up a foot taller and two stone lighter.”

  “I actually think you’re perfect as you are.”

  I rolled my eyes. Not that he could see me in the dim light, but I knew he was placating me. I understood it. He was trying to calm me down. “Thank you. That’s very sweet of you to say so, but honestly I’m quite comfortable being plump and a little weird.”

  He put his head on one side, pretending to examine me. “Plump weird girl? You don’t look weird to me and I think I prefer the term curvy.”

  His words made me suddenly angry. I didn’t need some hunk trying to make me feel better. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him not to patronize me, but the look in his eyes stopped me and my anger changed to breathlessness.

  “You need glasses,’ was all I said softly in the end.

  “I don’t think so,” he teased. “I might be a little older than you, but I’m not quite ready to pull on a sweater and spectacles.”

  I wanted to ask how old he was but held my tongue. The intimacy was already making everything strangely dreamlike. I wasn’t equipped to handle situations like this, especially when my heart was doing somersaults in my chest.

  Chapter Six: Alexander

  I could tell she didn’t believe a word I was saying. But the truth was, the more I looked at her, the more I wanted her. Her soft curves were so close, I had to resist the urge to reach out and pull her towards me, taste her softness first-hand. I had no idea why she was affecting me this way. The simple fact was, I could pretty much have any woman I wanted, but never had I felt the instant hardening of my cock just by being in the proximity of someone. It was fucking confusing. I wanted the power to stay off and the doors to remain locked all night. I wanted to spend more time with her. But more than anything, I wanted to get a taste of her. I craved this woman and I couldn’t explain why. I inhaled, trying not to look like I was smelling her. I smelled something light and fruity. My cock hardened further, and I shifted, trying to hide the fact.

  “So, no boyfriend then?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking the question. What the fuck did it matter to me if she had a boyfriend? But it did – for some reason it did.

  She looked at me warily as if wondering why I was asking. Hell, I was wondering why I was asking. Then she seemed to make up her mind and shook her head.

  “Nope. Never even been kissed. Well, technically I’ve been kissed, but not kissed-kissed if you know what I mean,” she finished lamely spreading her hands and shrugging.

  “What does kissed-kissed mean? I asked, my mind immediately imagining a different kind of kissing…

  She groaned slightly, clearly embarrassed now and put a hand to her face. “I mean, I played spin the bottle when I was twelve. I got a kiss or two then.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from grinning. “Spin the bottle,” I said with a nod. “I see.”

  “I've been on a couple of dates and one of them ended with the most uncomfortable kiss ever but that’s it I’m afraid.”

  “I find it hard to believe you’ve never been kissed-kissed,” I said, using her words. “Have you been locked away somewhere? Maybe a tower room or a dungeon?”

  She laughed softly. “No. I haven’t.”

  “Then why have the men in your life not been falling all over themselves to get a kiss from you?”

  She laughed self depreciatingly. “Like I said, guys don’t fall all over themselves for girls like me.”

  “Because you’re curvy and weird?”

  She glanced up and I knew it was at my use of the word curvy.

  “Well, while we’re at it, don’t forget nerd,” she said only half jokingly. I am the very embodiment of a nerd. I’m a…” She paused and coughed slightly… “curvy nerd who can barely string a complete sentence together when I’m nervous and I’m always nervous around other people, and I have a passion for theme parks. I can get a little obsessive about them. So how’s that for nerdy?”

  “Theme parks are nerdy?” I questioned raising my eyebrows. “Like Disneyland?”

  She shrugged. “Well, maybe the kind I tend to go for. I mostly like the smaller ones that you don’t hear about unless you live close. I like the older theme parks mostly. I love the history. I like to imagine young families and young lovers in the fifties going to the parks.”

  “Do you go on the rides? Do they even still have rides?”

  “Oh yes!” she exclaimed, animated now. “I do go on the rides. I love all of them. I love the food and the feeling of excitement in the air. I love to watch people walk from one booth to the next. Theme parks are so happy. You rarely see people fighting or angry. Kids sometimes get a little cranky but then I like to watch the parents dealing with them. I love going on the Ferris Wheels and getting so high I can see everything.”

  She abruptly stopped talking and looked at me. I waited for her to keep going. “And?”

  “I’m sorry. That’s exactly what I mean. I can really ramble. People don’t want to hear about theme parks. It’s silly.”

  I slowly shook my head. “I don’t think it’s silly at all.” I was surprised to realize I meant it.

  “Do you like theme parks?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never been.”

  Chapter Seven: Gloria

  My mouth fell open. He had to be joking. How was that even possible.

  “How can you never have been to a theme park.”

  I felt like he just told me he was really the President of the United States in disguise. I was taking his revelation a little too seriously. It wasn’t that big of a deal. “Why?” I blurted out, realizing after the word crossed my lips that could be considered a little rude.

  “It’s never been something I've been interested in and my family never offered.”

  I shook my head, trying to make sense of it all. “You're obviously not poor.” Again, I felt like an idiot for say
ing everything that popped into my head without running it through a filter.

  “No, I am not poor.”

  “Did you grow up poor?”

  Again, he shook his head, a soft smile on his lips. “No, quite the opposite.”

  “You have something against fun?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “I suppose I never knew I was missing out on such fun. My family was more of the vacation in the Hamptons or some tropical island type.”

  “And now?” I asked.

  “Now I’m a single, adult male who works too much and me going to a theme park alone would probably set off some alarm bells.”

  I laughed slightly, appreciating his dry humor. “I suppose that’s true. What kind of work do you do?”

  “I’m the CEO of a publishing house. What about you?”

  “I’m a book buyer. Not a very successful one if I’m honest.

  He stayed silent, clearly waiting for me to continue and I sighed.

  “Well as the risk of our little interval here turning into a Gloria pity party. It’s not that I’m rubbish at it or anything – I actually think I have a good eye for a story that will sell. It’s just that no one ever listens to me. I recommend an author and they do nothing. Of course this business is pretty cut throat – you must know that. They want to be a hundred and ten percent sure before they jump, but, well, oh to be the one to find the next JK Rowling. Wouldn’t that be something? I want to be that person.” I stopped abruptly, frowning as I realized I was rambling again. Pursing my lips in frustration with myself, I looked up at him expecting to see boredom on his face.

  It wasn’t boredom I saw. He was looking at me like he wanted to eat me. This was so unexpected and alien, I eased backward once more, my heart pounding. I couldn’t tell whether it was with excitement or fear. A bit of both.

  “Never give up on your dreams,” was all he murmured almost absently, his eyes never once leaving my mouth.

  I didn’t know what to say. I licked my lips, wondering if I had crumbs on them. He raised his beautiful eyes and stared directly at me. His face was shadowed, all angles and hard planes in the semi dark. He ran his fingers through his hair and I glanced up at his action, fighting the ridiculous urge to lean forward and take over.

  The small space felt electrified. God I was so out of my depth. I felt an unaccustomed heat down between my legs and panicking, jumped up to my feet. “I should check those doors again,” I told him breathlessly. I jogged up the stairs and yanked fruitlessly on the door. As expected, it refused to open, and after a few seconds, I reluctantly turned and began walking back down the stairs. He hadn’t moved. He just leaned against the wall and watched me. Like a cat watches a mouse. I swallowed nervously, my steps slowing. I felt as though the storm, everything had gone. We were trapped in some kind of time warp. I took another step and stumbled, losing my coordination.

  The world came crashing back. “Oh,” I gasped as I toppled, doing my best to catch myself and failing miserably. I found myself caught in his arms, inches from sprawling on the landing.

  He stared down at me for a second, his eyes glittering in the emergency lighting. His body was entirely still and tight. Then before I realized what he intended, he gave a low groan before lowering his mouth to mine and kissing me.

  Chapter Eight: Alexander

  I only meant to kiss her. I told myself one kiss was all I needed to satisfy my curiosity. I was so wrong. The moment our lips touched I was lost. My control was slipping fast as I urgently molded her to my body, uncaring that she would feel my cock’s reaction to her closeness. I deepened the kiss, feeling her gasp against my mouth, then her lips parted, making way for my tongue to tangle with hers. It was as though I’d never made out with a woman before.

  Somewhere in the dimness, my mind was warning me to stop, that it was very likely this woman was a virgin. We were on a stairwell for fucks sake.

  But I couldn’t. Holding her to me, my right hand found its way under her sweater, pushing it up urgently, and pulling on the straps of a white lacy scrap of something underneath, until my palm closed over her bare breast. I heard her gasp but she didn’t pull away, and as my fingers stroked insistently over her hardening nipple, I felt her arch towards me in surrender.

  My mouth never left hers and I could hear the small mewling sound she was making in the back of her throat as she rubbed herself against my cock, not even sure what she was seeking. Her innocence brought me back to myself, just enough to realize I couldn’t simply take her on the stairs. I raised my head to look down at her in my arms, my right hand still palming her breast. God she looked like she wanted me to fuck her. Right here, right now.

  No. Not that. I couldn’t do that to her. Instead I slipped my hand away from her nipple, her small moan of disappointment like a green light to my rampaging cock, and slid it between us. I gave a grunt of satisfaction when I realized her pants were elasticated and then my hand was inside, pulling away the fabric that covered her mound. I nearly lost myself when I realized she was clean shaven, and then my finger was sliding inside. God she was tight yet so wet. I felt her writhe against my finger. She didn’t try to stop me, and when I slipped the second finger inside and began rubbing my thumb against her clit, she thrust herself against my fingers in an urgent rhythm. Within seconds I felt her orgasm begin to build, then her eyes flew open as she came, instinctively riding my fingers. I felt her pussy clenching, heard her gasps, my fingers drenched as she rode out her pleasure on my hand.

  Suddenly, shockingly, the lights kicked in and Gloria stared up at me, her gaze turning from unfocused desire to full awareness in an instant. Her face flamed and she pulled abruptly away, turning her back on me to sort out her disheveled clothing. Her embarrassment was like a physical barrier between us and I knew if I attempted to touch her now, she would flinch away. She bent down to pick up her bag and fled down the rest of the stairs to bang on the door.

  For the first time in my life I was at a loss as to what to do. My cock was insistently telling me exactly what I needed to do. In the end I simply sat down and watched Gloria bang increasingly desperately on the door. To her undoubted relief, after a few seconds it was finally pulled open by a large security guard who frowned at the sight of a slightly tousled female standing on the other side. Before he could speak, Gloria glanced once back in my direction, her expression too shadowed to read, then she mumbled a thank you as she slipped past the guard and disappeared.

  Suddenly galvanized I stood up and must have seemed to appear out of thin air in the gloom.

  “We were locked in,” I spoke abruptly to the startled security guard, daring him to make any lewd comments, and walked past him out of the stairwell to go in search of Gloria. I had no idea what I was going to say to her when I found her. I didn’t know whether to apologize or beg her to spend the night with me. Either way, I knew I needed to taste her again.

  She was nowhere to be found in any of the public areas and I guessed she’d rushed straight back to her room. I had no idea where that was. In fact I didn’t really know anything about her at all - except she loved theme parks, and she had the most amazing eyes, and how her breasts felt in my hand, and the look on her face as she came. I shook my head in an effort to clear it of the erotic images and walked up to the front desk, hoping my arousal wasn’t too obvious.

  I only lived ten miles away and had intended to return home straight after the reception, but now I’d changed my mind. I wanted to see Gloria again. I told myself it was to apologize. What we’d done may well have been consensual in the literalist sense of the word, but I knew I’d taken advantage of her innocence. The problem was, I didn’t regret one minute of it and wanted to do it again…

  But first, apology.

  Ten minutes later I’d instructed my driver to pick up a change of clothes from my housekeeper and was walking into a large suite. I looked around appreciatively, loosening my tie, then poured myself a whiskey from the mini bar. Sinking down into a large armchair I nursed my glass
and wondered what the fuck I was doing…

  Chapter Nine: Gloria

  I woke up and rolled to the side to check the time on the little alarm clock next to the bed. There was nothing but a black screen to greet me. I tried to turn on the lamp and got nothing. “Seriously?” I groaned.

  The power was out again. I wasn’t convinced it was a power company problem. I had a feeling the old hotel was still struggling to be brought into the twenty-first century.

  I sank back down into the comfortable bed as the events of last night came flooding back. Oh God what had I done? Who was the wanton creature who’d thrown herself at a man she hardly knew? An echo of desire thrummed deep in my core as I remembered coming apart to the skillful movements of his fingers. My face flamed and I got up abruptly to take a cold shower. As I shivered in the bathroom, I told myself he’d be long gone by now. I just needed to get this day over with, then I could put it all behind me as a bad dream.

  I resolutely ignored the little voice in my head that reminded me my body had felt otherwise.

  I made my way downstairs, the emergency lights guiding the way. Apparently, the storm was still raging, and the sun had been obliterated by dark clouds. I stepped into the dining room and directly into a nest of chaos. Staff members were buzzing

  around, trying to serve guests. Others were huddled in a group discussing the book fair and how it was going to work with no power.

  I headed to the buffet table lined with muffins and bagels and glasses of orange juice. I could really have used a coffee but assumed with no electricity there wouldn’t be any. Sighing, I grabbed a juice and a muffin and found a table in the corner.

  I ate my muffin while trying hard to focus on what I needed to achieve during the last day of the fair. I made a few notes until suddenly I saw a pair of legs appear next to my table. Heart pounding, I looked up, straight into the intense eyes of the last person I wanted to see.


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