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Stalked (Curvy Women Wanted Book 20)

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “I had no idea you felt this way,” she said.

  He pressed his hard cock against her pussy, and she cried out. “Now you know and also, you are wearing way too many clothes.” Kissing her neck, he spread open her dress.

  There were buttons on the front, and he started to work them open. She’d changed into a pretty blue lace bra.

  Flicking open the catch at the front, he smiled down at her. “You’re beautiful, but I’m not going to take you on the sofa. The first time I have you, you’re going to be on a nice soft bed.”

  He got off the sofa, helped her to her feet, and walked her back toward her bedroom.

  Once inside, he pushed the rest of the dress off her shoulders, cupping her tits, rubbing the tips of her nipples. They were so hard, and he stroked them, loving her little moans and gasps. She was so sensitive as he drove her wild.

  His cock pressed against the front of his pants. If he didn’t get himself under control soon, he was going to fucking explode.

  Since he’d fallen for Emily, there hadn’t been another woman. He’d pushed everyone aside, and his only focus, his only desire, was this woman.

  Removing the bra from her arms, he went to her panties. These, he didn’t remove delicately. He tugged them off her, and they tore easily.

  “I really don’t like you wearing panties, or anything that is going to get in my way.”

  “James,” she said, with a moan. “I have to wear them.”

  “We’ll see about that.” He stepped back, pulling his shirt up and over his head, then throwing it to the floor before opening the belt.

  Emily stood, body flushed, watching him as he lowered his jeans. He was careful as he went over his erection. He was so hard it hurt, but it didn’t stop him.

  Her gaze went wide as she looked at him.

  “Don’t be afraid. I’m big, but I’ll fit.”

  “Wow,” she said.

  He grabbed her hand and tugged her close. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he tilted her head back, staring into her green eyes.

  “You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about this moment.”

  “You’ve thought about this?” she asked.

  “Yes, so many times.” He ran his hand down the curve of her back.

  “I’m not experienced like other women. I mean, this is my first time,” she said.

  “I know you’re a virgin, and Emily, you don’t need to compare yourself to anyone. You are perfect.” He kissed her deeply, guiding her back to the bed.

  She went willingly, and he moved her toward the pillows. Breaking from the kiss, he trailed his lips down her body. She was everything he imagined. Her curves were driving him wild, and he was so hard for a taste of her. He was like a starving man.

  Taking one of her nipples into his mouth, he heard her gasp, arching up, begging for more, and he gave it to her, having no problems with taking what she offered him.

  She spread her legs, and he moved down, poised above her pussy. He opened the lips of her cunt. Her swollen clit glinted up at him, and he stroked his tongue across her clit, back and forth, before sucking it into his mouth, using the same actions on her as he had this afternoon.

  No matter how slowly he went with her, taking his time, she would feel the pain of his cock when he slid inside her.

  His only hope right now was to get her so wet, and to have her completely needy for him. Running his hands up her body, he cupped her tits, teasing the mounds as she played with her pussy.

  He didn’t know where he got the patience from. He wasn’t in any rush to take her yet.

  You’ve been waiting for this moment.

  I can wait a little longer.

  James knew the prize at the end of all of this, was to have Emily in his bed, for the rest of his life. She didn’t know the full extent of his love for her yet, but in time, he’d show her.

  She was so close to her orgasm.

  He felt the change in her body, how she rubbed herself against his mouth. The pants were drawing close together, but this time, he didn’t let her fall over the edge into bliss. Right when she was about to come, he stopped, pulling back, and he didn’t touch her.

  “James?” She looked confused.

  Wrapping his fingers around his length, he knew he should wear a condom, but he didn’t want to stop. He only wanted to feel all of her, her naked cunt around his length as he fucked her hard, feeling every ripple, every second of her pleasure.

  He’d waited too long to stop now. This was what they both wanted, and he didn’t want to wait another second.


  Why did he stop when she was so close? Emily groaned as she watched him working his fist up and down the length of his cock. His movements weren’t hurried. He took his time, staring down at her.

  “Because, this is going to hurt whether you like it or not.” He moved between her spread thighs.

  One of his hands dropped down beside her head, and the other gripped his cock as he touched her pussy. The tip of his cock bumped her clit, and she cried out at the sheer pleasure of his touch. She couldn’t get enough. He felt so good.

  “Look at us, Emily. Look at the two of us.”

  She stared down at his cock as he bumped her clit. Each time he touched her, the pleasure was more intense than the last, but he wouldn’t let her fall over into the edge of bliss.

  He kept her poised, begging, desperate.

  She didn’t know who she was anymore. She’d never begged anyone for anything, but James, he took away all of her power, and she wanted him to, which made no sense.

  “Please,” she said.

  “This is going to hurt now, and when it does, I’m sorry.”

  He slid his cock down from her clit, and she held her breath. The very tip of him was at her entrance, and she held herself still.

  James stared into her eyes, and she was once again held captive by his gaze, wanting him more than anything else in her life.

  Without waiting, he slammed deeply, tearing through her virginity, claiming that part for himself.

  He doesn’t just want your virginity; he wants all of you.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close, refusing to let go. She didn’t want him to.

  The pain took her by surprise. She’d heard women say it could be awful, but she had figured it couldn’t be all that bad. She’d been wrong.

  Her body was on fire, but it wasn’t entirely pain. There was need as well.

  She wanted an orgasm.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, kissing her neck, sucking on her pulse, and she closed her eyes, basking in his warmth.

  “Please, James. I need more.”


  “No, now.” Her impatience showed, and James chuckled.

  He moved so he hovered over her, taking hold of her wrists, pinning her down to the bed as he kept her in place.

  “You want me to make love to you?”

  “I want to…” She didn’t know if she could finish the words.

  “You want to come all over my cock?”


  “Then say it, Emily. Let me believe what it is you want.”

  “I want to…” She couldn’t believe she would be saying this. It was dirty but oh so good. “I want to come on your cock, James.”

  He pulled out of her until only the very tip of him remained, and she had to look. He was long, thick, and she saw blood on his length. Her virgin blood.

  He slammed back inside, making her cry out.

  Yes, pain and pleasure, combined to make it all too much and yet not enough.

  Over and over, he pulled out only to thrust back inside, and she didn’t look away, mesmerized by seeing them together. Her body took on a will of its own as she began to ride up and to feel his length within her. The pain soon became a distant memory, but now she wanted to feel her release.

  James reared back, keeping her legs wrapped around his waist, and she watched as he began to stroke her pussy.
/>   With his cock inside her, it felt different.

  She was full of him.


  This was what she’d been craving for so long.

  His touch.

  His passion.

  His everything.

  All it took was a couple of strokes of his fingers, and she came, screaming his name. James didn’t allow her to come down from her peak before he was fucking her hard, the bed slamming against the wall with each thrust.

  She felt his release, the fullness of his cock as it jerked, spilling his cum within her. He held her tightly, and there was nowhere she wanted to go. He was everything to her.

  “Fuck, I can’t believe I waited this long.” He kissed her lips, his tongue gliding across, plunging inside.

  “How long have you waited?” she asked, curious to know.

  She knew he’d made his declaration claiming her as his, but part of her had to wonder if it was all real, and for how long.

  He’d been part of her life for so long, especially since her parents died. There was a time she didn’t think she’d be able to function without them, but he’d convinced her of something very different.

  “Do you really want to know the answer to that?”

  “Well, I guess I’m curious if this is a new thing, or something you’ve been wanting for a long time?”

  “I’m not a sick bastard. You’ve always been legal when I wanted you.”

  She giggled. “I didn’t even think of that. I never dressed in a schoolgirl outfit. How did I capture your attention? I’m not the kind of girl to beg for it.”

  “How could you not get my attention? You’re beautiful, sweet, kind. You shine brighter than anyone I know. You were eighteen, so I guess I was pushing it. It was Halloween. You were dressed up as a ghost. Your face was all white, but instead of going out partying, you went to the kindergarten and helped the kids there.”

  “I remember that,” she said. “My parents had signed up to do it but had work to do. So the kids could still have some fun on Halloween, I volunteered. It was a good night. I got hit on at least three times.”

  He chuckled. “I had also volunteered. It was the first time I realized there was a woman out there who needed me.”

  Chapter Five

  Everything had been going better than James ever imagined it would. He stood in his office and watched as Emily cleaned the floors. She’d been insistent on still working for him, even after he’d told her there was no need to. He really didn’t need to be at the bar today, but there was no way he’d miss a chance to be with his woman.

  They’d been together only a matter of days, but already, he wanted to move forward.

  Stepping out of his office, he walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck.

  “James, what are you doing?”

  “With all of your bending and moving, it’s making me think of all the dirty things I want to do to you.” He ran his hands up to cup her tits. No one else was in the bar, and wouldn’t be for another couple of hours.

  “What if someone sees?”

  “No one will see. I won’t let them ever get close to you.” He’d worked this hard to keep her all to himself, and he wasn’t going to let that hard work go, not for anyone.

  She spun around, dropping the mop, and wrapped her arms around his neck. “What do you have in mind?”

  He loved this side of her, the one that wasn’t afraid to take what she wanted. Since he’d taken her virginity, he’d awakened a need within this woman, an insatiable one, and he fucking relished it.

  Tugging on her hand, he led her back into his office. He didn’t bother to close the door.

  “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve dreamed about bringing you here?”

  “Not a clue.”

  “Oh, believe me, it has been quite a few.” He ran his hands up her thighs, cupping her ass. “And I can’t get them out of my head.” He moved toward the sofa, taking a seat. “I’d like you to strip for me.”


  “You heard me.”

  “James, anyone could come inside. Can we close the door?”

  “No, no one is here, and they’re not due to arrive for another couple of hours.” This bar belonged to him. He told everyone from now on, if they wanted to see him, they had to arrange a meeting. With him finally staking his claim on Emily, he intended to have every available moment to take her, to love her, and to get her pregnant with his child. It’s why he hadn’t put a condom on, and why he would continue to fuck her without one. He didn’t want anything between him and his woman. “Trust me, Emily, to take care of you, always. You will always come first.”

  “I do trust you.”

  Reaching across the sofa, he clicked on the small stereo to some music. He didn’t play it too loud, but loud enough to give her something to dance to.

  She started to sway her hips, and he saw the way her cheeks flamed.

  “Nothing to be ashamed of here,” he said. “If this makes you feel any better, you’ll get to see how wild you drive me.” He opened the button of his jeans, wriggling them down his body, exposing his rock-hard cock.

  Whenever Emily was around, he was in a permanent state of arousal. “This is what you do to me, all day. Does it help?”

  “A little?”

  “Good, because I want to see you naked. Completely naked.”

  Today, she’d picked a pair of jeans and one of his shirts. Underneath she wore a black crop top. None of the layers of clothing hid her wondrous curves. She kept on swaying her hips as she opened each button of his shirt, removing it from her shoulders. The fabric dropped to the floor. The lace of her black bra peeked out of the top of her shirt.

  Working his length up and down, he wanted a taste of her, to feel those tits pressed against his face as she took his cock.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

  “I’m not even completely naked yet.”

  “You don’t have to be to make me ache.” He pressed two fingers against the base of his cock, and let her see just how hard he was without even touching it, just guiding it. “You see this? This isn’t for anyone but you. I want you so badly, Emily.”

  She opened her jeans and turned to present her ass to him, as she pushed them down to her knees, then kicked them right off without a care in the world.

  Her lacy panties were on full display, but she didn’t take them off. He wanted her pretty pink cunt, but she spun again, and this time, the shirt came off.

  Now, she was just in bra and panties; the boots had come off sometime between the shirt and jeans. He didn’t know when. She fingered the bra strap, turned again, and released the catch, letting out a little gasp as she did.

  “Oh, no, what did I do?” she asked.

  He chuckled. She removed her bra, but he didn’t get to see her tits, not until she spun around, but she covered them with her arm.

  She stepped closer, and he didn’t care if she was trying to tease him, or prolong this, or what she was really trying to do. He grabbed her arms, pulled her across his lap, and kissed her hard. “You drive me fucking crazy.” Within a matter of seconds, he had her panties torn off her body, again. She would learn eventually he had no intention of letting her be in them for long.

  Emily helped him as he pressed his cock to her slick entrance, and lowered her down his length.

  She moaned, and he watched her as she closed her eyes, taking his dick, seating herself onto him to the hilt, and looking fucking incredible as she did. This was the way it was supposed to be from the very fucking start.


  Emily hummed to herself as she closed and locked up her apartment. She couldn’t recall a time she’d been this happy, not since before her parents’ unfortunate passing. Just a brief thought about them, and she missed them so much. They’d always been there for her, whenever she needed them most.

  She wondered what they’d think of James.

  He was older than she was, by twent
y years, but it didn’t stop her feelings for him. In fact, she knew without a shadow of a doubt she was falling in love with him.

  It had started with a crush, built to lust, and now, yes, she knew he was the one.

  Crazy thoughts, and she wouldn’t tell him. There was no way she could. What if he ran in the opposite direction?

  This was her first relationship, and she had no intention of scaring him off with admitting her feelings for him. Not going to happen.

  With the money in an envelope, she went to the landlord’s door and knocked. It didn’t take long for him to open.

  “Hi, Mr. Cole. I have your rent.” There had always been a little confusion with the rent now that she thought about it, but last time she saw him, he’d been so distracted, she had asked him about the rental arrangements to make sure. She hadn’t constantly paid him upfront. Mr. Cole had always been a nice man, and she knew friends with her parents.

  “Emily, what’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I have your rent.”

  Mr. Cole stared at the envelope but didn’t take it.

  “I’ve told you before we set up an arrangement and you do the rent via bank transfer.” He then told her the amount she was paying in the rent.

  “Aha, I know, but something must have happened because when I went to the bank, they told me according to my account, the payments I’d been making and they were incorrect.” The grief of her parents had made her particularly sloppy when it came to monitoring her finances, but she had thought she’d been paying the right amount of rent—but why wouldn’t Mr. Cole have told her before? She earned a good wage from James, and she always made sure to keep within a budget. Her mother taught her the key to surviving in this world was to save. She would never forget her mom’s advice, and after seeing the benefit of that the other day at the bank, she would be forever grateful to her mother.

  “There must be some mistake. I already have your rent, Emily. Please, keep the money.”

  “That’s not possible. I haven’t paid it. I don’t think I’ve ever paid the correct rent to you. I appreciate you helping me out after my parents, but please, I want to pay. I’ve already made the changes at the bank, but I want to pay you the money I owe.”


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