Flames of Love

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Flames of Love Page 7

by Melissa Foster

  Chapter Eight

  SIENA LET OUT a breath and watched him stroll out of the bathroom as if he hadn’t just made her damp with nothing but his voice—and his hard body pressed against her—leaving her aching for more. Jesus. She panted out several loud breaths and ran a shaky hand through her hair. What the hell was that?

  She ran her hands under cold water, hoping to cool the heat that had taken over her brain. It didn’t help. Nothing would help. He was in her brain. His masculine smell lingered around her. He was powerful, edgy, dangerous. A cheetah. And holy hell did she want to be his prey. Pounce, baby, pounce.

  Siena took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom. Cash was waiting for her by the stairs. She stopped cold. Swallowed hard.

  He waved a hand toward the stairs, and she took a step, then stopped. He waved her forward again, and she walked tentatively up the steps.

  “It’s just who I am,” he said quietly.

  “A stalker?” Her ploy at levity failed. Even she wasn’t laughing.

  She sensed him behind her. He leaned forward, and his hot breath warmed her neck.


  His stern answer made her shudder.

  “A gentleman.”

  Her heart softened a little more.

  Willow was putting on her coat when they arrived back at the table. “Hey, we’re gonna go see if Cheri is working over at Studio Twenty-One. Want to come?”

  Shit. Studio Twenty-One? She and Cash locked eyes. What was she doing? She had no idea what she was doing, but the idea of going to Studio Twenty-One didn’t sound great. She couldn’t look away from him. She wasn’t done with Cash Ryder. Not nearly. One thing was for sure: She was not going home with him.

  Siena took a deep breath and steeled herself to go home and spend an evening reading. Or watching television. Or…lying in bed thinking about Cash. Goddamn it. She glanced at the table and caught sight of four full shot glasses. She and Cash hadn’t had their last two rounds. Thank God. Just what I need to calm my engine.

  She hugged Willow. “I’ll catch up with you tomorrow. I’m going to hang out and finish my drinks and then go home. Mike, Joe, take good care of her.”

  “I’m going home to my wife.” Mike winked at Cash. “Thanks for a fun night.”

  “You know I’ll take care of her,” Joe said on the way out the door.

  Cash pulled out Siena’s chair for her, and as she sat down, she wondered if she’d made a huge mistake. She wanted the drinks, but when Cash sat down across from her, she saw him through entirely new eyes. She’d seen the softer side of him at Vetta’s, and now…she’d seen a purely sexual side. Damn, how was she supposed to go back to seeing him as the ass she’d thought he was?

  He picked up a glass and narrowed his eyes. “To screaming orgasms.”

  Big. Giant. Mistake. She downed one shot and then the other as fast as she possibly could, relishing in the sweetness as the liquid coated her throat. Numb me, baby.

  “Whoa, I didn’t peg you for a wham, bam, thank you, woman.”

  A nervous smile brought an even more nervous laugh. She had to get control. Focus. Like at a shoot. Her mind immediately recalled the image of Cash sprawled on the stairs with a massive erection. She felt her cheeks flush and dropped her eyes. This is bad. So very bad.

  “Who…who was that woman you visited? Vetta?”

  Cash looked at his watch. “It’s late, and I’ve got an early meeting with my chief.” He pushed his chair from the table and rose to his feet.

  You’re blowing me off? She couldn’t wrap her arms around the idea. You’re blowing me off?

  “Come on. I’ll walk you wherever you’re going.”

  Reeling from being blown off, she was caught off guard by his kind tone. “No demand?” Siena leaned back in her chair, contemplating how she might piss him off next just for the hell of it.

  He shoved his arms into his coat and shrugged in response.

  “I’m fine. I’ll get myself home.”

  Cash sighed heavily. He looked around the bar, then went to her side and leaned in close.

  Siena’s pulse ratcheted up a notch.

  “What would Jack say if I let you walk home alone?”

  “You’re using my brother as a…a-against me?”

  “I wondered if he was your brother. Not against you. He’d kick my ass if he thought I let you walk home alone after four screaming orgasms.” He flashed a cocky-ass grin.

  She rose to her feet and grabbed her jacket. “I guarantee that if you told Jack you gave me four screaming orgasms, you’d never speak another word, much less walk anyone home.”

  “Got you moving, didn’t it?”

  “WHERE TO?” CASH asked Siena as she zipped up her coat and rounded her shoulders forward to ward off the cold. He had an urge to wrap her in his arms and keep her warm, craving the close proximity after feeling her heat in the bathroom at the bar. How could a woman who looked that damn hot in a bikini look equally as hot in a quilted coat and jeans?

  “I can get home myself.” She walked into the road to flag down a cab.

  “Are you always like this?”

  “What?” She waved at a cab.

  “So…autonomous.” He lowered her hand. “It’s a hell of a lot cheaper to take the subway.”

  Siena wrinkled her nose. “The subway? You’re kidding, right? At night?”

  “Let me get this straight. You’re not afraid to walk around the city at night, or take a cab with a stranger driving you, but you won’t take a subway with thousands of people around you at all times?” He shook his head. “No. I guess you wouldn’t.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Forget it.” I should let her climb into a cab and move on.

  “Are you implying that I think I’m too good for the subway?” She stepped closer to him and poked her finger into his chest. “Because I sure as hell don’t. I thought a cab was safer at night.”

  He looked down at her delicate finger poking him and almost laughed. She thought she was so tough. She was a definite pain in the ass, but tough? Not in as many ways as she thought, and after watching her all day in that sexy bikini and then seeing her defenses melt away in the bathroom, he didn’t care how much of a pain in the ass she was. She’d fucked with his head enough that he couldn’t think past her, and he’d be damned if he was going to let anything happen to her on the way home from the bar.

  “Whatever. All I care is that you get home safely.” He flagged a cab.

  “Forget it. I’ll take the subway.” She spun around and walked away.

  Goddamn, you’re a pain. He hurried after her.

  “I can take the subway by myself, thank you.” She took fast and determined steps, her hands shoved deep into her coat pockets.

  “Yeah, give up on that one. It’s not happening.” Why did he even care? He should go back to the station house to…Damn it. He’d just think about her all night.

  The subway was standing-room only. Siena held on to a rail by the door and Cash squished in behind her. He reached around her to hold on to the railing and stifled a groan when the subway began to move and rocked her hips against his. He shifted to the side to alleviate the contact and the subway car shifted again. Fuck it. He stopped trying to control it and let the subway stir up all the heat it wanted to.

  Siena turned her head sideways and said, “I could have done this by myself.” She gripped the handrail so hard her knuckles were white. Her body shivered against him.

  Cash settled his hand over hers and felt her flinch beneath his touch. He pressed his cheek to the back of her head. “Your hand is freezing.”

  “I…forgot my gloves.”

  He reached for her other hand. She resisted his touch, but he held tight. “I’m just warming your hands. Stop freaking out.” That’s what he told himself, too. Her hand was feminine and small, completely covered by his. He rubbed his fingers along the back of it, his thumb along her palm, until it warmed, and she stopped shivering. Remar
kably, the tension in their hands eased, confusing him even further.

  The subway stopped on Bleeker Street in the Village, and they followed a group of young kids onto the sidewalk. A breeze kicked up, and Siena curled her shoulders against it. Her heavy mane blew across her face. She spun to the side, trying to escape the wind, and her hair blew in the other direction. She swatted to move it from her face.

  Cash stepped in front of her and held her shoulders. “Stay still.”

  She looked up at him with her brows knitted together as she swiped a few strands away from her eyes.

  He gathered her silky hair in his hands, suppressing the urge to run his fingers through it. “Better?”

  She nodded.

  “Do you have one of those things girls keep on their wrists?”

  She laughed. “No. It’s not the eighties.”

  “Then you’ll have to make do with me.” He draped his arm over her shoulder, holding her hair in his clenched fist. “Between this, the accident, and the gloves, maybe I need to give you a little lesson in being prepared.”

  She didn’t say a word.

  She felt damn good pressed up against his side. This was the longest she’d been silent since he’d met her, and he wondered how he’d pissed her off now. My arm. Presumptuous. I’m ruining her image. He’d almost forgotten that she was Siena Remington. No wonder she was hesitant to take the subway.

  “Don’t yell at me when I touch your hair.” Why do I sound so angry?

  She narrowed her eyes as he moved behind her and gathered her hair, then tied it into a knot.

  “That’ll keep it from your face.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and stepped away from her.

  “What, did your arm get tired?” she snapped.

  “Let’s just say I’m good at reading nonverbal cues.”

  “Nonverbal cues? What are you talking about?”

  He stared straight ahead. He wasn’t going to argue with her. “Where’s your apartment?”

  “Three blocks up.” She was shivering again.

  “Come on.” He pulled open a door to a café and waved her by.

  She stood on the sidewalk staring straight ahead.

  “Christ. What is it with you? It’s not like I’m dragging you out on a date.”

  She drew her brows together.

  “I was going to get you a cup of hot chocolate. You’re like a little bird shivering in the cold. You need something warm in you.” His mind immediately swapped something warm with me. He had to stop thinking about her in that way. “And I figured you didn’t want me messing up your image. Hot chocolate was the next best thing.”

  “Messing up my image?” She folded her arms across her chest.

  “Look, I forgot who you were when we were walking. I was trying to be nice by holding your hair out of your face. I lost my fucking mind, okay?” His voice escalated, and his heart raced again. Damn it. He couldn’t even walk away. He had to see her home safely.

  She took a step closer to him, her lower lip shivering. “Thank you. Okay?” she said with as much venom as he had. “I liked that you held my hair.”

  “Then why’d you stop talking? You never shut up. If you’re not telling me off, you’re sneering at me and making a smart-ass comment.”

  She stomped away.

  He was right on her heels. “Oh, now you’re mad again?”

  “I’m freezing.” She turned off the main road onto a dark side street.

  “That’s why I was going to get you hot chocolate.” Jesus, does it take a rocket scientist to put two and two together?

  “Yeah? Well, don’t.”

  “What is with you?”

  She focused on the ground, and he grabbed her arm again. Damn, he had to stop doing that, too. He lifted her chin, and she shrugged out of his grip, but not before he saw a softening in her eyes that didn’t match her angry tone.

  “You allergic to hot chocolate?”

  “I fucking love hot chocolate.” Her shoulders were shivering so hard her teeth chattered.

  “I never claimed to know much about women, but you’re seriously messing with my head.” He tugged his coat off and put it around her shoulders.

  “Don’t,” she snapped, wiggling against him.

  “Stop it.” Yes, it was a command, but damn it, she needed his coat, and he wasn’t going to watch her freeze. She was so slender compared to his breadth that he was able to slide her arms into the coat and zip it up. Then he took a hat out of the pocket of the coat and pulled it low on her head, covering her ears.


  “Don’t worry. You look goddamn adorable and you’re still beautiful, and as a bonus…” He knew he was growling and he couldn’t stop himself. The entire day he’d been repressing his attraction to her, and the desire had grown from a dull ache into full-blown need. Every damn thing she did and said was frustratingly seductive in some crazy way that made no sense at all, and yet he was powerless to walk away. “No one will recognize you. So I can’t mess up your image.” The words tasted like acid coming off his tongue.

  The sleeves of his coat hung down to her knees, the waist hung just about as long, and Cash was so fired up that he didn’t even feel the icy air slicing his skin.

  “What did you say?” She angled her head up and pushed at the hat with the floppy sleeves of his coat.

  “Here,” he snapped, and rolled up the sleeves. Then he shoved his hand deep into the far pocket of his coat and took out a pair of thick gloves. “Gimme your hand.”

  She lifted her arm, and he pushed the sleeve higher and slipped the glove over her hand. She lifted the other arm and he did the same.

  She shoved the hat higher onto her forehead and met his angry stare with her softened gaze. “I’d like that hot chocolate now.”

  “You…Christ Almighty. Let me get you home so you’re warm; then I’ll go get it for you.” He took a step forward, and this time she grabbed his arm.

  “No. I want to go with you.”

  Her lips had that pouty thing happening again, which tugged at his heart and made him want to kiss them until they were smiling again.

  She turned around and headed for the café.

  “Is it just me that you mess with, or are you this much of a pain to everyone?” he called from behind her.

  “Just you,” she said, as carefree as if she’d just said, I love ice cream.

  There wasn’t a single seat available in the café. Siena stepped up to the counter, and her pout transformed into a warm, friendly smile for the older, gray-haired gentleman behind the counter. The hat had slipped down low again, and Cash couldn’t see her eyes, but when she spoke, her voice carried a happier inflection.

  “Hey, Bogey. How are you?”


  “Siena? I didn’t recognize you in there. Warm enough?” He looked from Siena to Cash and wrinkled his brow.

  “Yeah, now I am.” She looked up at Cash. “He was kind enough to lend me his coat.”

  What the hell was she doing?

  “Very chivalrous on a night like tonight,” Bogey said with a wink.

  “Yeah, well, someone has a hard time with the idea of preparedness.” He nodded at Siena.

  Without missing a beat, she threw her elbow back into his gut. He caught the damn thing right before it connected and held tight, forcing a smile for Bogey’s sake.

  She looked up at him and fluttered her lashes. “Oops. I slipped.” She turned back to Bogey. “Can we get two hot chocolates, please, with whipped cream?”

  “Anything for you,” Bogey said and set to work making them.

  Cash pressed his body against hers as he leaned in close. “Slipped, my ass.” He reached for his wallet and realized he’d shoved it in his coat pocket. Without saying a word, he thrust his hand in the coat pocket, accidentally on purpose feeling around for the wallet as his hand grazed the curve of her hip and slid to her inner thigh.

  Siena cleared her throat, shooting daggers through her narrowed eyes.

bsp; He pulled out the wallet and wiggled it between his finger and thumb. “Oops. I slipped.” The solemn tone returned to his voice, as he tried to quell his raging desire. He had to bite the inside of his cheeks to keep from smiling at her fierce scowl.

  Outside, Siena sipped her hot chocolate and looked at him over the top of the cup. She lowered it slowly and licked the chocolate from her lips.

  Cash groaned. He wrapped his arm in hers and pressed his body against her as they walked. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  Siena slowed her pace. With both hands wrapped around her warm cup, she nearly came to a stop each time she blew at the steam.

  “Maybe we could move a little quicker. It’s about ten degrees out here and I have no coat.”


  “Excuse me?”

  “No. I don’t think we can walk any quicker.” She eyed her hot chocolate. “I don’t want to spill my hot chocolate.” She smiled up at him, her hair blowing behind her from beneath his hat.

  “It’s a damn good thing you’re…” Sexy as hell. “Cute.” They passed a bench in front of a market. “Hey, here’s an idea.” His voice grew louder with feigned excitement. “Why don’t we sit down and just relax a little while?”

  “Oh! Great idea.” Siena wiggled her butt onto the bench and patted the seat beside her.

  “I see sarcasm is over your head.” He sat down beside her. “If we’re going to sit here and freeze, then you’re sharing your warmth.” He pulled her against him, and Siena snuggled in beneath his arm, pressing against his chest. Dangerous. Way too dangerous. He gulped down half of his hot chocolate to warm his body. If Siena kept wiggling her ass against him, he wasn’t going to need anything to keep him warm.

  “See? This is nice.” She leaned her head back and looked up at him. “Oh, I know how I can keep you warm.” She set her cup on the ground, then took his from his hands and did the same before climbing onto his lap and settling her hands on his shoulders. “Warmer?”

  He couldn’t talk. Could barely breathe. He was too busy trying to keep himself from getting another hard-on.


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