Flames of Love

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Flames of Love Page 24

by Melissa Foster

  “And is he romantic? That seemed to top your list when we were last together,” Jack said.

  “More romantic than any man I know. Including you.” Siena smiled just thinking about how romantic Cash was.

  “Okay.” Savannah leaned across the table. “So why mess with his head?”

  Siena flung herself back against her chair. “I’m not trying to mess with his head.” Her brothers exchanged a knowing glance. “Gunner’s just…He’s nothing. Okay? And Cash knows that.”

  “I call bullshit,” Rush said.

  “Agreed,” Sage added.

  “And he’s okay with you kissing the quarterback best known for bedding women and getting kicked out of strip clubs?” Jack asked. “Because, before you answer that, you need to know that I’m definitely not okay with you going out with this Gunner guy.”

  “Neither am I,” Dex said. “And I gotta tell you, you have Ellie to thank for saving you from hearing from me the minute I saw the picture.”

  Ellie tucked her dark hair behind her ear.

  “Thanks, Ellie,” Siena said quietly. “It’s not like you guys can tell me what to do.”

  They all turned dark stares on her. “Okay, fine. Maybe you can, or at least give me your two cents and I usually respect it, but this time…” She shook her head. “I have one more date with him tomorrow, and that’s it. Then no more.”

  “Siena.” Jack’s deep, serious voice drew her attention to him. He crossed his arms; his biceps twitched against his broad chest. “This Gunner guy, he’s not your type of guy. You’ve never been one of those girls who are all over these trashy magazines. Aren’t you worried about your own reputation?”

  Unfortunately. That’s why I’m doing it.

  “This Gunner guy is the kind of guy I hate. He uses his social status for all the wrong things, and you’re our little sister, so the idea that he’s adding you as a notch on his belt really pisses me off, Siena.” Rush leaned forward with angry blue eyes.

  She was frustrated that she couldn’t tell them the truth, but now that the ball was rolling, she couldn’t chance one of them saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Savannah was an entertainment attorney. If she slipped up, it could bring Siena bad press.

  She stared him down. “I’m not a goddamn notch on anyone’s belt. Jesus, Rush. I met him at a bookstore. I didn’t sleep with him.” She heard the venom in her voice but was unable to quell her anger. “And yeah, Jack, I worry about my rep.” Too damn much, apparently. She picked up the magazine and then threw it back down, pissed off at herself for agreeing to the damn date in the first place. Siena covered her eyes with her hands and sighed. She ran her fingers along the ends of her hair and dropped her eyes, feeling ashamed of what she’d done. If she’d gone out with Gunner on her own, without being forced to do so, she’d feel a whole lot different facing her brothers, but knowing she’d stooped lower than any of them ever would and had compromised her own beliefs, brought a heated flush to her cheeks.

  Dex touched her hand. “Siena, we care about you. That’s why we’re here. Are you going through something that we’re not aware of? I mean, you always seem confident, but did your ego take a hit or something? What would make you date this guy?”

  She looked at the concern in Dex’s eyes and knew that even if she wanted to, she couldn’t tell him the truth. He’d think even less of her. But she wasn’t going to lie, either. She pled the fifth and shrugged instead.

  “Why don’t we order some food and drinks and let this be for a little bit? Obviously this is a difficult situation for Siena, and if I were in her place, I think I’d feel a little attacked.”

  Siena raised her eyes, and Kate smiled at her.

  “I know you guys care about me, and I appreciate that.” Siena looked at each of her brothers. “All you need to know is that it’s Cash I’m with, and he’s the guy I hope to be with forever, so…”

  The girls all leaned forward.

  “Forever?” Savannah asked.

  “As in always?” Kate added.

  “You love him?” Ellie asked.

  Siena bit her lower lip to keep from smiling too wide and proclaiming her love for Cash too loudly. She fiddled with her hair while she contemplated her answer.

  “Siena?” Dex asked.

  “I do. I really think I do,” she finally said.

  Sage, Kurt, Rush, and Jack exchanged a confused look.

  “You’ve got a funny way of showing it,” Jack said. “And if he’s any kind of a man, then I doubt you’ll keep him long if you’re going on another date with that asshole.”

  Sage shook his head. “Sis, why go on another date with Gunner if you love Cash? Does he know you love him?”

  “Mm-hmm. I told him tonight.” She couldn’t look them in the eye. What they were saying made perfect sense, and it all made her chest hurt. Siena wasn’t someone who cried often, but right then she desperately wished she could. She was sure it would make her feel a whole hell of a lot better than wallowing in shame.

  Jack blew out a breath and ran his hand through his thick dark hair.

  “Okay, now you even have me confused.” Savannah picked up the magazine again. “I totally don’t get any of this, but I know you said Cash reminded you of Jack, and if I’d gone out with another man, Jack would have killed him and ended things with me in a heartbeat.”

  “Okay, you know what?” Siena rose to her feet. “I know you guys love me, and I know this makes no sense, but I have to go. I just…” A tear tumbled down her cheek. “I have to go.” She grabbed her coat and headed out into the night.

  She hadn’t taken five steps out of NightCaps before Rush caught up to her.

  “Hey, sis, wait up.”

  “Go away, Rush.” I want to be alone. No. I want to go see Cash. Goddamn it. I don’t know what I want.

  “Fuck no. We drew straws and I won.”

  “Don’t you mean lost?” She pulled her shoulders in tight against her and walked out into the street to hail a cab.

  “No. I mean won. We all wanted to talk to you.” Rush flagged down a cab and climbed in after Siena. “Where are we going?”

  “I’m going home.”

  Rush had a concerned and somber look in his eyes, one that Siena wasn’t used to. He was an Olympic skier who spent his days training or competing and his nights gallivanting around whatever town he was in with whatever woman struck his fancy. Rush was thirty-two, and Siena doubted he’d ever settle down.

  “Then that’s where I’m going. You have alcohol?”

  She thought of the ingredients for screaming orgasms that Cash had given her. “Oh, yes. I sure do.”

  “Good. We’re gonna need it.”

  She gave the cabdriver the address of the firehouse.

  “I want to see Cash first.”

  “That’s cool. Whatever.” Rush shoved his hands in his coat pockets and leaned his head back, then closed his eyes.

  They arrived at the station a few minutes later, and Siena asked the driver to wait. Rush followed her out of the car.

  “Don’t think I’m not coming with you,” Rush said. “I can’t let my little sister go alone into a firehouse full of men. God knows what they’re like.”

  “Really, Rush? What am I? A child? Cash is in there. Do you really think he’d let anyone bother me?” she fired back.

  “Whatever, sis. I’ve got your back even if you don’t want me to.”

  She groaned. “Fine, whatever.”

  Inside the firehouse, she paced as she waited for Cash to come downstairs. The minute she saw him, the tears she didn’t realize had returned broke free and she ran into his arms.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?”

  With one of his arms around her back and the other on the back of her head, she felt like she could finally breathe. He pressed her to his strong chest and whispered, “What is it? What happened?” He lifted his head. “Rush?”

  “Hey, man. You have to ask her. Sorry,” Rush said. “I’m only here to make sure she
gets home okay.”

  “Thank you,” Cash said.

  He pulled back and looked into her eyes, which only made her cry harder, and thankfully, he held her close again.

  “Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s going to be okay,” Cash said.

  She pulled back again and took his face in her hands. “Do you know I love you?” she whispered.

  “Of course.”

  “No. I mean, really know it? In your heart? Or do you think I’m messing with you?” She had to know, and she wanted to say so much more and wasn’t sure she could.

  “Of course not. What’s going on?” He eyed Rush. “Excuse us a minute.” He brought her around the corner and brushed her tears from her cheeks with the pad of his thumb. “Babe, tell me what’s going on.”

  Siena took a few deep breaths and finally stopped crying. “I’m sorry. I never cry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m here for whatever you need.”

  “You know that I don’t want to go out with Gunner, right? That none of that is real? That going out with him again tomorrow night is just to finish the whole publicity thing?”

  “I didn’t know it was tomorrow, but yeah. I know. You told me all of that.” Cash pulled her close again. “Am I missing something?”

  She shook her head and pushed away again. “No. My brothers are just giving me all sorts of crap, and I felt horrible. I needed to know that you trust me and that you know how much you mean to me.”

  “Of course. Did you tell them the date wasn’t real?”

  “No. I can’t. I shouldn’t have even told you, remember? But I couldn’t hurt you like that and let you think it was real.”

  “Babe, they’re your brothers. Don’t you think you can trust them?”

  “I know I can trust them, but one slip and going out with Gunner would have been for nothing. They would never mean to say the wrong thing, but if someone makes a comment to them, you know they’d slip and say it wasn’t even a real date.” She realized that Cash might do the same thing. “Oh God, Cash, how are you handling it with the guys around here?”

  “I tell them to fuck off.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Really, come on.”

  “I do, but I also told them that it was a picture from months ago and that you had no idea how or why they printed it now.” He kissed her. “See? I can handle anything.”

  “They bought that? What will you say after the next pictures show up?” Shit, now you’re lying because of me.

  “I already said that they’d probably see more of the same and that Gunner was probably trying to fix his rep or something. These are my buddies. The only reason they care is that they don’t want you to screw me over. They couldn’t care less who Gunner Gibson is dating, and they know you’re not going to screw me over.” He kissed her again. “Look, babe, your brothers are just looking out for you. I love that, and I have to tell you, I love that Rush is making sure you get home okay. But you don’t have to worry about me. We only have to make it through one more Gunner date; then it’s just you and me. Right?”

  “Yes. Of course. I’m sorry I made a scene, and I’m sorry I overreacted.” She wiped her eyes, feeling like a weepy, weak girl. She hated feeling that way.

  Cash hugged her again. “You’re only human, just like we talked about the other night. Honesty is what makes us strong as a couple. Jealousy, sadness, what’s the difference? I’m here when you need me, and I know you’ll be there when I need you.”

  That weak girl feeling slipped away, and Siena realized it wasn’t weakness at all that she felt. It was the fear of losing Cash. With the certainty of his love for her, she headed home with Rush.

  RUSH HUNG UP his coat and made them each a drink. Siena changed into sweats just to escape his silent, worried gaze. She eyed Cash’s bag, which he’d forgotten when he ran out for the call, and shame clutched her again. This is the last time I compromise myself for my work. Ever.

  She found Rush on the couch, drink in hand, reading the magazines with the pictures of her and Gunner.

  “So, sis. What’s the real deal?” His brown hair was tousled; his Rossignol shirt barely contained his brawny chest and arms. He kicked his long legs up on the coffee table and looked at her expectantly.

  She slumped onto the couch beside him, and he handed her a glass from the coffee table. “This might make it easier.”

  He draped his arm over her shoulder and she sank against him. Siena was close with all of her brothers in different ways. Rush could always be counted on where controversy was concerned. He’d seen enough of it himself from his carousing in his younger years—although he’d been out of that part of the press scene for quite some time.

  Siena sighed and took a drink. “I don’t know, Rush.”

  “Well, I’ve never seen you run crying into a man’s arms before, so it’s something.”

  “Yeah, with Cash it’s definitely something.” She’d felt safer the second she was in his arms.

  “And with Gunner?”

  “It’s definitely not…anything.”

  She felt him nod, then take a drink as she curled her legs up beside her.

  “You know we weren’t judging you, right?” Rush’s voice was sincere, brotherly.

  “I know.” I’m judging myself.

  “Look, Siena. You don’t have to tell me anything. I just didn’t want you to be alone tonight. I’ve sat in your seat many times. I’ve done lots of things I’m not proud of, for reasons I didn’t even understand.”

  There it was, the honesty Cash was talking about.

  “But that’s how we learn,” he said.

  Rush still did things he couldn’t possibly be proud of. Or maybe he was? How could she possibly know? He was a man, and men were so different. Still, she turned and arched a brow.

  He knocked his shoulder gently against her. “Okay, well, that’s how we’re supposed to learn. I’m trying to be the good big brother here. All you really need to do is be able to sleep at night with your own thoughts churning through your mind. If you can do that, you’re good.”

  “Can you?” she asked.

  He set the magazines down beside him, closed his eyes, and let his head loll back. “Your goal shouldn’t be to do as I do. But my advice is solid, so try to learn from it. I love you, sis.”

  She cuddled against him and pulled the throw blanket over her legs, glad he was with her. “I love you, too, Rush.”

  All you really need to do is be able to sleep at night with your own thoughts churning through your mind. There wasn’t a chance in hell she was going to get a wink of sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  RUSH LEFT EARLY the next morning with the promise to see her soon, and by ten she’d already had texts from Dex, Sage, and Jack, each making sure she was okay. If she had ever wondered if her brothers cared about her—which she had never doubted—their sympathetic texts would have eased her mind. Now they just made her feel guilty about the date and about leaving NightCaps so abruptly.

  The text from Kurt came while she was in the cab on the way to see Jewel. I don’t write romance, so I’m no good at this really. But if you want to talk about the troglodyte or Cash, you know how to reach me. She loved that about him. Kurt never went all alpha male on her, and he didn’t pretend to have all the answers, but he was there if she needed him. She texted back, Thanks. Loved seeing u. Sorry I left early. I’m good. Xox.

  At noon Siena was sitting across from Jewel in her office, stewing over the date with Gunner later that evening. In the cab on the way over she’d decided that she was going to get out of it one way or another. Now her stomach knotted and her neck muscles felt bunched together into one big ache. The lack of sleep didn’t help.

  “You doubted the intelligence of my request, and I wanted to see your face when I gave you this news.” Jewel’s navy pencil skirt and fitted jacket looked as if it had been made just for her, the perfect complement to her blond hair and fair complexion. She moved gracefully across the office to the bank of windo
ws and touched the string of pearls that hung just below her collarbone.

  “News?” Siena folded her hands in her lap in an effort to keep from fiddling with her hair.

  “Track Sports is flirting with us.” Jewel’s coral lips spread into a self-satisfied smile.

  “Flirting with? I thought they were married to Nicole Blessinger.” Track Sports was one of the largest contracts in the sports industry, and Nicole had sealed that contract for the last five years.

  “Nic’s contract is up later this year. They were all over Chloe, but I was able to work a few miracles…”

  “After one bookstore meeting with Gunner? That makes no sense. How can that possibly be?”

  “That was just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been in talks with them for months, but they didn’t budge until they saw that you would take the steps that were necessary to help promote the brand and the industry.” Jewel sauntered over to where Siena sat and put her fingertips on the desk. “I was greasing the wheels; now it’s your job to make them spin.”

  Siena opened her mouth to ask how she was supposed to do that, but something told her that she already knew what it meant. More time with Gunner, or whoever else they decided she needed to be seen with.

  “In case you’re wondering, we’re talking eight to ten million for a five-year deal, and let me just remind you…” She touched Siena’s shoulder and her smile faded. “You’re twenty-six. That’ll carry you until you’re thirty-one, which is considered older than middle age in model years.”

  Eight to ten million. “That’s way more than Nic is making. Are you sure?”

  “Am I ever not sure when it comes to dollars and cents?” She sat beside Siena, knees together, legs bent at a glamorous angle. “You were right. You don’t really need this contract, and they know that. But you do need security, and this would be a nice little boost to your already ridiculous income.”


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