
Home > Contemporary > Bridleton > Page 9
Bridleton Page 9

by Becky Barker

“Not a damn thing.”

  “Then why are you criticizing?”

  “It’s a helluva distraction, especially if you want to discuss business.”

  In her world of fashion she only bothered with a bra if she had to model it. “It’s not like I have size Ds to support. My breasts are modestly covered.”

  “If you say so,” he replied, sounding unconvinced. When he directed a stare to her chest her nipples strained against the bodice of her dress. Andrea tugged on the fabric, annoyed that he’d managed to rattle her composure.

  “I didn’t ask you in here to discuss my breasts,” she said in a clipped tone. “I just wanted to give you your paycheck.” Reaching into the desk, she pulled out a legal-sized envelope. “The contractors Zack hired didn’t cost as much as he’d estimated so we have more operating funds. I gave Trace his back pay and wanted to give you yours too.”

  When Noah made no move to accept the envelope Andrea walked toward him and placed it near his hand on the mantel. Up close she could smell his clean male scent and feel the heat of his powerful body. Her heart began to beat a little more rapidly when she got closer. Feminine wariness warned her to back off as quickly as possible. Pride kept her from bolting. For a long minute they stood close and stared at each other while tension swirled around and through them.

  Andrea finally broke the simmering silence. “How ‘bout we call a truce on personal comments and concentrate on business?”

  He nodded in agreement. “What do you want to discuss?”

  “I want to know if we’re on schedule or if you feel we need more staff. I don’t know how much needs to be accomplished by now.”

  “You, Zack and Chey have been a big help.”

  “We have a vested interest in saving this ranch,” she reminded softly.

  “Yeah,” he said. “Do you think you can handle another couple weeks? It would really put us back on track.”

  “Zack’s time will be limited but I’ll work and Chey can help more with ranch chores once the bookkeeping is updated.”

  He nodded in agreement. “Cheyenne seems to be doing great. Until you got home nobody had time or knew how to deal with her. You gave her just what she needed, some respect and a little renewed confidence.”

  Andrea’s response was simple and heartfelt. “I love her.”

  Noah reached out a hand and cupped the side of her face, slowly stroking her cheek with his thumb. She resisted the urge to close her eyes and purr.

  “And you’re fiercely loyal to those you love.”

  She stared into his eyes, trying to read his thoughts. Then he surprised her by offering them.

  “I guess that means you never loved me.”

  Her breathing faltered. She’d loved him and told him often. “You betrayed our love.”

  He brushed his thumb over her lips, making them tremble slightly.

  “No, I didn’t.”

  They continued to stare into each other’s eyes, both searching for truth. Andrea couldn’t see one tiny fleck of guilt or remorse in his expression. He didn’t elaborate or offer any further defense, only the same unqualified denial he’d given her five years ago. Could she have been wrong all this time or was he just a master at deception? Had her refusal to turn Bridleton over to him renewed his interest in an intimate relationship?

  It all came down to the question of his true character. Was he really the type of man who’d sell his body and soul for a piece of prime real estate? He could be obstinate and arrogantly self-assured but that didn’t make him cold or calculating. He worked hard, respected his elders and the people who worked with him. She knew he had a passionate and protective nature. Was he just incapable of fidelity?

  Noah gently tugged her closer until their bodies aligned, hard muscle to soft curves. Her breasts brushed the solid strength of his chest, her nipples tickling with arousal. A shiver of awareness spiraled to the core of her. She lifted her hands and splayed them on his chest, her fingers involuntarily flexing against him. He wrapped one arm around her waist, drawing her still closer as his thumb pressed her mouth open.

  “I want a kiss.”

  The succinct demand made her heart pound wildly in her chest. It also reminded her that they’d shared some incredible sex but they’d never kissed. Not even once. Somehow kissing seemed more personal, more intimate, more forgiving, which seemed simple yet irrational. Would it be insane for her to indulge?

  Noah took the decision from her when he took her mouth with his. He rubbed his lips against hers in a hard caress and then licked slowly before prodding with his tongue. Her lips parted, not only allowing but inviting. His hand slid to the back of her head, angling her closer while he delved the depths of her mouth with an impatient tongue. Their tongues dueled for endless minutes until she caught his and sucked greedily. He tasted of coffee and mint and man.

  His whole body bucked in response, going hard and hot against her as he tightened his grip around her waist. Andrea felt the hard ridge of his erection pressing against her abdomen. The denim of his jeans and the cotton of her dress did little to buffer the strength of his desire. Her body surged against his in matching demand. They strained to get closer. Their mouths locked, their breathing erratic as passion threatened to rage out of control.

  Noah dropped his hand from her head to her thigh, tugging her skirt up until he reached bare skin. He lifted her leg and she locked it around his hip. They gasped for air but then got lost in another kiss. His hand cupped her buttock and kneaded the flesh, reminding her of the massage he’d given her last night. And everything else he’d given her. She wanted it all and more. Her body quaked with longing. She moaned low and long, coaxing in the most primitive fashion.

  When he shifted the hard ridge of his erection to the core of her femininity she nearly came undone. He rocked against her, sending her blood pressure skyrocketing. A low rumbling groan escaped him. She pressed herself closer to his straining flesh, making urgent, needy sounds of her own.

  Their impassioned moans nearly drowned the sound of the telephone ringing. The ringing eventually stopped but it brought home the fact that they weren’t alone in the house. There wasn’t even a locked door between them and anyone who happened past the office.


  His pithy curse echoed in Andrea’s head. She’d been thinking more like heaven but it was a hell of a time and place for them to be spiraling out of control. Dropping her head to his shoulder, she slowly lowered her leg until both of her feet were solidly planted on the floor. It took a little longer to regain enough strength to stand unassisted.

  When he finally set her from him they stared at each other in consternation.

  “Have we totally lost our minds?” she whispered.

  He shook his head as if to clear it, and she knew he was having an even harder time reining in his desire. Raking a hand through his hair in agitation, he turned and paced across the room. She moved behind the desk and dropped into a chair. For just a minute she crossed her arms on the surface and rested her head on them.

  The phone rang again, startling Andrea. Her hand shot out to stop the annoying sound. “Hello.” She didn’t even bother to identify herself.

  “Andrea, it’s Lloyd. What’s happening out there in the Wild West? I expected to hear from you last week. You never explained your family emergency.”

  She cringed at her own thoughtlessness. Even though she and Lloyd had more than a professional relationship, she’d neglected to contact him since she’d hit Texas. Out of sight, out of mind apparently.

  “Lloyd, I’m really sorry I didn’t call. I’ve been crazy busy.”

  “Busy doing what?”

  “Family stuff,” she said, glancing at Noah. He’d taken a seat across from her. His expression was tight, his gaze steady and mocking.

  “So when are you coming home?”

  Lloyd’s question caught her by surprise. She was home now. New York had never really been more than a place to live, work and play. It wouldn’t do to try to
explain. He’d never understand. He lived and breathed for New York.

  “I’ve decided to stay here a while.”

  The phone went quiet, Lloyd’s way of gaining the upper hand on any conversation. He knew his silence would shout his displeasure more than words. The tactic brought a smile to her face. She glanced at Noah, so down-to-earth, so masculine, so incredibly sexy. Lloyd was sexy too, in a fashion. His sexiness was enhanced by spray tans, hair stylists and a small fortune in clothing.

  She got temporarily lost in the comparisons of the two men and nearly jumped out of her seat when he spoke again.

  “You can’t afford an extended vacation,” he finally said. “Your career is at a tenuous stage right now and you can’t be away from the cameras too long.”

  She knew the truth in what he said, just as she’d known the decision to save Bridleton would put her career at risk. It made her a little sad yet she hadn’t been really happy with the travel and workload for a long time. Being home again had given her a new focus. Her family had to come first now.

  “Right now, Bridleton is more important to me.”

  Another long silence from long distance. “I’ll be on the next plane out there.”

  “No! No!” She heard the panic in her own voice and managed to calm her tone. “This is not a good time, Lloyd. I’m incredibly busy with absolutely no time to entertain guests. As soon as I can get free for a day or two I’ll fly to New York. I know it’s really unprofessional to cut back without discussing the matter with you first but I’m not going to change my mind.”

  “I’ve always considered our relationship more personal than professional,” he replied quietly. “You know how I feel about you.”

  Andrea closed her eyes and sighed. She wondered if Lloyd would run in the opposite direction if she took his proposals seriously. He liked to flirt and party and escort her around the city. He’d even tried to press her into a more intimate relationship. She hadn’t wanted to spoil their friendship. Maybe he believed she’d been playing hard to get all this time. Maybe she’d completely misread his feelings. Regardless, she didn’t want to have this discussion with Noah listening to every word.

  “I really can’t talk right now, Lloyd. Our time difference is two hours so I’ll call you back about ten your time, if that’s not too late.”

  Another long pause was followed by his grudging, “‘Til then.”

  After replacing the receiver Andrea looked at Noah. His expression was grim, his tone even grimmer. “Is he the reason you’re on the Pill?”

  She felt herself blushing. “I’m on the Pill for reasons unrelated to birth control.”

  He didn’t comment but stared at her with brooding intensity. “For the record, I’ve never had unprotected sex with anyone but you,” he assured roughly.

  The confession distracted her for a few minutes. They’d had unprotected sex last night just as they’d done in the past. If he’d planned a seduction he’d have brought protection with him to her bedroom. Wouldn’t he?

  She hoped he told the truth. “Nor have I.”

  He didn’t need to know she hadn’t had sex with anyone but him. Shaking her head, she forced her thoughts in another direction. “We need to focus on the ranch right now.”

  At his nod, she continued, “You said you sold Baron. Who bought him?”

  “Shelly Hastings.”

  That made her grimace. “How successful can our breeding operation be without him?”

  “We have four of our best mares carrying his seed. They’re all due to deliver soon. It’ll take another couple years but we should have healthy new breeding stock with the best of bloodlines.”

  Andrea should have known he had a plan. He loved that horse and wouldn’t have parted with him unless absolutely necessary.

  “I’ll bet Shelly is happy to let you visit him.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth she wanted to recall the catty comment. “Sorry, I have no right to make that kind of remark.”

  “Apology accepted.” He rose in a slow, easy flow of muscle that made her mouth go dry. “I’d better go check on those mares right now.”

  She didn’t want him to leave her. “What about the longhorn stock? How decimated is our breeding herd?”

  “The prime stock numbers will double this year. They’re a hardy breed and mature fast. In another year we could be on firm financial ground again if we avoid a major catastrophe.”

  He turned to leave. She wanted to go with him but she didn’t ask. Instead she said, “Don’t forget your check. I’m sorry you had to wait so long for it. “

  He glanced toward the mantel, then at her. Without commenting, he moved to the desk, took hold of her arms and pulled her to her feet. She kept her hands at her sides, waiting and wondering what he would do next. He cupped her face again, this time with both hands. She could feel renewed tension radiating from his big body. At first she thought it was passion but then she realized he was angry. Very quiet, very controlled and simmering with fury.

  “You can keep the check. It’s an attempt to put me in my place and remind me who’s boss. I can do without it. I know exactly where I stand.”

  Andrea hadn’t meant to offend him. She started to protest but he silenced her with a swift, hard kiss. As he dropped his hands, he flicked his thumbs over her breasts until her nipples pebbled. “When you’re done with New York tonight, come and see me.”

  She watched him turn and leave the room, closing the door quietly behind him. Trembling, she dropped into the chair and crossed her arms over her breasts. Her body throbbed with coiled tension, her nipples tender.

  Damn, now she’d made him mad again. Just when she’d thought they were making progress, working so well together. She licked her lips, tasting his kisses and wanting more. It had been the same five years ago. They’d been insatiable, lost in sensuality and nearly blind to the rest of the world.

  At least she’d been blind and insatiable.

  As a person who’d gone from a plump, insecure teenager to an anorexic twenty-two-year-old model, she’d never had the bone-deep self-confidence some women took for granted. Her confidence had all been surface and for show.

  Noah had introduced her to wanton, uninhibited sex and she’d loved it. Loved him beyond all reason. It had been both thrilling and frightening to have him choose her over the many women who wanted him. She’d been so proud and so deeply in love.

  What had nearly killed her was not knowing whether he felt the same. She didn’t think of herself as the type of woman who inspired undying devotion. She’d never been without doubts or really believed their relationship could work.

  She tried blocking all thoughts of him to concentrate on the updates Chey and Nanna had made. Forcing herself to refocus, she booted up the computer and studied spreadsheets. Most of the handwritten data had been transferred, making it so much easier to study their finances. The influx of cash from her checking and savings had paid the most outstanding bills. Zack’s money would ease the crunch for a while.

  The sale of her apartment would be finalized in a couple months. That would give them a financial cushion but it wouldn’t be enough to pay for the upgrades they needed, like Zack’s reservoir plans. The ranch had to be profitable again. She sure hoped it was possible.

  Nanette interrupted her thoughts when she entered the office. After taking a seat across from Andrea she added her thanks for supporting and encouraging Cheyenne.

  “It’s been a joy working with her and it’s another load lifted from Noah’s shoulders.”

  “He’d been doing the paperwork too?”

  “I’m afraid so. Most of it. I didn’t have the stamina to help with the ranch chores and take care of the business end. Now that you’re helping him Cheyenne and I are making good progress on the backlog of files. It’s good for her to stay busy and share the responsibility around here. She needs purpose in life. I think your plans for fashion designing are perfect.”

  Andrea smiled. “Thanks, Nanna. I know y
ou never approved of my mama’s career or mine but it might benefit us all at some point.”

  “I never disapproved as much as I didn’t understand,” explained the older woman as she cleaned her glasses with a handkerchief. “My old-fashioned upbringing, I guess.”

  “Well I just told my agent I’m taking a leave from modeling. Since he’s not very happy with me right now, I’ll wait a while before mentioning the Bartell Collection.”

  “Wise choice,” replied Nanna, rising from her chair with stiff-jointed movements that accentuated her age. “I won’t keep you. You can catch up on what we’ve been doing. Just holler if you need something clarified.”

  “I will, and I hope you can stop worrying so much.” Her aunt’s acceptance of the shift in control had been a pleasant surprise. Now it appeared the shift had been more from Noah to Andrea. How did he really feel about it?

  Nanette chuckled. “There’s always something to worry about. Right now I’d better get back out to the pool. Trace and Cheyenne are working on it and they might come to blows if there’s not a mediator to intervene in their squabbling.”

  “Why are Trace and Cheyenne squabbling?”

  The older woman sighed. “They’re totally infatuated with each other but don’t realize it yet.”

  “Trace and Cheyenne?” Andrea repeated in amazement. She hadn’t seen any signs of an attraction.

  Nanette shook her head. “First Caroline and now Cheyenne. He’s a good man, one of the really loyal, dependable ones. What a shame.”

  Andrea stared at her in shock. “Trace and Caroline? They were a couple?”

  Her aunt’s brows furrowed in a frown. “Yes, dear. I don’t think it was common knowledge but I knew. Most of the family knew. Of course, you and Noah were so wrapped up in each other that summer you probably didn’t notice. I always wondered what happened to trigger Caroline’s anger and, consequently, her death. I hope the tension between Trace and Cheyenne isn’t a hangover from that horrible accident. I never believed for a minute that Caroline intended to harm herself. She just let her temper get the best of her and it cost her and her baby their lives.”


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