Winter's Dragons. Frozen Flames: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (Soulmates of Seasons Book 2)

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Winter's Dragons. Frozen Flames: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (Soulmates of Seasons Book 2) Page 5

by Eva Brandt

  “Yes, treasure, but we didn’t deliberately omit anything. We were simply distracted by your beauty.”

  I knew the words sounded corny even as I said them, but they were the absolute truth. It was in the nature of a male dragon to focus on his female, and this tendency was at its strongest in the first months after their mating, to the point where he discarded everything else. Had we been in Terra Dracones when this whole incident had happened, our parents would’ve thought nothing of it.

  “You know, I actually believe that,” Cassia said, “and I would never blame you for your nature. I also can’t help but feel that maybe being unaware of something that’s so deeply connected with my soulmates’ way of life says something about the state of our bond, and about my own potential to be a good romantic partner.”

  That last sentence held no teasing note or attempt at seduction, and the weight of its meaning struck me like a physical blow. It hadn’t occurred to me that Cassia would interpret our behavior in such a way, or that she would blame herself for it.

  “Oh, treasure, don’t ever think such things,” I whispered, making my way to her side. Moving through the dense fog of her icy magic felt like swimming in the waters of a very powerful river, one that embraced and encouraged me, instead of trying to drown me. When I pulled her into my arms, I felt like I was holding a star. “None of this is your fault.”

  “We should’ve known better and controlled our instincts, enough at least to keep you and our families informed on the basics,” Raijin added as he joined me. His fingers trailed over her pale cheek in a gentle caress. “The fact that we couldn’t do it is in no way your responsibility.”

  Kerryn stepped up behind Cassia and licked her earlobe, drawing a small shiver out of our beautiful female. “We’ll do better,” he promised huskily. “Today has been excellent incentive to not be so forgetful in the future.”

  It had been an incentive for so much more than that, my erection reminded me. Cassia was no longer focusing on driving me crazy with her magic, but that didn’t matter since her presence was enough to make my head spin with desire. She felt so right in my arms, and I wondered how I—how any of us—could have been so lucky to find such a beautiful, perfect female.

  We were now framing her between our larger bodies, keeping her trapped and supposedly unable to make her escape. Of course, she could have easily incapacitated us at any time if she so desired, but even if that hadn’t been the case, we would have never dreamed of forcing her into anything.

  She happily surrendered to us anyway, letting out a small breathy gasp as she melted against Kerryn’s chest. “I’m sure you’re all creative enough to make it up to me.”

  I’d never considered myself all that creative, but when it came to Cassia, having ideas was never an issue. Half the time, I didn’t have to think about it at all. I just moved, my instincts taking over, my dragon guiding me, showing me the best way to pleasure our female, to claim her as our own.

  Today wasn’t any different, except for the fact that I felt far more impatient than I usually did. Cassia’s words had gotten to me more than I’d have liked to admit. The thought that she’d ever blame herself for this fiasco with our parents grated on me. I needed to show her that our bond was as true and strong as it had always been.

  My fellow dragons felt the same, and we all moved in tandem to accomplish our shared goal. “As always, your wish is our command, treasure,” Kerryn murmured. He picked her up in his arms and made a beeline for the cracked, but still usable table.

  By the time he reached it, Raijin and I had already cleared most of its surface of dishes and cutlery. The elaborately prepared meal ended up all over Cassia’s immaculate floors, but she didn’t seem to mind it. When Kerryn placed her down onto the icy table, she extended her arms toward us, a vision of surrender and temptation.

  There were stories told among my people of the humans of Terra Dracones sacrificing their women to us in exchange for blessings. I’d never put much stock in it since they’d never done it in my lifetime, and it would’ve been repulsive for a male dragon to take what wasn’t offered from a female, even if she was human. As I watched my own female offer herself to us, though, something dark and ancient stirred inside me, and I wondered if those stories weren’t at least a little true.

  My dragon surged inside me, more powerful than ever, and before I could stop myself, I summoned my magic, torching the beautiful, silver gown she was wearing. Cassia had enough presence of mind to press her hand to the table, keeping it from melting. She did not bother to protect her clothing, which left her completely nude and at our mercy.

  Smirking, I shared a look with Raijin and Kerryn and saw my own feelings and desires in their eyes. No matter what had brought us here tonight, we would use this chance to the utmost of our ability to show our soulmate just how precious she was to us. We would make her understand why nothing and no one could ever matter more than her. Words might not always be our field of expertise, but we would speak through our bodies, and share with her the deepest truth of our existence.

  From the moment we’d set eyes on her, we had started a new family and instinctively left behind everything we’d had in Terra Dracones. We wouldn’t have had it any other way.


  Treasured Moments


  When I’d come up with my little plan to tease my soulmates in the middle of dinner, I hadn’t expected it to go as far as it had. I’d planned to keep it light and discreet, prolong it all throughout the night, drive them crazy while their parents sat by my side, unaware.

  It was not the first time my plans went sideways, and it would probably not be the last. Right then and there, I couldn’t have cared less.

  There was something intoxicating about being at my dragons’ mercy, completely naked, lying on the dinner table like some kind of virgin sacrifice, although I certainly did not qualify for that role. It almost seemed like, by stripping me of my gown, Emmerich had also burnt away all the responsibilities intrinsic to my position.

  At that moment, I could disregard my burdens and embrace sensation alone. When my circlet fell off, I didn’t have to care. I didn’t have to be anything except their soulmate, and I reveled in that freedom.

  With the buzz of Emmerich’s magic still lingering on my skin, I spread my legs, exposing myself for their viewing pleasure. During dinner, I’d managed to control my desires despite the deliciously filthy nature of what I’d been doing to my dragons. I’d known that their parents could scent arousal as easily as my soulmates did and, despite my plan, I’d had no intention of sharing such intimate things with my would-be in-laws. I no longer had that to hold me back.

  I reached down and cupped my own breast, pinching my already peaked nipple and moaning, half to reiterate my wordless invitation to my dragons, half because it actually did feel very good. From his spot in front of me, Kerryn hissed. “You tempt us too much, treasure. One of these days, we’re going to lose our minds to you.”

  When he buried his face between my legs, I screamed. I couldn’t have held back to save my life. As he swirled his tongue over my clit, he thrust two fingers inside me, and the two sensations coalesced to drive my need and arousal even higher. At that moment, I wanted to tell them that they were the ones who would claim my ability for rational thought, just like they had claimed my body and my heart. The words didn’t come.

  Raijin grabbed my hands and pinned them both to the table, effortlessly holding me down. Ice bloomed over my wrists and his fist from our point of contact, but he took it in stride. With his free hand, he reached down to toy with the nipple he had forced me to abandon and his lips crashed against my own. I welcomed the invasion of his tongue and kissed him back with the same fervor he displayed, all the while doing my best to impale myself on Kerryn’s fingers.

  Kerryn chuckled against my folds and the vibration made a renewed wave of pleasure rush over me. Gods, I was already so close to coming I could practically taste it, but I couldn’t r
each that peak, not yet. I needed to feel them melting me from the inside out like only they could. I writhed with lust underneath my soulmates, biting Raijin’s lips, flailing against his frozen hold, my magic sweeping around us in a blizzard of both snow and desire.

  Even when Raijin tore his mouth away from mine, I couldn’t vocalize my wishes. The only thing that came out was a breathless, “Please, oh, please...” My dazed mind was simply unable to put together anything more coherent.

  My dragons must’ve understood my predicament regardless because they didn’t leave me waiting any longer. Kerryn briefly stopped his ministrations on my hungry pussy, but I barely had the time to mourn the absence of his talented mouth and fingers. Within seconds, he had already replaced them with his cock, thrusting inside me so hard I saw stars.

  A low, keening cry escaped my throat, the sensation of being filled almost overwhelming me entirely. My dragons gave me no quarter. Emmerich’s stern, but gentle fingers landed in my hair, guiding me toward the tip of his dick as it appeared within my line of sight.

  “Go ahead, treasure. Show us who you belong to.”

  On my other side, Raijin mimicked him, smiling down at me as he said, “Show us who we belong to.”

  When had he gotten free of the ice I’d accidentally created? I wasn’t sure, but at one point, he must’ve done it, and he had released my wrists as well. It was a shame that I didn’t have the coordination to take advantage of this in any way beyond reaching for their cocks like a starving woman.

  They still hadn’t gotten undressed, having just undone the laces of their breeches enough to free their dicks from their confines. I took Emmerich in my mouth first, reveling in his sharp, spicy taste, bobbing my head up and down his shaft. Getting a good grip on Raijin’s cock proved to be a challenge, but in my defense, Kerryn had started pounding into me at an almost punishing pace. When I released Emmerich’s dick from my mouth and turned my attention onto Raijin’s, I encountered the same issue. I couldn’t focus, couldn’t move between them as fluidly as I would have liked.

  Fortunately, my dragons were nothing if not helpful, and their solidity and familiarity anchored me like nothing ever could. Kerryn’s rhythm never faltered, and he, Emmerich and Raijin fell into a perfectly synchronized pace that made all my uncertainties and confusion drift away. Before long, I found myself surrendering to my instincts, alternately pleasuring Emmerich and Raijin with my mouth while moving in tandem with Kerryn’s thrusts. Everything inside me and around me vibrated with the visceral, primal strength of our coupling. At the back of my mind, something seemed to shatter, and I let myself trust and fall, knowing that my dragons would catch me, no matter what.

  It was Kerryn who came first, thrusting inside me like a man possessed and flooding me with a heat that seemed to reach into my very core. My magic and my body instinctively responded to it, and with a choked, muffled cry, I followed my wyvern soulmate over the edge. My consciousness flashed in a kaleidoscope of incomprehensible images and indistinct colors, and an avalanche of power exploded inside me, spiraling throughout the room in a sea of blazing white. It swallowed Emmerich and Raijin whole, and with twin roars, they came, painting my face, chest, and hair with hot streams of semen.

  If I hadn’t climaxed already, that would’ve been enough to make it happen. Instead, having them claim me in such a perfect, palpable way sent a renewed wave of pleasure through me, prolonging the orgasm I had already experienced, making me shudder and convulse as I was enveloped in the aftershock of the earthquake that had shattered my control and my barriers.

  When it was all over, I found myself dazed, breathless, covered in all sorts of fluids and more content than I could remember being in days. I slumped against the icy table, staring at the ceiling, still naked and buzzing with the afterglow of my orgasm. “Well, that was certainly enjoyable,” I croaked out. “Maybe I should start teasing you in public a little more often.”

  “Whatever you want, treasure,” Emmerich replied, “but just so you know, we can make no promises about the fate of your wardrobe should you decide to do so.”

  I imagined myself standing in the bailey, trying to coordinate the distribution of the supplies February had brought from my sister’s realm and having my clothes vanish mid-sentence. Yeah, that was probably not a good idea.

  “All right,” I said with a light laugh. “Maybe we should keep things more discreet.” We certainly wouldn’t be able to do it when/if we went to Pandora’s Bacchanal, but that was something to think about later.

  “Maybe not that discreet,” Raijin drawled, kissing my bare shoulder. “I have an awful fondness for taking you over your throne.”

  Raijin’s words made me snort in a very unladylike manner. “You and your fetish for my throne. Be careful, or I’ll start believing you only love me because of my crown.”

  That couldn’t have been further from the truth. If anything, my dragons loved me in spite of my position. Unless that position involved me lying on some kind of flat surface, with my legs spread in invitation, in which case, that probably contributed.

  Despite being well aware of their feelings, I still enjoyed it when Kerryn crawled on top of me and pressed a kiss to my lips. “We love you because you’re you, Cassia. You’re our soulmate. No matter what happens, always remember that.”

  He tasted like me, a little salty, a little sharp, and I found that I liked it. I liked the feel of his body over my own even more, and I embraced the truth of his words just like I embraced him. “I will,” I promised, this time completely serious. “I’ll never forget.”

  We had made many mistakes in our past exchanges, but nothing was perfect, not even untainted snow and definitely not relationships. Life was all about learning and adjusting. We might occasionally stumble and fall, but we’d pick one another up and move forward.

  We were soulmates, and in the end, that was the only thing that mattered.

  * * *


  The day after the arrival of my soulmates’ families, I woke up in my quarters curled between my dragons, nursing yet another headache as foul as some of the hangovers Pandora’s Bacchanals tended to leave behind. I groaned, reaching for my temples in an attempt to massage the soreness away.

  Usually, my magic handled the problem before I could even become aware of it. The stress of the past couple of days and the constant use of my abilities must have been putting a greater strain on me than I had realized.

  As expected, my dragons instantly noticed something was not right. They appeared to have awakened before me and had been watching over me while I slept, so my gesture triggered their immediate alarm. “Are you all right, treasure?” Raijin asked, cupping my cheek with almost excruciating gentleness.

  “Just a bit of a headache,” I answered, trying to force a smile. “I’m sure it’s fatigue, nothing more.”

  Raijin scowled, not seeming very convinced by my attempt to reassure him. “Do you need anything? A massage, maybe?”

  I would’ve had to be a very stupid woman to refuse that offer. My dragons gave the best massages, and it was not the first time I’d resorted to the aid of their skillful hands. As much as they might have enjoyed claiming me on my throne, the damn thing remained as uncomfortable as always when I actually did have to use it, and my back was starting to get cramps. I was beginning to contemplate the potential of building an alternative that was less harsh on my spine.

  For the moment, that could wait, as my dragons were more than qualified to cure my temporary affliction. Granted, they didn’t stick to just massaging my forehead, but I didn’t expect them to. Their massages were always best when they caressed every single part of me, including the insides of my body.

  This morning, they were gentle. Raijin rolled me over on top of him and guided me to lie down on his chest. As I relaxed against him, he slowly began to massage my scalp, sending tingles of power through my aching temples. He was no healer, but his magic felt soothing, regardless, making all the tension drift away int
o a smooth, lazy relaxation.

  When Emmerich’s hot hands swept over my back, the somewhat platonic experience quickly turned sexual. Without moving from my very comfortable position, I spread my legs to grant my dragons better access to the places where I most needed them to touch me. By now, my headache had already faded under Raijin’s skilled, tender touch, and I found that I wanted to begin my day with taking them inside me.

  Pandora always did say there was nothing like a small orgy before breakfast. It was a little ironic that my life was finally echoing the words she had been hammering into my brain for years, but how could I care about things like that when I had three dedicated lovers ready to fulfill my every wish?

  Raijin’s erect dick was already nudging the slick folds of my wet pussy. It was a simple matter to slide down and position myself over his shaft, allowing him to slip inside me.

  A choked cry escaped my lips, entwining with Raijin’s own groan, and those of my other two dragons. “You’re so beautiful, Cassia,” Emmerich whispered behind me, his voice full of gravel. He smoothed his hands over the skin of my ass in a caress that seemed almost reverential. “The most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Kerryn pressed a kiss to my shoulder, and his lips seemed to leave behind a brand that sizzled with sexual energy. “Perfect. Our priceless treasure. You were born for us.”

  I had doubts about the extent of my absolute perfection, but I could not argue with the latter statement. For many years, I’d believed that I’d been born to carry the weight of the throne of Tou Cheimóna, but I could see now that maybe I’d been mistaken in my assumption. No matter what responsibilities my life had guided me toward, my soul and my body had always been waiting for them.

  “Yes,” I replied, just as softly. “I was born for you.”

  Because of that knowledge, when I felt Emmerich’s dick push in next to Raijin’s, a part of me wasn’t surprised. I belonged to them. They could take me however they pleased, and my body would accommodate them.


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