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Connectivity Page 20

by Whitney Cannon

  The sound of a car door slamming jerked them both out of their makeout haze, and they rested their foreheads together trying to catch their breath. After another moment and final peck, they separated and Josh opened the door for Cory then ran around to his side and climbed in.

  They both adjusted themselves and then chuckled at their situation. They were going to need every minute of the drive to the ice cream parlor to cool down.

  As Cory drove them back toward his neighborhood and Sweet Dreams he reached over and laced his fingers with Josh’s. Josh looked over at him and in the dim lighting and the occasional illumination of the street lamps they passed, he thought he saw a little nervousness or anxiety on Cory’s face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Hmm?” Cory startled.

  “You look like something is on your mind or making you nervous. I’m sorry if I came on too strong in the parking lot. You know I’m fine with whatever we do, or don’t do in the bedroom, right? I was just sort of caught up in the moment and feeling kind of bold. We don’t have to do anything when we get home. I didn’t mean to make you nervous.”

  Cory looked over at Josh for a brief moment before turning his attention back to the road. He worried his lip, and the action started to make Josh nervous.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Cory blurted. “I mean, I’d like to go further with you. For God sakes, I haven’t even touched you yet and I’m already so awkward and making things weird just by talking about this. But maybe we can just start slow, like handjobs, or the frotting you mentioned. Those all sound really good and nice. And that handjob you gave me the other day was amazing, but I want to touch you, too. I just don’t know how or what to do or what you’re going to like.”

  Josh listened to Cory’s concerns and tried really hard not to smile, or laugh. He’d never want Cory to feel like he couldn’t talk to Josh about whatever was bothering him.

  “Cory, can you pull over for a minute?” Josh asked.

  Cory glanced at Josh and did as he asked pulling onto the next side street and parking at the curb. He turned in his seat and worriedly looked at Josh.

  “Baby,” Josh said and took Cory’s hand in his own. “First of all, thank you for talking to me. Thank you for telling me what was bothering you. If you and I are a Connective couple and for lack of a better word, stuck, with each other, we are going to have to be open with each other and honest with our feeling and thoughts. So thank you, even if it was weird, or awkward to admit, or talk about.”

  “Second of all,” Josh said and pressed Cory’s hand to his half-hard denim covered crotch.

  Cory sucked in a breath. “Josh, God. What are you doing?”

  “I’m showing you that even though you think you’re awkward and don’t know what you’re doing, just being you, whatever that looks like, is working for me. Just kissing you half the time gets me going, and we haven’t even gotten to the good stuff. I love everything we’ve done so far, Cory. I’m not expecting you to be some experienced man-whore or anything, and I’m certainly no expert myself. I’ve done almost as much with you as I ever have before with anyone else. So what I’m saying is, we’ll figure it out together, at whatever pace works for us. I’d certainly love it if you touched me, not gonna lie, but if you need to talk about it first that’s totally fine. Giving someone a handjob is a lot like what you’d do to yourself. What makes you feel good when you do it to yourself? Just do that to me, and I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  Cory swallowed and nodded his head. “Thanks, Josh. I’m sorry if I was weird.”

  “You were not being weird, just voicing your concerns. And you’re welcome. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, so I’m glad we talked.”

  “Me too.” Cory leaned over and gave Josh the sweetest kiss with the lightest flick of tongue.

  “Now who's being the tease?” Josh groused and Cory finally laughed, looking more like himself.

  Josh kissed the back of Cory’s hand and they continued their drive to Sweet Dreams.

  When they arrived, there were only a few people left in the shop since they were getting ready to close. As per Cory winning their mini bet at the bowling alley with the highest score of their last game, he got to choose Josh’s ice cream flavors.

  “Okay, just so I don’t accidentally pick your favorites, what would you normally get?” Cory asked.

  Josh laughed. “Oh, you wouldn’t want to accidentally get something I like, huh? I see how this is gonna go down. Not cool, babe. In that case, I would normally get vanilla and something with cherries in it.”

  “You would not, you big dork.” Cory laughed and playfully shoved Josh away. “Fine. I’ll just have to hope I don’t pick something you might like too much, without your assistance.”

  “Bring it on, sweet cheeks. I bet I’ll love whatever you choose for me because you chose it,” Josh said and pecked Cory on the cheek to sweeten the deal.

  “Ugh, you don't play fair, Josh,” Cory whined with a pretend pout. “Now I have to get you something good just because you’re being so sweet.”

  Laughing again, Josh hugged Cory into his side. “Whatever you say, dear.”

  Cory harrumphed and finally ordered salted caramel apple and dark chocolate espresso for Josh and peanut butter cup and double chocolate mint ribbon for himself.

  After they paid and took a stack of napkins, they walked down the street toward the pond. The lamps were lit at each bench surrounding the pond casting a sort of fairytale look to the scene.

  They ate their ice cream quietly, simply enjoying the sounds of the night and being together.

  “I had a great time tonight, Josh,” Cory said quietly after a while.

  Josh hugged Cory into him and kissed the side of his head. “Me too, babe. Thank you for a great day and such an amazing first date.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, Josh. We’re in this together. But, I am glad you had a good time. Next time you can pick what we do, huh?”

  “Mmm, next time.” Josh sighed. “I’m not ready for this time to be over, yet. Can we just sit here for a while? I really love how quiet it is just sitting in the lamplight holding you.”

  “Of course. I love it, too. It’s so peaceful right now. Like everyone else is asleep, and it’s just us in the world.”

  They sat together, with Josh’s arm draped around Cory’s shoulder, enjoying the sound of crickets and the occasional frog chorus. There was one other couple walking on the other side of the pond, and Josh watched as they eventually moved to stand in the center of the bridge, doing much the same thing Josh and Cory were doing, apparently enraptured enough to forget the rest of the world existed. The lamplight twinkling off the reflection of the water made a lovely soft glow on the scene, and Josh found such peace with the moment he could have stayed there for hours.

  The fickle May skies decided a nice spring drizzle was just the thing missing from their evening and a slow, peaceful patter started to dance across the pond’s surface. The couple on the bridge fled, but neither Josh nor Cory were bothered by the change. If anything, Josh thought the soft melody made the setting even more romantic and that was not something Josh thought he'd ever find appealing, but with Cory, it was perfect.

  After some time, they eventually did relent to the wet conditions and ambled hand in hand back to Cory’s car. They made the short drive home in silence and let Jenny out for a quick minute before they found their way to the bedroom. The house was otherwise quiet as they changed for bed and brushed their teeth, draping their wet clothes over the edge of the bathtub to dry.

  Josh sat on the edge of his bed looking across the small space at where Cory was perched on the edge of his. His blond hair was dark, not only from the darkened room, but from the rain, and it was clumped together a bit from where he’d rubbed the towel through it a minute ago, making Josh want to brush the wayward strands off his forehead and feel the damp texture of it between his fingers.

  Cory got up slowly and moved toward Josh closing the d
istance between them as if responding to Josh’s thoughts. Josh opened his arm for Cory to snuggle in next to him, but Cory silently shook his head and Josh dropped his arm back in his lap, wordlessly asking Cory what he was after. Cory stared intently into Josh’s eyes and slowly sank down to his knees in front of him.

  Josh sucked in a breath, and held still, continuing to hold Cory’s gaze. His Complement looked like an angel there in front of him, but Josh didn’t want to spook him by reaching for him just yet.

  Tentatively, Cory moved his hands to rest on Josh’s knees, and Josh could only watch, transfixed by his boyfriend. The look of uncertainty and hesitation on Cory’s face made Josh feel like he needed to take control and help Cory along, but he waited, knowing Cory’s earlier confession about his unease and lack of knowledge would hold him back from moving too fast. Josh wasn’t sure exactly where things were going, but there was no need to rush anything along. He wanted to enjoy these early moments of exploration with Cory.

  “Can I touch you?” Cory whispered, looking up at Josh and rubbing his thumbs in small sweeps on the insides of Josh’s knees.

  Josh couldn’t for the life of him summon his voice as his brain was simultaneously on overdrive and annoyingly non-responsive, so he nodded his assent instead. The thin fabric of his basketball shorts did little to hide his body’s reaction to Cory’s words and motions, and in his periphery, he saw the fabric jump as he hardened even further.

  Cory finally moved his gaze from Josh’s and settled it on Josh’s tented shorts. He slowly lifted his right hand and ran it up along the smooth texture of the silver material, settling just shy of its destination. Cory looked up at Josh again, and he nodded slightly in encouragement moving his hands behind his back to prop himself up as he watched Cory intently.

  After another moment, Cory seemed to shed his uncertainty and moved to palm Josh through his shorts. Josh shuddered a little at the sensation of having Cory grasp him there, but then Cory squeezed ever so slightly, and Josh bit his lip to keep from making any noise.

  Slowly, Cory moved his other hand over and both of them started to explore Josh through his shorts. He squeezed slightly and rubbed his palms up and down Josh’s length taking in the feel and size of another guy this way.

  Josh watched as Cory grew bolder, and his movements more sure. The look of concentration and sensuality on Cory’s face had him wanting to return the favor so Cory could know exactly what it felt like, but he held off, letting his Complement enjoy his first-time exploration.

  After a few minutes of this preemptive touching, Cory moved his hands up and took hold of the waistband of Josh’s shorts, moving his eyes up to Josh’s, asking for permission. Josh nodded and bent forward unable to keep from kissing Cory for another moment. He plundered Cory’s mouth, burying his hands in his hair and letting him know exactly what he was doing to him without saying a word.

  Josh broke the kiss, and breathing heavily, leaned back on his hands, lifting his hips for Cory to remove whatever he chose.

  Cory panted and stared at Josh with lust and love in his eyes. He reached up and grabbed a hold of Josh’s shorts and pulled the waistband down over his butt and thighs, easing them off his calves and feet and dropped them next to the bed.

  Josh sat before his Complement in only his underwear with his heart pounding in his chest.

  Cory looked up at him and ran his hands up and down Josh’s thighs. “God, you’re gorgeous, Josh,” Cory said reverently and Josh gave a soft smile. Cory’s eyes moved over all the planes and valleys of Josh’s form, and Josh felt so exposed he almost wanted to squirm except the touch of Cory’s hands kept him grounded in a comforting way.

  They had seen each other change clothes several times that week, each of them sneaking peeks and lingering looks, but this was different. It was the slow exploration of a new boyfriend, and more than that, it was the first time either of them was doing something with someone they knew they loved. Cory was his destiny, his person, and doing this with him was as natural as them finding each other in the first place.

  Josh moved his right hand and cupped Cory’s cheek, bringing his gaze back up to his own, tracing his thumb over his lower lip. “I love you,” he breathed and suddenly had a lap full of his Complement.

  Cory grabbed either side of Josh’s face, and Josh steadied him while he straddled his lap. “I love you, too, Josh,” he breathed as he lowered his mouth and owned Josh with his kiss.

  Hands were everywhere. Roaming, grabbing, exploring, touching. Josh gripped Cory’s butt as Cory pressed himself against Josh causing them both to groan a little at the contact. They rutted against each other and Josh laid back on the bed, turning slightly so Cory wasn’t hanging off the edge, and Cory flattened himself out molding himself to Josh’s body as they kissed and moved together.

  Josh snuck his hands under the waistband of Cory’s shorts and gripped his butt tighter, pulling him in again and again.

  Cory broke the connection and sat up quickly. Rolling to one side he removed his shorts and resumed his position on top of Josh in a matter of moments. They rubbed and rutted and kissed and felt, breathing heavily while trying to get closer.

  Josh could feel himself nearing his peak and garbled out, “I’m close.”

  Those words seemed to inspire Cory as he moaned and plundered Josh’s mouth, grinding against him and then going still with a low, broken, wrecked groan.

  Josh felt a warm wet spot soak into his own underwear, and as the aftershocks of Cory’s crest caused his body to jerk a few more time, Josh found his own release. Burying his face in the crook of Cory’s shoulder, Josh whimpered out some sort of sound as he rode the wave of pleasure coursing through him.

  They lay there, with Cory draped over Josh’s body and Josh idly running his fingers up and down Cory’s back for several minutes. The smell of their sweat and combined release made Josh want to purr with contentment. He’d never felt so thoroughly sated and holding Cory in his arms, not scrambling to hide, or get away from the other person before they got caught, was such a relief that Josh figured he could probably sleep just like they were. But the drying mess in his underwear was getting sticky and starting to pull slightly, and he knew they needed to clean up.

  He nudged Cory and his Complement lazily lifted his head from Josh’s chest.

  “We need to clean up and then we can pass out, okay?”

  Cory nodded sleepily and rolled off Josh to stand between their beds.

  Josh grabbed up a fresh pair of underwear and quietly went to the bathroom, leaving Cory to the privacy of their room.

  When he returned a minute later Cory was changed and waiting for Josh in his bed. He patted the spot next to him, and Josh climbed in, snuggling up next to his boyfriend. Cory lifted Josh’s arm and inserted himself along his side, resting his head on Josh’s chest, his fingers idly playing with Josh’s sparse chest hair. He squeezed Cory softly and kissed the top of his head.

  “Love you,” Josh sighed.

  “Love you, too. Good night.”

  “Good night, love. Sweet dreams.”


  “So, how was your date?” Diane asked the next morning at breakfast.

  They were all gathered around the table with a platter of french toast and sausage, including blueberries and whipped cream for toppings.

  Josh forked another slice onto his plate and looked at Cory to see if he was going to answer. Cory kicked his chin out at Josh indicating he should start since he had a mouthful of breakfast.

  Josh took a sip of his juice and related most of the events to Jim and Diane.

  “The bowling was so fun since I hadn’t bowled in years, but my favorite was sitting in the rain at the pond. It’s so peaceful at night with the lamplights reflecting on the water and all the little sounds. Then the rain started, just a sprinkle, but watching the ripples on the water and just enjoying our night out there was amazing.” Josh stopped talking when he realized everyone was staring at him. He blushed, but Cory sent
him a soft smile and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “It was a pretty special first date,” Cory returned quietly, only for Josh.

  Jim cleared his throat. “Sounds like you boys had a really nice time. I’m glad you enjoyed yourselves. I know Cory wouldn’t say and I don't mean to embarrass you, Son, but he’s been waiting a long time for his first date, and Josh, I’m glad it was with you. You two defy the norm when it comes to Connecting with your other half, and it makes me happy to see Cory so happy. So thank you for that.”

  Josh blushed again and looked at Cory who just winked at him and continued to shovel food into his mouth. He had a small dab of whipped cream on the corner of his mouth, and Josh indicated to him where it was. Cory deliberately licked the corner of his mouth and Josh kicked him under the table causing them both to laugh.

  “Alright, you two. I’m glad you had a nice evening last night. Did you have any plans for today? Were you going to get that dresser finished?” Diane questioned.

  They looked at each other and shrugged.

  “We should get it finished so you can organize your clothes, Josh. You don't want to live out of the suitcase forever,” Cory said.

  Josh nodded and after he swallowed, spoke to everyone. “Cory and I discussed inviting my friend Jersey over to hang out and have him help us with the painting. What do you guys think? I mean we’re going to have to explain that I’m living here now and of course he’s going to want to know why. Do you think we should hold off? Maybe just meet him for lunch or hang out somewhere else?”

  Jim and Diane looked thoughtfully at each other and Diane spoke first. “Maybe you should talk to your dad or grandpa and see what they have to say about revealing too much. I know this is not such a huge secret that we need to hide you guys away from the world or anything, but see what your grandpa suggests regarding telling friends and such. If it’s generally a well-kept secret then you might need to hold off on having him over until you guys move out.”


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