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Connectivity Page 23

by Whitney Cannon

  Josh and Brian chuckled at that and soon enough they had gathered their suits. Jim and Diane had invited Brian to join them for dinner, so he followed them back to their place, parking behind them in the driveway.

  Cory and Josh left Brian in the living room to catch up with Jim and Diane, then hung their suits up in the bedroom closet.

  “You’re going to look amazing in your suit on Saturday,” Cory said, pulling Josh into a slow deep kiss.

  “So are you,” Josh said, kissing him back, glad to be back in the room where they felt most comfortable being affectionate with each other. They usually felt free to hold hands or sneak a quick kiss out in public, but for the most part, home was their sanctuary.

  Cory was the one to take charge, however, and he pushed Josh away, causing him to nearly fall back on his bed. Pouncing on him, Cory pressed his advantage and had Josh underneath him in moments. Josh could hardly find it in himself to care much once Cory’s mouth and hands were on him, though.

  He felt Cory slide his hand up under his shirt as he rubbed over Josh’s stomach while seemingly sucking a bruise into the crook of Josh’s neck. The knowledge that his boyfriend might leave a mark on him had Josh about ready to rip off their shirts and do more than make out. He wrapped his arms around Cory, moving one hand up into Cory’s hair as the other went down to grip his butt.

  “Gah, Josh,” Cory groaned quietly into his neck. “I love how you touch me. Like you know what you want and you’re not afraid to take it.”

  “I’m not with you, Cory,” Josh breathed. “We’re two halves of one whole. I just figure whatever we do or however we touch each other is going to be good for both of us, so I just do what feels right,” Josh rasped into Cory’s ear as he rocked their hips together. “Does this feel right, Cory?” Josh asked, doing it again to make his point.

  “Oh my God, Josh, you have to stop,” Cory whimpered. “There’s no way we can go out there and have dinner with our parents if you keep doing that.”

  Josh did it again knowing Cory’s argument was only half-hearted. His Complement made a weak attempt to evade Josh’s roaming hands as he slid down Josh’s body, pushing his shirt up and using his mouth on Josh’s chest and abs.

  Growing concerned they really might have a problem if Cory continued any lower, Josh slowed things down and hauled Cory up, rolling them so Cory was under him this time.

  Cory looked up at him, watching since Josh hadn’t done more than stare at his Complement since flipping them over.

  “What?” Cory questioned softly.

  Josh stroked the backs of his fingers down over Cory’s cheek in a soft caress, pressing a tender kiss to his lips in reassurance. He traced the lines of Cory’s face with the pads of his fingers, going over his eyebrows, down his nose, and over his cheekbones. He gently grasped Cory’s chin between his thumb and index finger and brought his mouth down to press another reverent kiss to Cory’s irresistible lips.

  “You’re amazing, you know that?” Josh whispered between kisses, running his hand up and down Cory’s side, staring into his eyes. “You’re so funny and sassy, but sweet and sexy, too. You’re this combination of every perfect thing I could have ever asked for in a boyfriend, without even knowing I wanted to ask for them. And after only knowing you for two weeks?” Josh shook his head in amazement. “I cannot even imagine my life without you in it. Two weeks ago, I was a dormant seed, waiting for someone to breathe some life into me. And I know we’re young, but it still holds true. You breathed that life into me. You are the light that’s let me grow. We’ve sprouted the roots of our life together, Cory, and I can’t wait to watch it bloom.”

  Cory’s eyes had misted over and he blinked a few times to clear them, cupping the sides of Josh’s face in his hands. A few tears slid down his temples into his hair and Josh wiped them away with the pad of his thumb. Raising up, Cory captured Josh’s lips in a soft sensual kiss that he felt in his soul.

  Cory wrapped his arms around Josh’s neck, hugging him close. “I love you. So much, Josh. That was the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

  “Well it’s all true, love,” Josh said hugging him right back. “I love you, too. And if I love you this much after two weeks,” Josh said rubbing Cory’s back. “I don’t know how I’ll fit all the love I have for you inside me after two years or two decades, but I’m sure as hell going to enjoy trying.”

  Cory sniffled into Josh’s shoulder and squeezed him even tighter.

  “Boys.” Jim’s voice called through the door, startling them out of their hug when it was accompanied by a knock. “Dinner time.”

  “Thanks, Dad. We’ll be right out,” Cory croaked, after clearing his throat. They sat up and Cory wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand.

  Josh helped him stand and used his thumbs to dry any remaining tears on Cory’s cheeks.

  “I’m all splotchy now,” Cory grumped.

  Josh smiled at him and tenderly kissed him on the cheek. “You look beautiful.”

  Cory smacked him on the arm, laughing. “Would you shut up already? Ugh. You’re going to make me cry again. God.”

  Josh chuckled. “Sorry?”

  “You don’t really sound sorry. You sound like you’re enjoying this a little too much.”

  “I could enjoy you a little more,” Josh teased as he made grabby hands for Cory again.

  Cory laughed and swatted him away, going for the door to make a quick exit. They spilled out of the room laughing the whole way to the kitchen.

  Everyone was seated at the table talking when they came through, and all eyes turned their way.

  “Everything okay?” Diane questioned, no doubt in response to Cory’s slightly puffy eyes.

  Cory covered his face with his hands. “Ugh, I told you I was all splotchy,” Cory grumbled and swatted at Josh again, who laughed and dodged easily, pulling his Complement into a quick hug and dropping a kiss to his head. Cory sighed resignedly accepting his fate. “Aren’t you done yet?” he pouted with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Never,” Josh proclaimed teasingly, but let Cory go as they took their seats. Their parents were watching them with amused looks on their faces.

  “Josh was just being a little extra,” Cory emphasized, looking at Josh, “in our room. And was expressing his undying love for me. It was a little sickening actually, to the point where I may have cried trying to get him to shut up,” Cory sniffed.

  “Uh huh,” Diane said, trying to hide her laughter with an understanding smile while reaching out to pat her son’s arm in a placating manner. “I’m sure you tried your best, sweetheart.”

  There was a round of amused chuckling as dishes were passed around and the conversation turned to other things. Josh caught Cory’s eye and winked at him. Blushing slightly, Cory mouthed the words, Love You, and Josh had never felt so content in his life.


  Later that night after Josh's dad had gone home, Josh noticed Cory seemed a little quieter than usual.

  “You okay, babe?” Josh asked as they sat on their beds messing around on their phones.

  Cory startled. “Huh? Sorry, what?”

  “I was just asking if you were okay. You seem quiet right now, that's all.”

  Cory blushed slightly. “Oh, um, yeah, I'm good. Sorry. Just looking at some things on my phone. Did you want to watch a movie or something?” Cory asked, setting his phone down and coming over to Josh.

  “Not really. I was just thinking about tomorrow and what we need to do to get ready for Saturday. I don’t even know where the dance is. If we’d had more time we could have planned this a little better. It would have been cool to rent a nice car, or plan to go with some of your friends or something. I know it couldn’t be helped since we only just found each other, but I’m sorry if this isn’t quite what you thought a true prom experience would be like,” Josh said, as he played with Cory’s fingers.

  Cory bent down and kissed Josh softly. “This is exactly what I would have hoped for any prom experie
nce to be like, Josh. First of all, I never thought I’d even get the chance to go to prom, let alone go with the man I love. A guy who found me because he’s the other half of my soul,” Cory said, grasping Josh’s chin, forcing him to look up to see the sincerity in his eyes.

  “Second of all, I would still be lying in that bed at the hospital, with no way to ever wake up again, with my parents agonizing over every day that passed that I didn’t wake up, wondering if they would ever talk to me again and what to do with me if I didn’t. You gave me that, Josh. You said to me earlier that I gave you the light you needed to grow, but you are the one who brought me back to life. You literally saved me, and I can only think of a few things that would make me happier than going to prom with you, all of which would include you anyway. So if we had to roll up to prom on bicycles, I wouldn’t care. If I had to wear a baby blue suit, I wouldn’t care. What I do care about is you and the fact that we get to have this night together. I love you, and I wouldn’t change a thing about how Saturday is planned. It’s going to be perfect because it’s you and me,” Cory finished.

  Josh nodded. “You’re right. Sorry. I guess I just got caught up thinking about the little details about getting there and dinner before and stuff. Did you want to go out before? I’m sure we can still get a reservation somewhere.”

  Cory smiled. “I already took care of that. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “You did?” Josh asked in surprise, a smile forming on his lips.

  Cory nodded. “Italian okay? I didn’t really know your favorite, and I didn’t want to settle for burgers. I figured pasta was fairly safe.”

  “Of course it’s fine. Thank you, Cory.” Josh kissed his Complement. “We’ll need to stop by my place tomorrow to pick up my shoes and dress shirt, and I figured we’d hit up someplace for haircuts.”

  “Sure. We can do all that. Anything else? Mom is picking up the flowers tomorrow afternoon, and we’ll just keep them in the fridge overnight.”

  “I don’t think so. Thanks again, Cory, for making the dinner reservation. I was feeling a little annoyed with myself that I hadn’t done more to make this special for you, but you surprised me with that, so thanks. We can watch that movie now if you’re up for it,” Josh said.

  “Cool. You pick? I need to ask Mom something really quick, okay? Be right back,” he said and pecked Josh on the cheek before leaving the room.

  Josh changed his clothes and gathered the pillows from Cory’s bed, making a comfy nest for them on his bed. He settled in, noticing the bee magnets in his stomach acting up, but figured Cory wasn’t too far away since they weren’t that bad yet. After browsing the titles for a while, he decided on a cute little gay rom-com.

  Cory came back a few minutes later with a bag of popcorn and a couple of sodas. He had a slightly sleepy look in his eyes and Josh sat up ready to soothe him. Cory waved him off and set everything down then curled up in Josh’s lap.

  “Okay?” Josh whispered into his Complement’s hair.

  Nodding his head, Cory replied, “Hold me, though?”

  “Always,” Josh said and settled them in to watch their movie.


  Friday morning, Cory and Josh both received emails from their teachers indicating they needed to come in the following week for tests and presentations. Up to then, they had been lucky enough to submit their work via email, but it seemed the reality of finals and graduation were setting in, and things were going to get a bit trickier for them.

  They spent their morning studying with their books and notes spread out all over the dining table. Josh’s head was only partly focused on his school work. His mind kept wandering to prom, and it became increasingly difficult to focus on anything with Cory nibbling his lips and his pen.

  Cory seemed distracted as well. Josh would glance up and either catch Cory staring at him or off into space. Josh thought it seemed inhumane to assign school work, projects and exams to seniors, knowing their brains were basically mush and already on graduation highs, not to mention the added drama that was prom. It seemed beyond cruel.

  “I need a break. I can’t do this anymore,” Josh announced, slamming his book closed. “I swear I’ve read the same paragraph five times and I still can’t tell you what it was about. Am I ever going to need to know how to classify organisms by taxonomy? No. I’m not. Ugh,” Josh groaned and rested his head on his textbook.

  When Josh looked up again, Cory was watching him with an amused look on his face.

  “You can’t tell me you’re actually retaining anything you’re reading right now. I know you’re thinking the same thing you’re just pretending to study. I keep seeing you looking off into space and checking your phone,” Josh commented.

  Cory laughed. “I’m not pretending. I’m not even trying anymore. I’m just sitting here with my books open enjoying watching you attempt to learn something.”

  Josh grumbled under his breath and came around the table. He scooted Cory’s chair back and sat on his lap, forcing an amused grunt from Cory. He pressed his face into the soft skin of Cory’s neck. “I’m too excited about tomorrow to think about anything else but you right now. Well, maybe excited/nervous. Anxious? I don’t know. Whatever it is, I can’t study. I just want to sit in your lap. Hold me, Cory, and tell me you love me.”

  Cory laughed while wrapping his arms around him, and Josh was glad to break-up the monotony of their attempted study session. “Alright, boo. I love you. Let’s close up shop and go run our errands. Neither of us is getting anything done today, so let’s just put it away and go spend some time together for a little while.”

  Josh nodded, but burrowed closer drawing his legs up to his chest. He was fairly sure he was crushing Cory, but his Complement held him securely and would tell him when he got really uncomfortable.

  Jim walked through the kitchen in his dirty work clothes, pausing with a laugh when he saw them. “Having a bit of a break from studying are we?”

  “Why do teachers think assigning projects and presentations at the end of senior year makes any sense?” Josh griped from his position, looking up from Cory’s neck. “I can’t focus on anything while thinking about tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, we were just going to clean all this up and go run our errands to get a bit of a break. Josh needs to get his shoes and dress shirt from home and we were going to get haircuts,” Cory added. “We’ve been staring at our work, not really seeing it for a while now, so it’s break time.”

  Jim nodded, running his fingers through his hair. “I could use a haircut myself, but you guys go on and get your stuff done. I just need to check in with your mom about the Crone’s account and then I have some bids to put together. Will you guys be around for dinner?”

  Josh looked to Cory. “Probably. I’ll text you if anything changes, though.”

  Jim nodded again as he slid open the back door. “Alright. See you boys later then,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  Josh removed himself from Cory’s lap, but not without a little lip action and moved around to his side to clean up his schoolwork.

  They were piling up their things when Jim poked his head back inside. “Hey, Cory. Can you come out to the studio real quick? Your mom wants to talk to you about something.”

  “Sure, Dad,” Cory said, turning to Josh. “Stay here for me so I don’t fall over?” Cory asked teasingly.

  “Course,” Josh nodded, continuing to sort his books and putting his laptop back in its case. Cory left with his dad, and Josh piled all his stuff back into his backpack. He moved around to Cory’s things and stacked the books and folders. When everything was piled up, he stretched his back and groaned a little at how good it felt not to be hunched over the table anymore.

  He took advantage of the moment and went out into the backyard, sitting on one of the metal patio chairs. He was closer to Cory out there anyhow, and his bee magnets were content at their proximity. Even though the weather was overcast, the temperature was comfortable, and Josh pulled out his phone to
check his social media accounts. Several likes and cute animal videos later, Cory found him on his way back to the house.

  “Hey. Sorry about that. You ready to go?” he asked, reaching for Josh’s fingers.

  “Yup.” Josh stood and keeping their fingers laced, moved to the back door.

  They grabbed up their school work, dropped it on their beds, slipped on their shoes, and were out the door.


  Since it was almost lunchtime, Cory asked if they could stop at a diner he and his buddies frequented during their lunch breaks. While Josh drove, Cory texted a few guys to see if anyone wanted to meet up and join them, to which there were a few affirmatives.

  They were the first ones to arrive, so they placed their order, took their number, and selected seating outside since Cory said they could get a little loud when a group of them got together.

  Dylan introduced his girlfriend, Nicole, and someone Josh hadn’t met before named Crystal, who was Nicole’s best friend. They were followed only a minute later by another carload of people Josh didn’t know, but who Cory reassured weren’t in his clique, they just attended the same school. After Josh said hellos to the girls and had bro-hug back-slapped Dylan, Samuel pulled in with his own carload of people; Josh met Zander, Troy and Samuel’s girlfriend, Renee.

  After some brief chit-chat, their meals arrived and everyone else went in to place their orders.

  “You doing okay?” Cory questioned, coming up to him once they were alone again. “Sorry. I know it might be kind of overwhelming meeting all these people. Thank you for being okay with this. I know you said you didn’t mind, but I appreciate you being sweet about it.”

  Josh accepted the kiss Cory gave him and snuck one of his fries, grinning when Cory swatted at him. “It’s fine, love. These are your friends and you only get to see them for a little while longer before everyone goes off to college or work.”


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