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Connectivity Page 28

by Whitney Cannon

  “So tell us everything. Was it perfect?” Maggie asked first, after scooping eggs onto her plate. Several heads nodded in agreement, and Josh looked at Cory.

  “What? It wasn’t perfect? I know Cory tried to plan it all out. What happened?” Diane asked worriedly.

  Josh sighed and took Cory’s hand. He should have figured the bad memories would be just below the surface of all the good ones. Hopefully, in time, they would only be focusing on the positive and the amazing outcome of their night.

  Cory started off the story, and Josh took over when Cory left off. Everyone’s faces registered an entire spectrum of emotions as the story played out, and even when they got to the proposal, Josh could tell there was an underlying sadness to the room.

  “Well, shit,” Maggie said after the story was finished. “Sorry. But, wow. That is both the best and worst thing I could think of happening for you guys. I’m so sorry you had to experience that. It sounds terrifying. Cory, I can definitely relate to being worried about losing time with falling out, but Josh...” she paused shaking her head. She reached over and squeezed his hand. “You must have been so worried. And with the anxiety and panic all mixed together, it couldn’t have been easy to keep your composure.”

  “Yeah, Josh. I’m really proud of you and how you handled everything,” Ben chimed in. “I think we’ve only experienced a forced separation a couple of times, and I can’t recall handling them that well. I think it took us hours before we were functional again. I guess that’s just another of those nuances to the Connective gene you’ll come to understand. We could probably sit here and discuss a lot of different things like that, but we’ll get to them over time. We don’t need to overwhelm you both too much. Nevermind all the things we’ve probably forgotten over the years. You did really great, Josh.”

  Everyone else nodded along, and Cory squeezed Josh into his side, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. Josh could feel his cheeks warm, but also felt a bit of pride in himself at how he’d come through for his Complement.

  “Um, can I add something to the conversation of Connections since we’re all here? I have some news to share with everyone,” Brian interjected with a seemingly out-of-place smile on his face. With such a heavy topic being discussed Josh wondered why his dad looked fit to burst.

  With nods all around, Brian took a deep breath and spoke, his smile growing even wider. “I’ve found her. My Complement,” he said, looking around the table, his voice wavering and his eyes tearing up. “I’ve finally found her. I can’t even believe it,” he paused, taking a shuddered breath and cleared his throat. “I thought it’d never happen for me, but it did, and she’s amazing. I found her, you guys. Can you even believe it?” He shook his head with his own disbelief and brought a hand up to his forehead. When he closed his eyes, a few tears escaped down his cheeks and he laughed, the sound both joyful and awed.

  Josh looked back at his dad, so shocked he could barely think, but then everyone seemed to realize the gravity of the situation and chaos ensued. They were all up and out of their chairs instantly, crowding Brian with hugs and congratulations and question after question about who his Complement was and how he’d found her.

  With the happiest expression on his face Josh could recall in years, Brian calmed the crowd and filled them in. “Her name is Monica, and she’s thirty-two. I found her at St. Raphael’s if you can even believe it. When I witnessed that car crash yesterday I figured they would take the victims to UH, but later found out they’d been taken to St. Raphael’s. She’d been in the ICU for ten days and was down the hall from one of the men involved in the crash. Our meeting was so much like your’s, Josh. I was just walking down the hall to go to the nurse's station to check on the victims and there it was that crazy beeping. I almost missed it actually,” Brian chuckled. “There was a nurse in Monica’s room at the time, and I overheard her talking to someone about something similar happening two weeks ago to another patient of hers, whose heartbeat went crazy for some inexplicable reason.” Brian gave pointed looks to Cory and Josh, and everyone laughed at the coincidence.

  “Good ol’ Ramona,” Josh snickered, and Cory poked him in the side with a wink.

  “Yes, well. I think she’s still scratching her head,” Brian chuckled. “Anyway, Monica’s a fourth-grade teacher and has only been in our area for a year. She moved from Texas last year after an amicable divorce because she wanted a clean slate and got hired in New Meadows. She has her pilot's license,” Brian said, but didn’t sound happy about it. “And works in the summers for a skydiving company, or at least she did in Texas. She obviously won’t be able to do that anymore, but it might come in handy if we decide to travel,” Brian said, with a far-off look in his eyes.

  “What happened to her? I mean, how did she end up in the hospital? Is she okay? And, how did she take the news about your Connection?” Josh asked, a thousand questions bubbling up in his mind.

  Brian smiled. “Better than I probably would have,” he shook his head. “She was in a bicycle accident. She likes to mountain bike and caught a root, flipped over the handlebars. Minimal damage, which was lucky, she just got knocked out. Thankfully, she was with a friend. Anyway, once she got over the fact that she’d woken up from a ten-day coma to a strange man in her room, I explained everything to her, and of course, showed her our Connection. She seemed to realized there was something to what I was saying. Then we talked until I had to be back here yesterday before your prom. I told her all about you, Josh, and how you just met Cory. She’s anxious to meet everyone and hear more about Connectivity. I went back to the hospital last night and explained about this morning. I hated to leave her, as you’ve all demonstrated how uncomfortable being apart makes everyone at first, but I’m doing okay since it’s only been about twenty-four hours. I wondered if you guys would like to come back with me and meet her.”

  Everyone nodded happily. “Of course we would, Son,” Ben said. “I can’t even say how happy we are for you.” Maggie nodded along, grinning from ear to ear and clutching Ben’s forearm. “We’d love to meet her and help her adjust. You don’t think having all of us at once will be too much, do you?”

  Brian shook his head. “She said she’d be fine and that she deals with thirty ten-year-olds all day long,” he chuckled. “I don’t think she’s thrilled that she can’t teach anymore and after only one year in her current school. She’s understandably reluctant to inform her school that she needs to leave, but we’ll work it out; something about her accident keeping her from continuing. We’ll see,” he paused.

  “Josh, Cory,” Brian said looking between them. “I didn’t mean to make this morning about me. I just wanted to share my new with you all. We’re here this morning to celebrate your engagement and your Connection. And can I just say that it has been a real joy to watch you both blossom these last two weeks. As happy as I am to have finally found Monica, I’m even more excited for the both of you. Like your grandpa said Josh, I’m thirty-seven, and I’m on the verge of starting my life over. As amazing as it is to have found my Complement, it’s also sad, and scary. We’ve missed out on so many things and years of being together and now we’ll have to adjust to a whole new life for both of us, but you guys,” he paused again, looking at them with a heartfelt expression. “You guys literally have a lifetime ahead of you, and I know we can’t wait to watch it unfold.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement and surprising as it was, Jersey held up his glass. “Can I just say that even though I know I give everyone a hard time about all their sappy love stories,” a round of chuckling murmured through everyone. “I am entirely jealous,” he said in mock outrage, to which everyone laughed again. “If there was ever anyone out there that was meant for me, the way Josh is meant for Cory and Brian is meant for Monica, then I could rest easy knowing my time would come, because the Connection you two have,” he indicated to Josh and Cory with his glass. “As nauseating as it is to watch, defies rational love. What you guys have is a soul-deep bond handed down by the fat
es. I’m uncharacteristically thrilled for you both and I wish you every happiness in your new life together.” He raised his glass and everyone followed suit with murmurs of agreement and cheers to Josh and his Complement.

  With Cory’s arm still around him, Josh took hold of Cory’s chin with his free hand and placed a soft kiss to his fiancé’s lips. “Love you,” he whispered, feeling a little emotional after Jersey’s speech.

  “Love you, too.” Cory smiled, and it was everything.

  “Jersey,” Josh called, without taking his attention off Cory’s beautiful face. “Consider yourself officially our best man.”

  Everyone laughed as Jersey groaned. Josh and Cory shared another tender kiss, and as their celebratory breakfast resumed, Josh couldn’t help sending out a silent thank you to the universe and the fates, for the amazing guy sitting next to him.


  The next week was filled with meeting and getting to know Monica, who was such a sweetie that Josh had never been happier for his dad. It seemed ironic to see his dad and himself now, and Josh marveled at the change.

  Just a few weeks ago they’d both been lonely bachelors, and while Josh had griped and sulked, he hadn’t thought much about his father’s situation. Since finding his own Connection, Josh couldn’t imagine spending even a day without Cory, but his dad had gone his entire life without his. He deserved all the happiness and love that Josh saw emerging with Monica.

  Monica rented half of a duplex and for the time being, she was staying with Brian at their townhouse. She had money in the bank from her divorce, and the two were considering letting go of both places to find something small closer to Jim and Diane, with whom they’d grown very close.

  Josh and Cory had talked a lot, and after many almost heated conversations, had settled on a date for their wedding. Josh was adamant they get married on his birthday because he’d be an adult and didn’t want to wait even a day longer to marry his man, and Cory was adamant that just because they would both be adults and be legally able to marry, they had the rest of their lives to be together, and they should choose a different day, so Josh could celebrate his birthday and anniversary separately. In the end, Josh had compromised by one week.

  They’d also started looking for a small studio, or one bedroom place to rent. They were hoping to move out just before their wedding, so they could really enjoy the new fluffy pillow bed Jim and Diane had offered to get them as a housewarming/wedding gift. Both Cory and Josh had readily agreed and thanked them profusely. No one wanted to spend their wedding night under their parents’ roof.

  So with finals looming and graduation on the horizon, Josh and Cory had needed both their parents to step in and advocate for them in regards to allowing their Connections to stay close while they took tests, presented last projects, and generally finalized their academic careers.

  And as Josh tried on his cap and gown for the first time in their bathroom the following Monday, he reveled in the pride he had for himself.

  “That color suits you,” Cory said from the doorway.

  “You think?” Josh asked looking at his reflection. The burnt orange gown was undoubtedly going to be hated by most of his classmates, but the girls got forest green and as Cory had said, he didn’t look terrible.

  “Mm-hmm. Even though it’s only high school, and I certainly didn’t have a hand in ninety-nine percent of your academic career, I’m really proud of you, Josh. If the work ethic you’ve shown over the last two weeks is anything like the dedication you’ve shown at the hospital, I know whatever we end up doing with our lives, we’ll be successful. You’ve worked hard on our relationship, and I think when it comes to us and our livelihood, you’ll be unstoppable.”

  Josh looked over at his fiancé in the doorway, and his heart thumped a little harder. “Thank you, Cory. That was such a sweet thing to say.”

  Cory came into the bathroom then and wrapped his arms around Josh from behind, as they stood looking at each other in the mirror. “It’s the truth, babe. We’re in this together and even though we come at it as individuals, we’re two halves of the whole. I know you’ll always be willing to do more than your share, just like I will. And that makes me proud to call you mine. Well, that and about a hundred other things,” he chuckled. “But my point is, I love you and I’m so excited to start our lives together. Once we graduate, we can finally spend our time on us and figuring out what our future looks like.” Cory kissed him on the neck, and Josh smiled. He was looking forward to that, too.


  Special arrangements had been made for Josh to sit with his family, or more specifically Cory, during his commencement ceremony. When his name was called he would walk up from the side and Cory would follow at a comfortable distance, under the guise of wanting better pictures. Josh had given Cory a simple lesson of how to use his best camera to capture the moment.

  “You nervous, babe?” Cory asked as they drove across town toward his school.

  Josh smiled at his fiancé. “Not really. My only concern is not getting too far from you, but I think our plan is pretty good,” Josh said, spinning the gold band on his left hand. He had developed the new habit pretty quickly, as he loved feeling the reminder of the Connection he had with Cory. His ring had become a symbol of their love and as the old chiché went, the circle, like their love, was never ending and never broken.

  “I think we’ll be fine too. I just didn’t want you to feel weird being around everyone after you left school the way you did.” Cory flipped his indicator, turning off the main highway.

  “I don’t think it will be weird. Like I’ve said, there might be a few people who would have missed me, but other than Jersey, being the quiet gay kid kind of left me out of most social circles,” Josh said.

  “And look at you now,” Cory smiled broadly, patting Josh on the thigh, probably trying to lighten the topic. “You will absolutely be the only senior to graduate with a fiancé and the love of your life by your side. Not too shabby for the quiet gay kid. Besides, you’re probably the only one out the eighty-six of you getting any regular action,” Cory teased with a wink.

  “Oh my God, Cory!” Josh cried, as he felt his face heat. Over the last week and a half, things had definitely progressed in the action department. They were both discovering things about themselves, and each other, with the comfort and security of a love that didn’t judge, or demand. And even though they’d promised to save themselves for their wedding night, they’d definitely stocked up on lube.

  “What? Wasn’t it you, the first morning we shared a room, that told me not to hide? That told me it was okay to share my thoughts and desires with you? Don’t turn into a prude now just because you like it when I suck you and stick my fingers in—”

  “Don’t you dare finish that statement, Cory James Lasting,” Josh threatened with an embarrassingly loud squawk, as he threw his hand over Cory’s mouth.

  “Yyofphr aaphf,” Cory finished and licked Josh's hand. He laughed when Josh removed his hand to wipe it on his dress pants. “What now?” Cory about wheezed out as his laughing turned into loud guffaws as he amused himself. “You usually like it when I lick your—”

  “Cory!” Josh hollered, all but in tears as they both laughed so hard Josh hoped the car stayed on the road. “Oh… My… God…” Josh panted as he tried to catch his breath, clutching his stomach.

  “You definitely haven’t yelled that at me yet,” Cory croaked. “I need to step up my game,” he bellowed, pulling the car over to the side of the road, as they both proceeded to die of laughter.

  When Josh could at least breathe again, he unbuckled and reached over for the lever that moved the driver’s seat back. Fumbling with it, he attacked Cory’s mouth as the seat slid back and Josh followed, crawling across the center parking break and sitting sideways in Cory’s lap. They gripped each other’s faces and necks, opening for the other, twisting their tongues around and nipping with their teeth.

  Josh wrapped his arms around Cory’s neck, hardly feeli
ng like they were close enough when a loud car horn sounded next to them.

  They sprang up, startled, and looked out the side to see Jersey idling next to them in his car. He rolled his eyes so hard Josh wondered if he could see the back of his head, then pulled away, leaving Josh to realize they themselves were idling across the street from his school.

  Turning back to Cory, he buried his face in the side of his man’s head, breathing him in and muttered, “Fuck, I love you so damn much, Cory. Please, please, please don’t ever change.”

  Cory clutched him in return, still breathing in air from their make-out session and joking around. “Ditto babe,” Cory replied. “Holy hell that was funny, but that kiss? Damn, my man has some skills.”

  Josh smiled and a small chuckle escaped his lips. Pulling back, he stared at Cory’s debauched state. Red lips, messy hair, and a look of total adoration, left Josh feeling like his heart would burst. “Cory?” Josh asked. “Will you marry me?”

  Cory sucked in a small breath and stared at Josh with so much love in his eyes, it was a mystery how it all stayed inside. “Yes,” he sighed. “Forever yes, Josh. Forever, yes.”


  Later that night, after a celebratory dinner out at Josh’s favorite restaurant and cake at his old townhouse, Josh and Cory sat up on the hill in the near dark, staring out at the twinkling lights of the valley below.

  Cory sat with his arms propping him up and Josh lay on his back with his head resting on Cory’s lap. Every so often, Cory would bring up a hand to run through Josh’s hair, or simply run his fingers along Josh’s face, neck or chest. Josh reveled in those quiet moments when the world faded away and the only thing on their minds was being together.

  “Today was a great day, wasn’t it?” Cory said softly, almost wistfully. “Emma and McKenzie were great, by the way, in case I didn’t tell you that earlier. I really like Emma. She seems like a bit of a firecracker.”

  Josh chuckled. His graduation had gone off without a hitch. Jersey had greeted them both with a smirk and hugs and Josh had introduced Cory to several people as his fiancé, which definitely garnered lots of double takes and even more questioning looks. Cory had been able to remain close enough under the guise of a doting fiancé who wanted to document his partner’s graduation. No one even questioned why Josh was sitting separately from the class once Cory was introduced.


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