His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1)

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His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1) Page 19

by Knight, TW

  "I had one-night stands on and off through the years, yes." The air filled with static like an approaching storm echoing the tangled emotions Rail felt coming off Cassidy. "But you want to know if I had a wife? A family?"

  Cassidy looked down, unable to meet his eyes. "Yes." Her voice matched her posture, guarded and unsure.

  "Are you still worried that my feelings aren’t true?" Rail kept his voice low.

  "No. It’s okay. Like I said, I’m being silly." She rubbed her eyes to hold back the tears. "It’s been a long night, and I’m emotional." The tears escaped and slid down her cheeks. "It’s just—"

  Rail cut her off. "That I haven’t been very open with you about my past. Yes, I had a family before I was kicked out of Heaven, but it was a matter of duty."

  Cassidy didn’t respond, waiting for him to explain.

  "Zendril was the wife of a man I was mentoring. When Shanner was killed in an attack by a neighboring tribe, I claimed Zendril and the children as my own to protect." Rail took a seat on a stack of boxes behind him, rubbing his chest to ease the old pain. On a sigh, he pulled Cassidy forward to stand between his knees, resting his hands on her hips. "I couldn’t let his family be sold into slavery." Resting his head on Cassidy’s chest, he whispered, "I loved them as I would anyone in my care, but that’s all there was."

  Cassidy stroked her hands through Rail's hair, smoothed it into order, and tilted his head back so he was forced to look at her. "I’m sorry I brought up bad memories."

  "Not all bad. We had some good times." He gave a bitter laugh.

  "Were they destroyed, you know, when you guys were punished?" she asked softly, looking away.

  "I couldn’t protect them from the Hierarchy. ” Rail sighed. "It nearly killed me. I lost myself for a while. I failed them so terribly. After their loss, I vowed to never care about anyone ever again. And I didn’t," with a smile, he pulled her tight against him, locking his arms around her, "until I met you."

  Cassidy didn’t answer.

  "Sweetheart?" Feeling the way Cassidy shook against him, Rail’s heart stuttered. Did she fear him failing her as well?

  "I just can’t imagine never knowing real love." She swallowed back her tears and hiccupped. "Do you need to know about my past? I don’t mind if you do." She lowered her eyes, a pink blush coloring her cheeks. “There’s not much…”


  "Really?" Surprised, Cassidy pulled back.

  "I know all I need to know. Your family is wonderful, and I’m honored to have gotten the chance to meet them. Even under these circumstances. I know you are single; the only people you were concerned about when we met were your family." He smiled devilishly. "I know in the most intimate way you were not a virgin. So, you had at least one lover in your past." Rail watched the pink on her cheeks turn a delightful apple red. "But no one whose shadow I stand in."

  "What else do you know, Mr. Smarty-Pants?" She crossed her arms over her chest, looking every bit like her mother.

  "That all of those sappy love songs and chick flicks are finally beginning make sense. I believe I’ve fallen in love with you."

  Dropping to her knees, Cassidy caressed his face, leaned in, and rained kisses over his eyes, his cheeks, and finally his lips. "I think I love you too."

  "No longer worried that our feelings aren’t real?" His voice rasped with desire.

  "Not in the least," she answered softly, followed by a deeper kiss.

  Feeling the shadows lifted from his heart, Rail returned her kiss with fervor, feeding off the warmth flowing into him from Cassidy’s heart and soul. He had to have more. Teasingly, he untucked her shirt, slid his hands under the hem, and up her back.

  A tentative cough from the garage entrance startled them both. Cassidy jumped to her feet, righting her disheveled clothing.

  Tam politely stood at an angle, looking away from the couple. "Sorry to interrupt, but Kaz says we need to leave."

  "Yeah. Sure." Rail stood, not bothering to hide the bulge behind his zipper, and reluctantly moved away from Cassidy.

  "I’m just about ready," Cassidy answered, suddenly absorbed in rearranging boxes.

  "I’ll let him know. He’s probably going to want to leave from in here to avoid any more contamination with the neighbors."

  "Is there enough room?" She looked around skeptically. Even with no cars, the space looked tight.

  "We’ll fit." Tam smiled, showing his brilliant white teeth in a slightly evil grin and walked out.

  "Why do I get the feeling Boomer is going to be in trouble?"

  Rail snorted a laugh. "Because he usually is. He just makes it so easy."

  "So I’ve noticed." Her laugh was shaky.

  "Hey." Rail stepped back to her, his eyes full of concern. "Are we good?"

  "Yeah. We’re good. I’m sorry I needed to be reassured; I’m not normally so insecure."

  Rail's eyes took on a wild gleam. "Trust me, sweetheart. When we get home, I’m going to reassure you every chance I get, every place I can get you alone."

  Cassidy shivered with delight at his open desire. "Well, then I’d better say my goodbyes so we can get started."

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Surprisingly, Tam had been right. Even with all her stuff, everyone, including her family, fit into the garage with the door down. Of course, if Zach, Bass, and Hacker hadn’t already taken the bodies of the skatars to wherever Zach had wanted them, Boomer might really have been in trouble. As it was, he was forced to squeeze in between Tam and Kaz. A placement he did not look happy about it if the expression on his face was any indication.

  Her stomach dropped to the floor when Kaz announced they’d wasted enough time.

  "Dad." Cassidy hugged her father as tight as she could. "I promise if there’s a way, I’ll visit," she whispered conspiratorially in his ear.

  "Don’t make promises we both know you won’t be able to keep, baby." Charles Long crushed his daughter to him and stepped away, wiping his eyes. "I have something for you," he said hoarsely and shoved a bundle into her hands.

  Cassidy carefully unwrapped the towel to find the handgun she’d wielded earlier that night. "But I won’t—"

  "You never know. You weren’t planning on being here or those things showing up. I can’t protect you anymore, so you make sure Rail teaches you to use that properly."

  "Thanks, Daddy." With a trembling breath, she tucked the gun into the back of her waistband, hugged him one last time, and moved on to her mother. "Any words of wisdom?"

  "Trust your instincts, try to stay out of trouble, and don’t let any of those Neanderthals push you around." Toni Long pulled Cassidy into a fierce hug, whispering, "And don’t let Rail boss you around in the bedroom, either."

  "Mom!" Cassidy laughed in shock.

  "Trust me, honey—men like to be told what to do."

  Cassidy leaned into her mother. "Trust me, Mom. Rail knows what to do without any help.” She winked. “I have the rug burns to prove it."

  Both dissolved into laughter as they embraced again. "I’m going to miss being able to mother you. We didn’t talk like this enough." She framed her daughter's face with her hands. "God help me; I just didn’t want you to grow up."

  With a sniffle, Cassidy turned to Tempe—who was beyond saying more than a few intelligible words through the sobs. But they didn’t really need words. Embracing her friend, she said, "I’m going to miss you the most, Scarecrow."

  "I’m never watching that movie again," Tempe murmured.

  "Hey, do me a favor?" Cassidy wiped Tempe’s tears away with her thumbs as she stepped back.


  "Have girl talks with Mom. I think she’s going to need a friend. And she’s going to adopt you into the family, anyway." Cassidy smiled.

  Tempe nodded. "Okay."

  "And don’t let J.J push you around."

  "As if." Tempe snorted a laugh through the tears.

  "That’s my girl." She grabbed her brother's hand and pulled him into a three-way
hug. "And you. You take care of her."

  "I promise, Sis." J.J choked on the words as he squashed the women against him. "You don’t need to worry. We’ll take care of Mom and Dad."

  "I love you."

  "Love you more, brat."


  "Stinkbug." J.J. ruffled her hair and shoved her away.

  Smiling through the sobs, Cassidy reluctantly let go of her past and stepped back into Rail's welcoming embrace.

  "You ready?" he asked against her temple with a soft kiss.

  "As ready as I’m ever going to be." Cassidy waved one last time to her family, turned, and buried her face in Rail's chest, her tears soaking his t-shirt.

  As the Knights linked up to open the way home, Cassidy thought she heard her brother shout, "Holy shit!" just before the world went topsy-turvy.

  * * *

  “I am never going to get used to that." Cassidy gasped, stepping out of the silver light from her parent’s garage into the sun-filled courtyard of the villa.

  "Are you all right?" Rail's concern rolled out in heated waves as his hands patted her down. "No pain or nausea?"

  "Nope." She blinked up at him and linked her arms around his neck. "Just a little disoriented with the light. Actually, this time wasn’t bad at all." Seeing Rail's furrowed brow, she laughed. "Don’t worry, that solo trip was my last solo trip, if I can help it. I do not want to do that again."

  "Fine with me." His hands drifted down to squeeze her ass. "Then I won’t have to worry about you trying to sneak off."

  Wriggling out of his hold, Cassidy laughed, batting her eyes innocently. "Who, me?"

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  "You’re back!" Seraphina ran toward them, catching Cassidy in tight embrace. "We were so scared when you vanished."

  "Sorry about that." Cassidy shrugged within the woman’s arms.

  "What happened?"

  "We’re still not sure," Rail answered, "but we think it may be part of the soul-mating thing. Apparently, Cassidy accidently flashed off the island."

  "That’s incredible. Should you even be able to do that?" Seraphina’s concern was palpable. "Are you all right?"

  "I am now," Cassidy admitted with a shiver, "but I never want to do that again."

  "First, we have to figure out how you did it in the first place." Rail looped an arm over her shoulders and placed a kiss on her temple.

  "Maybe there’ll be something in the scroll we found last night," the other woman supplied. "Kaz got all excited—"

  "What scroll?" Rail and Cassidy asked in unison.

  "We found a scroll that looks like it was part of some kind of journal. Kaz thinks it may have been written by Anallis herself."

  Rail almost collapsed. "Does it say anything about the prophecy?"

  "I don’t know." Seraphina shook her head and glanced over her shoulder to where Kaz was talking with Bass. "We just found it when Kaz and the others left to help you. We didn’t even get the chance to translate more than the first line." She took Cassidy’s hand and gave it a squeeze. "By the way, where were you?"

  * * *

  Cassidy fell face-first into bed, not bothering to strip off her clothes. She hadn’t been this exhausted since her whole crazy adventure began.

  Warm hands slid up her back to her shoulders and neck. Rail worked her sore muscles gently, massaging away the tension.

  "Mmmmm." She moaned. "That feels good, but don’t be surprised if I fall asleep on you."

  "Don’t worry." Rail bent over her back and nipped her ear. "I have a great way to wake you up."

  With a giggle, Cassidy rolled over between his legs to look him in the eye. "I’m sure you do."

  Rail caressed her jawline with kisses as he swept her hair aside. "I love you," he rasped against her neck just below her ear. His hands traveled up under her shirt, scorching her skin.

  "I love you too." Cassidy nipped his ear, her hands moving down his bare back—exploring, teasing. She gave his ass a squeeze.

  Rail moaned. "Woman, you are playing with fire."

  "Suddenly, I’m not that tired anymore."

  "Oh? What are you?" Rail trailed kisses over her shoulder.

  "Hungry." Cassidy’s hands drifted along his spine to the base of his skull. Fisting Rail's hair, she pulled him into a passionate kiss, feeding off his desire.

  Rail pulled back, a soft laugh brushing her lips. "And what are you hungry for, my love? Should I make you apples baked in honey?" He placed a kiss on her chin. "Or perhaps hot fudge over brownies?" Ripping her shirt and bra off, he placed another kiss between her breasts. "Or maybe cherries and whipped cream…" He freed her from her pants.

  Cassidy arched off the bed as Rail drew her left nipple into his mouth, sucking and teasing with his tongue. "The whipped cream sounds good." She moaned.

  "Shall I go get some?" Rail switched his attention to her right breast.

  "If you leave now, I will hunt you down and kill you," she said, her voice whisky rough.

  Rail chuckled. Bowing his head, he trailed kisses from her breasts to her navel. "Next time, then."

  "Sure. Sure. Another time." Cassidy trembled. Rail's tender kisses moved lower yet. At the first stroke of his tongue against her core, her body shuddering with pleasure. "Oh God, Rail! More!"

  He didn’t disappoint, stroking and sucking her into a mind-bending orgasm.

  Shifting his weight, Rail moved sinuously up Cassidy’s body, stopping to worship her breasts again. Slipping a hand between her thighs, he stroked her into another climax as his thumb rubbed against her clit, and two fingers pumped into her.

  Cassidy lifted her hips while riding Rail's hand and hooked her right leg over his hip.

  When she cried out, Rail growled in triumph, kissing her deeply, stroking her tongue with his.

  "Now," she begged, arching her hips against him again, pulling at his waistband. Rail shifted between her legs, letting her free him from his pants and guide his cock to her. "Yes," she cried and gasped as Rail entered her. Cassidy had expected him to be rough, even aggressive again, but instead found him to be gentle and attentive to her needs. He knew just how to move and touch her, something she’d never experienced with her past lovers, and it was fantastically different from their previous bouts of lovemaking.

  Her exhilaration turned into an avalanche of pleasure, sweeping her away.

  Life was perfect. Rail was perfect. While the frenzied lovemaking they’d had up to this point had been extraordinary, there was something soul searing this time.

  This time was like coming home.

  Soft growls rumbled in Rail’s chest as he worked against her. Their desire rose to a fevered pitch. It didn’t take long for the slow ride to turn into a wild rush. With their hands locked together over Cassidy’s head, Rail nipped her shoulder, his hips moving faster. Locking her legs around his hips, Cassidy rode the waves of pleasure, her body clutching him tightly inside her.

  Cassidy screamed in ecstasy. An absolute sense of completion washed over her like a sudden thunderstorm. Just as on the beach, she had a moment where she thought she could feel Rail's emotions—in that they were one person. Then, it was gone in an explosion of stars behind her eyes.

  The orgasm faded slowly and Rail rolled to the side, tucking her against him. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

  "Yes." Twisting to lick and kiss his neck, she draped herself over his still-quivering body. Her mouth met his in a fiery kiss, hands skimming over his shoulders and abs. When her fingers caressed the base of his still-hard cock, Rail moaned. Cassidy laughed against his chest. "I guess I don’t need to ask if you’re ready to go again."

  "Still hungry, are we?"

  "Mmm, yes." Cassidy kissed her way down his torso. "But only for you." With a devilish smile, she flicked her tongue over his tip, licking up a crystal drop of pre-cum.

  "Sweetheart, you keep that up and I’ll—"

  Cassidy slid her mouth over the crown, simultaneously stroking his shaft and massaging his balls. She’d
tried it once with her last boyfriend. Unfortunately, he’d turned out to be so “vanilla” he thought oral sex was too kinky and never wanted to do it again. It was one of the many reasons they’d broken up. But with Rail it was both exotic and erotic. The look of pleasure on Rail's face empowered her.

  "Cassie. Stop or I’m going to—"

  Cassidy sucked harder, humming and applying gentle pressure with her teeth until he cried out in pleasure. His eyes rolled back and his hips thrust. She drank him down, savoring every bit. When Rail's body relaxed under her, Cassidy sat up. The satisfied smile gracing her lips fell away with a gasp.

  Rail's skin had changed to dark glowing bronze. Fire burned beneath his lids. His hands captured her attention. Long claws dug deeper into shredded sheets. Now, she understood why he hadn’t touched her as she pleasured him.

  He’d lost control of his demon side.

  "Rail?" Carefully, she slid up his body and straddled his hips. "It’s okay, Rail. You can touch me. I trust you not to hurt me. I trust all of you."

  His eyes snapped open, and his hands twitched on the bed. "I’ve never started to transform during sex before. I don’t know if I can control it. It’s like…it's like the demon wants to claim you too."

  Impaling herself on his still-hard shaft, Cassidy leaned forward to kiss his chest. "Then, don’t try to control it." With slow deliberate moves, she rocked against him. "Doesn’t matter which form you’re in, you’re still mine."

  Rail's hands gripped her hips as he sat up and captured her mouth with his.

  "Mine," he rumbled against her cheek, his voice deep and rough.

  Rail's claws dug ever so slightly into her back, and Cassidy felt the moment he let go of his restraint. It was like a bell going off in her head, ringing through her entire body. The world around her vanished, turning white. She gasped, feeling both her climax and Rail's building. The energy around them changed, turning heavy. Like the minutes before a summer thunderstorm. Cassidy arched backward with Rail holding her at the waist. The room swelled with air that swirled and sparkled. Glitter and lightning surrounded them in a ball of light.


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