His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1)

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His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1) Page 25

by Knight, TW

  Rail rubbed his temples. "Rules."

  "Who gives a shit? We have it now. So, read the damn thing already, and let’s figure this out!" Boomer slammed a fist on the table. Books slid toward the edge where Tucker and Tam caught them.

  Rail read over the lines silently, cleared his throat, and read them aloud.

  In a time of false Kings,

  Darkness will rise over the World of Man.

  The Earth will tremble, the sky will burn, and the seas will overflow.

  Two will become one.

  One will become Light.

  One will become Dark.

  One will rise to fight back the Night.

  One will be Lost.

  One will be Found.

  Three will return.

  The Gates will open.

  Life will move on.

  Balance will remain.

  The room was silent for a few minutes before Boomer let out a, "Whoop!" Everyone jumped. "Then, it’s over!" He shouted, grabbing Gina and spinning her around.

  "Let’s not get ahead of ourselves," Kaz said calmly. "We don’t know what this really means."

  "But, but…" Boomer stammered. "All of that’s happened. I wouldn’t call any of the world rulers true kings .Lucifer is trying to start another demon war, and look at all the natural disasters lately." He checked off each point with his fingers. "Rail and Cassidy became soul mates…and…and that means the gates to Heaven will be opening!"

  "Or the gates of Hell," someone offered.

  "You’re oversimplifying things," Zach stepped forward,"especially based on what I found in examining the bodies we took to Romania."

  Crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the edge of the table, Kaz leveled the scientist with a cold stare. "Which is?"

  "I’ve done some testing on them and I figured out what they are…" He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes before returning them to their perch. "If I’m right, the skratars aren’t true demons at all."

  "Then, what are they?"

  Zach let out a long breath and ran a hand over his hair. "The last stage of what happens to one of us."

  His theory was met by a chorus of, "Bullshit," and "No fuckin’ way!"

  "I know. I didn’t want to believe it either, but my tests…" Zach took a breath. “I discovered that the markings on the skratars were made from the same magical inks I created to make our tattoos permanent."

  "That doesn’t prove anything," Bass objected. "Others could have come up with that formula. You didn’t tattoo every one of us who got kicked out."

  "I realize that," Zach snapped. "My point is, I started to recognize some of the symbols and designs once I stretched out the flesh. Some are identical to what you told me you saw in Lucifer’s cavern." He nodded to Rail and Cassidy. "I compared the samples in Romania to the skin samples Rail brought back from Peru and found more tattoos. Not all of the markings are recognizable, and certainly not all of them are tattoos I did, but I am still convinced the skratars are those of us who have truly fallen."

  Cassidy grasped Rail's arm tightly. "But how would…"

  "We’ve always known it could happen. It’s happened in the past. Not all of Lucifer’s minions are those who mutinied with him. We’re as vulnerable as humans to the temptations that can turn a being evil. Need, greed, lust, and anger to name a few. Plus, we have supernatural powers. The proof has been in front of us for ages, and we ignored it." Exasperated, Rail scrubbed his hands over his face. "Hasn’t anyone ever questioned why the longer we exist, the more we fight, the more demonic we become when we transform? I don’t remember transforming into a monster in the beginning. A berserker, yes, but not a full-blown monster. Not until after the first time I died and was resurrected."

  "What are you saying?" Tam speared him with glowing eyes, protectively pulling Margarite closer.

  "We may have satisfied part of the prophecy, but there’s more to come. One of us may still have to truly fall."

  "But for now it’s over?" Margarite asked softly.

  Kaz looked over the group, sorrow and disbelief in his eyes. "For now, I guess so."

  Chapter Fifty-One

  It was a time to celebrate and Cassidy found herself alone, hunting the villa for Rail.


  Damn him.

  After the meeting ended, all he’d wanted to do was take a shower and hide in his room with Cassidy. Of course, she was more than happy to oblige.

  Yet, when she’d woken up after her sex-induced nap, Rail was missing.

  Cassidy grumbled to herself. She had a good idea where he’d gone.

  By the time she reached the library, Cassidy was ready to commit murder.

  “I can’t believe you’re down here again!” she shouted, storming though the doors.

  He was hunched over a pile of scrolls. "There’s too much to do. I have to find out what happened to us."

  "Why?" Cassidy shot back. "Why is it so important?"

  “It could be part of the prophecy.”


  "Don’t you want to know?" Rail’s shocked expression reflected sad disappointment.

  "Yes, of course. But I don’t want you making it your life’s obsession. You’re not even a quarter of the way through Anallis’ journal and all you know is she loved Savor enough to give up being an angel if it came to that. The answers you’re looking for aren’t in there." She stabbed a finger at the parchment. "They’re in here." She placed her hand over his heart, over the tattoo he’d gotten to commemorate their bond. "It’s faith. Faith in us. I don’t care about the other crap. We’re soul mates because that’s what the universe wanted, and frankly," she choked on her words and pulled away. "Frankly, I’m beginning to wonder if you want to find out what happened so you can undo it."

  "What?" Rail surged to his feet. "How can you even think that?"

  "Well, what else am I supposed to think? If you’re fine with us being together, if all your pretty words about loving me were real, then why does it matter how what happened, happened?"

  Rail paced, running his hands through his hair. "I’m trying to find out so I can better protect you. Look what Lucifer did. What if something like that happens in the future and you get yanked right into the middle of a battle? I couldn’t…I couldn’t live knowing I’d failed to protect you."

  Cassidy dropped her gaze. Rail’s guilt hummed through her. He’d lost so many people during his long life. “You don’t need to,” she whispered. “How do you think I feel knowing every time you go on patrol you may die?”

  “You don’t understand—”

  “Oh, I think I understand better than anyone.”


  "No. I’ve had it. No more hiding and waiting for you to come home, damn it. If you think you are going to leave me behind to worry every time you go out, you are sorely mistaken, mister." Standing, Cassidy moved in front of Rail. She parked her fists on her hips and looked up at his grimace. "I am not going to be the damsel in distress anymore. I think I’ve proved I can take care of myself, and I want to start going on patrol with you." Taken aback, Rail stared down at her, jaw hanging open. "And another thing," she poked him in the chest, "you are going to teach me to fight. Really fight, like with a sword. And you’re going to teach me about demons and magic, and—"

  Rail silenced her with a kiss. When they finally broke apart gasping for air, he mumbled, “I hear you.”

  “Thank you.”

  "You’re crazy."

  "But you love me, anyway." She laughed, nipping his swollen lower lip.

  "Yes, I do. So, forgive me for wanting to protect you and hide you away from all the evils out there in the world."

  "That’s not your call anymore. I know what’s out there now. I know what it can do, what it will do. I’m one of you now. You just need to accept that." With one final poke, she left without waiting to see if Rail followed.


  Cassidy sat on the edge of Rail's bed, watching him strip off
his dusty clothes. Not only had he followed her from the library, but he’d caught her and carried her up to their room.

  She still wasn’t sure if he would accept her terms, but with Rail standing gloriously naked in front of her, she was willing to let the discussion go.

  For now.

  Smiling, Rail pulled Cassidy to her feet. "You’re overdressed."

  She leaned against his body. "Oh?"

  "Unless you plan to wash your clothes while we shower."

  "Oooh." Smiling wickedly, Cassidy stepped back, shed her clothing, and made a dash for the bathroom. At the door, she stopped to let Rail catch up. "I guess I’m forgiven for pulling you away from finding the answers to all your questions."

  "Right now, I don’t really care." Carefully, he walked her backward into the bathroom until her lush ass bumped against the vanity. "I can wait for all the answers to all my questions, except for one."

  "Which is?" She gazed longingly into his dark eyes.

  "Are you sure you can love me?" Rail asked seriously, his voice going low.

  "I already love you." Cassidy caressed his face. "You know that, right?"

  "But can you love me for all that I am—demon and angel?" He placed a finger over her lips as she started to answer. "You need to know that there are parts of me I haven’t shared with you, parts I’m not completely ready to face yet."

  Cassidy’s worried eyes pierced him. "What are you saying?"

  He hadn’t wanted to do it yet. He wanted to wait until he’d thought things through a little more, but there they were, and he’d already opened the proverbial can of worms. "Can you love me knowing that…" Rail swallowed. "Knowing that there was once a time when I came very close to falling for real? I almost gave in to the darkness. I almost became one of Lucifer’s bitches, a minion." He couldn’t look at her.

  "You’re not that person anymore, Rail," she answered softly, resting her head against his chest, her hand on his new tattoo. "You’re not even the man I met on that derelict barge."

  He let the breath he held escape. "Then, what am I?"

  Cassidy laughed as she lifted her face and pulled his head down until their lips met. She kissed him softly and pulled back with a smile. "You’re the man I love, silly. Or weren’t you listening?"

  "Even with…"

  "Even with everything you once were. Even with that demon inside of you. Good and bad. I feel you in here." She tapped her sternum. "I know what kind of man you are."

  Rail took her hands in his and for a few moments just stared at the beautiful woman in front of him. Waves of her love washed over him and soothed the pain in his chest. Even his demon relaxed, curling up like a sleeping kitten. Content.

  It was then or never.

  "Will you marry me?" Rail blurted. Less than romantic, but if he didn’t ask then, he was afraid he never would.


  "I love you," he murmured as he rested his forehead against Cassidy’s and raised their entwined hands to kiss her knuckles. "I don’t want you to just be the vessel for my soul, my soul bonded; that’s destiny. This is my choice. I love you. I want you to be my wife."

  Startled, Cassidy pulled back. "Oh, my God. Rail—"

  "Don’t," he cut her off, the old pain springing back to life. "Don’t say it’s not going to work out. Or that I’m not really in love with you. Or that you’re going to grow old and die." He sighed, placing little kisses along her lower lip and jaw. "I want you."

  Cassidy kissed him deeply as she wrapped herself around his body. He lifted her to sit on the vanity. "All I was going to say was, ‘yes’, stupid," she rasped. "Now, shut up."

  Rail didn’t argue. There was no further need for words. No more pain.




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