“You’re blood work looks great. As long as you and your partner stay monogamous and she’s free and clear you’re good with whichever birth control method you decide to use.”
Don’t get me wrong, my heart was beating a little harder than I expected it. I’m sure Beth wasn’t a saint, and only Lord knows I wasn’t either in the end, but I’m glad that I won’t have to worry about hurting Chloe more than I already have. I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and it came out as a low whistle.
Frank chuckled, “I’m guessing you’re glad to hear this?”
“I didn’t have any worries.” I stood to leave and said, “thanks Frank for getting those results back so quick.”
“Of course. You boys put up with a lot on the ice. I’m just happy to help out. It’s rare when I’m not patching one of you up or scheduling PT.”
“Good point.” I cleared my throat feeling a bit awkward, “thanks, again.”
I felt like skipping out the door to my dad’s SUV so I could get home. I had already showered and put on some clean clothes so I could go directly out. Coach had basically commanded all of us to go home and get some sleep. We’ve got a game tomorrow night. I’ve got to be at the arena by three-thirty. The team would have a light lunch buffet available for us, and then we would get on the ice.
Chapter 29
Pucking Spidey-Senses
Sleep was hard. I could feel myself tossing and turning all night. Waking whenever my mind couldn’t contain all of the information that was swirling around. When the sun was finally up, I stumbled to the bathroom. After I came back into my room, I looked at my phone. I hadn’t put it on the charger last night, and it was almost dead. Brooklyn would probably try to call me at some point today. She was worried about me last night.
I still can’t believe the news I heard. I know I’m going to have to get all of the facts before I call my mom out about her lies. I changed into some running clothes and pulled my hair up in a messy bun. Then I tied on my running shoes and double knotted the laces. I knew I needed to go for a run. I needed to clear my head, and I needed a minute to think about what my mom and James had said last night.
When I opened my door, the cleaning staff was already bustling around the house and making it look as if there wasn’t ever a party in the house. Even if the guests weren’t supposed to go wandering through the house doesn’t mean that they didn’t. Obviously, I was one of them who went wandering around and look at what I had found.
I quietly walked down to the gym after a little bit of searching. My parents made sure they had all the most up-to-date workout equipment. I put my earbuds in and set the treadmill to the speed I was accustomed to and started to run. With one of my favorite songs, Kryptonite, playing in my head, I pushed myself to five miles before I slowed myself to a stop and then stretched.
When I exited my parent’s home-gym I was startled when I came nose to chest with James. “Oh, gosh! James, you scared me.” I said, putting my hand up to my chest.
“Sorry Miss Chloe.” He said in his gruff voice.
It feels weird hearing James call me ‘Miss Chloe’ now that I know what I know. I was scrutinizing all of his features compared to my father—or the father I thought was my father. My head was starting to hurt from the confusing information.
“Your mother wanted to speak with you.” He continued when I didn’t say anything back to him.
“I was going to go hop in the shower. Will she be in her office?’
“Yes, Miss Chloe. Your mother will be going over paperwork for most of the day.” James answered.
“Thank you, James,” I said and made my way back to my room to shower and get ready for the day.
I took my time getting ready while trying to avoid my mother as long as I could. I made my way down to her office and quietly knocked. “Come in.” She said from her desk. When I walked through the door, she didn’t even look up at me. She worked continuously as she motioned to one of the leather chairs. She continued to look back and forth from her laptop to a folder full of documents. When I didn’t immediately sit where she had instructed she said, “Chloe, sit down. I’ll be just two more minutes.”
I walked to the cold leather chair and sat waiting for my mother to make eye contact with me. She typically doesn’t make eye contact, especially when she was in the middle of a busy day, but I’ve never needed my mother’s full attention. That would be scary thought. When she finishes up whatever was more important than me, she finally looks up, only to frown at me.
“What are you wearing?” Her tone was scrutinizing and deliberate.
“Just something comfortable. I hadn’t planned on leaving the house today.” I explained.
“That won’t do. I have an interview scheduled for you with Remington Academy. The headmistress is excepting you at eleven. James will take you.”
“Yes, Mother.”
She looked from me to her laptop when a ping came through indicating she had a notification. I hadn’t been dismissed, but I might as well have. She wasn’t paying any more attention to me as she delved back into her work. I moved to get up and then she spoke up again. “This boy,” She said, leading me down a path down a path I didn’t want, “is he someone you go to school with.”
That made me pause. If I tell her no she will continue to ask me questions but if I tell her yes then she will want to know and I can’t even give her a name. Bryon is eighteen, and I can’t turn an innocent boy in for something that he never did.
I sighed, “no, he doesn’t go to my school.”
Her fingers tap in succession on her large desk. “Older?”
“He is, but not by much.” I felt like I was almost pleading her to stop asking questions.
She made a humming sound. Her nonexistent mom-senses tingling. They are similar to spidey-senses but only with a mama bear gene at the front. It can be frightening. Like really frightening. I needed to get out of there. My brain was screaming at me. Danger. Danger.
“I better start getting ready. I don’t want to disappoint the headmistress.”
“Very well.” She said, but I could feel her eyes on me as I hurried to leave her office.
I couldn’t believe I was getting put on the spot about Remington Academy. I didn’t want to go meet with the headmistress. Have her judge me and let my mother make decisions for me. I knew all along my mother would want to take control and turn me into the girl she had always envisioned me to be. Even though I was mad or maybe disappointed, I still wanted Nix to ride in on a white horse and be the man I know he was meant to be.
I gave out a sigh as I grabbed the suit outfit I knew my mother had preplanned for me to wear to meet the headmistress. A very stylish royal blue skirt and blazer with cream silk button-up dress shirt ready to impress. I looked at myself in the mirror and said, “she probably has a portfolio of my accomplishments ready to go,” I rolled my eyes.
“Indeed, she does,” James said from the door. I looked over at him and examined him differently than I had before. Same eye color. Same bottom lip. James held out a leather portfolio to me.
Taking it, I asked, “Should I look through so I know what accomplishments I should mention?”
“Your mother is expecting you to do so.” James had answered.
“Terrific,” I said flatly.
The ride over to Remington Academy was shorter than I had expected. James made it as smooth as possible while I read through all the fluffed up activities and non-profits I had been involved with over the years. Fluffed was one way of putting it. Mother had been putting my name on fundraising for children’s hospital, benefits for underprivileged schools, and humane society work since I had been able to speak. I’m almost positive my first full sentence had been all about getting people to hand over their money for a good cause.
The long cobblestone drive just reminded me exactly how old this school was. The greenery was professionally maintained and looked beautiful. All I could think at that moment
was that I would be lucky to go to a prestigious school like this but feeling so very lonely all at the same time.
I stepped out of the town car and walked up the stone steps. The woman who greeted me was primly dressed with a librarian’s bun styled modernly to make her look beautiful. “Miss Summers, right this way.”
I followed her silently to gorgeous dark wood double doors. When she made a short, sharp knock the woman on the other side called out, “enter.”
“Headmistress, Miss Summers for you.”
Well, there’s nothing like being presented. The woman sitting behind the grand mahogany desk never looked up when we walked in. Her dark brown hair was pulled back from her face, and her glasses sat perfectly on her nose. When the woman who brought me into the headmistress office left, she looked up. Her deep brown eyes looked me up and down assessing.
She politely clears her throat and stated, “Your mother felt you would be a superb asset to Remington Academy.”
She hadn’t said it like a question, but I felt like she was wanting me to answer. Her eyebrow lifted while I thought about how my mother would want me to answer a non-question.
“Yes, she feels Remington Academy would be beneficial to my future.”
“And just what kind of future are you wanting?”
Still standing since I wasn’t offered a chair. “I want to be a literary editor.”
Her eyebrow raised higher. “Have a seat.”
Well, that was awkward.
I moved to the chair she had indicated and sat. The rest of the interview went similarly to the very first impression and high intensity until she finally gave me a smile. Well, a smirk really. Just after she said, “Congratulations. We would love to have you join Remington Academy for the rest of your senior year.”
I was excited yet worried where my future would actually lead. Instantly my mind went to Nix and the possibility of a future with him that might never be. My attention went back to the headmistress as she continued, “Suzette is head-girl of your class. She will take the time to show you around the campus and the dormitory.”
Before I could say anything, there was that same quick, sharp knock at the door. “Miss Davis.”
A younger version of the headmistress walked into the room in a school uniform. Complete with plaid shirt, blue blazer which looked very similar to the blazer I happened to be wearing, and a superior way.
“Ah, Suzette. Wonderful. This is Chloe Summers. She will be attending Remington for the remainder of her senior year. Her father is Senator Summers.” Interest sparked in Suzette’s eyes as the headmistress continued, “I would like for you to show her around. Introduce her to your friends. I planned on setting her up across the hall from Vanessa and you.”
“Very good.” Is all that Suzette said before we were dismissed.
I padded quietly down the wide corridor with Suzette beside me. When we get to the back of the administration building a pathway curved around to a building with a sign that said “Addams Hall” planted firmly in the flowerbed.
“Addams Hall. The last building to be added to the campus in 1973. This is the senior’s dormitory. You’ll be on the fourth floor with me. Let’s head up.” She opened the door with a keycard, and it clinked to unlock. “You must be excited to finish up at Remington. Not very usual for someone to be accepted senior year let alone midway through. I’m guessing your mother really wanted you to finish here.”
“Yeah, I had been living with my best friend to finish high school, but I felt like I needed a change. So she set me up with an interview.”
“Why did you need a change?” Suzette’s eyebrow rose just the same as the headmistress’ had. “It was a boy, wasn’t it?” Her expression went to something intriguing. “Come on you can tell me.”
I twisted my lips before I nodded.
“Oh my gosh! That’s just juicy. Tell me everything. We don’t get too many scandalous love stories. Was your mother upset? Was he not from a prominent family?”
“Oh, no. He… he is amazing. He has prospects and is…is… he’s just perfect, and I miss him.”
“Why the heck did you leave then?”
I sighed, “sometimes I forget why.”
She sighed longingly. I could tell she was interested and wanted what I had with Nix with her own soulmate. Was Nix my soulmate? I felt hesitant to talk about Nix, but I wanted to talk about him to someone.
“He’s my best friend’s brother.”
She giggled. “How forbidden.”
I chuckled, “not really. I’ve known him for most of my life. He’s always been the one. It was just him who hadn’t figured it out yet.” I chuckled again.
“What’s he like?” She said rapt with interest.
“He’s strong. An athlete. So tall. He’s got jet black hair and blue eyes with just a sprinkle of violet around the iris.” I said blushing with embarrassment that I knew the details.
“Sexy. And how was he?”
“How was he what?” I asked confused.
“You know…how was he in bed?”
“We hadn’t—”
“Don’t lie. I can tell. And I bet he was your first and he rocked your world wrecking you for everybody else.”
Damn. She hit the nail on the head. I felt heat rush to my face.
“I knew it!” She clapped her hands in front of my face then wrapped her arm with mine while she walked me around.
We walked through the rest of Addams Hall, and I got to see where I would be staying. It’s a private room with a front viewing window. When the tour was over, I waved goodbye to Suzette and got back into the Town Car with James to drive back home.
I caught James looking in the rearview mirror studying me while he drove home. I didn’t want to share with him what happened even if I knew he wanted to hear all about it. I wasn’t even sure I was happy about it. I knew my mother would be ecstatic.
“So?” James asked.
“I got in,” I replied distantly.
“Why aren’t you more excited? I thought you’d be happy to be able to be home every weekend.” James said with a smile on his face.
“I already miss Brooklyn and my old life. Remington Academy is only a means to an end. Mom wants me to go so I’ll go.”
“I know you’re going to miss Brooklyn, but I can drive her up anytime to see you. We’re just happy to have you home.”
I’m sure he is. My dad. The man I’ve known my entire life and have relied on to drive my family around and protect me is my real father. I sighed. “Thank you, James.”
Chapter 30
I Knew I Was Pucking Done For
I was mentally and physically exhausted. Plus I played like shit. If it weren’t for my team covering for my head, not in the game, we would have been slaughtered tonight. The only thing going through my head was a certain blonde I can’t seem to get over. Not that I want to get over her.
“Man, you must have it bad.”
I snapped out of it and turned a confused glance toward John. He knew. He knew everything. Every single embarrassing moment of my tumultuous relationship with my sister’s best friend.
“I miss her.” Was all I had to say and his grin grew so big across his face it made him look like Jack Nicholson.
“You miss getting your dick wet. That’s all. Why don’t you come out with the guys and I’ll be your off-the-market-wingman?”
At the thought of getting inside of some other pussy my cock retreated. He knew what he wanted. And had his eye on only one pussy. “No thanks.” Is what I said but in reality, my head was saying, “I’m going to call and probably leave another embarrassing voicemail for Chloe.”
John chuckled, “As I said, you’ve got it bad.” I rubbed my hands down my face. “Good luck with it bro.”
“Thanks, man. I’m sure I’ll need it.”
He walked away laughing. He knew how I’d messed up and how no matter what I tried she would probably never take me back. Getting her to even talk with me wi
ll be the first step. Maybe getting her to talk to Brooklyn will help. With a plan made I drove home to speak to my sister. I saw Chloe’s Honda in the drive and felt my heart skip a beat. That stupid organ of mine didn’t realize Chloe was still gone even if her Honda was still here.
I opened the garage door and called out, “Brooklyn? You here?”
“What num-nuts?”
“I’m going to ignore that because I need something from you.”
Her mouth dropped open.
“Great. The one time I need you to talk you’re speechless.”
“Oh, whatever could my brother need from me? Could it maybe involve my very best friend?”
“Stop gloating. I want her back.”
“And just what are you wanting from me?”
I could see the evil glint in her eye. I was making a deal with the devil. “Talk her back into loving me.” Those words sounded stupider coming out than in my head. I was in deep and now I had witnesses.
“You’re so stupid.” She tucked her legs up under herself and sipped her mug probably filled with tea.
“What else is new?” I said flatly.
“She’s not going to fall out of love with you. Not for lack of trying. She’s been trying to fall out of love with you ever since you deflowered Mindy Lockwood in the basement when you were fifteen.”
I sighed, “I didn’t think you guys knew about that.”
“Everyone knew about that. Mindy flaunted her newly slutty status all over the neighborhood.”
I laughed, “Did she? What a cu—”
“Don’t say it. I hate that word.” She snapped.
“Fine. Would you just call Chloe for me?”
“And just what am I supposed to say?” She said taking her phone from her back pocket.
“Ask her if I still have a chance. Ask her if I fucked things up so badly there won’t be another chance. Ask her if I can see her and explain. Just… ask her if she’s all right.” I sighed on the last words looking away from her. When I looked back, my sister had some sort of dreamy look on her face. “What?”
Rising Summers (Pucking Unbelievable Book 1) Page 20