Game On: A Sports Romance Box Set

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Game On: A Sports Romance Box Set Page 17

by Allie Everhart

  We watch a movie, then fall asleep. In the morning, I get up at eight and kiss Ethan goodbye and go back to my apartment. When I get there, I find that it's empty. So Mike spent the night with Heather. I'm a little surprised he did that. He normally doesn't move that fast.

  I take a quick shower, then search my closet for something to wear. My wardrobe mostly consists of jeans and t-shirts, but I do have a couple skirts and dresses. I decide on a black sleeveless dress I've had forever. It's simple and classic and something my mom won't complain about. She's very picky about clothes. When I was a kid, she'd iron my clothes for school, even though they'd be wrinkled by the time I made it there.

  "Hey," Mike says, coming through the front door. He looks ready to go in dress pants and a dress shirt. "When you'd get home?"

  "About a half hour ago. Were you at Heather's?"

  "Yeah. She had a leaky faucet so I went down to look at it. I'll fix it when I get back."

  "She could just call the landlord."

  "He won't fix it on a Sunday. I'll just do it myself."

  "Did you stay there last night?"

  He hesitates and glances away from me. "Yeah."

  "It's not a crime, you know. I don't care if you stay with her, if that's what you're worried about."

  "It's not that. It's..."

  "What? You think it's too soon?"

  "No. She asked me to stay and I wanted to but..." He shakes his head.

  "Tricia," I say, fighting an eye roll.

  "I know it sounds stupid but for a moment I felt like...never mind."

  "Like you were cheating on Tricia?" I can't believe he thinks that, but knowing Mike, I know it's possible. He's still so hung up on her. "Mike, you haven't been with Tricia for months. You're not cheating on her. It's time to move on."

  "I know." He rubs his hand over his jaw and takes a breath. "So anyway, I see you got my message."

  "What message?"

  "About having brunch with Mom."

  "I didn't see your message. Did you send me a text?"

  He checks his phone. "Shit, I didn't send it. Heather distracted me and I forgot. So how'd you know about it?"

  "Mom called me and told me to be there. She said you'd already agreed to go."

  "I'm surprised she called you. I told her I'd talk to you myself."

  "I didn't actually talk to her. She left a message on my phone. She showed up here last night after you left."

  "Yeah, she told me."

  "So what do you think this is about?"

  "She wants us to meet her new boyfriend."

  "That's it? She came all the way here for that?"

  "Maybe she's here to tell us she's marrying him."

  "Marrying him? I didn't even know she was dating him. How long have they been going out? And why didn't you tell me she moved to Chicago?"

  "I did. More than once. Weren't you listening?"

  "Guess not." I tend to tune Mike out whenever he brings up our mom.

  "We need to get going." He takes his keys from the hook on the wall. As I walk to the door, he says, "So you stayed with Ethan last night?"

  "Yes, and don't get on my case about it. I'm already stressed out having to do this brunch. I don't need even more stress."

  "I didn't say anything," he says innocently.

  "Yeah, but you were about to."

  "Only because you said you were staying in last night. What changed your mind?"

  "Ethan stopped by." I open the door for Mike and we walk out to the parking lot. "I didn't know he was coming."

  "How'd he get here? I thought he couldn't drive."

  "He took a cab."

  "Why didn't he just call and ask you to come over?"

  Mike doesn't stop until he gets answers. It drives me crazy.

  "I don't want to get into it, okay?"

  We get in the van and as he's pulling out of the parking lot, Mike says, "So you and Ethan had a fight. That's why you came home yesterday afternoon."

  "It wasn't a fight. And I don't want to talk about it so change the subject."

  "Becca, you don't need this."

  "Need what?"

  "This back and forth shit where you like each other and then you don't. You just started dating. You shouldn't be fighting already."

  "We weren't fighting. He was just in a bad mood yesterday."

  "And he was taking it out on you."

  "That's not what I said."

  "You don't have to. I know that's why you left. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out, Becca. It's like I said, the guy is nothing but drama. His life. The people around him. You don't need that shit."

  Mike's really starting to piss me off. What I do with Ethan is none of his business. I'm not a kid. And I'm not letting my brother tell me who I can and can't date.

  "And how about you and Tricia?" I say, anger in my voice. "If you want to talk about unhealthy relationships, then let's talk about you and Tricia."

  "It's not the same," he says, his jaw tightening.

  "Oh really? And why is that? Because you two hid your feelings and never talked about stuff? Does that make you two better than Ethan and me? Maybe if you and Tricia had actually fought once in a while and got your anger out, she wouldn't have just left like that."

  He stops at the intersection and looks at me. "Are you really gonna go there?"

  I hear the hurt in his voice. I shouldn't have said that. He's spent God knows how many hours analyzing what went wrong in his relationship with Tricia. The last thing he needs is for me to pile on more guilt and even hint at the fact that he was partially to blame. It wasn't his fault she left. Tricia's just selfish and didn't want to stick around to help Mike recover.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that." I turn toward him as he drives down the street. "It wasn't your fault, Mike. There was nothing you could do or say to make her stay."

  "Let's not talk about it."

  We're quiet the rest of the ride there. When we reach the hotel, I see a shiny, black Lexus with Illinois plates parked in the valet area.

  "I bet that's Jim's car," I say. "I'm assuming he's rich. She wouldn't date him if he wasn't."

  "She said he works in finance. Manages retirement accounts."

  "What else do you know about him?"

  "He's divorced. Has two sons. I think they're both in college."

  "Great. So if they get married we'll have new siblings."

  "It's not like we'll have to interact with them."

  "I know, but still. It's weird."

  We walk up to the hotel entrance and go inside. The restaurant is off to the left. I spot Mom right away, sitting at a table sipping a Bloody Mary, a gray-haired man in a suit seated next to her.

  "Over there," I say to Mike, pointing at Mom.

  I'm already feeling sick seeing my mom. Maybe it's mean to say that but I really just want her out of my life. Seeing her just reminds me how much it hurt when she left. I wish she'd just leave Mike and me alone and stop showing up like this.

  She gets up as we approach.

  "Honey, it's so good to see you," she says to Mike. She hugs him first because he's her favorite. He at least pretends to like her. I don't even try. She lets go of Mike and gives me a quick hug. "Thank you for coming," she whispers to me because she knows I don't want to be here.

  "This is Jim," she says, putting her arm around him. He's standing now and isn't much taller than my mom. He looks totally different than my dad, who was tall and muscular, like Mike. I always thought my mom would date someone who looks similar to my dad, but I guess not.

  "Nice to meet you." Jim shakes Mike's hand and then mine, which is cold and clammy from being nervous. I feel even more nervous as we sit down and order. I just want to get this over with and leave.

  The waitress stops by to take our order. I order French toast but I'm not hungry so I doubt I'll eat it. As everyone else orders, I check my phone and see a text from Ethan.

  How's it going?

  I just got here and I alr
eady want to leave.

  Just relax.

  I can't. My mom makes me nervous.

  Don't let her. Take control. You're stronger than you think.

  He's right. I'm stronger than this. I survived her leaving us, so I can definitely survive brunch.

  "So, Becca, what do you do?" Jim asks.

  "I wait tables and clean houses." I glance at my mom. "It's not what I want to be doing but I need money so I don't really have a choice."

  My mom clears her throat and adjusts her napkin. "Becca's going to be a nurse. She's taking some time off from school, but she'll be going back, won't you, honey?"

  "Depends on if I can afford it." I glare at her, noticing her expensive clothes and the designer purse hanging off her chair. She has the money to help Mike and me but she refuses to do it.

  "How much school do you have left?" Jim asks.

  "Just a semester," I tell him. "I'm taking a break from school to help Mike but I'll eventually go back."

  Jim looks surprised. Did he not know how much Mike and I are struggling? If so, it makes sense. My mom wouldn't want Jim knowing how she treats us. It'd make her look bad. I'm sure she made up some lie for why she left all those years ago. A lie that made her the good one and my dad the bad guy.

  My mom looks at Mike and smiles. "Tell us about your blog." She turns to Jim. "Michael has a blog for veterans."

  "It's a podcast," he says. "The blog isn't really set up yet. It just has a homepage and a couple articles. I haven't had time to do much with it yet. But the podcast is doing well."

  "I don't even know what a podcast is," my mom says, laughing a little. "Michael knows all about those Internet things. He's very smart."

  "I'm not very tech savvy," Jim says to Mike. "Maybe you could teach me a thing or two."

  Mike just nods. He seems as uncomfortable as I do. If it were just my mom here, he'd be fine, but having Jim here bothers Mike. He was really close to my dad and I know he doesn't like seeing Mom with someone else. I don't like seeing it either, especially when Jim puts his arm around her like he's doing now. And then he kisses her cheek. I look away, feeling sick to my stomach. It's bad enough I have to deal with my mom, but having to watch her with some guy who isn't my dad is even worse.

  She gives Jim a kiss and Mike coughs a little, like he's hoping it'll make them stop. It works and they both turn and smile at us.

  "Tell me about your podcast," Jim says.

  Mike starts talking, and as he does I see my mom's eye catch on something behind me.

  Then I feel a hand on my shoulder as a deep voice says, "Sorry I'm late."

  I turn and see Ethan there, wearing black dress slacks and a shirt and tie. I'm so happy to see him I jump up from the chair and give him a hug.

  "You came," I whisper in his ear.

  "It sounded like you needed me," he whispers back.

  I turn toward the table. "This is my friend, Ethan."

  "Boyfriend," he says, correcting me. He holds his hand out to my mom. "Good to see you again." He shakes Jim's hand. "Nice to meet you."

  "Ethan Baxter?" Jim asks, sounding both surprised and impressed.

  "That's me." Ethan takes the chair next to mine and I help him set his crutches down. "I take it you like football?"

  "Huge fan. Both college and professional." He nudges my mom. "Why didn't you tell me your daughter's dating Ethan Baxter?"

  She picks up her Bloody Mary. "I didn't think about it. I only found out myself just yesterday. And you know me. I don't follow sports. I didn't even know who he was until he told me."

  Jim grins at Ethan. "You're slated to be a first round draft pick. Isn't that right?"

  "That's what they say but you can never be sure."

  "But how's that going to work with your leg? Are you even going to be able to play this season?"

  I look at Ethan and see him tensing up. The last thing he wants to talk about is his injury and what it means for his football career. I promised to save him from these types of questions so I blurt out, "Jim works in finance."

  "Oh, yeah?" Ethan says. "What kind of work?"

  Jim's brows draw together, clearly confused by the change in topics. "I work for an investment firm in Chicago."

  "What type of investments?"

  "Stocks, bonds, mutual funds. I focus mainly on retirement accounts."

  Ethan leans back in his chair. "So where do you think the market is headed? After two quarters of losses do you think it'll bounce back?"

  Ethan knows about the stock market? For some reason I find that sexy.

  The waitress stops by. "What can I get you?" she asks Ethan.

  He looks for a menu but she already took them.

  "I'll get you one," the waitress says.

  "That's okay. I'll just take a ham and cheese omelet."

  After she leaves, Jim talks about his job. Mom looks bored to tears, sucking down her Bloody Mary. I'm bored, too, listening to Jim drone on, but I'm happy Ethan's here. The tension at the table lessened as soon as he showed up, at least for me it did. Mike still looks uncomfortable.

  I can't believe Ethan came here today. He didn't want to, but he did. For me. He knew I needed him, so he got up, got dressed, and took a cab all the way here to be with me.

  What am I going to do with you, Ethan? You're making me fall for you, harder than I should.

  Chapter Seventeen


  When Jim finally stops talking, I turn to Becca's brother. "We haven't met." I hold out my hand. "Mike?"

  "Yeah. Becca's told me a lot about you."

  "I hope it was all good."

  He chuckles. "I probably shouldn't say."

  "Hey." Becca hits her brother's arm. "It was all good."

  "So going back to your injury," Jim says. "Do you think you'll be able to play?"

  The guy keeps talking about my injury and it's pissing me off. Becca tried to change topics but Jim won't give up.

  "I don't know," I answer. "It's too soon to say. Once I start physical therapy, I'll know more." I look at Sherry, who's slurping down her third Bloody Mary. "So Becca said you do event planning?"

  "Yes." She smiles and rests her elbows on the table. "That's how I met Jim. I helped plan a business function for his office."

  "She did a wonderful job." He puts his arm around her and kisses her. I glance at Becca as she clears her throat. She's clearly uncomfortable seeing this guy making out with her mom.

  "Sherry paid attention to every little detail," Jim continues. "I didn't have to worry about a thing."

  "I didn't know you were still doing that," Becca says to her mom.

  "I didn't for a few years, but I missed it so I started up again when I moved to Chicago."

  "Do you still do weddings?" Becca asks.

  "She does," Jim says. "In fact, she's going to plan our—" He stops and looks at Becca's mom.

  She sighs. "Well, I suppose the cat's out of the bag."

  "You're getting married?" Mike asks.

  "Yes." She smiles at Jim. "Jim proposed a few weeks ago and we'd like to get married in October. That's why we wanted to meet here today. To tell you the big news."

  "This October?" Becca asks. "That's really soon. How long have you two dated?"

  "Almost a year," her mom says. "Going back to the wedding, we'd like you both to be in it. Mike, you'd be on Jim's side, and Becca, you'd be on mine. Jim has two grown sons so they'll be groomsmen as well. As for bridesmaids, I have some girlfriends who'll be taking two of the spots, but Becca, I'd like you to be my maid of honor."

  Becca stares at her mom. "Are you serious?"

  "Of course." She fakes a smile, obviously not happy with Becca's reaction. "I want you standing beside me. You're my only daughter."

  "Who you only speak to once a year, if that." Becca's voice rises just enough to show her anger.

  "That's only because you refuse to talk to me. I've left you messages, but Mike's the only one who ever calls me back."

  "Because I don't
want to talk to you." Becca's voice is shaky so she takes a breath. "You left. You took off and never came back."

  "Becca," Mike says in a tone that's urging her to stop.

  "What?" She shoots him a look. "You're really going along with this? After all the times we've needed her, she's never been there for us. Now suddenly she needs us and we're just supposed to agree to do this? Why? We don't owe her anything."

  "Becca, stop." Mike narrows his eyes at her. "It's one day. A few hours. I think we can do this for Mom."

  "YOU can, but I'm not." Becca slams her cloth napkin down on the table and shoves her chair back. "I need some air." She gets up and storms out of the restaurant.

  Mike scoots his chair back. "I'll get her."

  "No. Let me," I say, already up on my crutches.

  "You sure?" he asks.

  "Yeah. I'll be right back." I make my way to the entrance of the hotel and see Becca outside, pacing back and forth.

  "Hey." I go out the revolving doors and stand in front of her, forcing her to stop. "You want to talk about it?"

  She looks at me. "How dare she ask us to be in her wedding after abandoning us! I was thirteen, Ethan. Thirteen! You know how devastated I was to lose my mom at thirteen? And she doesn't even care!"

  Becca's yelling and the valet is looking at us, annoyed.

  "Come on." I nudge Becca's arm. "Let's go over there." I point to a bench that's a ways down from the entrance. Once we're there and seated, I say, "You can tell her no."

  "I could, but I'd feel bad doing that, which makes absolutely no sense. I shouldn't feel bad. I didn't do anything wrong. She's the one who left."

  "Maybe she's doing this to reach out to you. Maybe she wants a relationship with you again."

  Becca shrugs. "Doesn't matter. I don't want one with her. When I was younger I did, but now? I don't care if I never see her again."

  "You really mean that?"

  "After what she did, why would I want a relationship with her? When she left, she didn't just hurt Mike and me. She destroyed our dad. He was never the same. He tried to move on, but he never could. Even years later, he wanted her back but she wouldn't even talk to him. And I hate her for that. I hate what she did to him. To all of us."


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