Grounded (Flight for Life Book 2)

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Grounded (Flight for Life Book 2) Page 17

by Elaine Meece

  Brice wanted to do this on his own without Cynthia Conners’ involvement.

  “Was the mistake on Komar’s end?” Ed asked.

  Wanting to flush Ed out, he answered honestly. “Like I said, their computers were compromised and the formula changed. The FBI is looking into it.”

  Ed’s face paled and concern filled his eyes.

  If Brice had played his cards right, the supervisor would panic and call Kayla Miller.

  “Any parts assembled using MX7 must also be destroyed. Fortunately, most of our fuel systems were produced using an earlier shipment. The fuel systems constructed from the new material Komar sent have been recalled.”

  Ed zoned in on him. “Do you realize the cost involved? Millions.”

  “Yes, but I’m not willing to chance lives being lost. Lawsuits from parts that malfunction could end up putting us out of business. The recall is a done deal. We’ve already consulted our legal team on this.”

  “Mrs. Conners may see that differently,” Ed said.

  “I’m in charge. The decision is mine. While production is stopped until Komar has a chance to produce more MX7 using the correct formula, you will use that time to clean all manufacturing equipment to remove any impurities.”

  After leaving the production department, Brice visited the robotics lab. He joined Lonny Chambers at his work station. “How’s it going?”

  “Well. We’re making great progress. I think Vega I will be ready to go public. She’s passed all her simulator and flight tests in every scenario. In all situations, she landed the aircraft safely. We have a few more tests to run.”

  “I thought it was still a work in progress. I didn’t realize it’s that close to actually being used in aircraft.”

  “Mrs. Conners will be taking our prototype up soon. She’s hoping to use it on her flight to Miami. Then do a publicity segment on it. Sixty Minutes is wanting to do a program on Vega I.” He smiled at Brice. “You should try her out.”

  “The mere thought of it makes me nervous.”

  “Relax, Vega I will be a perfect lady. If you expect the public to purchase your product, you have to be willing to use it yourself.”

  “I’ll leave that to the boss lady.”

  As the young technician walked with him, Brice glanced behind them for a moment. Ed had disappeared. Was he somewhere calling Kayla Miller?

  “Ed has been spending a lot of time in our lab,” Lonny stated.

  “Considering he’s over both labs, how is that odd?”

  “Dotson spotted him leaving the lab early several mornings right as he was coming in. That wouldn’t seem strange, but Ed’s never seen before nine.”

  “I’ll have security to check out the surveillance video.” Brice listened to several of the robots speaking. “Are they all female?”

  Lonny laughed. “Actually, yes. All the voices are female.”

  “Any particular reason?” Brice asked.

  “We find the female voice more soothing. Most GPS voices are female.”

  Brice nodded. “I’d never given it any thought.”

  He walked with Lonny to the robot that remained connected to an operating station.

  “Enough downtime for you, sweetheart.” Lonny switched it on, activating Vega I. It came on with the slightest electronic noise. Its eyes opened and moved back and forth.

  An eeriness ran through Brice as he stared into the eyes. It stared for a moment before rotating its eye balls around. His opinion of them hadn’t changed. He still didn’t like them. But something about it seemed so familiar. So recent in his mind.

  “They have a peripheral vision much greater than a human.”

  Then Vega I did something odd. She stared at him, closed her eyes, and reopened them.

  Brice’s stomach sank as he recalled Mallory’s doll doing the same thing.

  Lonny grinned. “She likes you.”

  “No fraternizing with employees. That includes robots,” Brice said, trying not to show his distress. “I’m glad someone at this facility likes me. I wasn’t too popular in the MX7 lab this morning. The copilots will turn against me once they know about Vega I. I’m suspicious they’ve already heard about it.”

  After leaving the lab, Brice called Richard and told him to keep a close eye on Ed Sawyer. He asked security to send any video surveillance of the lab to Richard. They needed to find out why he paid the autonomy lab early morning visits. Of course, none it would connect him to Kayla Miller.

  Brice drove one of the company cars to the Jacksonville office and met with the business sales, marketing, and financial end of production where he discussed the impact stopping production and the recall would have.

  By the time he reached the hotel, he needed to rest. He slipped off his shoes and stretched out on the king size bed, then closed his eyes.

  So many things ran through his mind at lightning speed. Shea and the boys. Annie’s plan to save her sister. Bizer’s offer to join Novik. Finally, Vega I’s eyes staring at him. Immediately, Mallory’s doll came to mind. The doll had actually sized him up.

  Kayla Miller had boasted they were ahead of every other aerospace company for initiating the use of artificial intelligence. He glanced at the clock. Cynthia would be at the recital.

  He recalled how the doll had continued to turn itself back on until the power source had been eliminated. The doll had been nearby when they had discussed Crammer Industries.

  Once back in Atlanta, he would pay the Conners a visit. He considered flying back tonight, but he’d already set their departure time for nine in the morning. So, long as he made it back in time for the wedding.

  He gave up on the nap and decided to find something to eat.

  Brice entered the hotel’s classy restaurant and searched for somewhere to sit. Annie sat along the wall in a booth, staring at a menu. He walked over to her. “Mind if I join you?”

  “No, please do.”

  “Where’s Mark and Keith?”

  She shrugged. “They’re probably at the nearest strip club.”

  He slid across from her. “What looks good?”

  “I’m getting the chicken club and a salad.”

  The waitress came over. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “Scotch on the rocks. And we’re ready to order.” He glanced over at Annie, letting her order first.

  She placed her order. “And can you bring a glass of white wine with that?”

  The waitress nodded. After Brice ordered, she left and returned with the Scotch and wine.

  Brice smiled as he sipped it. “I had a rough day. I tried to rest but couldn’t. Too many things jumping around in my head.”

  “Same here. I’m worried about Megan.”

  Annie told about the letters taken from her house. “If those letters reach the commune, they’ll know Megan lied about writing me. They’ll beat the holy crap out of her.”


  “Yes, or murder her. Women have disappeared when they’re disobedient or defiant.”

  “Mind if I ask how your sister ended up there?”

  Their food came, and while they ate, Annie told him about Dan. “She was at a bad place in her life. Her ex-husband had remarried. She ended up losing the house, so she moved in with our parents. They already had Renee and her two kids.”

  “So, he waltzed into town and offered her a way out.”

  “Exactly,” Annie poked her fork into her salad.

  He finished off the drink, raised the glass, so the waitress would bring another one. Then he motioned at Annie’s glass.

  “One glass is my limit.”

  He chuckled. “We have nowhere to go, so relax and enjoy it.” He cut several bites of his steak. “So, your sister had no idea what she was walking into?”

  “Not a clue.”

  “I can’t even start to imagine her shock when she learned he had other wives and kids all living together.”

  “When she tried to leave, he beat her until she surrendered.” She explain
ed their reoccurring genetic issues. “That’s why they’re bringing women in from outside the gene pool. I asked Evan to fly me, but he refused.”

  Brice sighed. “So, what does it involve?”

  Annie covered her plan. “Doing something so drastic might get you fired.”

  “I’d run it by Cynthia first. If we take the Citation, I can land and take off with just 4000 feet.”

  “I’m not sure how long the runway is. It seemed as long as the one in Atlanta, but I was on a mountain miles from it. I had a distorted view. The only thing I can come up with is to measure if with a yardstick.”

  Brice laughed. “That’s cute.”

  “You’re not taking this seriously.”

  “I’m sorry I laughed, but I could see you with your yardstick swatting at rattlesnakes and scorpions. I can find out how long the runway is. Someone around that area will know.”

  “That’d be awesome.”

  He motioned at the waitress to bring more drinks. “Pass the breadsticks.”

  She handed him the basket. “You’ll get fat eating those things.”

  “Hey, I’m all muscle.”

  “And if you want to stay like that, you’ll think about what you’re eating.”

  “What fun is that?” He smiled and winked. “Thanks,” he said to the waitress when she set down his third drink.

  Annie gave the waitress the cut off sign. “No more drinks for either of us.”

  “I’m her boss. I’ll decide when we’ve had too much.” He stood and moved around to her side of the booth, pushing in beside her. “Now let’s discuss how to make Shea jealous.”


  Annie’s breath hitched when he slid in beside her. His body heat consumed her. She breathed in his scent. He’d had too much to drink. So, had she. The wine didn’t have the punch the scotch was having on Brice.

  Truly the last thing she wanted was to make Shea jealous. She didn’t want him returning to his wife, but she knew he probably would. Especially, if they succeeded tomorrow night.

  “Annie, I just realized we’ve never danced. Do you dance?”

  “Some. Enough to pull off a couple of slow dances.”

  “We should practice.”

  “This place doesn’t have a dance floor or a band.”

  “Then come up to my room.”

  “That wouldn’t be wise.”

  “Then I’ll come to yours. I’m not teasing about the dancing thing. Shea will see through us in a heartbeat if we step all over each other’s toes.”

  Actually, he had a point. She gulped down the rest of the wine. His idea was starting to sound reasonable. “Okay, but as soon as we dance, you have to leave. Understand.”

  “Got it,” he said, with a mischievous grin.

  “While you pay, I’ll run to the powder room.”

  “Sure. Meet you at the elevator.”

  Not even five minutes later, Brice waited at the elevator. She glanced around to make sure Keith or Mark weren’t in the area.

  On the third floor, she unlocked the door and entered with Brice behind her. He grabbed the remote and turned the television on to a music channel. “That should work.”

  Annie knew he was right. They would need to look like a couple in every way. “I guess you should lead.”

  He chuckled. “That might be best.”

  Someone knocked on her door. Her heart raced. What if it were Mark or Keith coming to ask about tomorrow’s flight?”

  “Relax, I’ve got this.” Brice opened the door.

  A young man entered with a cart carrying an ice bucket with chilled wine along with a bottle of Scotch and a platter of appetizers.

  “You must have the wrong room,” she stammered.

  “He’s got the right room. I ordered this downstairs.”

  “But you’re supposed to leave after two dances.”

  “That’s negotiable.” He signed and tipped the man, then poured them each a drink and handed her the glass. “You seem tense. This should take the edge off.”

  “If the drinks I had downstairs didn’t, I doubt this one will.”

  “Maybe you should try the Scotch.”

  After taking a sip from his glass, she made a face and set it down. “Let’s dance while you can still stand.”

  He gently drew her into his arms and placed his head next to hers.

  She wrapped her arms around his torso, bringing them closer together. Close enough his body heat warmed her. She tried to step back, but he held her firmly.

  “Oh, no you don’t. You said two dances. And this is only the first one.”

  Ripples of desire ran through her like meteors through the night sky. Slowly at first, them coming rapidly. Any moment she’d burst into flames.

  He blew in her ear, and she almost lost it. “Mr. Jordan, I think this is a bad idea.”

  He glanced down. “Calling me Mr. Jordan is a really bad idea. Don’t do that tomorrow night.”

  Though tipsy, her heart was breaking. She loved this man, and all he could think about was winning Shea back.

  “Today’s been a long, difficult day, but the best part of my day was hearing you don’t love Evan anymore.”


  “Why would that matter?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure, but it made me happier than hell.”

  Her eyes widened. Seriously?

  Renee had a cliché she said often. All is fair in love and war.

  Right now, Brice Jordan didn’t sound like a man who wanted to remarry his wife. He sounded like one that had been jealous of Annie and Evan. And that would mean he had feelings for her.

  He’s drunk. A drunk man can’t be trusted with matters of the heart.

  Or the Scotch had worked like a truth serum.

  She rose on her tiptoes and lightly kissed his lips. She wasn’t going to sit on the sideline and wait. Nope, she was going to gear up and go after what she wanted.

  Brice Jordan.

  When I’m under my blanket crying for days, I’ll have no one to blame but myself.

  They moved to the music, their bodies intertwined.

  The wine had her floating. She could barely feel her feet. Her head rested on his shoulder. His hand rested on the small of her back.

  He kissed her check and nibbled her ear.

  She giggled because it tickled. When she tilted her head, he kissed her. She stretched her neck to participate in the warm kiss. Brice’s mouth tasted like Scotch and peppermint. Warm. Delicious. Tantalizing.

  As she twirled her tongue around his, she savored feeling the hardness of his erection pressing against her. She heard a moan and realized it had come from her.

  The music ended.

  He stepped back and stared. His eyes appeared heavy with desire.

  She couldn’t catch her breath.

  “Annie, are you all right with this?”

  She nodded. “I’m more that all right with it.”

  Simultaneously, they peeled from their outer garments. She stood in bikini panties and a lacy bra. He left on his boxers and T-shirt.

  The music started back but rather than dance, they embraced and continued kissing⸻long passionate kisses.

  He guided her to the bed.

  She threw the comforter back, then climbed in. He followed. His hand brushed her waist.

  She giggled.

  Brice grinned as he stretched out beside her. “Why Annie, you’re ticklish.”

  She kissed under his chin, then his jawline.

  He positioned a hand on each side of her face and gave her three short kisses, before engaging in a long kiss that had her head spinning.

  This is your boss. Remember what Evan said.

  But the wine pushed her reasoning into a bottle and corked it.

  She didn’t want to think about the impending doom this could lead to.

  Brice felt so wonderful. When he sat up, she feared he’d come to his senses and had decided to stop. Instead, he yanked the T-shirt over his head.

nbsp; When he lay back down, he reached behind her and unsnapped her bra.

  His large hands rubbed over her bare back and then down her spine. “Sit up.”

  She did, and he kissed up the ridge of her back, then raised her hair, and continued to kiss up her neck.

  She pushed him back and leaned over him, kissing his chest and nipping him with her teeth.

  He groaned in pleasure as he gently nudged her down on the bed. With one hand, he tugged her panties down. They wouldn’t budge.

  “Rip them off of me.”

  He jerked hard, tearing them. “Oh, shit, Annie. You really are a diva.”

  She threw what was left of them to the floor. He stretched out on top of her and nibbled her ear lobe before kissing her again.

  The heat from his smooth flesh permeated into her. Their bodies together felt like hot silk sheets just out of the dryer.

  The pressure between her legs built.

  While kissing her, his knee nudged between her legs, parting them.

  When he entered her, she gasped lightly, then moaned. “Don’t stop.”

  “Ah, Annie, you feel good.” He worked his hips slowly moving in a rhythm as old as time. Primitive. Instinctive. He indulged in long, slow kisses.

  The song Love So Soft played.

  His body stayed in beat with the music as he worked his hips.

  She couldn’t get enough of him and placed her hands on his buttocks, pulling him against her. “Faster.”

  Together they continued to move with the rapid beat of the song, until they both cried and strained their bodies in one more thrust of pleasure. He collapsed on her, panting.

  Would they make love all night?

  Then he started snoring lightly.

  That answered my question.

  Annie wondered if he’d regret this in the morning. If he did, she’d pretend she had been as soused as he’d been. She should’ve stopped him. When he broke her heart, she’d have to ask if tonight had been worth it.

  After twenty more minutes, she climbed from the bed and showered. She flicked on the television, then grabbed the platter of appetizers and watched an old black and white movie about a mermaid who loved men.

  While sitting there, his phone pinged as someone sent a text.

  She picked it up, activated the screen, and hit on the text ap.


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